January 1, 2021 / December 19, 2023

Martyr Boniface at Tarsus in Cilicia (+290), and Righteous Aglaïs (Aglaida) of Rome
Martyrs Elias, Probus, and Ares, of Egypt, at Ascalon in Palestine
Martyrs Polyeuctus at Caesarea in Cappadocia, and Timothy the deacon in Mauretania
St. Boniface the Merciful, bishop of Ferentum in Tuscany (6th century)
St. Gregory (Gregentius), archbishop of Zafar in Himyar (Homer)
St. Elias of Murom, wonderworker of the Kiev Caves
Martyrs Hermylus and Phocas
Hieromartyr Capito, bishop of Cherson
Martyrs Eutyches and Thessalonica, and with them 200 men and 70 women
Hieromartyr Tryphon the priest
Repose of Blessed Schema-hieromonk Hermogenes, founder of Kirensk and Albazin monasteries in Eastern Siberia (+1690)

Martyr Nemesius at Alexandria
Martyrs Darius, Zosimus, Paul, and Secundus, at Nicaea
St. Gregory, bishop of Auxerre
St. Samantha (Samthann), abbess of Clonbroney, instructor of St. Virgilius of Salzburg who became an apostle to Austria
Virgin-Martyr Protasia at Senlis
Martyrs Meuris and Thea, at Gaza
Hieromartyr Timothy in Africa, deacon, who was burnt alive
St. Fausta at Sirmium, mother of St. Anastasia
St. Avitus, abbot of Micy
St. Manirus, bishop, apostle of Northern Scotland
Martyrs Cyriacus, Paulillus, Secundus, Anastasius, Sindimius, and other Martyrs, at Nicomedia
St. Ribert, abbot, at S.-Oyend
St. Gregentius, bishop of Dhafar, in Arabia

January 2, 2021 / December 20, 2023

Forefeast of the Nativity
Hieromartyr Ignatius the God-bearer, bishop of Antioch, martyr of Rome (also January 29)
Repose of Righteous John of Kronstadt, priest (+1908) (also October 19)
St. Philogonius, bishop of Antioch
St. Daniel II, archbishop of Serbia
St. Ignatius, archimandrite of the Kiev Caves
New Martyr John the Tailor of the Isle of Thasos, at Constantinople
Novgorod Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Deliverance of the Drowning”
Repose of Blessed Anthony, archbishop of Voronezh and Zadonsk (+1846)
Repose of Blessed Metropolitan Philaret of Kiev (in the schema, Theodosius) (+1857)

Vigil of St. Thomas, apostle
Martyrs Ammon, Zeno, Ptolemy, Ingenius, and Theophilus, soldiers, at Alexandria
Martyr Julius at Gelduba, in Thrace
Martyrs Liberatus and Bajulus, at Amphitrea
St. Philogonius, bishop of Antioch, foe of the Arian heresy
Hieromartyrs Eugene and Macarius, priests, martyrs of Arabia
St. Dominic, bishop of Brescia
St. Ursicinus at Cahors, bishop, founder of St. Peter’s
St. Ursicinus, abbot, companion of St. Columban, at S.-Ursanne, in the Jura mountains, in Switzerland

January 3, 2021 / December 21, 2023

Forefeast of the Nativity
Virgin-Martyr Juliana of Nicomedia, and with her 500 Men and 130 Women
Repose of St. Peter, metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia
Martyr Themistocles of Myra in Lycia
St. Juliana, princess of Vyazma
Blessed Procopius of Vyatka, fool-for-Christ
St. Theophan, bishop of Monemvasia
New Hieromartyr Michael Kiselev, priest, at Perm (+1918)
Repose of Blessed Schema-monk Michael of Harbin (+1939)
Blessed Peter “the Nose” of Kama (+1938?)

ST. THOMAS, APOSTLE, called Didymus, martyr, who preached in Parthia and was slain in India
St. Dionysius the bishop, and his wife Martyr Pelagia the abbess, disciples of St. Thomas
Martyrs John and Festus, in Tuscany
Hieromartyr Berenwald, priest, near Oxford, at Bampton
St. Paul of Latros in Bithynia
St. Elgiva, queen, nun, at Shaftesbury
Martyr Themistocles, shepherd, at Myra in Lycia
Hieromartyr Glycerius, priest, at Nicomedia
St. Severinus, bishop of Trier
Hieromartyr Anastasius II, patriarch of Antioch
St. Honoratus, bishop of Toulouse

January 4, 2021 / December 22, 2023

Forefeast of the Nativity
Great-Martyr Anastasia the deliverer from bonds, her teacher Martyr Chrysogonus, and with them Martyrs Theodota, Euodus, Eutychian and other Martyrs who suffered under Emperor Diocletian (+304)
Martyr Zoilus
Repose of Blessed Dositheus, hermit of Roslavl forests and Optina (+1828)

Holy 30 Martyrs at Rome
Martyr Ischyrion the officer, and other Martyrs, in Egypt
Martyrs Basileus, Demetrius, Honoratus, and Florus, at Antioch
St. Theodosia, virgin
St. Theotimus, bishop of Cyrene
St. Ernan, monk of Donegal
St. Ernan, monk of Hinba isle, St. Columba’s uncle
St. Felix II, bishop of Metz
Hieromartyr Chaeremon the bishop of Nilopolis, and other Martyrs, in Egypt
Martyr Zeno at Nicomedia
Martyr Flavian at Acquapendente
St. Amaethlu of Llanfaethlu in Wales
St. Amaswinth, abbot, at Málaga
St. Hunger, bishop, at Utrecht
St. Athernaise the Mute, of Fife in Scotland
St. Hildelitha, abbess of Barking

January 5, 2021 / December 23, 2023

Forefeast of the Nativity
Holy Ten Martyrs of Crete: Theodulus, Saturninus, Euporus, Gelasius, Eunician, Zoticus, Pompius (Pompey), Agathopus, Basilides, and Evarestus
Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Nahum of Ochrid, enlightener of the Slavs, wonderworker of Bulgaria
St. Paul, bishop of Neocaesarea
St. Niphon, bishop of Constantia (Salamis) on Cyprus
St. Niphon, monk
St. Theoctistus, archbishop of Novgorod
St. David of Echmiadzin in Armenia
Martyr Schinon
St. Frithebert, bishop of Hexham
St. Egbert of Rathmelsigi, in the Netherlands (+729)
New Hieromartyrs Priest Basil Spassky at Tver, and Hieromonks John and Macarius, in Russia (+1938)

Holy 20 Martyrs at Nicomedia
Virgin-Martyrs Victoria and Anatolia, and St. Servulus the paralytic beggar who knew the Holy Scriptures by heart, at Rome
Holy 35 Martyrs at Nicomedia
Holy 830 Martyrs at Rome
Repose of Martyr-King Dagobert II of Austrasia
St. Amphilocius, bishop of Iconium, friend of St. Basil the Great
Martyrs Theodulus, Saturninus, Euporus, Gelasius, Eunician, Zeticus, Cleomenes, Agathopus, Basilides, and Evaristus, in Crete
Martyrs Migdonius, Mardonius, and other Martyrs, at Rome
St. Frithbert, bishop, at Hexham
St. Mazota in Scotland, nun, foundress of the convent at Abernathy on the Tay
St. Vintila, hermit, at Orense in Galicia
St. Egbert of Rathmelsigi, in Holland

January 6, 2021 / December 24, 2023

Eve of the Nativity (Christmas Eve)
Venerable-Martyr Nun Eugenia of Rome, and with her Martyrs Philip her father, Claudia her mother, Protus, Hyacinth, and Basilla (+262)
St. Nicholas, monk in Bulgaria
St. Antiochus, monk of Palestine
St. Bitimius of Scetis in Egypt
St. Aphrodisius, monk of Palestine and disciple of St. Sabbas the Sanctified
New Martyr Achmed (Ahmet) the Calligrapher, at Constantinople
Martyr Achaicus
Sts. Eusuzius and Agatha
New Hieromartyr Innocent of Voronezh, archimandrite (+1938)
New Hieromartyr Sergius Mechov, protopresbyter of Moscow (+1942)

Vigil of the Nativity (Christmas Eve; Chrismastide begins with Vespers)
Holy 40 Virgin-Martyrs of Antioch, Syria
Hieromartyr Gregory at Spoleto, priest
Martyrs Lucian, Metrobius, Paul, Zenobius, Theotimus, and Drusus, at Tripoli
Sts. Abdias and Nahum, prophets
Martyr Euthymius at Nicomedia
St. Delfinus, bishop of Bordeaux
St. Tarsilla at Rome, virgin, aunt of St. Gregory I
St. Levan, bishop at Tréguier, Brittany
Sts. Irmina and Adela, virgins, at Trier, daughters of St. Dagobert II
St. Venerandus, bishop, at Clermont
St. Caranus, bishop, in E. Scotland
St. Mochua of Timahoe, in Ireland
St. Albert, monk, at Gladbach
St. Bruno, cell attendant, at Ottobeuren, Bavaria

January 7, 2021 / December 25, 2023

The Adoration of the Magi: Sts. Melchior, Gaspar, and Balthasar
Commemoration of the Holy Shepherds in Bethlehem who were watching their flocks and came to see the Lord
Massacre of Venerable-Martyr Jonah and with him 50 Monks and 65 Laymen at St. Tryphon of Pechenga monastery, by the Swedes (+1590)
St. Alburga, abbess of Wilton

THE NATIVITY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST (CHRISTMAS DAY), co-Essential Son of Almighty God, natural son of the Holy Ever-Virgin Mary, at Bethlehem of Juda, Emperor Augustus’ 42nd year, as named by St. Daniel (9:21-27), in the 188th Olympiad, the 752nd year from Rome’s founding, 5508th from the world’s beginning.
Virgin-Martyr Anastasia the Younger in the isle of Palmaria, named in the Western Liturgy, with 200 Martyred Men and 700 Martyred Women
Virgin-Martyr Eugenia at Rome
Repose of St. Lucian at Jerusalem, priest, who found the relics of St. Stephen
St. Adalsendis, virgin, at Marchiennes
St. Alburga, abbess-foundress of Wilton abbey near Sarum
St. Arnulfo (Arnulf), archbishop of Milan

January 8, 2021 / December 26, 2023

Afterfeast of the Nativity
Synaxis of the All-Holy Theotokos
Hieromartyr Euthymius, bishop of Sardis
St. Evarestus of the Studion monastery
St. Constantine, monk of Synnada in Phrygia
New Hieromartyr Constantius the Russian, at Constantinople
St. Nicodemus of Serbia, founder of the Tismana monastery in Romania
St. Tathai, abbot of Llantathan in Wales
New Venerable-Martyr Isaacius II, archimandrite, elder of Optina (+1938)
New Martyrs Andrew the bishop of Ufa, and Valentina, (+1937)
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Helper Amid the Pangs of Birth,” “Three Joys,” “Merciful,” “Blessed is the Womb,” and “Baibuskaya”
Repose of Blessed Abbot Barlaam of Valaam (+1849)

PASSION OF ST. STEPHEN, archdeacon, protomartyr, who was stoned to death the year Christ ascended (Acts 6:5-59)
In the Octave of the Nativity
Blessing of Oats and Seeds
Repose of St. Dionysius the Confessor, pope, on the Appian Way, at Rome
Martyr Marinus, senator, at Rome
St. Jarlath “the Ascetic,” bishop, at Tuam, in Ireland
St. Archelaus, bishop, in Mesopotamia
St. Tathai, hermit, in Glamorganshire, Wales, nephew of St. Sampson of Dol, founder of the school at Caerwent
St. Theodore at Rome, sacristan, named by St. Gregory the Great
St. Maethlu the Confessor at Anglesey
January 9, 2021 / December 27, 2023

Afterfeast of the Nativity
Holy Protomartyr and Archdeacon Stephen
St. Theodore Gaptus (“the Branded”), confessor, brother of St. Theophanes Graptus the Hymnographer, at Apamea in Bithynia
St. Theodore, archbishop of Constantinople
St. Luke, monk of Triglia
Martyrdom of Maurice, Candidus, Exuperius, Innocent, and 6,600 Soldiers of the Theban Legion
St. Therapont of Mozhaisk
New Hieromartyr Tikhon the archbishop of Voronezh, and with him 160 Martyred Priests, (+1919)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Merciful One”
Repose of Blessed Athanasius of Gregoriou monastery on Mt. Athos (+1953)

TAKING-UP OF ST. JOHN THE APOSTLE and Evangelist, who recorded the Apocalypse at Patmos; wrote the famous Gospel in Asia; and reposed at Ephesus at the age of 99. His symbol is the eagle.
Blessing of St. John’s Wine
In the Octave of the Nativity
In the Octave of St. Stephen
St. Maximus the Confessor, bishop, at Alexandria
St. Maximus (another), bishop of Taurinus
Martyr Theodore and his brother St. Theophanes the Hymnographer, monks of St. Sabbas who suffered for the Holy Icons
St. Fabiola at Rome, widow, hospital foundress

January 10, 2021 / December 28, 2023

Afterfeast of the Nativity
Holy 20,000 Martyrs burned alive in Nicomedia, and Others who were martyred through other torments, including: Glycerius the presbyter, Zeno, Theophilus the deacon, Dorotheus, Mardonius, Mygdonius, Indes, Gorgonius, Peter, Euthymius, and the virgins Agatha (Agape), Domna, and Theophila; also, Martyrs Secundus and Neocostratus
Apostle Nicanor of the Seventy, one of the seven deacons
St. Ignatius, monk of Lom, in Vologda
St. Simon the Myrrh-gusher, founder of Simonopetra monastery on Mt. Athos
St. Babylas of Tarsus in Cilicia
St. Cornelius, monk at Pskov
St. Wunibald, abbot of Heidenheim, in Germany (+761)
New Hieromartyr Nicodemus, bishop of Belgorod (+1918)
New Hieromartyr Arcadius Reshetnikov of Perm, deacon (+1918)
Repose of Blessed Cornelius, monk of Krypetsy monastery in Pskov (+1903)

HOLY INNOCENTS (Childermas Day), martyrs, their passion at Bethlehem
In the Octaves of Protomartyr Stephen, John the Apostle, and the Nativity
Sts. Eutychius the priest and Domitian the deacon, at Ancyra in Galatia
Sts. Eutychius and his brother Florentius, abbots of Valcastoria, in Italy
Hieromartyr Alphege, archbishop of Canterbury
Martyr Troas at Neocaesarea
Virgin-Martyr Iolanthe
Martyr Indus and Virgin-Martyrs Domna, Agape, and Theophila, at Nicomedia
St. Anthony, hermit-monk, at Lérins
Martyrs Castor, Victor, and Rogatian, in Africa
Martyr Caesarius at Arabissus, Armenia
St. Domnio, priest at Rome
St. Maughold, bishop, apostle of the Isle of Man, in Ireland
Sts. Romulus and Conindrus, bishops, missionaries of the Isle of Man
St. Gowan, wife of King Tewdrig, in Wales

January 11, 2021 / December 29, 2023

Afterfeast of the Nativity
Holy Innocents (14,000 Infants) slain by Herod at Bethlehem
St. Marcellus, abbot of the monastery of the Unsleeping Ones
Prophet Nathan
St. Thaddaeus the Confessor, monk of the Studion
St. Benjamin, monk of Nitria in Egypt
St. Athenodorus, disciple of St. Pachomius the Great
St. George, bishop of Nicomedia, the hymnographer
St. Mark the grave-digger of the Kiev Caves
Sts. Theophilus and John, monks of the Kiev Caves
St. Theophilus of Omucha (also October 21)
St. Trophimus, first bishop of Aries (3rd century)
St. Evroult (Ebrulf), abbot of Ouche in Normandy, France
Commemoration of all Orthodox Christians who died from hunger, thirst, the sword, and freezing
New Hieromartyr Arcadius of Tver, bishop (+1937)
New Hieromartyr Priest Theodosius Belenky, and Virgin-Martyrs Agrippina, Anna, Barbara, Eudocia, Eudocia (another), Euphrosyne, Matrona, Natalia, Natalia (another), and a third Natalia, (+1942)
Repose of Blessed Elder Basiliscus of Siberia (+1824)

