Seventh tone
The troparion of the Resurrection
Thou hast destroyed death by Thy cross, Thou hast opened paradise to the thief. Thou hast changed the lamentation of the myrrh-bearers into joy, and Thou hast commanded Thine apostles to proclaim that Thou, O Christ our God, hast risen and grantest the world the great mercy.
The kontakion of the Resurrection
No longer can the dominion of death hold mortals, for Christ hath come down and hath shattered and broken its power. Hell is bound, and the prophets rejoice with one voice, saying: The Savior has appeared to those who have faith, Come out, ye faithful, for the Resurrection.
The prokeimenon
The Lord will give strength unto His people; the Lord will bless His people with peace. Stichos: Bring unto the Lord, ye sons of God, bring unto the Lord the sons of rams. Alleluia: It is good to give praise unto the Lord, and to chant unto Thy name, O Most High. Stichos: To proclaim in the morning Thy mercy, and Thy truth by night.
Verses on the beatitudes
Fair to look upon and good for food was the fruit that killed me; while Christ is the tree of life. Eating thereof, I die not but cry aloud with the thief; Remember me, O Lord, in Thy kingdom.
Lifted upon the cross, Thou Who art compassionate, hast blotted out the handwriting of Adam’s sin in days of old, and Thou hast saved from error all the whole line of mortal men. Therefore we sing Thy praises, O benefactor and Lord.
Thou hast nailed our sins upon the cross, O Christ Who art compassionate, and by Thy death hast Thou put death to death, raising the dead from the dead. Therefore we venerate Thy holy Resurrection.
The serpent once emptied his poison into the ears of Eve; while Christ on the wood of the cross poured the sweetness of life into the world. Remember me, O Lord, in Thy kingdom.
In the tomb wast Thou laid as mortal, O Christ, the life of all and Thou hast burst asunder the chains of hell and risen the third day in glory as mighty. Thou hast enlightened all. Glory to Thy rising.
The Lord rose from the dead on the third day and gave His own peace to the disciples. And He blessed them and sent them forth saying: Lead ye all men into My kingdom.