
The Jesus Prayer

These days, my relationship with Jesus looks different than it used to. I used to have all the energy in the world to keep up with my earthly desires and my holy duty. I would wake up early and go to a grounding place to pray. Or, I would stay up late trying to go over my day and all my choices of the day. Dissecting if I had brought honor to myself and God. When I shared my discomfort with my parents, the constant sense of not doing enough. They shared with me The Jesus Prayer. 

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” 

This prayer taught me that the heart needs silence and peace. Everything within us and surrounding us must be still and focused. There is a choice that needs to be made in striving for peace. As we begin to strive for this attitude of vigilance and attentiveness, we may begin to experience an inner peace. It is in this tranquil state that the name of Jesus will begin to reside in your heart. 

For me, that is reciting the Jesus Prayer like an old hymns that used to pop up when I was in moments of reflection or worry. It is important to remember the teachings of Saint Paul and strive to “pray constantly” (Thessalonians 5.17), for it is through prayer and meditation that one becomes closer to God. However, let’s be realistic. Praying constantly does not just look one way. As I continue my work throughout the day, my heart will be still residing within the spirit. This does not simply occur by sprinkling some type of ‘secret ingredient’ into the ‘recipe’ of our life, but rather occurs through making sure the choices we make are aligned with our values.