Fifth Day of Nativity
In the Octaves of Protomartyr Stephen, John the Apostle, the Nativity, and the Holy Innocents
In the Old Testament: Sts. David the Prophet and King, his father Jesse, and Prophet Nathan (Ruth 4:18-22; 2 Kings 12:1-15)
St. Trophimus, bishop of Arles
Martyr Ebrulf, abbot, in Hiesmes
St. Melania, nun at Jerusalem
St. Crescens, disciple of St. Paul and bishop of Vienne (2 Timothy 4:10)
St. Marcellus at Constantinople, third abbot of the Unsleeping Ones
Martyrs Dominic, Victor, Primian, Libosus, Saturninus, Crescentius, Secundus, and Honoratus, in Africa
Martyrs Callistus, Felix, and Boniface, at Rome
St. Albert, abbot and founder of Ganbron-sur-l’Authion
St. Girlad at Fontenelle, abbot, slain by a disobedient monk

January 12, 2021 / December 30, 2023

Afterfeast of the Nativity
Virgin-Martyr Anysia at Thessalonica
Hieromartyr Zoticus the Feeder of Orphans, presbyter of Constantinople (today he is commemorated among the Slavs while the Greeks commemorate him tomorrow)
Martyrs Philoterus (Philetaerus) of Nicomedia, and with him the Count of Nicaea and Six Soldiers
St. Theodora, nun of Caesarea in Cappadocia
St. Theodora, nun of Constantinople
Apostle Timon of the Seventy, one of the seven deacons
Martyrs Magistrian, Paulinus, Umbrius, Verus, Severus, Callistratus, Florentius, Arian, Anthimus, Ubricius, Isidore, Euculus, Sampson, Studius, and Thespesius, who suffered under Julian the Apostate
New Venerable-Martyr Gideon (Gedeon) of Karakalou monastery on Mt. Athos, at Tyrnavos
St. Macarius, metropolitan of Moscow
Opening of the relics of St. Daniel of Pereyaslavl
St. Leo, archimandrite
St. Anthony, bishop
Martyrs Irene and Theodosia
St. Egwin, bishop of Worcester (+717)
St. Peter, abbot of Canterbury
New Martyr Mary Danilova of Yaroslavl-Rostov (+1946)

Sixth Day of Nativity
In the Octaves of Protomartyr Stephen, John the Apostle, the Nativity, and the Holy Innocents
St. Egwin, bishop, founder of Evesham abbey, at Worcester
Martyrs Sabinus the bishop of Assisi, Deacons Exuperantius and Marcellus, Venustian who first tried their case, and his Wife and Children, at Spoleto
Martyrs Mansuetus, Severus, Appian, Donatus, Honorius, and Six other Martyrs, at Alexandria
St. Felix, bishop, at Rome
St. Perpetuus, bishop of Tours, who built St. Martin’s and regulated the Nativity Fast
St. Peter, abbot of Canterbury
St. Liberius, bishop, at Ravenna
Martyr Liberalus the bishop of Cannes in Apulia, his mother Evanthia, and Cerberus, at Rome
St. Felix III, pope of Rome on the Ostian Way, foe of Monophysitism, great-grandfather of St. Gregory I the Dialogist
Martyrs Anisia the virgin and Anisius the bishop, at Thessalonica
St. Eugene, bishop of Milan
St. Jocundus II, bishop of Aosta

January 13, 2021 / December 31, 2023

Apodosis of the Nativity
St. Melania the Younger, nun of Rome (+439)
St. Gelasius, monk of Palestine
Sts. Gaius the monk and Salaminus
St. Theophylactus, archbishop of Ochrid
Holy Ten Virgin-Martyrs of Nicomedia
Martyr Busiris, Gaudentius, Olympiodorus, Martina, and Nema
St. Irenaeus, monk
Martyr Zoticus the Feeder of Orphans, presbyter of Constantinople (today he is commemorated among the Greeks while the Slavs commemorated him yesterday)
Repose of Blessed Metropolitan Peter Mogila of Kiev, defender of the Orthodox faithful against subjugation to the Roman Papacy (“Unia”) (+1646)

In the Octaves of Protomartyr Stephen, John the Apostle, the Nativity, and the Holy Innocents
St. Sylvester I, pope of Rome
Hieromartyr Sabinian the bishop and Martyr Potentian, at Sens
Virgin-Martyr Columba at Sens
Martyr Hermes, exorcist, at Rome
St. Barbatian, priest, at Ravenna
St. Odilo, abbot of Cluny
Martyrs Donatus, Paulinus, and other Martyrs, at Rome
St. Melania the Younger, nun; and her husband St. Pinian the monk; of Jerusalem
St. Marius, bishop of Avenches, in Switzerland
St. Leobart, abbot of Saverne, in Elsass
Martyrs Stephen, Pontian, Attalus, Fabian, Cornelius, Sextus, Flos, Quintian, Minervin, and Simplician, at Catania, in Sicily
Martyrs Donata, Paulina, Rustica, Nominanda, Serotina, Hilaria, and other Martyrs, on the Salarian Way, at Rome
St. Zoticus, priest of Constantinople
Blessed Martyr Peter, abbot of Subiaco

January 14 / January 1, 2023

St. Basil the Great, archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia; and his mother St. Emilia
Martyr Basil of Ancyra
Martyr Theodotus
St. Gregory, bishop of Nazianzus and father of St. Gregory the Theologian
St. Theodosius of Tryglia, abbot
New Martyr Peter of Tripoli (Peloponnesus), at Temisi in Asia Minor
St. Eugendus, abbot of Condatin the Jura Mountains (+510)
Martyr-Prince Wistan of Mercia
St. Fulgentius, bishop of Ruspe in North Africa (+533)
St. Clarus the Vienne, in Gaul (ca. 660)
St. Fanchea of Killeany (ca. 520)
New Hieromartyr Alexander, archbishop, at Samara (+1938)
New Hieromartyrs Bishop Plato of Revel, and Protopresbyters Michael Blaive and Nicholas Bezhanitsky, at Tallinn (+1919)
New Hieromartyrs Alexander Ivanov, Alexander Organov, John Smirnov, John Suldin, and Trophimus Miachin, priests (+1938)

Octave Day of the Nativity
In the Octaves of Protomartyr Stephen, John the Apostle, and the Holy Innocents
Repose of St. Basil the Great, bishop in Caesarea Cappadocia
Martyr Telemachus, hermit, who went to Rome to stop the gladiatorial games
Holy 30 Martyred Soldiers at Rome
Virgin-Martyr Martina at Rome
Martyr Concordius at Spoleto
St. Fulgentius, bishop of Ruspe, in Africa
St. Eugendus the Wonderworker, abbot, near Lyons
St. Euphrosyne, virgin, in Alexandria
St. Elvan the second bishop of London, and St. Medwin
Martyr-Prince Wistan of Mercia
St. Mochua of Balla monastery, in Connaught
St. Peter of Atroa, foe of iconoclasm, abbot
St. Felix of Bourges, bishop
Martyr Magnus
St. Gregory Nazianzen the Elder
St. Beanus (Beoc), abbot, in Donegal
St. Basil of Aix, bishop, confessor
St. Justin of Chieti, confessor
St. Fanchea in Ireland, foundress and abbess of Rossory
St. Connat, abbess of Kildare
St. Maelrhys on the Isle of Bardsey
St. Cuan, abbot, in Ireland
St. Clarus, abbot at Vienne
St. William of Dijon, abbot

January 15 / January 2, 2023

Forefeast of Theophany
St. Sylvester, pope of Rome (+335)
Repose of St. Seraphim, wonderworker of Sarov, hieromonk
Righteous Juliana of Lazarevo
Hieromartyr Theogenes, bishop of Parium on the Hellespont
St. Ammon, monk of Tabennisi
St. Sylvester, monk of the Kiev Caves
St. Theopemptus, monk
St. Theodota, mother of the first Sts. Cosmas and Damian
St. Mark the Deaf, monk
Martyr Sergius of Caesarea in Cappadocia
Martyr Theopistus, Modestus, and Zacchaeus
St. Cosmas, archbishop of Constantinople
New Martyr Zorsisus
New Martyr George (Zorzes) the Georgian (+1770)
St. Isidore
St. Peter the Roman, monk
Repose of Blessed Abbess Thais of Leushy (+1915)

Octave Day of Protomartyr Stephen
In the Octaves of John the Apostle and the Holy Innocents
Repose of St. Seraphim, wonderworker of Sarov, hieromonk
Passion of Hieromartyr Isidore, bishop, at Antioch
Child-Martyrs Argeus, Narcissus, and Marcellinus, brothers, in Tomis-Pontus
St. Macarius at Alexandria, abbot, the Younger
St. Siridion, bishop, at Alexandria
Many Holy Martyrs of Rome
St. Barbatian the Confessor
St. Odilo, abbot of Cluny, “Archangel of Monks”
St. Adalard of Corbie, abbot
Holy 1,000 Martyrs under Emperor Diocletian, at Lichfield (“field of bodies”), in England
St. Isidore of Nitria, bishop
St. Martinian, bishop, in Milan
St. Aspasius of Auch, bishop
St. Munchin the Wise, bishop of Limerick
St. Seiriol of Ynys Seiriol, in Wales
St. Blidulf, monk of Bobbio, Italy
St. Vincentian, hermit, in Auvergne

January 16 / January 3, 2023

Forefeast of Theophany
Prophet Malachi (400 B.C.)
Martyr Gordius at Caesarea in Cappadocia
Hieromartyr Titus, bishop of Tomis, in Romania
Martyr Irene
Sts. Indica and Paula, wonderworkers
Finding of the relics in 1950 of New Martyr Ephraim of Nea Makri, monk
St. Geneviève, eldress of Paris (+512)
St. Adalard, abbot of Corbie (+827)
St. Findlugan of Islay (7th century)
Repose of Blessed Schema-hierodeacon Elder Panteleimon, founder of the Convent of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God in Staro-Kostychev (+1884)

Octave Day of John the Apostle
In the Octave of the Holy Innocents
St. Genevieve, eldress of Paris
Hieromartyr Anterus, pope of Rome
Martyr Peter, who was crucified, in Aulana, Palestine
Sts. Theognis the bishop of Cyzicus, Cyrinus, and Primus, at the Hellespont
Martyrs Zosimus the hermit and Athanasius
Martyr Gordius at Caesarea Cappadocia
St. Bertilia, virgin, of Marolles, Belgium
Martyr Daniel of Padua
Martyr Peter Absalom at Caesarea
Hieromartyr Florentius of Vienne, bishop
St. Fintan, abbot of Doon
St. Finlugh, abbot, in Derry
St. Blitmund, abbot, at Bobbio, Italy
St. Abelard, abbot, in Belgium
St. Findlugan of Islay, Britain
St. Wenog of Wales

January 17 / January 4, 2023

Forefeast of Theophany
Synaxis of the 70 Apostles: James the brother of the Lord, Mark the Evangelist, Luke the Evangelist, Cleopas the brother of Joseph the Betrothed, Symeon the son of Cleopas, Barnabas, Justus, Thaddaeus, Ananias, Stephen the Archdeacon; Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, and Parmenas of the seven deacons; Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Onesimus, Epaphras, Archippus, Silas, Silvanus, Crescens, Crispus, Epenetus, Andronicus, Stachys, Amplias, Urban, Narcissus, Apelles, Aristobulus, Herodion, Agabus, Rufus, Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobus, Hermas, Linus, Gaius, Philologus, Lucius, Jason, Sosipater, Olympas, Tertius, Erastus, Quartus, Euodias, Onesiphorus, Clement, Sosthenes, Apollos, Tychicus, Epaphroditus, Carpus, Quadratus, Mark called John, Zenas, Aristarchus, Pudens, Trophimus, Mark, Artemas, Aquila, Fortunatus, and Achaicus
St. Theocistus, abbot at Cucomo in Sicily (+800)
Martyr Zosimus the Hermit, and Martyr Athanasius the Commentarisius (superintendent of prisoners), hermit-martyrs of Cilicia
Martyrs Chrysanthus and Euthymia
St. Euthymius the New, monk of Thessalonica
Martyrs Abbot Euthymius and 12 Monks of Vatopedi monastery on Mt. Athos, by the Latinizers
Repose of St. Eustathius (Eustace) I, archbishop of Serbia
St. Aquila, hierodeacon of the Kiev Caves
Repose of St. Symeon, metropolitan of Smolensk (+1699)
New Martyr Onuphrius Manassias of Chilander monastery on Mt. Athos, on Chios
Martyr Uvelicius
Hieromartyr Alexander, bishop
Martyr Amma
St. Gregory of Langres, in Gaul (+539-540)
St. Aetius, the Ethiopian eunuch of Queen Candace (also August 27)
New Hieromartyrs of Alma-Ata: Protopresbyter Philip Gregoriev (+1933), Priest Alexander Yuzefovitch (+1921), and Priest Nicholas Maslov (+1939)

Octave Day of the Holy Innocents
St. Titus the Confessor, bishop, in Crete, to whom St. Paul wrote his epistle
Martyrs Aquilinus, Geminus, Eugene, Marcian, Quintus, Theodotus, and Tryphon, in Africa
Martyrs Priscus the priest, Priscillinus the cleric, and Benedicta the virgin, at Rome
Widow-Martyr Dafrosa at Rome
Martyrs Hermes, Aggeus, and Caius, in Bologna
St. Rigobert, archbishop of Reims
Martyr Theogenes
St. Pharaïldis in Ghent
Martyr Mavilus of Adrumetum
St. Ferreolus of Uzès, bishop
St. Libentius of Hamburg, bishop
St. Gregory of Langres
St. Tewdrig (Theodoric), prince of Glamorgan, hermit at Tintern

January 18 / January 5, 2023

Eve of Theophany
Hieromartyr Theopemptus the bishop of Nicomedia, and Martyr Theonas the sorcerer
St. Syncletica of Alexandria, nun
Prophet Micah
Venerable Apollinaris of Egypt
St. Gregory of Acritas, monk
St. Phosterius the hermit
St. Menas of Sinai
Martyr Theoeidus
Martyr Sais
New Venerable-Martyr Romanus of Mt. Athos, at Constantinople
St. Tatiana, nun
Sts. Lucian the bishop and Thomas
Translation of the relics of St. Rumon the bishop, to Tavistock
New Martyrs at Alma-Ata: Protopresbyter Stephen Ponomarev and Eugenia Domozhirova (+1933); and Joseph Bespalov and 37 other Martyrs (+1921)

Vigil of Epiphany – “Vigilia Theophaniae Domini”
(After Compline there should be done the Blessing of Epiphany water.)
Hieromartyr Telesphorus, pope, at Rome
St. Simeon Stylites the Elder, monk, at Antioch
Two Martyrs who were kin to our Lord Jesus Christ; their names are unknown; they were martyred in the time of Emperor Diocletian as belonging to the line of King David
St. Syncletica at Alexandria, virgin
St. Emiliana at Rome, virgin
St. Cyra in Ireland, abbess of Kilkeary and Tehelly
Translation of the relics of St. Rumon the bishop, from Ruan Lanihorne to Tavistock, in Devonshire
St. Convoyon in Brittany, abbot, founder of Holy Savior monastery near Redon
St. Gaudentius, archbishop of Gnesen, brother of St. Adalbert

January 19 / January 6, 2023

New Hieromartyr Romanus, monk of Lacedaemonia, beheaded by the Turks in Constantinople (+1695)
Repose of St. Theophan the Recluse, bishop of Tambov (+1894)
New Martyrs Protopresbyter Andrew Skalsky, his wife Lydia, his mother-in-law Domnica, Maria and Two other Daughters, and their Maidservant, at Chernigovka, near Vladivostok (+1919)
St. Laurence of Chernigov (+1950)
Repose of Blessed Schema-monk Nicholas of Valaam (+1824)
Repose of Blessed Schema-monk Sergius Yanovsky, disciple of St. Herman of Alaska (+1875)

EPIPHANY OF OUR LORD, of old called the THEOPHANY in England, when the Magi adored Him with gifts
Commemoration of the Baptism of Christ and His First Miracle at Cana
(Today should be done the Proclamation of the Year’s Movable Feasts and, during this week, the Blessings of Homes)
Sts. Caspar, Balthazar, and Melchior, the three Magi, whom Apostle Thomas baptized
Virgin-Martyr Macra at Fimes, in France
St. Melanius, bishop, at Rennes
Holy Martyrs burnt under Septimius Severus, in Africa
St. Hywin (Owen) of Averdaron
St. Merinus, hermit in Britain
St. Edeyrn, hermit in Armorica
St. Eigrad, brother of St. Sampson of York
St. Schottin at Kilkenny, hermit, founder of the boy’s school
St. Peter of Canterbury, abbot
St. Diman the Black, bishop of Connor
St. Wiltrudis of Bergen, widow
Blessed Frederick of St. Vanne, monk

January 20 / January 7, 2023

Afterfeast of Theophany
Synaxis of the Holy Glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist, John
New Martyr Athanasius of Attalia, at Smyrna (+1700)
St. Kentigerna, hermitess of Loch Lomond
St. Cedd, bishop of Lastingham (+664)
St. Brannock (Brynach) of Braunton (6th century)
New Hieromartyr Alexander Skalsky of Alma-Ata, protopresbyter (+1933)

Day within the Octave of Epiphany, called “St. Distaff’s Day”
Commemoration of the Return of the Child Jesus from Egypt
Hieromartyrs Lucian the bishop and Clerus the deacon, at Antioch
Martyrs Felix and Januarius, in Heraclea
St. Siricius, pope, who upheld the permanence of monastic vows
Sts. Zosimus the foe of Pelagianism and Simplicius the foe of Monophysitism, popes
St. Thillo near Solignac, abbot, hermit
St. Alderic, bishop of Mans
St. Crispin of Pavia, bishop
Martyr Julian of Cagliari
St. Theodore of Egypt, hermit
St. Crispin II of Pavia, bishop
St. Valentine, bishop, in the Tyrol
St. Brannock of Braunton, abbot, in Devon
St. Cronan Beg, bishop of Aendrum in Ireland
St. Kentigerna, hermitess, on Loch Lomond
St. Emilian of Saujon, monk
Blessed Wittikund of Westphalia
St. Reinold, monk, at Cologne
St. Anastasius of Sens, bishop
St. Cedd, bishop of London

January 21 / January 8, 2023

Thirty-Third Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday after Theophany
Afterfeast of Theophany
St. George the Chozebite, abbot
St. Domnica of Constantinople, nun
Hieromartyr Isidore and 72 Companions, at Yuriev (Dorpats in Estonia), slain by the Latins in 1472
St. Emilian the Confessor, bishop of Cyzicus
St. Gregory, wonderworker of the Kiev Caves
St. Elias the hermit of Egypt
Martyrs Julian and his wife Basillissa, and with them Marcianilla and her son Celsus, Anthony the presbyter, Anastasius, Seven Children (brothers), and Twenty Soldiers, at Antinoë in Egypt
Hieromartyr Carterius of Caesarea in Cappadocia, priest
Martyrs Theophilus the deacon and Helladius, in Libya
Sts. Cyrus and Atticus, patriarchs of Constantinople
St. Agatho of Egypt, monk
St. Gregory of Ochrid, bishop of Moesia, in Bulgaria
Martyr Abo the Perfumer, of Bagdad, at Tbilisi
St. Paisius, abbot of Uglich
St. Macarius of Vatopedi, on Mt. Athos
St. Gregory (another), recluse of the Kiev Caves
Martyrs Eugene and Theophilus
St. Zoticus
St. Theoctistus, bishop
St. Nathalan of Aberdeenshire
St. Pega, hermitess, of Peakirk
St. Wulsin, bishop of Sherborne
St. Edgar “the Peaceable,” king of England
St. Gudula of Brussels, virgin (+659)
St. Severinus, apostle of Noricum, in Austria (+482)
St. Erhard, bishop of Regensburg, in Bavaria (+700)
St. Severin, bishop of Cologne (+397)
New Hieromartyr Michael Rozov of Yaroslavl-Rostov, priest (+1941)
Repose of Blessed Elder Isaiah of Valaam (+1914)

Sunday within the Octave of Epiphany
Day within the Octave of Epiphany
Repose of St. Wulsin, bishop of Sherborne (his see was transferred in after-times to Sarum); his Pontifical book remains
St. Severin, bishop, at Campania in Naples
Hieromartyrs Bishop Lucian, Priest Maximian, and Deacon Julian, at Beauvais
Hieromartyr Eugenian, bishop, at Autun
Martyr Timothy in Greece
St. Severin (another), apostle of Austria
St. Erhard (Albert), bishop of Ratisbon
St. Patiens, bishop of Metz
St. Frodobert at Troyes, abbot
St. Gudula, virgin, at Brussels
St. Pega, virgin, hermitess of Peakirk in Northampton, St. Guthlac’s sister
Hieromartyr Carterius at Caesarea Cappadocia, priest
Martyrs Theophilus the deacon and Helladius, in Libya
St. Ergnad of Ulster, monk, tonsured by St. Patrick
St. Maximus of Pavia, bishop
St. Albert of Cashel, bishop
St. Maurontus in Anjou, abbot, founder of St. Florent
St. Garibaldus in Bavaria, bishop
St. Athelm, archbishop of Canterbury, uncle of St. Dunstan

January 22 / January 9, 2023

Afterfeast of Theophany
Martyr Polyeuctus of Melitene in Armenia
Hieromartyr Philip, metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia
St. Eustratius the Wonderworker of Tarsus
Prophet Shemiah (Samaia, Semeias) (III Kings 12:22)
St. Peter, bishop of Sebaste in Armenia, and brother of St. Basil the Great and St. Gregory of Nyssa
Martyrs Antonina, Nicander, and Zacharias
Martyr Panteleimon
Translation of the relics of St. Judoc, hermit of Ponthieu
St. Adrian, abbot of Canterbury (+709)
St. Fillan (Foelan), abbot of Strathfillan
St. Berhtwald, archbishop of Canterbury (+731)
Repose of Blessed St. Jonah (in the schema, Peter), founder of Holy Trinity monastery in Kiev (+1902)

Day within the Octave of Epiphany
Martyrs Abbot Julian and his wife the Abbess Basilissa, Anthony, Anastasius, Marcionilla and her child Celsus, and many other Martyrs, of Antioch
Martyrs Revocatus, Firminus, and Three other Martyrs, in Africa
Virgin-Martyr Paschasia of Dijon
Translation of the relics of St. Judoc, abbot, to Winchester
Virgin-Martyr Marciana in Caesarea
St. Marcellinus at Ancona, bishop
St. Adrian, abbot of Canterbury
St. Peter, bishop of Sebaste
St. Foellan in Scotland, abbot
St. Brithwald, archbishop of Canterbury
Martyrs Epictetus, Jucundus, Secundus, Vitalis, Felix, and other Martyrs, of Africa
St. Waningus of Fécampt, abbot
St. Ethelmodus the Confessor
St. Nathalan in Aberdeen, bishop

January 23 / January 10, 2023

Afterfeast of Theophany
St. Gregory the bishop of Nyssa
Blessed Theosebia the deaconess, sister of St. Basil the Great and St. Gregory of Nyssa
St. Dometian, bishop of Melitene
St. Marcian, presbyter of Constantinople
St. Theophanes, recluse of Vysha
St. Pachomius of Kena River
St. Paul the abbot of Obnora in Vologda, and his disciple St. Macarius the abbot of Pisma monastery
St. Ammonius, monk, disciple of St. Pambo, at Scetis in Egypt
Martyr Ephraim the Elder, and Six incorrupt Monks of Obnora
St. Antipas, of Calapodeşti, Romania, and Valaam
St. Macarius of the Kiev Caves
St. Milteades, pope of Rome
New Hieromartyr Metropolitan Anatole of Odessa (+1938), and New Martyr Abbess Arsenia of Ivanova (+1939)
Repose of Blessed Schema-hieromonk Antipas of Valaam (+1882)

Day within the Octave of Epiphany
Hieromartyr Nicanor in Cyprus, one of the Seven first deacons
St. Paul the First Hermit, in the Thebaïd
St. Melchiades the Confessor, pope at Rome
St. Paul the Simple
Sts. Thecla the virgin and Justina, confessors
St. Marcian the Confessor, priest, at Constantinople
St. Domitian in Armenia, bishop
St. Agatho, pope, who confounded the Monothelite heresy
St. Sethrida the Confessor, abbess of Brie
St. Petronius of Avignon, bishop
St. John Camillus the Good, bishop of Milan
St. Thomian, archbishop of Armagh, in Ireland
St. Peter Urseolus, doge of Venice, hermit

January 24 / January 11, 2023

Afterfeast of Theophany
St. Theodosius the Great, the Cenobiarch
St. Michael of Klops monastery, fool-for-Christ, in Novgorod
St. Theodosius of Antioch, monk
St. Stephen of Placidian near Constantinople
St. Theodore
St. Agapius of Apamea in Syria, archimandrite
Martyr Mairus
Martyr Terence
St. Theodosius of Mt. Athos, metropolitan of Trebizond
St. Romilus, desert-dweller of Vidin
St. Vitalis of the monastery of Abba Seridus at Gaza
St. Joseph of Cappadocia
Hieromartyr Hyginus, pope of Rome (+142)
New Hieromartyrs Vladimir Fokin of Krasnoyarsk, Nicholas Matsievsky of Perm, and Theodore Antipin of Perm, priests (+1919)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Chernigov-Eletskaya” (1060 A.D.)
Repose of Blessed Nun Eupraxia of Teliakov village, Kostroma (+1823)

Day within the Octave of the Epiphany
St. Salvius in Africa, eulogized by St. Augustine
Martyrs Peter, Severus, and Leucius, in Alexandria
Hieromartyr Hyginus, pope, who confirmed the custom of godparents
St. Leucius, bishop, at Brindisi
St. Palaemon, abbot, hermit in Egypt
St. Theodosius, hermit in Palestine
St. Vitalis, hermit, at Gaza
St. Salvius, bishop of Amiens
St. Paulinus of Aquileia, bishop
Hieromartyr Alexander of Fermo, bishop
Sts. Ethenia and Fidelmia, princess in Ireland, veiled as nuns by St. Patrick
St. Brandan in France, abbot, foe of Pelagianism
Translation of the relics of St. Egwin, bishop of Worcester
St. Honorata of Pavia, virgin
St. Anastasius, abbot of Castel Sant’Elia
St. Boadin the Irish, hermit in Gaul
Sts. Paldo, Taso, and Tato, brothers, abbots of San Vicenzo on the Voltorno
St. Ronan of Ulster

January 25 / January 12, 2023

Afterfeast of Theophany
Martyr Tatiana of Rome, and the other Martyrs who suffered with her (+226 – 235)
St. Theodora of Alexandria, teacher of nuns
St. Savva (Sabbas) I, first archbishop of Serbia
Martyr Mertius of Mauretania
Martyr Peter Apselamus of Palestine
St. Eupraxia of Tabenna in Egypt
Virgin-Martyr Euthasia
St. Martinian, abbot, of White Lake, in Byelozersk
Blessed Galaction, disciple of St. Martinian
St. Benedict Biscop, abbot of Wearmouth (+689 – 690)
Holy Eight Martyrs of Nicaea
St. Silouan
St. Macarius
St. Elias the Wonderworker, of The Paradise of the Fathers
Blessed Archimandrite Theodosius of Tisman and Sophroniev monasteries, fellow struggler of St. Paisius Velichkovsky (+1802)
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “The Milk-Giver,” “Of the Akathist,” and “Popskaya”

Day within the Octave of Epiphany
Martyrs Satyrus, Cyriacus, and Mosentius, in Achaia
Martyr Arcadius in Caesarea Mauretania
Sts. Pastor and Victor, at Nicomedia
St. Benedict Biscop, abbot of Wearmouth, whose relics rest at Thorn abbey
Hieromartyr Tigris the priest and Martyr Eutropius, at Constantinople
St. John the Confessor, bishop, at Ravenna
St. Caesaria, virgin, at Arles
Holy 38 Martyred Monks upon the isle of Iona
St. Victorinus of Asan, abbot, in Spain
Martyrs Tatiana, Euthasia, and Mertios, at Rome
Martyrs Zoticus, Rogatus, Modestus, Castulus, other Martyrs, and some 50 Martyred Soldiers, in Africa
St. Alan ab Erbin, king of Cornwall
St. Probus of Verona, bishop
Holy 42 Martyrs at Ephesus

January 26 / January 13, 2023

Afterfeast of Theophany
The Holy Martyred Fathers slain at Sinai and Raithu: Isaiah, Sabbas, Moses and his disciple Moses, Jeremiah, Paul, Adam, Sergius, Domnus, Proclus, Hypatius, Isaac, Macarius, Mark, Benjamin, Eusebius, Elias, and other Martyrs (Transferred from January 14 o.s.)
Martyrs Hermylus and Stratonicus, at Belgrade in Serbia
Martyr Peter of Anium, at Eleutheropolis
St. James, bishop of Nisibis
Martyr Athanasius
Martyrs Pachomius and Papyrinus, in Greece
St. Maximus the Cavsocalybite (“hut-burner”) of Mt. Athos
St. Irenarchus, the recluse of Rostov
St. Eleazar of Anzer Island at Solovki
St. Hilary, bishop of Poitiers (+368)
Sts. Nicodemus and Nicephorus, monks
St. Kentigern (Mungo) of Strathclyde, first bishop of Strathclyde (Glasgow), Scotland (+612)

Octave Day of Epiphany – Hilarymas Day
St. Hilary, bishop, at Poitiers
St. Remigius, bishop of Rheims
St. Viventius, hermit, at Poitiers
Elevation and Translation of the relics of Martyr Firmus
St. Kentigern (Mungo), bishop of Glasgow
Boy-Martyr Potitus at Naples
Martyrs Hermilus and Stratonicus, at Belgrade
St. Glaphira, virgin, at Amasea
St. Agrecius, bishop, at Trier
St. Virentius, priest, in Burgundy
St. Leontius of Caesarea, bishop
Sts. Elian (Alan) the hermit, Elian ab Erbin, and Erbin, in Cornwall
Hieromartyr Gumesindus the priest and Martyr Servusdei the monk, at Córdova
St. Enogatus, bishop of Aleth, Brittany

January 27 / January 14, 202#

Apodosis of Theophany
The Holy Martyred Fathers slain at Sinai and Raithu: Isaiah, Sabbas, Moses and his disciple Moses, Jeremiah, Paul, Adam, Sergius, Domnus, Proclus, Hypatius, Isaac, Macarius, Mark, Benjamin, Eusebius, Elias, and other Martyrs
St. Nina (Nino), equal-to-the-Apostles, enlightener of Iberia
St. Savva (Sabbas) I, first archbishop of Serbia
St. Stephen, abbot of Chenolakkos monastery near Chalcedon
St. Theodulus, son of St. Nilus of Sinai
St. Joseph Analytinus of Raithu monastery
Virgin-Martyr Agnes
St. David, monk
St. Aristarchus
St. Marcellus
St. Paphnutius
Martyrs Gelasius, Andrew, Dulas, and Orion
St. Meletius, bishop of Ryazan, enlightener of Yakutia
Holy New Martyrs slain at Raithu monastery near Kazan, in Russia (+1930)
New Hieromartyr Ambrose (Gudko), bishop of Sarapul (+1918)
(Transferred to January 13 o.s.: The Holy Martyred Fathers slain at Sinai and Raithu)

St. Sava the Great of Serbia, archbishop
St. Felix the Confessor at Nola
Hieromartyr Felix (another), priest
Translation of the relics of St. Faith, virgin
St. Euphrasius, bishop, in Spain
Martyr Pontian at Spoleto
St. Timothy the Confessor, bishop, at Alexandria
St. Macrina the Elder, virgin, at Neocaesarea
Martyred Monks Isaias, Sabbas, Theodulus, Paul, Proclus, Hypatius, Isaac, and other Martyred Monks, at Sinai
St. Datius, archbishop, at Milan
St. Fulgentius, bishop, at Carthagina
Hieromartyr Barbasymas the bishop of Seleucia-Ctesiphon, and other Martyrs, in Persia
Holy Martyred Hermits at Raithu
St. Beuno, abbot of Clynnog Fawr in Caernarvon, Wales
St. Deusdedit, archbishop of Canterbury, founder of the Thanet convent

January 28 / January 15, 202#

Thirty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
St. Paul of Thebes in Egypt
St. John the Calybyte (“Hut-dweller”) of Constantinople
Venerable-Martyr Pansophius of Alexandria, monk
St. Alisidius, bishop
Sts. Salome of Udjarma and Perodzhavra of Sivnia, in Georgia
St. Gabriel, founder of Lesnovo monastery in Bulgaria
St. Prochorus, hermit near the Pchinja River, in Vranje, Serbia
Holy Six Martyrs of the Desert
Martyrs Elpidius and Helen
St. Maximus, bishop of Nola
St. Barlaam of Keret on the White Sea
St. Ita of Killeedy, hermitess and foster-mother of St. Brendan (+570)
Venerable Maurus, disciple of St. Benedict (+584)
St. Ceolwulf, monk of Lindisfarne

First Sunday after Octave Day of Epiphany
St. Maurus of Subiaco, abbot, disciple of St. Benedict
Prophets Habacuc and Micheas of the Old Testament
St. Macarius the Elder, abbot, at Scetis, in Egypt
St. Isidore of Alexandria, hieromonk
St. Bonitus, bishop of Clermont, Auvergne
St. Maulius, abbot
St. Ida (Dorothy), abbess, at Limerick
St. Micheas, son of Imlas (I Kings 22:8)
Martyr Ephysius at Cagliari, in Sardinia
St. Alexander at Constantinople, abbot, founder of the Unsleeping Ones
St. John Hut-dweller, monk
St. Embert, bishop of Cambrai
St. Ceolwulf, king, monk of Lindisfarne
Virgin-Martyr Secundina near Rome
St. Saul, father of St. Asaph, in Wales
St. Lleudadd (Laudatus) of Bardsey, abbot
St. Tarsicia of Rodez, virgin
St. Malard of Chartres, bishop

January 29 / January 16, 2023

Veneration of the Precious Chains of the Holy Preeminent Apostle Peter
Martyrs Speusippus, Eleusippus, and Meleusippus, brothers; their grandmother Martyr Leonilla; and with them Martyrs Neon, Turbo, and the woman Jonilla (Jovilla), in Cappadocia
Martyr Danax the reader, in Macedonia
New Hieromartyr Damascene of Chilander monastery on Mt. Athos
Blessed Maximus, priest, fool-for-Christ, of Totma, in Vologda
St. Romilus of Vidin, monk of Mt. Athos, disciple of St. Gregory of Sinai; and with him Sts. Nestor, Martinius, Daniel, Sisoës, Zosimas, and Gregory
New Martyr Nicholas of Mitylene
St. Galactian
Martyr Pambo, monk
Sts. Barsanuphius and Euretus
St. Honoratus, archbishop of Arles and founder of Lérins monastery (+429)
Martyr-King Sigebert of the East Angles (+635)
St. Fursey, abbot of Burgh Castle, enlightener of East Anglia and Langy (+650)
St. James of Tarentaise (+429)

Hieromartyr Marcellus, pope of Rome
St. Honoratus, archbishop, in Arles
St. Titian, bishop, in Oderzo
St. Fursey of Ireland, abbot of Péronne
St. Priscilla at Rome, matron, mother of St. Pudens (II Timothy 4:21)
St. Marcellus of Anticyra, bishop
St. Honoratus of Amiens, bishop
St. Honoratus of Fondi, abbot
Martyr-King Sigisbert of Burgundy
St. James of Tarentaise, bishop, apostle of Savoy
St. Valerius of Sorrento, bishop
St. Triverius, hermit, at Lyons
Hieromartyr Ferreolus of Grenoble, bishop
St. Dunchaid O’Braoin, abbot of Clonmacnoise
Finding of the relics of Hieromartyr Foillan at Fosses, bishop

January 30 / January 17, 2023

St. Anthony the Great
Holy Emperor Theodosius the Great
St. Achilles the Confessor, hermit of Egypt
St. Anthony the New, of Beroea in Macedonia
St. Anthony of Smoky Lake, in Dymi, Novgorod
St. Anthony, monk, of Fair Hill, in Krasny Kholm
St. Anthony, monk, of Black Lake, in Chernoezersky
St. Anthony the Roman, abbot, of Novgorod
St. John, bishop of Rostov
New Martyr George of Ioannina
St. Antonina
St. Martyrius
St. Mildgyth, abbess of Minster

St. Anthony the Great, abbot, in Egypt
Martyrs Speusippus, Eleusippus, and Meleusippus, brothers; their grandmother Martyr Leonilla; and Martyrs Jonilla, Neo, and Turbo; in Cappadocia
St. Sulpicius II Pius, bishop of Bourges
Martyrs Andochius and Benignus, priests, disciples of St. Polycarp; Martyr Thyrsus and other Martyrs
St. Sabinus, bishop of Piacenza
St. Milgitha, virgin, at Canterbury
St. Gundulf, bishop of Bourges
Sts. Achilleus and Amoës, hermits, in Egypt
Sts. Anthony, Merulus, and John, monks, at St. Andrew’s, Rome
St. Nennius, bishop in Ireland
St. Richimirus, abbot, at LeMans
Blessed Joseph of Freising, bishop

January 31 / January 18, 2023

Sts. Athanasius the Great and Cyril, archbishops of Alexandria
St. Marcian of Cyprus, monk
Martyr Xenia
St. Ephraim, bishop of Milas (5th century)
St. Ephraim the Philosopher, of Georgia (12th century)
St. Maximus of Serbia, despot of Srem, subsequently metropolitan of Belgrade and Srem
St. Athanasius, abbot of Syandem, in Vologda
St. Silvanus of Palestine, monk
Sts. Cyril the monk and Mary the nun, parents of St. Sergius of Randonezh
Sts. Hilarion, Emilian, and Demetrius, monks
Martyr Cyriacus
Martyr Theodosia
St. Athanasius Navolotsky, monk
St. Leobardus of Marmoutier, in Gaul (6th century)
Martyr Ulfrith in Sweden
St. Ninnidh of Inismacsaint (6th century)
St. Alexis, hieromonk of Teklati, in Georgia (+1923)

Virgin-Martyr Prisca of Old Rome
Martyrs Moseus and Ammonius, readers
St. Leobard, hermit of Marmoutier, at Tours
St. Deicolus of Lurè in the Vosges, a disciple of St. Columban, co-founder of Luxeuil
St. Day in Cornwall
Translation of the relics of Virgin-Martyr Lucy to Venice
Martyr Paul and 36 other Martyrs, in Egypt
Virgin-Martyrs Archelaïs, Thecla, and Susanna, at Salerno
Hieromartyr Athenogenes, bishop, in Pontus
Hieromartyr Volusian of Tours, bishop
Sts. Faustina and Liberata, virgins, at Como
St. Dermot on Innis-Clotran isle, founder, abbot
Martyr Ulfrid in Sweden

February 1 / January 19, 2023

St. Macarius the Great of Egypt, abbot
St. Mark, archbishop of Ephesus, who resisted the Roman Catholic heresies
St. Macarius of Alexandria
Virgin-Martyr Euphrasia of Nicomedia
St. Arsenius, archbishop of Kerkyra, in Corfu
Translation of the relics of St. Gregory the Theologian to Constantinople in 950 A.D.
St. Meletius the Confessor of Mount Gallesius, monk
Martyr Theodosia
Martyr Januarius
Blessed Theodore of Novgorod, fool-for-Christ
Opening of the relics of St. Sabbas, abbot of Zvenigorod monastery
St. Macarius, deacon of the Kiev Caves
St. Macarius, faster of the Kiev Caves
St. Anthony, stylite of Martqopi, in Georgia
St. Macarius the Roman of Novgorod
New Hieromartyr Nicholas Vostorgov, priest (+1930)
New Hieromartyr Protopriest Peter Skipetrov (+1918)
St. Branwalator (Breward), monk of Jersey (6th century)
St. Fillan (Foelan) of Strathfillan
Hieromartyr Blaitmaic, abbot of Iona, and his Companions

Martyr Germanicus at Smyrna
Martyr Pontian at Spoleto
St. Launomar, abbot, in Chartres
Translation of the relics of St. Branwallader (Breward), bishop in Jersey, to Milton abbey in 935 A.D.
St. Bassian at Lodi, bishop, who buried St. Ambrose
Martyrs Blaithmac the abbot, and other Martyred Monks, of Iona, martyred by Danes
Second translation of the relics of Hieromartyr Eulogius of Córdova, priest, slain by Muslims
Martyrs Paul, Gerontius, Januarius, Saturninus, Successus, Julius, Catus, Pia, and Germana, in Numidia
St. Contestus of Bayeux, bishop
St. Firminus of Gabales, bishop
St. Nathalan of Aberdeen, bishop; and St. Foellan, monk; in Scotland
St. Catellus of Castellamare, bishop
St. Arsenius of Corfù, bishop
St. Mark of Ephesus, archbishop

February 2 / January 20, 2023

St. Euthymius the Great
Martyrs Bassus, Eusebius, Eutychius, and Basilides, at Nicomedia
Martyrs Innas, Pinnas, and Rimmas, disciples of Apostle Andrew in Scythia
Martyrs Thyrsus and Agnes
St. Leo I, the Great, emperor of the East
Martyr Anna at Rome
New Martyr Zacharias at Patrai in Morea, in Peloponnesus
Sts. Euthymius the Silent, schema-monk; and St. Laurence the Recluse; of the Kiev Caves
St. Neophytus of Vatopedi, Mt. Athos
St. Euthymius of Syanzhema
St. Euthymius, monk of Archangelsk
Blessed Peter the customs inspector of Constantinople
New Martyr Zacharias at Patrai, in Morea
Repose of Blessed Righteous Theodore Kuzmich (Tsar Alexander I) (+1864)

Hieromartyr Fabian at Rome, pope, who gathered the Acts (documents) of the Martyr Sebastian in the Catacombs
Martyrs Maris, his wife Martha, and their sons Audifax and Habacus, Persian pilgrims, at the Catacombs in Rome
St. Fechin, abbot, at Fobhar in Ireland
St. Maurus the Confessor, bishop of Cesena in Italy
St. Euthymius the Great, in Palestine, foe of Nestorianism and Eutychianism
Martyr Neophytus of Nicaea
St. Molagga, founder and abbot of Fermoy

February 3 / January 21, 2023

St. Maximus the Confessor
Martyr Neophytus of Nicaea
Martyrs Eugene, Candidus, Valerian, and Aquila, at Trebizond
St. Maximus the Greek, monk
Virgin-Martyr Agnes of Rome
Martyr Anastasius, disciple of St. Maximus the Confessor
St. Neophytus of Vatopedi monastery on Mt. Athos
St. Zosimas, bishop of Syracuse (+662)
Synaxis of the Church of the Holy Peace by the Sea in Constantinople
Holy Four Martyrs of Tyre
Sts. John and Theodosius
New Hieromartyrs of Russia: John Dobrokhotov, Nicholas Bukharin, protopresbyters; Jacob and Peter Zyablitsky, John Korzhavin, John Rozanov, and John Uspensky, priests of Ivanov; and Elias Berezovsky, priest of Alma Ata; (+1938)
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Ktitorskaya,” “Joy-Bringer,” “Xenophon-Hodigitria,” and “Zaklannaya”
Repose of Blessed desert-dweller Timon of Nadeyev (+1840)

Virgin-Martyr Agnes of Old Rome, named in the Canon Missae of the Western Liturgy
Hieromartyr Publius, second bishop of Athens
Hieromartyrs Fructu-osus the bishop, and Deacons Augurius and Eulogius, at Terragona
Martyr Patroclus at Troyes
Sts. Thotist, Domnus, Theogenes, and Apipius, bishops, confessors, at Caesarea of Palestine
St. Epiphanius, bishop of Pavia
St. Brigid of Kilbride, virgin
St. Laudog the Confessor, in Wales
St. Vimin in Scotland, bishop, founder of Holywood monastery
Hieromartyr Meinrad, priest-hermit of Einsiedeln, whose pet ravens pursued his murderers
St. Maccalin, abbot of Waulsort, Belgium

February 4 / January 22, 2023

Thirty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
New Martyrs and Confessors of Russian Church (movable holiday on the Sunday closest to January 25th)
Apostle Timothy of the Seventy
Venerable-Martyr Anastasius the Persian, monk
Martyrs Manuel, George, Peter, and Leontius, bishops; Sionius, Gabriel, John, Leontus, Parodus, priests; and 377 other Martyrs; in Bulgaria
Venerable-Martyr Anastasius the deacon of the Kiev Caves
St. Macarius, abbot of Zhabyn
St. Wendreda, virgin of March
St. Joseph Samakus the Sanctified of Crete
St. Berthwald, bishop of Ramsbury (+1045)
St. Joasaph, enlightener of Alaska and the American land
Sts. Ananias and Agatho
New Hieromartyr Euthymius Tikhonravov of Ivanovo, priest (+1938)

Second Sunday after the Octave of the Epiphany
Great-Martyr Vincent, deacon, of Zaragoza, Spain
Hieromartyr Timothy at Ephesus, bishop, to whom St. Paul wrote two epistles
Martyr Anastasius the monk, and 70 other Martyrs, in Assyria
Martyrs Vincent, Orontius and Victor, and Aquilina, of Gerona, Spain
St. Osburga, virgin, at Coventry
St. Blaesilla, widow, at Rome
St. Dominic, abbot of Sora, Italy
St. Brithwald at Glastonbury, bishop of Ramsbury, prophet
St. Gaudentius, bishop of Novara
St. Vincent of Digne, bishop

February 5 / January 23, 2023

Hieromartyr Clement the bishop of Ancyra, and Martyr Agathangelus
St. Paulinus the Merciful, bishop of Nola (+431)
St. Mausimas the Syrian, monk
St. Salamanes the Silent of the Euphrates, monk
St. Gennadius the monk of Kostroma, and the Synaxis of All Saints of Kostroma
Commemoration of the Sixth Ecumenical Council
St. Eusebius, recluse of Mt. Coryphe near Antioch
Translation of the relics of St. Theoctistus, archbishop of Novgorod
St. Andrew at Optina, monk
St. Dionysius of Platina and Mt. Athos
St. Theodore the Stephanite
Holy Two Martyrs of Parium
St. Lupicinus of Lipidiaco, in Gaul
Repose of Blessed Abbott Damascene of Valaam (+1881)

Virgin-Martyr Emerentiana and Martyr Macaria, at Rome
Hieromartyr Parmenas at Philippi, of the seven first deacons
Martyrs Severian and his wife Aquila, in Morocco
Martyr Asclas at Antinoë
St. Ildefonsus, bishop, at Toledo
Virgin-Martyr Messalina at Foligno
Martyrs Clement the bishop, Agathangelus, and other Martyrs, at Ancyra
St. Amasius, bishop at Teano, near Capua
St. Mausimus, priest in Syria
St. Urban of Langres, bishop
St. Boswell, abbot of Melrose
Martyr Maimbod at Besançon
St. Bernard in France, bishop of Vienne
St. Eusebius on Mt. Coryphe, hermit
St. Ormond of Marié, abbot
St. Colman of Lismore, bishop
St. Lufthilda of Cologne, virgin
Old Testament: Sts. Adam and Eve, Abel, Seth, Enos, Cainan, Malaleel, Jared, Henoch, and Mathusala, (Gen 5:5-21)

February 6 / January 24, 2023

St. Xenia of Rome and her Two Female Slaves
Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg, fool-for-Christ
St. Macedonius, hermit of Syria
Martyrs Babylas of Sicily, and his two disciples Timothy and Agapius
Translation of the relics of Venerable-Martyr Anastasius the Persian
Martyrs Paul, Pausirius, and Theodotian, of Egypt
St. Philo, bishop of Carpasia on Cyprus
St. Philippicus the presbyter
Martyrs Barsimus of Syria and his Two Brothers
Martyr Chrysoploca
St. Zosimas, bishop at Babylon, in Egypt
St. Dionysius of Olympus and Mt. Athos
Martyr John of Kazan
Martyrs Hermogenes and Mamas
St. Neophytus the Recluse of Cyprus
St. Gerasimus, bishop of Perm
St. Felician, bishop of Foligno in Italy (+254)
St. Lupicinus of Lipidiaco, in Gaul (+500)
Repose of Blessed Abbess Sophia of Shamordino convent (+1888)
Repose of Blessed Nektary of Seattle (+1983)

St. Xenia of St. Petersburg, widow, fool-for-Christ
Martyrs Babilas, and the children Urban, Prilidian, and Epolonius, at Antioch
Martyrs Mardonius, Musonius, Eugene, and Metellus, at Neocaesarea
Hieromartyr Cadoc of Cambusland in Scotland, bishop
St. Modestus, foe of Marcionism
St. Musan, priest, foe of Encratitism
St. Macedonius, hermit, at Antioch
St. Eusebia, virgin, at Mylasa
Hieromartyr Felician of Foligno, bishop
St. Zama of Bologna, bishop
St. Artemius of Clermont, bishop
St. Lupicinus of Lipidiacum, in Gaul
Martyrs Thyrsus and Projectus
St. Guasacht, bishop of Granard, in Ireland, the son of St. Patrick’s former owner
St. Exuperantius, bishop, at Cingoli
St. Suranus of Sora, abbot
St. Bertrand of St. Quentin, abbot
Sts. Caidoc and Adrian, hermits, at Amiens

February 7 / January 25, 2023

St. Gregory the Theologian, archbishop of Constantinople
St. Publius, ascetic of Syria
St. Mares the Singer of Syria
Martyrs Felicitas of Rome and seven sons: Januarius, Felix, Philip, Silvanus, Alexander, Vitalis, and Martial (+164)
St. Bretanion, bishop of Tomis, Romania
St. Moses, archbishop of Novgorod
St. Gregory of Golutvin
St. Castinus, bishop of Byzantium
St. Demetrius Skevophylax (“keeper of the sacred vessels”) of Constantinople
New Martyr Auxentius at Constantinople
Martyr Medula and her Martyred Companions
St. Apollos of the Thebaid, monk
St. Dwyn, virgin of Llandwyn
New Hieromartyr Vladimir, metropolitan of Kiev, proto-hieromartyr of the Communist Yoke (+1918)
New Hieromartyr Peter Zverev, archbishop of Voronezh (+1929)
St. Anatolius the Elder of Optina (+1894)
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Assuage My Griefs” and “Unexpected Joy”

The Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle
St. Ananias, baptizer of Apostle Paul
Martyrs Projectus the bishop, and Amarinus the abbot, at Auvergne
St. Severian, bishop, at Gevaudan
Martyrs Pagatus the priest, Vectus, and other Martyrs, at Lyons
Martyr Alcippiades
Martyr Attalus
Martyrs Artemas at Puzzuoli, student, martyred by classmates
Martyrs Juventinus and Maximus, at Antioch
St. Publius of Zeugma, abbot, in Syria
St. Apollo, abbot, in Thebaid
St. Poppo, abbot of Stavelot, Belgium
Translation of the relics of St. Fursey, abbot
Martyrs Donatus, Sabinus, and Agape
St. Bretanion of Tomis, bishop
St. Theneva at Glasgow, virgin, St. Kentigern’s mother
St. Eochod, apostle of Galloway Picts
St. Racho of Autun, bishop
St. Theoritgitha at Barking, virgin, novice-mistress
Martyr Agleus at Carthage
St. Dwynwen, virgin of Wales

February 8 / January 26, 2023

Sts. Xenophon and his wife Mary, and their two sons Arcadius and John, of Constantinople
St. Symeon “the Ancient” of Mt. Sinai
Martyrs Ananias the presbyter, Peter the prison guard, and Seven Soldiers, in Phoenicia
Translation of the relics of St. Theodore, abbot of the Studion
St. Joseph the Studite, archbishop of Thessalonica
St. Gabriel, abbot at Jerusalem
St. Ammon, disciple of St. Anthony the Great
St. Paula of Palestine
St. David III, the Restorer, king of Iberia (Georgia)
St. Xenophon, abbot of Robeika, in Novgorod
St. Conan, bishop and monastic founder on the Isle of Man (+648)
Holy Two Martyrs of Phrygia
St. Clement of Mt. Sagmation near Thebes, monk
St. Joseph, metropolitan of Suceava, in Romania (+1902)
New Martyrs: Metropolitan Cyril of Kazan (+1937), Bishop Arcadius (+1938), Maria of Gatchina (+1930); and the Priests of Samara Basil Vitevsky, Vyacheslav Infantov, and Jacob Alferov, (+1938)
Repose of Blessed Gabriel of Novgorod and Petersburg (+1801)

Hieromartyr Polycarp the bishop, and 12 other Martyrs of Philadelphia, at Smyrna
St. Jonas the Prophet, who by his three days in the fish’s belly prefigured the third-day Resurrection of Christ
St. Simeon the Old, abbot, in Syria
Sts. Xenophon, his wife Mary, and their two sons John and Arcadius, confessors, in Palestine
Martyr Theogenes and other Martyrs
St. Conan of Iona, bishop
St. Theofrid of Corbie, bishop
St. Alfonso of Astorga, bishop, in Spain
St. Ansurius of Orense, bishop

February 9 / January 27, 2023

Translation of the relics of St. John Chrysostom, archbishop of Constantinople
St. Peter of Egypt
New Martyr Demetrius at Constantinople
St. Titus the soldier, monk of the Kiev Caves
St. Marciana the Empress, who was laid to rest in the Church of the Holy Apostles
St. Claudinus, monk
Translation of the relics of All Holy Monks of Hilander monastery on the Holy Mount Athos
Martyrs Polychronius, Vardanius, and Hermogenes
St. Macarius, hierodeacon
Translation of the relics of St. Ethelfleda, virgin
New Hieromartyr Peter Zverev (+1929)
St. Leontius the New Confessor, archimandrite, of Ivanovo (+1972)
St. Anna Ivashkina the Confessor of Ryazan (+1948)
New Hieromartyr Paul Dobromislov, protopresbyter of Alma-Ata (+1940)
Repose of Blessed Nun Neonilla of the Farther Davidov convent (+1875)

St. John Chrysostom, archbishop of Constantinople, father of the Holy Liturgy
St. Julian at Le Mans, bishop (Simon the leper whom Christ healed), apostle of Celtic Gaul
St. Maurus of Bodon, abbot, near Sisteron, in France
Dormition of St. Paula at Bethlehem, nun, friend of St. Jerome
Martyr Avitus in Africa
Martyrs Julian and Ferreolus
Martyr Julian at Atina
St. Paul I, pope, who defended the holy Icons
Virgin-Martyr Deivota in Corsica
St. Peter, hermit, in Syria
St. Domitian, hierodeacon, in Judea
St. Lupus the Confessor, bishop, at Châlons-sur-Saône
Sts. Emerius the abbot, and his mother Candida, at Banoles, Spain
St. Gamelbert, priest, at Michaelsbuch, Bavaria
St. Theodoric II (Thierry), bishop of Orléans
Martyrs Datius, Restius, and Companions: Martyrs Dativus, Julian, Vincent, and 27 other Martyrs, in Africa
St. Natalis, abbot, in Northern Ireland

February 10 / January 28, 2023

St. Ephraim the Syrian
St. Isaac the Syrian, bishop of Nineveh, ascetic writer
St. Theodosius, abbot of Totma, in the Vologda province, at Totma in Rus’
St. Palladius the hermit near Antioch
St. Ephraim the abbot and wonderworker, and his brother St. George, of Novotorzhok
St. Ephraim of the Kiev Caves, subsequently bishop of Pereyaslavl
St. James the Ascetic of Porphyreon
Woman-Martyr Charis
Martyr Plutodorus
St. John of Reomans in Gaul (+544)

Second Feast of Virgin-Martyr Agnes of Rome
Martyrs Leucius, Thyrsus, and Callinicus, in Apollonia
St. Cyril, patriarch of Alexandria
St. John, abbot of Reomay
St. Julian Sabbas in Mesopotamia, hermit
Martyr Fabian in Terracina
St. Cyril, patriarch of Jerusalem
Martyrs Emilian the bishop, Hilarion the monk, and other Martyrs, at Trevi, Umbria
St. Palladius, bishop, at Zaragoza
St. Palladius, hermit, in Syria
St. James, hermit and penitent, in Palestine
St. Paulinus, patriarch of Aquileia
Holy Martyrs of Alexandria
St. Kinnera, virgin of Inniscathy
Martyrs Brigid and Maura, in Picardy
St. Anthimus of Brantome, abbot
St. Glastian of Kinglassie, bishop of Fife
St. Odo of Beauvais, bishop
Old Testament: Sts. Noë (Noah), Sem, Arphaxad, Sale, Heber, Phaleg, Reu, Sarug, Nachor, Thare, and Aran (Genesis 11:10-26)

February 11 / January 29, 2023

Translation of the relics of Hieromartyr Ignatius the God-bearer, bishop of Antioch
St. Laurence, recluse of the Kiev Caves, subsequently bishop of Turov
Martyrs Romanus, James, Philotheus, Hyperechius, Abibus, Julian, and Paregorius, at Samosota
Martyrs Silvanus the bishop of Emesa, Luke the deacon, and Mocius (Mucius) the reader
St. Aphraates of Persia, monk
St. Barsimaeus, bishop of Edessa
St. Ashot Kuropalates in Georgia
St. Ignatius, bishop of Smolensk
Sts. Gerasimus, Pitirim, and Jonah, bishops of Perm
New Martyr Demetrius of Chios
St. Andrew Rublev, monk, iconographer, in Rus
Martyrs Thathuel (Sarbelus) and his sister Bebaia, of Edessa
St. Ascepsimus, monk
St. Gildas the Wise, abbot of Rhuys, Brittany (ca. 570)
St. Sulpicius Severus, disciple of St. Martin of Tours (+406)

Martyrs Papias and Maurus, at Rome
St. Valerius, bishop, at Trier
Martyr Sabinian in Troyes
St. Gildas the Wise, bishop, historian, in Brittany
St. Geminian the Confessor, bishop, at Modena
Hieromartyr Constantius the bishop, and other Martyrs, at Perugia
St. Sulpicius I Severus, bishop of Bourges
St. Baculus, bishop of Sorrento
Martyrs Sharbel the former sorcerer, and his sister Barbea, at Edessa
St. Flora (Blath) at Kildare, convent cook
Martyr Dallan Forgaill the Blind, bard, martyr of Iniscoel
St. Triphina in Brittany, nun
Martyr Aquilinus of Milan
St. Voloc in Scotland, bishop, missionary

February 12 / January 30, 2023

Sunday of the Prodigal Son
Synaxis of the Three Hierarchs: Sts. Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom
Hieromartyr Hippolytus the pope of Rome, and with him Martyrs Censorinus, Sabinus, Ares, the virgin Chryse, and with her Martyrs Felix, Maximus, Herculianus, Venerius, Styracius, Mennas, Commodus, Hermes, Maurus, Eusebius, Rusticus, Monagrius, Amandinus, Olympius, Cyprus, Theodore the tribune, Maximus the presbyter, Archelaus the deacon, and Cyriacus the bishop, all beheaded at Ostia
Martyr Theophilus the New on Cyprus
St. Zeno, hermit near Antioch
New Martyr Theodore of Mytilene
St. Peter, king of Bulgaria
St. Zeno the Faster of the Kiev Caves
St. Isaac of Syria
St. Bathildes, queen of France, nun of Chelles (+680)
St. Adelgonda, foundress of Maubeuge, in the Netherlands (+680)
Uncovering of the relics of Hieromartyr Clement, pope of Rome
New Martyrs Protopresbyter John Granitov, Priest Leontius Klimenko, and 5 other Martyrs with them, (+1920)
New Martyr Stephen Nalivaiko (+1945)
Tinos Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos
Blessed Pelagia of Diveyevo (+1884)

Septuagesima Sunday (first of the Three Fore-Lenten Sundays)
Commemoration of the Devil’s banishment by Christ (Mt. 4:11)
(Today, reenacting mankind’s exile from Paradise, we cease singing the joyful songs “Alleluia” and “Glory to God in the Highest”)
Martyr Hippolytus at Antioch
St. Matthias the Confessor, bishop, at Jerusalem
Martyr Flavian
St. Batilda in Paris, queen, nun of Chelles
Translation of the relics of St. Mark the Evangelist, when his body was brought from Alexandria to Venice (his relics were returned to Egypt in 1968)
St. Barses of Edessa, bishop
Martyr Serena at Metz
Hieromartyr Barsimaeus, bishop
St. Agrippinus of Alexandria, bishop
Virgin-Martyr Martina of Rome
Martyrs Felician, Philippian, and 124 other Martyrs
Martyr Aleander, under Decius
St. Savina of Milan, matron
St. Armentarius of Antibes, bishop
St. Tibbe at Brecknock, virgin, daughter of St. Brychan of Brecknock
St. Armentarius of Pavia, bishop
Blessed Amnichad of Fulda, hermit, in Germany
(For St. Adelgonda, see tomorrow under “Aldegunda”)

February 13 / January 31, 2023

Week of the Prodigal Son
Holy Wonderworkers and Unmercenaries Cyrus and John
Martyrs Athanasia and her daughters Theoctista, Theodota, and Eudoxia, at Canopus in Egypt
St. Nicetas, hermit of the Kiev Caves, subsequently bishop of Novgorod
Martyrs Victorinus, Victor, Nicephorus, Claudius, Diodorus, Serapion, and Papias, of Corinth
Martyr Tryphaena at Cyzicus
St. Pachomius, abbot
New Venerable-Martyr Elias Ardunis of Mt. Athos, at Calamata, Peloponnesus
St. Arsenius of Paros
St. Athanasius, bishop of Methona
St. Marcella of Rome (+410)
Repose of Blessed Elder Codratus of Karakallou monastery on Mt. Athos (+1930)

Martyr Metran in Alexandria
Martyrs Saturninus, Thyrsus, and Victor
Martyrs Cyrus, John, Athanasia, and other Martyrs
St. Aldegunda in Holland, nun, foundress of Maubeuge
St. Policrates, bishop, at Ephesus
Sts. Julius the priest and Julian the deacon, at Novara
St. Marcella, widow, at Rome
Sts. Aidan and Maidoc, bishops of Ferns, in Ireland
St. Adamnan, hieromonk, at Coldingham, in Scotland
St. Ulphia, hermitess of Amiens
St. Athanasius, bishop of Modon, Greece
Martyr Eusebius, monk, in Switzerland
Martyrs Tarsicius, Zoticus, Cyriacus, and other Martyrs, at Alexandria
Martyr Tryphena of Cyzicus
St. Monacella (Melangell), recluse of Powys, Wales
St. Bobbinus of Troyes, bishop
Blessed John the Angel, monk, at Pomposa

February 14 / February 1, 2023

Forefeast of the Meeting of the Lord
Martyr Tryphon of Campsada near Apamea in Syria
St. Bridget of Ireland (+523)
Martyrs Perpetua, a woman of Carthage, and the catechumens Saturus, Revocatus, Saturninus, Secundulus, and Felicitas (+202 – 203)
St. Peter of Galatia, hermit near Antioch in Syria
St. Brendimian, hermit of Bithynia
St. Basil the Confessor, archbishop of Thessalonica
New Martyr Anastasius at Nauplion
St. Tryphon, bishop of Rostov
St. Tryphon of Pechenga and Kola (also December 15)
Sts. David and Symeon, confessors of Mitylene
St. Timothy the Confessor
Martyrs Theion and Two Children
Martyr Carion
St. Seiriol, abbot of Penmon, Anglesey (6th century)
St. Euny, brother of St. Ia of Cornwall
New Hieromartyr Peter Skipetrov, priest (+1918)

Hieromartyr Ignatius of Antioch, bishop, martyred at Rome
St. Brigid the abbess, and her disciple St. Darlugdach who later became abbess, at Kildare, in Ireland
St. Ephraim of Edessa, deacon
Martyr Pionius and 15 other Martyrs, at Smyrna
St. Paul, bishop, at Trois-Châteaux
St. Polycarp the Confessor, bishop
St. Severus, bishop of Avranches, at Rouen
Martyrs Severus the bishop, his wife Vincentia, and their daughter Vincentia the virgin, of Ravenna
Hieromartyr Severus of Ravenna, priest
St. Severus the Simple, priest, disciple of St. Martin
St. Sigebert III, king, at Metz
St. Eubert, bishop of Lisle
Martyr Peter the Galatian, at Antioch
St. Praecordius, priest of Corbie
St. Sorus, hermit, at Perigeux
Hieromartyr Agripanus the bishop, and Martyr Ursicinus, at LePuy
St. Cecil, bishop, in Spain
St. Jarlath of Armagh, bishop
St. Seiriol, abbot of Penmon in Anglesey
St. Cinnia of Ulster, virgin
St. Crewenna, fellow-traveler with St. Breaca
St. Kinnia, virgin, veiled by St. Patrick
St. Brigid, hermitess, virgin, in the Apennines
St. Clarus Ascetic, monk of Seligenstadt

February 15 / February 2, 2023

THE MEETING OF OUR LORD, GOD, AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, that is, the presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple of Jerusalem 40 days after His sacred birth
New Martyr Jordan of Trebizond, at Constantinople
New Venerable-Martyr Gabriel at Constantinople
St. Anthimus of Chios (+1960)
Martyr Agathadorus of Tyana, Cappadocia
New Hieromartyrs Vladimir the hieromonk and John Tomilov, priests of Tver (+1938)
Repose of Blessed Schema-monk Seraphim of Valaam (+1860)

PURIFICATION OF OUR LADY ST. MARY, the Ever-Virgin Mother of God, and the Oblation of Our Savior Jesus in the Temple, known as Candlemas, and originally called in England Hypopante Domini – the Meeting of Our Lord (the blessing of candles and procession are done today)
Commemoration of the Fall of Mankind
St. Cornelius the Centurion at Caesarea, bishop, whom St. Peter baptized
Martyr Aphronian the Executioner, at Rome
Martyrs Fortunatus, Felician, Firmus, and Candidus, at Rome
St. Flosculus, bishop, at Orléans
St. Laurence, archbishop, at Canterbury
Sts. Heraclitus, an early writer; and St. Maximus, a great churchman, named by Eusebius
St. Adelbald d’Ostrevant, duke, confessor, in Belgium
St. Adeloga, abbess, at Kitzingen
The Holy Martyrs of Ebsford: Bruno the duke, Theodoric, Marquard, and Gosbert, bishops; Eurlulf of Werden, and many other Martyrs; slain by the Vikings
St. Columban, hermit, at Ghent
St. Fioch, virgin, in Cornwall

February 16 / February 3, 2023

Afterfeast of the Meeting of the Lord
Holy and Righteous Symeon the God-receiver, and St. Anna the Prophetess
St. Nicholas, archbishop and enlightener of Japan, equal-to-the-Apostles (+1912)
Prophet Azarias (II Chronicles 15)
Martyrs Pappias, Diodorus, and Claudian, at Perge in Pamphylia
Martyr Blaise of Caesare in Cappadocia
Martyrs Adrian and Eubulus, at Caesarea in Cappadocia
Sts. Svyatoslav-Gabriel of Yuriev the prince, and his son Demetrius
St. Symeon, first bishop of Tver
St. Romanus, prince of Uglich
St. Claudius, monk
St. Ansgar, archbishop of Hamburg and Bremen, enlightener of Denmark and Sweden (+865)
St. Romanus, prince of Uglich
New Martyrs Stamatius and John, brothers; and New Martyr Nicholas their companion
St. James, archbishop of Serbia
Martyrs Paul and Simon
Virgin-Martyr Ia of Cornwall
St. Werburga, abbess of Hanbury (+700)
St. Laurence, archbishop of Canterbury (+619)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Softener of Hardened Hearts,” also known as “Simeon’s Prophecy”
Repose of Blessed Schema-monk Paul of Simonov monastery, disciple of St. Paisius Velichkovsky (+1825)
Repose of Blessed Hieromonk Isidore of Gethsemane skete, Moscow (+1908)

Hieromartyr Blaise in Sebaste, bishop, and with him Two Young Martyred Men and Seven Martyred Women
On this day, the Blessing of Throats and Blessing of Blaise-bread are done
St. Werburga at Chester, virgin
St. Nicholas, archbishop and enlightener of Japan, equal-to-the-Apostles (+1912)
Hieromartyr Celerinus the deacon, and Martyrs Laurence, Ignatius, and Celerina, in Africa
Martyr Tryphon at Nice
Hieromartyrs Tigides and Remedius, bishops, at Gap
St. John the Almsgiver, patriarch of Alexandria
St. Gaudentius at Evreux, bishop
Sts. Simplicius, Philip, and Evanthius, bishops, confessors, at Vienne
St. Laurence the Illuminator at Spoleto, bishop
St. Hadelin of Dinant in Belgium, priest
St. Belinda at Meerbeke in Belgium, virgin
Hieromartyr Nithard in Sweden, priest
St. Ansgar, bishop of Hamburg, apostle of Sweden and Denmark
Hieromartyr Liafdag at Ripe in Denmark, bishop
Martyrs Felix, Symphronius, Hippolytus, and other Martyrs, in Africa
Virgin-Martyr Ia (Ives) in Cornwall
St. Caellainn in Ireland, virgin
St. Werburga of Mercia, archabbess
St. Deodatus, monk of Lagny near Paris
St. Anatolius of Salins, bishop
St. Oliver at Ancona, monk of Portonuovo
St. Colman MacDuach, bishop of Connaught

February 17 / February 4, 2023

Afterfeast of the Meeting of the Lord
St. Isidore of Pelusium, monk
St. George, prince of Vladimir
St. Cyril, abbot, wonderworker of New Lake, Novoezersk
St. Nicholas the Confessor, abbot of the Studion
Martyrs Jadorus and Isidore, who suffered under Decius
St. George, prince of Vladimir
Hieromartyr Abramius, bishop of Arbela in Assyria
Sts. Shio of Mgvime and Evagrius, ascetics of Georgia
St. John, bishop of Irenopolis
Sts. Abraamius and Coprius, monks of Pechenga, Vologda
New Martyr Joseph of Aleppo
Martyr Theoctistus
St. Jasimus the Wonderworker, monk
Martyr Thalelaeus
St. Modan, abbot of Stirling and Falkirk
Hieromartyr Aldate of Gloucester (6th century)
New Martyrs at Moscow: Protopresbyters John Artobolevsky, Nicholas Kandaurov, and Alexander Sokolov; Priests John Aleshkovsky, Theodore Bobkov, Alexander Minervin, Alexis Sharov, Eustace Sokolsky, and Sergius Soloviev; and John Shuvalov; (+1918)
Repose of Blessed Royal Recluse Dosithea, nun of Moscow (+1810)

Hieromartyr Phileas the bishop of Thmuis, Martyr Philonius, and many other Martyrs, in Egypt
Martyrs Aquilinus, Geminus, Gelasius, Magus, and Donatus, at Rome
St. Aventinus at Troyes, hermit
St. Walburga, virgin
Hieromartyr Aldate at Gloucester, priest
St. Simeon the Godbearer, who in the Temple of Jerusalem took Christ in his arms and said, “Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart.”
Hieromartyr Abraham at Arbela in Assyria, bishop
St. Gelasius at Piacenza, boy
St. Isidore of Pelusium, hieromonk
Hieromartyr Liephard at Honcourt, bishop
St. Modan in Scotland, abbot of Melrose
St. Vulgis at Lobbes, abbot, bishop
St. Nicholas the Studite, abbot, who suffered for the Icons
St. Probatius at Nogent, priest
Ordination of St. Rimbert, archbishop of Hamburg and Bremen
Martyr Eutychius at Rome
St. Aventinus of Chartres, bishop
St. Vincent of Troyes, bishop

February 18 / February 5, 2023

After feast of the Meeting of the Lord
Virgin-Martyr Agatha of Palermo in Sicily (+251)
St. Theodosius, archbishop of Chernigov
Martyr Theodula of Anazarbus in Cilicia, and with her Martyrs Helladius, Macarius, Boëthus, and Evagrius
St. Gregory Rosca in Romania
St. Polyeuctus, patriarch of Constantinople
New Martyr Anthony of Athens, at Constantinople
Martyr Basilissa
St. Theodosius of Skopelos in Cilicia (ca. 421)
St. Avitus, bishop of Vienne (+525)
Martyr-Prince Alfred of England, at Ely
New Martyrs Matushka Agatha of Belo-Russia (+1938), Schema-monk Eugene (+1939), and Righteous Paramon (+1941)
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Yeletsky-Chernigov,” “Cilician-Divnogorsky,” and “Seeking Out of the Lost”
Repose of Blessed and Righteous Michael, metropolitan of Serbia (+1897)

Virgin-Martyr Agatha of Catania, Sicily
St. Avitus at Vienne, bishop
St. Ingeminus the Confessor, bishop of Savio
St. Albinus at Brixen, bishop
Old Testament: Sts. Abraham the Patriarch, his wife Sara; Melchisedec the priest-king of Jerusalem, Lot, Isaac, Rebecca, Jacob, Rachel, and Lia; Patriarchs of Israel Ruben, Simeon, Levi, Juda, Isachar, Zabulon, Gad, Aser, Dan, Nephthali, Joseph, and Benjamin
Sts. Ephraim and Manasses, sons of Joseph
St. Agricolaus at Utrecht, bishop
Martyrs Indractus the hermit, his sister Dominica, and Nine other Martyrs, at Glastonbury
St. Bertulf of Renty at Ghent, abbot
St. Vodoald, hermit of Soissons
Sts. Domitian the duke of Carinthia, and his wife Mary
St. Polyeuctus, patriarch of Constantinople
St. Adelaide (Alice) at Willich-Bonn, abbess
Hieromartyr Abraham of Arbela, bishop
St. Modestus of Salzburg, bishop
Hieromartyr Arcontius of Vivers, bishop
Blessed John Morosini, abbot-founder of St. George’s in Venice
St. Buo in Iceland, monk
St. Fingen of Metz, abbot

February 19 / February 6, 2023

Sunday of the Last Judgement (Meatfare Sunday)
Afterfeast of the Meeting of the Lord
St. Bucolus, bishop of Smyrna
St. Photius, patriarch of Constantinople
Martyr Julian of Emesa
Virgin-Martyr Fausta, and with her Martyrs Evilasius and Maximus, at Cyzicus
Virgin-Martyr Dorothy, Martyred sisters Christina and Mary, and Martyr Theophilus, at Caesarea in Cappadocia
Virgin-Martyrs Martha and Mary, and their brother Martyr Lycarion the monk, in Egypt
St. Arsenius of Iqalto, Georgia
Sts. Barsanuphius the Great and John the Prophet, monks of Palestine
St. Dorothy, schema-nun of Kashin
St. James of Cyrrhus in Syria
Martyrs Faustus, Basil, Silvanus, Sebastian, and Daria, in the Darion quarter of Constantinople
St. John of Lycopolis, monk
St. James the Ascetic
St. Mael, bishop of Ardagh, disciple of St. Patrick (+488)
St. Vedast, bishop of Arras, France (+540)
St. Amand, apostle of Maastricht, in the Netherlands (+675)
New Hieromartyr Basil Nadezhdin, priest of Moscow (+1930)
Repose of Blessed Archbishop Theophanes of Poltava (+1940)

Sexagesima Sunday
Veneration of the Holy Cross
St. Vedastus (Foster), bishop of Arras
Elevation of the relics of both St. Amandus the bishop of Maastricht and the apostle of Flanders, and of St. Andrew the abbot, at Elnone monastery
St. Photius, patriarch of Constantinople
Virgin-Martyr Dorothy and Martyr Theophilus, at Caesarea in Cappadocia
Martyr Atholian at Auvergne
St. Dorothy (another) at Alexandria, virgin
Sts. Mel of Armagh, Melchus of Ardagh, and Munis of Lough Ree, bishops; and Rioch the abbot-hermit; nephews of St. Patrick, in Ireland
St. Finian of Ireland, abbot
St. Bucolus, bishop of Smyrna
Hieromartyrs Sylvan the bishop, Luke the deacon, and Martyr Mucius the reader, at Emesa
St. Aventinus at Troyes, abbot, hermit
Sts. Ina the king of West Saxons, and his wife Ethelburga, pilgrims, at Rome
Holy 10 Martyrs of Africa
Sts. Jacut and Guethenoc, sons of Sts. Fragan and Gwen
St. Amandus, abbot, founder of Nantua
St. Relinda, abbess of Eyck on the Meuse

February 20 / February 7, 2023

Week of the Last Judgment
St. Parthenius, bishop of Lampascus on the Hellespont
St. Luke of Mt. Steirion in Hellas, monk
St. Mastridia of Jerusalem, ascetic desert-dweller
Holy 1,003 Martyrs of Nicomedia
Holy Six Martyrs of Phrygia
St. Peter of Monovatia, monk
Martyr Theopemptus, Synnodia, and those Martyrs with them
St. Aprion, bishop of Cyprus
New Martyr George of Crete
Hieromartyr Augulus, bishop of Augusta, in London, who suffered under Diocletian (ca. 305)
St. Ronan, bishop of Kilmaronen
St. Richard, father of Sts. Willibald, Wunnibald, and Walburga
New Hieromartyr Alexander Talizin at Tver, priest (+1938)
Repose of Blessed Archimandrite Gennadius, ascetic of Roslavl forests (+1826)

Hieromartyr Augulus at London, bishop, martyred under Diocletian
St. Moses the Arab near Mt. Sinai, bishop
Martyr Moses the abbot and Six Martyred Monks, at Scete
St. Richard at Lucca, prince of Wessex, father of St. Willibald
St. Ronan, bishop of Kilmaronen, in Scotland
St. Cyrus at Papias, bishop
Hieromartyr Chrysolius of Armenia, bishop, in Flanders
Martyr Adauctus with many other Martyrs, at Antandris
Holy 1,003 Martyrs at Nicomedia
St. Maximus, bishop of Nola
Martyr Theodore at Heraclea
St. Parthenius, bishop of Lampsacus
St. Juliana at Bologna, widow
St. Tressan at Mareuil, priest
St. Laurence, bishop of Manfredonia
St. Fidelis of Mérida, bishop
St. Meldan at Péronne
St. Luke the Younger, at Soterio, Greece
St. Romuald, abbot, founder of Camaldoli
St. Anatolius of Cahors, bishop
St. Amulwin of Lobbes, abbot, bishop

February 21 / February 8, 2023

Week of the Last Judgment
Great-Martyr Theodore Stratelates (“the General”) at Heraclea
Prophet Zechariah
Martyr Conitus of Alexandria
St. Sabbas (Sava) II, archbishop of Serbia
Sts. John and Basil, monks of the Kiev Caves
Martyrs Nicephorus and Stephen
Martyrs Philadelphus and Polycarp
St. Macarius, bishop of Paphos, in Cyprus
St. Pergetus
St. Kew, virgin of Cornwall
St. Cuthman of Steyning
St. Elfleda, abbess of Whitby
St. Lyubov of Ryazan, fool-for-Christ (+1921)
New Hieromartyrs Protopresbyter Andrew Dobrinin (+1938) and Priest Alexander Abissov (+1942), of Yaroslavl-Rostov
New Hieromartyr Simeon Kulgavets, priest, of Moscow (+1938)

Veneration of the Holy Cross (transferred from 02/06)
Martyrs Dionysius, Emilian, and Sebastian, in Lesser Armenia
Virgin-Martyr Cointha and Martyr Serapion, at Alexandria
Martyr Solomon at Córdova
Martyrs Paul the bishop, Lucius, and Cyriacus, at Rome
St. Juventius, bishop of Pavia
Many Holy Martyrs in Persia, under Kabades
St. Honoratus at Milan, bishop
St. Nicetas at Besançon, bishop
Martyr Meingold at Huy in Belgium
St. Cuthman at Steyning in West Sussex, hermit
Holy Martyrs of Constantinople
St. Kigwe in Monmouthshire, virgin
St. Oncho at Clonmore monastery, bard, pilgrim
St. Paul of Verdun, bishop
St. Elfleda, abbess of Whitby after St. Hilda
Blessed Mlada (Mary) at Prague, abbess of St. George’s

February 22 / February 9, 2023

Martyr Nicephorus of Antioch
Opening of the relics of St. Innocent of Irkutsk
Hieromartyrs Marcellus, bishop of Syracuse, Sicily; Philagrious, bishop of Cyprus; and Pancratius, bishop of Taormina, Sicily; all of which were disciples of the Apostle Peter
Virgin-Martyr Apollonia of Alexandria
St. Shio, monk of Mgvime, Georgia
Hieromartyr Peter, bishop of Damascus
Sts. Nicephorus and Gennadius, monks of Lake Vazha, Vologda
St. Pancratius, hieromonk of the Kiev Caves
Sts. Aemilian and Brachio of Tours, Gaul
St. Teilo, bishop of Llandaff
Repose of Blessed Maria, desert-dweller of Olonets (+1860)

St. Cyril of Alexandria
Virgin-Martyr Apollonia, at Alexandria
Martyrs Ammonius and Alexander, in Cyprus
St. Ansbert, bishop, in Rouen
St. Teilo of Llandaff, bishop, in Wales
Martyr Nicephorus, at Antioch
St. Romanus the wonderworker, monk
Hieromartyr Athenodorus, bishop, at Pontus
Hieromartyrs Primus and Donatus, deacons, at Lemele, Africa
St. Taraghta, virgin, in Ireland
St. Branwallader, bishop in Jersey, in Cornwall
Sts. Emilian and Bracchio of Tours
St. Nebridius, bishop of Egara, Spain
Martyr Victor, and the Virgin-Martyr Susanna, at Mouzon
St. Eunomius, bishop of Lesina, Italy
St. Audobert, bishop of Senlis
St. Alto the Irish, abbot of Altomunster, in Upper Bavaria
Martyrs Alexander and the 38 other Holy Martyrs
Martyrs Ammon, Emilian Lassa, and 41 other Martyrs, in Africa
St. Eingan, hermit of Wales
St. Cuaran the Wise, bishop, at Iona
St. Cronan the Wise, bishop, in Ireland

February 23 / February 10, 2023

Hieromartyr Charalampus, bishop of Magnesia in Thessaly
St. Anna of Novgorod, wife of Yaroslav I
Martyrs Porphyrius and Baptus, torturers of Hieromartyr Charalampus, and three women converted on witnessing the Hieromartyr’s sufferings
Martyrs Ennatha, Valentina, and Paul of Palestine
St. Prochorus of the Kiev Caves
Sts. Joachim, Luke the Jew, Germanus, Arcadius, Gregory, Martyrius, Anthony, Basil, Moses, Symeon, and Gennadius, hierarchs of Novgorod
St. Longinus, abbot of Koryazhemka, Vologda
Sts. Mark and John
St. Galina
Martyr Carpus
New Hieromartyr Anatole, metropolitan of Odessa (+1938)
St. Merwinna, abbess of Romsey
“Fiery Appearance” Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos
St. Anastasius II, archbishop of Jerusalem
St. Scholastica of Italy, sister of St. Benedict
St. Merwinna, abbess of Romsey
St. Trumwine, bishop of Abercorn, Scotland

St. Scholastica, abbess, virgin, sister of St. Benedict the Great
Martyrs Zoticus, Irenaeus, Hyacinth, Amantius, and other Martyrs, at Rome
Virgin-Martyr Soteris, at Rome
Ten Martyred Soldiers, on the Lavican Way, at Rome
St. Austroberta, abbess of Pavilly near Rouen
St. Merwenna, abbess of Romsey, and the translation of the relics of St. Gertrude, abbess
St. Arianus, named by Eusebius
St. Trumwin, bishop of Abercorn, Scotland
Hieromartyr Erlulf, bishop, of Werden
Hieromartyr Charalampus the priest, Two Martyred Soldiers, and Three Martyred Women, at Magnesia
St. Zeno, hermit, at Antioch
St. Protadius, bishop of Besancon
Virgin-Martyr Sura, at Dortrecht
St. Caedmon, monk of Whitby, the father of English poetry
Martyrs Andrew and Aponius
St. Silvanus of Terracina, bishop
St. Baldegunda, abbess
St. Desideratus of Clermont, bishop
Blessed Salvius of Albelda, abbot, in Spain

February 24 / February 11, 2023

Hieromartyr Blaise, bishop of Sebaste
Hieromartyr Lucius of Adrianopolis
New Martyr George of Kratovo, at Sofia
St. George (another), abbot
St. Demetrius, monk, wonderworker of Priluki, Vologda
St. Vsevelod (in holy baptism, Gabriel), prince and wonderworker of Pskov
St. Theodora, protectress of Icons, wife of Emperor Theophilus the Iconoclast
Uncovering of the relics of St. Zacharias, father of St. John the Baptist
St. Porphyrius, monk, fool-for-Christ
St. Gobnet (Gobnait), abbess of Ballyvourney, Ireland (7th century)
St. Caedmon, monk of Whitby, Yorkshire (+680)
St. Benedict of Aniane, Gaul (+821)
Repose of the Blessed Archbishop Simon of Shanghai and Peking (+1933)

St. Desiderius the bishop, and Martyr Pontius, at Lyons
St. Severinus, abbot of Agaunum, at Chateaux Landon
St. Euphrosyne, virgin, at Alexandria
Martyr Leonides, Origen’s father, at Alexandria
St. Mamia, queen
St. Calocerus, bishop at Ravenna
Martyr Tigrinus, at Rome
St. Jonas Gardener, monk of Egypt
St. Castrensis, bishop of Volterra
St. Secundinus, bishop of Troja, Italy
St. Ecian, bishop in Ireland
Martyrs Lucius, bishop; and others; at Adrianople
St. Lazarus of Milan, bishop
St. Gobnata (Deborah), abbess in Ireland
St. Benedict of Aniane, abbot
St. Theodora, empress
St. Caedmon

February 25 / February 12, 2023

St. Meletius, archbishop of Antioch the Great
Repose of St. Alexis, metropolitan of Moscow and wonderworker of All Russia
St. Anthony, patriarch of Constantinople
St. Mary, nun (who was called Marinus), and her father, St. Eugene, monk, at Alexandria
St. Prochorus of Georgia
New Martyr Luke of Jerusalem
St. Nicholas Dvali of Jerusalem
New Martyr Chrestus (Kristo) the Gardener from Albania, at Constantinople
St. Bassian, abbot of Ryabov monastery, Uglich
St. Meletius, archbishop of Kharkov
Martyrs Saturninus and Plotinus
New Martyr Alexis, bishop of Voronezh (+1930)
New Hieromartyr Protopriest Metrophanes Devitsky of Voronezh (+1920)
St. Gertrude, abbess of Nivelles, in the Netherlands (+659)
Hieromartyr Urban, bishop of Rome
Iveron Icon (Moscow) of the Most Holy Theotokos
Martyrs Saturninus and Plotinus
St. Ethilwald, bishop of Lindisfarne (+740)
Repose of the cave-dweller Blessed Anastasia Logacheva (+1875)

Virgin-Martyr Eulalia at Barcelona
Martyrs Satruninus, priest; and Davitus, Felix, Ampelius, Rogatian, Januarius, Cassian, Victorian, and Many others Martyrs, at Carthage
Martyrs Modestus and Ammonius, children, at Alexandria
Martyrs Macarius, Rufinus, and Justus
Venerable Sedulius, hymnographer of Ireland and Athens
St. Firmilian, bishop, at Caesarea Cappadocia, who rebuked Pope St. Stephen for accepting Baptism outside the Church
Sts. Theodore and Athinodor, bishops, Origin’s brothers
St. Meletius, patriarch of Antioch
St. Rioch, monk, in Brittany
St. Benedict, bishop, at Albenga, in Northern Italy
St. Ethelwold, bishop of Lindisfarne
Martyr Modestus, at Carthage
Martyr Julian, at Alexandira
St. Julian Hospitaller, at Rome
Martyr Damian, soldier, in Africa
Martyr Damian, at Rome
St. Gaudentius of Verona, bishop
St. Anthony Cauleas, patriarch of Constantinople
St. Gertrude

February 26 / February 13, 2023

Forgiveness Sunday (Cheesefare Sunday)
Commemoration of the Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise
St. Martinian, monk of Caesarea in Palestine
Holy woman Zoe of Bethlehem and the virgin Photina, nuns
St. Timothy, patriarch of Alexandria
St. Symeon the Myrrh-gusher (Prince Stephen Nemanja) of Serbia
St. Eulogius, archbishop of Alexandria
Righteous Martin the Merciful
St. Nicander
St. Onesimus the Faster
St. Artemius of Palestine
St. Justinian
St. Joseph of Volokolamsk
St. Seraphim (Sobolev), bishop of Boguchar, wonderworker of Sofia (+1951)
St. Ermenhilda, abbess of Ely
St. Huna, hieromonk of Huneya
Translation of the relics of St. Edward the Martyr, King of England
St. Modomnoc, bishop of Ossory (+6th century)
St. Castor of Karden, hieromonk and missionary, in Germany
St. Huna, hieromonk of Huneya
Translation of the relics of Martyr-King Edward of England
Apostle Aquila of the Seventy, and St. Priscilla
New Hieromartyr Silvester, archbishop of Omsk and Pavlogradka (+1920)
New Hieromartyrs Protopresbyter Zosimas Trubachev, Priest Nicholas Dobrolyubov, the New Martyr Paul Sokolov, of Moscow (+1938)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Dolinsky”
Repose of the Blessed Archbishop George Konkissky of Belo-Russia (+1795)
Repose of the Blessed Abbess Seraphima of Sezenovo (+1877)

Quinquagesima Sunday
Shrove Sunday (Sunday before Great Lent)
Uncovering of the relics of St. Edward, king, martyr, who now lies at the holy monastery in Brookwood
St. Agabus, prophet, at Antioch (Acts 21:10)
Martyr Polyeuctus, at Melitene in Armenia
St. Lucinus, bishop, in Angers
St. Ermenilda, queen, abbess of Ely, in Britain
Martyrs Fusca, virgin, accused by her father; and her friend Maura; at Ravenna
St. Stephen, abbot of Rieti
St. Castor, priest
St. Gislebert, bishop of Meaux
St. Juliana of Turin, matron
St. Domninus, bishop of Digne
St. Martinian, hermit, in Palestine
St. Stephen of Lyons, bishop
St. Modomnoc, bishop of Ossory
Sts. Aymon and Weremund, counts at Turbio
St. Fulcran, bishop of Lodeve, in France
Martyr Benignus of Todi
Martyr Julian of Lyons
St. Enogatus of Aleth, bishop
St. Huna of Ely, hieromonk
St. Dyfnog, in Debighshire
St. Aimo, monk, founder of St. Victor monastery near Milan
St. Gosbert of Osnabruck, bishop

February 27 / February 14, 2023

Beginning of the Great Lent
Clean Monday
St. Auxentius, monk of Bithynia
St. Cyril, Equal-to-the-Apostles, teacher of the Slavs
St. Raphael, bishop of Brooklyn
Holy 12 Greeks who built the Dormition cathedral at the Kiev Caves Lavra
St. Isaacius, recluse of the Kiev Caves
St. Maron, hermit of Syria
St. Peter, patriarch of Alexandria
St. Abraames, bishop of Carrhae (Haran) in Mesopotamia
Translation of the relics of the Martyr-Prince Michael of Chernigov and the Martyr Theodore his counsellor
Hieromartyr Philemon, bishop of Gaza
New Martyr George of Mytilene, at Constantinople
New Martyr Nicholas of Corinth, at Constantinople
Martyr Damian, monk, at Larissa

Shrove Monday
(On this day, the clergy should begin the full Lenten abstinence)
Hieromartyr Valentine, priest, at Rome
Martyrs Vitalis, Felicula, and Zeno, at Rome
Hieromartyr Valentine (another), bishop, at Terni
Martyrs Bassus, Anthony, and Protolicus, at Alexandria
Hieromartyr Cyrion the priest, and the Martyrs Moses, Bassian, and Agatho, at Alexandria
Martyrs Cyrus and his Wife, Hieromartyr Cheramon the bishop, and Many other Martyrs, at Alexandria
St. Eleuchadius, bishop, at Ravenna
Sts. Modestin the bishop, Florentinus the priest, and Flavian the deacon, at Avellino
St. Maro, abbot, hermit, in Syria
St. Abraham, bishop, at Carrhae, in Mesopotamia
St. Auxentius, hermit, in Bithynia
St. Antoninus, abbot, at Sorrento
Hieromartyr Bruno the bishop, and 18 others Martyrs, in Prussia
St. Nostrianus, bishop, at Naples
St. Theodosius of Vaison, bishop
St. Conran, bishop, Apostle of the Orkney Islands
Translation of the relics of the Martyrs of Wurzburg: Kilian the bishop, Apostle of Franconia; Colman the priest, and Totnan the deacon

February 28 / February 15, 2023

First Week of the Great Lent
Clean Tuesday
Apostle Onesimus of the Seventy
Synaxis of St. John the Theologian in the Diaconissa quarter of Constantinople
St. Eusebius, hermit of Syria
St. Paphnutius the monk, and his daughter St. Euphrosyne the nun, of Alexandria
Martyr Major of Gaza
St. Paphnutius, recluse of the Kiev Caves
Hieromartyr Athanasius, bishop
Holy Two Martyred Soldiers of Thrace
Martyr Arsenius, monk
St. Dalmatus, abbot-founder of Dormition monastery, in Siberia
New Hieromartyrs John Kuminov and Michael Pyatayev, priests of Omsk (+1930); Hieromonk Paul; and Priest Nicholas Morkovin of Tver (+1938); in Russia
Dalmatovo Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos
St. Oswy, king of Northumbria (+670)
St. Sigfrid, bishop of Växjö

Shrove Tuesday
Martyrs Craton and his Wife and Household, at Rome
Hieromartyrs Faustinus the priest and Jovita the deacon; in Brescia
Virgin-Martyr Agape, at Terni
Hieromartyr Joseph, deacon, at Antioch
A Holy Matron and her Two Daughters, Virgin-Martyrs
St. Eusebius of Aschia, hermit, in Syria
St. Georgia, virgin, at Clermont
St. Quinidius, bishop of Vaison
St. Berach of Cluain, bishop, abbot, in Ireland
St. Oswy, king of Northumbria
St. Faustus, monk of Glanfeuil
St. Walfrid, abbot of Monte Virido
Hieromartyr Sigfried the bishop, apostle of Sweden; and his three martyred nephews: Hieromonk Unaman, Hierodeacon Sunaman, and Subdeacon-monk Winaman; at Vaxjo
St. Dochow, bishop, monastery-founder, in Cornwall
St. Severus of Androcca, confessor
St. Frannan, abbot of Allernan, Sligo
St. Decorosus of Capua, bishop
Hieromartyr Tanco of Werden, bishop, in Hanover
St. Druthmar of Lorsch, abbot

March 1 / February 16, 2023

Clean Wednesday
Hieromartyrs Presbyter Pamphilus and Deacon Valens, and the Martyrs Paul, Seleucus, Porphyrius, Julian, Theodulus, Elias, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Samuel, and Daniel; at Caesarea in Palestine
Hieromartyr Maruthas the bishop, and others Martyrs whose relics were translated to Martyropolis (in Persia) by St. Maruthas
New Venerable-Martyr Romanus of Carpenesion, at Constantinople
St. Flavian the hermit, archbishop of Antioch
St. Macarius, metropolitan of Moscow, apostle to the Altai (+1926)
New Hieromartyrs Elias Chetverukhin (+1934) and Peter Lagov (+1931), priests
St. Basil of Pavlovsky Posad

Ash Wednesday (Blessing and Procession of Ashes)
Beginning of Western Lent
Virgin-Martyr Juliana at Cumae
Martyr Onesimus, bishop of Ephesus, disciple of St. Paul, concerning whom he wrote the epistle to Philemon
Hieromartyr Honestus, priest, at Nimes
Martyrs Adauctus and Many other Martyrs, in Phrygia
Hieromartyr Deacon Valens, Martyr Paul, and Seven other Martyrs, in Alexandria
Martyrs Proclus, Ephebus, and Apollonius, at Terni
Martyr Cornelius, at Rome
Martyrs Elias, Jeremias, Isaias, Samuel, Daniel, Porphyrius, Seleucus, and other Martyrs, at Caesarea in Palestine
St. Flavian, hermit, in the East
St. Eulalius, bishop of Syracuse
St. Faustinus, bishop of Brescia
St. Aganus, abbot of Airola

March 2 / February 17, 2023

Clean Thursday
Great-Martyr Theodore the Recruit
Hieromartyr Hermogenes, wonderworker, patriarch of Moscow and All Russia
Opening of the relics of the Martyr Menas of Alexandria
St. Mariamne, sister of the Apostle Philip
St. Auxibius, bishop of Soli on Cyprus
St. Theodosius the Bulgarian and his disciple St. Romanus, monks of Turnovo, Bulgaria
St. Theodore the Silent of the Kiev Caves
New Martyr Theodore of Byzantium, at Mytilene
Holy 17 Martyrs of Syria
St. Porphyrius
Weeping Tikhvin Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos on Mt. Athos
Emperor Marcian and Empress Pulcheria his wife
Commemoration of the dedication of the Great Church in Constantinople
St. Finan, bishop of Lindisfarne
St. Barnabas of the Gethsemane skete of St. Sergius’ Lavra (+1906)
Righteous Nicholas Planas, priest of Athens (+1932)
Repose of the Blessed Elder Agapitus of the Kiev Caves (+1887)

Thursday after the Ashes
Martyr Julian and 500 other Martyrs, in Egypt
Hieromartyr Polychronius, bishop, in Babylon, Persia
Martyrs Donatus, Secundian, Romulus, and 86 other Martyrs, at Concordia
St. Fintan, abbot of Clonenagh, Ireland
St. Silvanus, bishop, in Terouanne
St. Lupianus the confessor, at Clermont
St. Sabinus, bishop of Canosa, at Bari
Martyrs Donatus, Castulus, Magnus, and other Martyrs, at Terni
Martyrs Tehodulus and Julian, at Caesarea in Palestine
Sts. Loman the bishop of Trim, and Fortchern the hermit and bishop of Trim, in Ireland
St. Finan, bishop of Lindisfarne
Hieromartyr Habetdeus, bishop
St. Kerrick, abbot of Loc-Kirec, advisor to St. Paul of Leon, in Brittany

March 3 / February 18, 2023

Clean Friday
St. Leo the Great, pope of Rome
St. Flavian the confessor, patriarch of Constantinople
St. Agapitus the confessor and bishop of Synaus in Phrygia, and the Martyrs Victor, Dorotheus, Theodulus, and Agrippa, who suffered under Licinius
St. Blaise, monk of Athos
St. Cosmas, monk of Yakhroma
Commemoration of the New Martyrs who suffered during the “Holy Night” in Petersburg (1932)
St. Colman, bishop of Lindisfarne
Martyrs Leo and Paregorius, of Patara in Lycia
Martyr Piulius
Finding of the relics of the New Martyr Irene of Lesbos
St. Nicholas, catholicos of Georgia
St. Basil, bishop
New Hieromartyrs Priest Alexander Medvedsky (+1932) and Hieromonk Benjamin (+1938)

Friday after the Ashes
Reception of the relics of the Martyr-King Edward at Shaftesbury
Hieromartyr Simeon, bishop of Jerusalem, brother of St. Joseph the Betrothed
Martyrs Maximus; Claudius and his wife Praepedigna, with their sons Alexander and Cutias; put to death by fire; at Ostia
Martyrs Rutulus, Sylvanus, and Maximus, in Africa
St. Ethelina, virgin, in England
Hieromartyrs Philus, Hesychius, Pachomius, and Theodore, bishops, at Alexandria
Hieromartyr Panucius, bishop, in Egypt
Martyrs Leo and Paregorius, at Patara
Sts. Constantia, Augusta, Attica, and Artemia, virgins
Hieromartyr Flavian, bishop, at Constantinople
St. Helladius, bishop of Toledo
St. Angilbert, abbot of Centula, in France
St. Colman of Lindisfarne, bishop

March 4 / February 19, 2023

Soul Saturday
Great Martyr Theodore Tyro (306) (movable holiday on Saturday of the 1st week of the Great Lent)
Apostles Archippus and Philemon, of the Seventy
Martyr Apphia, Equal-to-the-Apostles
St. Dositheus of Palestine, disciple of the Holy Abba Dorotheus
St. Rabulas of Samosata, monk
Sts. Eugene and Macarius the confessors, presbyters of Antioch
Martyrs Maximus, Theodotus, Hesychius, and Asclepiodota, of Adrianople
St. Conon, abbot in Palestine
Martyr Philothea, nun of Athens
New Hieromartyr Nicetas of Epirus, at Serres
St. Theodore, monk of Sanaxar

Saturday after the Ashes (At Vespers the Anathemas are chanted)
Hieromartyr Gabinius, priest, at Rome
Martyrs Publius, Julian, Marcellus, and other Martyrs, in Africa
A Holy Woman, a Prisoner, mentioned but not named by Eusebius
St. Auxibius, bishop of Solias
St. Zabdas, bishop, at Jerusalem
Martyr Odran, St. Patrick’s chariot-driver, slain in an attempt on St. Patrick’s life, in Ireland
Translation of the relics of St. Acca, bishop of Hesham
St. Conon, abbot, in Palestine
St. Mansuetus the confessor, bishop, at Milan
St. Barbatus the confessor, bishop, at Benevento
St. Barbatus, bishop, at Vallecava, Asturia
St. Valerius of Antibes, bishop
Holy Martyrs of Palestine
St. Beatus of Liebana, monk
St. George of Lodeve, bishop

March 5 / February 20, 2023

First Sunday of Great Lent – Triumph of Orthodoxy
St. Leo, bishop of Catania in Sicily
Beheading of St. Cornelius the abbot of the Pskov Caves, and his disciple St. Bassian of Myrom
St. Agatho, pope of Rome
Hieromartyr Sadoc (Sadoth, Shah Doost) the bishop of Persia, and 128 Martyrs with him
Hieromartyr Severian of Scythopolis
St. Agatho, wonderworker of the Kiev Caves
St. Bessarion the Great, wonderworker of the Kiev Caves
St. Mildred, abbess of Minster-in-Thanet
St. Cindeus, bishop of Pisidia
St. Plotinus, monk
St. Eutropius, monk
Martyrs Ammias and Amphilus
St. Isidore of Alexandria, monk
St. Eleutherius, bishop of Tournai
St. Eucherius, bishop of Orleans
Martyrs Abbot Macarius, Hieromonk Titus, Schemamonk Tichon, and the monks Gelasius, Sergius, Barlaam, Sabbas, Conon, Silvester, Cyprian, Poemen, John, Samonas, Jonas, David, Cornelius, Niphon, Athanasius, Serapion, and Barlaam; the novices Athanasius, Anthony, Luke, Leontius, Thomas, Dionysius, Philip, Ignatius, Basil, Pachomius, Basil, Theophilus, John, Theodore, and John; slain by the Lutherans (+1578)

First Sunday of Great Lent – “Invocavit”
Quadragesima Sunday
The Sunday of Orthodoxy and the Restoration of the Holy Icons (Before Dawn of the morrow, the Icons in the Church are covered with white cloth and Red Crosses)
Hieromartyrs Bishop Tyrannio, Bishop Sylvanus of Emesa; Peleus and Nilus, priests of Egypt; Priest Zenobius, and many other Martyrs
Martyrs Pothamius and Nemesius, in Cyprus
Martyrs Caius, Victor, and Potamius, at Rome
St. Eucherius, bishop, at Orleans
St. Bolcan, bishop of Derkan, in Ireland
St. Paula the Bearded, virgin of Avila, Spain
Hieromartyr Sadoth the bishop, and 128 other Martyrs, in Persia
Sts. Eucherius and Falco the bishop, at Maastricht
St. Eleutherius, bishop, at Toumai
St. Mildred, abbess of Minster, in Thanet
St. Leo the wonderworker, bishop of Catania
St. Valerius of Conserans, bishop
Hieromartyr Eleutherius of Byzantium, bishop
Sts. Flavian the patriarch of Antioch, and Elias the patriarch of Jerusalem, exiled by Emperor Anastasius
St. Colgan of Clonmacnoise, abbot
Elevation of the relics of St. Winnoc, abbot
Sts. Didymus and Caius

March 6 / February 21, 2023

St. Timothy of Symbola in Bithynia, monk
St. Eustace (Eustathius), archbishop of Antioch
Kozel’shchina Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos
St. George, bishop of Amastris on the Black Sea
St. John the Scholastic, patriarch of Constantinople
St. Zacharias, patriarch of Jerusalem
Holy Soldiers at Rome
St. Erkengota, virgin of Faremoutier-en-Brie
Repose of Blessed Simon (Todorsky), bishop of Pskov (+1794)
Repose of the Blessed Elder Macarius of Glinsk hermitage (+1864)

Martyrs Maurice the youth, Photinus, Theodore, and 76 other Martyrs, at Apamea
Martyrs Verulus, Secundinus, Servulus, and 20 other Martyrs, at Adrumetum, in Africa
St. Symmachus, pope of Rome, who had the Gloria sung at Liturgy
St. Vitaliana, virgin, in Auvergne, at Antonne
Hieromartyr Severian, bishop, at Scythopolis
St. Zacharias, patriarch of Jerusalem
St. Paterius, bishop, at Brescia
Blessed Pepin, father of St. Gertrude
St. Gundebert, bishop of Sens
Martyrs Germanus (Herman) the abbot, and Randoald (Randall) the prior of Munsterthal, Switzerland, who pled against high taxes
St. George of Amastris, bishop
St. Felix of Metz, bishop
Martyrs Daniel and Verda, in Persia
St. Avitus II of Clermont, bishop
St. Valerius of Astorga, abbot
Martyr Peter of Majuma

March 7 / February 22, 2023

Discovery of the relics of the Holy Martyrs at the gate of Eugenius at Constantinople
St. Abilius, patriarch of Alexandria
St. Papius of Hierapolis
Martyrs Maurice and 70 Martyred Soldiers, including his son Photinus, Theodore, and Philip, at Apamea in Syria
St. Titus, bishop of Bostra, Arabia
Sts. Thalassius, Limnaeus, and Baradatus, hermits of Syria
Holy youths Guarami, Adarnasi, Bakari, Vache, Bardzini, Dachi, Djuansheri, Ramazi, and Parsmani, brothers, at Kola, Georgia
Sts. Babylus and his wife Comnita of Nicosa
St. Athanasius the confessor of Constantinople
St. Telesphorus, pope of Rome
St. Peter the Stylite of Mt. Athos
Martyr Anthusa and her 12 Handmaidens
St. Blaise, bishop
Holy New Martyrs of Russia: Sts. Theoctista Michailovna, fool-for-Christ of Voronezh (+1936); Priest Michael Lisicin of Ust-Labinsk (+1918), Protopresbyter Joseph Smirnov, and Priest Vladimir Ilinsky (+1941), Deacon John Kastrosky, and John Perebaskin, of Kostroma-Galich (+1918); Priest Michael Gorbunov of Yaroslavl-Rostov (+1938); Andrew Gnevishev of Tver (+1941); Leonid Salkov and Peter Antonov, of Alma-Ata (+1938); and Irene Smirnova of Moscow (+1938)
Repose of Blessed Gregory “Golden Grits” (+1855)
Repose of Blessed schema-nun Abramia of Kashin (+1855)

Throne of the Holy Apostle Peter at Antioch, his first and principal see
St. Papias, bishop of Hierapolis
Martyr Aristion, one of the 70 Disciples, at Salamis
St. Abilias, 2nd bishop after St. Mark, at Alexandria
Hieromartyr Piaton, priest, at Tournai
Many Holy Martyrs who were slain by the axe in Arabia
St. Paschasius the confessor, bishop of Vienne
Sts. Thalassius and Limnaeus, hermits, near Cyrus, in Syria
St. Baradates, hermit, in Syria
St. Maximian, bishop, at Ravenna
St. Elwin, companion of St. Breaca, in Cornwall
St. Athanasius, abbot, at Nicomedia
Blessed Martyr John the Saxon, abbot of Athelingay
St. Raynor of Beaulieu, monk

March 8 / February 23, 2023

Hieromartyr Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna
Sts. John, Antiochus, Antoninus, Moses, Zebinas, Polychronius, Moses, and Damian, ascetics of the Syrian deserts
St. Alexander, founder of the monastery of the Unsleeping Ones
St. Gorgonia, sister of St. Gregory the Theologian
St. Damian of Esphigmenou monastery on Mt. Athos
St. Cosmas of Zographou on Athos, monk
St. Moses, monk of White Lake, Byelozersk
St. Polycarp, monk of Briansk
New Venerable-Martyr Damian the God-Lover, monk of Athos, new martyr of Kissavos, at Larissa
St. Mildburga, abbess of Much Wenlock
Martyr Clement
Martyr Thea
St. Adelphius, bishop
Martyr Lazarus
New Hieromartyr Nicholas Dmitrov, protopresbyter of Ryazan
New Martyrs Alexis Nikolsky the priest and Sergius Borodavkin, of Tver (+1938)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Sokolskaya”
St. Jurmin, prince of East Anglia
Repose of the Blessed Abbot Nazarius of Valaam (+1809)

Ember Wednesday in Lent
Vigil of the Apostle Matthias
St. Milburga, abbess of Wenlock
Martyr Sirenus the monk and 72 other Martyrs, at Sirmium, in Hungary
St. Polycarp the confessor, priest, at Rome
St. Modestus the confessor, bishop, at Trier
St. Pion, abbot, named in the Lives of the Fathers
Virgin-Martyr Martha at Astorga in Spain
St. Romana of Todi, virgin, at Rome
Sts. Zebinas, Polychronius, Moses, and Damian, hermits, in Syria
St. Dositheus of Gaza, monk, in Palestine
St. Felix, bishop, at Brescia
St. Erkengotha, abbess, at Faremoutier
St. Lazarus, monk and iconographer, at Constantinople
St. Celcus, bishop, at Trier
St. Florentius of Seville
St. Jurmin, prince, brother of St. Etheldreda, at Blythburgh in Suffolk
St. Medrald of Vendome, abbot
St. Willigis the confessor, archbishop, at Mainz
St. Boisil

March 9 / February 24, 2023

First and Second Findings of the Precious Head of the Holy Prophet and Forerunner John the Baptist, in the 4th century and again in the year 452 A.D.
St. Erasmus of the Kiev Caves
Opening of the relics of St. Romanus, prince of Uglich
St. Hilarion, bishop of Cyzicus
St. Sophronius, priest
St. Ethelbert, king of Kent
St. Cummain Ailbe, abbot of Ilona (+669)

Finding of the Head of St. John the Baptist at Jerusalem
Martyr Sergius, hermit, near Caesarea in Cappadocia
Sts. Ethelbert, king; and the royal chaplain St. Liuthard, bishop; in Kent
St. Cummian

March 10 / February 25, 2023

St. Tarasius, archbishop of Contantinople
Hieromartyr Reginus, bishop of the isle of Skopelos
St. Polycarp
Martyr Anthony
St. Paphnutius Kephalas, monk
Martyr Alexander at Drizipara
St. Walburga, abbess of Heidenheim (+779)
St. Ethelbert, king of Kent (+616)
St. Theodore, fool-for-Christ
Hieromartyr Marcellus, bishop of Apamea in Syria

Ember Friday in Lent
Hieromartyr Gerard at Budapest, bishop of Csanad, apostle of Hungary
Martyrs Montanus, Lucius, Julian, Victor, Quartillosia, and Flavian the deacon, in Africa
Hieromartyr Praetextatus, bishop, at Rouen
Martyr Primitiva
St. Betto, bishop, at Auxerre

March 11 / February 26, 2023

St. Porphyrius, archbishop of Gaza
St. Shio, monk, in Georgia (commemorated on the Thursday of cheesefare)
Martyr Sebastian
St. Sebastian, monk of Poshekhonye
New Martyr John the Cabinetmaker, at Constantinople
St. Nicholas
Martyrs Photina the Samaritan Woman, and her sisters Anatola, Phota, Photis, Parasceva, and Cyriaca; her sons Photinus (Victor) and Joses; Sebastian the Dux, and Christodulus
New Martyr Elias of Trebizond
New Martyrs Bishop John of Rila (+1938), Priest John Dunaev, and Nun Anna, of Yaroslavl-Rostov (+1938 & 1937); Priest Peter Varlamov of Ufim (+1930)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Mezhetskaya”

Ember Saturday in Lent
Martyrs Victorinus, Nicephorus, Victor, Claudian, Dioscorus, Serapion, and Papias, in Egypt
Finding of the head of the Apostle Paul
St. Walburga the Myrrh-streaming, abbess of Heidenheim
St. Piamon, priest
Hieromartyr Ananias the priest, Martyr Peter, and Seven Martyred Soldiers, in Phoenicia
St. Caesarius Nazianzen, in Bithynia
St. Aldetrudis, abbess, at Maubeuge
Martyrs Donatus, Justus, Herena, and 47 other Martyrs, in Africa
St. Victor of St. Gall, recluse in the Vosges

March 12 / February 27, 2023

Second Sunday of Great Lent – Commemoration of St. Gregory Palamas, archbishop of Thessalonica
Synaxis of All Saints of Kiev
St. Procopius the confessor of Decapolis
Martyrs Julian, his disciple Eunus (Chronion), Besas the soldier; and Mecarus, martyred at Alexandria under Decius
St. Macarius, bishop of Jerusalem
St. Titus, presbyter of the Kiev Caves
St. Thalelaeus, hermit of Syria
Martyr Gelasius the actor of Heliopolis
St. Stephen, monk of Constantinople
Sts. Titus the former soldier and Titus the hieromonk, at the Kiev Caves
St. Pitirim, bishop of Tambov
St. Herefrith, bishop of Lindsey in Lincolnshire
St. Leander, bishop of Seville
Martyr Nisius
Sts. Asclepius and James of Syria, monks
St. Timothy of Caeserea, monk
St. Marcian, bishop
Repose of the Blessed Archimandrite Photius of the Novgorod Yuriev monastery (+1838)
Repose of the Blessed Monk Anthony of Valaam (+1848)

Second Sunday of Great Lent – “Reminiscere”
Sunday of the Phoenician Woman
Hieromartyr Nestor, bishop, crucified, at Perge in Pamphylia
St. Alexander, patriarch of Alexandria
Martyrs Fortunatus, Felix, and 27 other Martyrs, at Antioch
Martyr Dionysius of Augsburg, bishop
St. Fautinian, bishop, at Bologna
St. Porphirius, bishop of Gaza
Sts. Eoladius and Agricola, bishops of Nevers
St. Victor, priest-hermit, at Arcis-sur-Aube
Martyrs Papias, Diodorus, Conon, and Claudian, shepherds, in Pamphylia
St. Andrew, bishop, at Florence
St. Quodvultdeus (“What-God-Wants”), bishop, at Carthage

March 13 / February 28, 2023

St. Basil the Confessor, companion of St. Procopius of Decapolis
Sts. Marina and Cyra, nuns of Syria
St. Domnina (Domnica), nun of Syria
Hieromartyr Proterius, patriarch of Alexandria, and Six Companions
Hieromartyr Nestor, bishop of Magydos, at Perge in Pamphilia
Apostles Nymphas and Eubulus of the Seventy
St. Leo, monk of Cappadocia
St. Cyprian of Crete
Blessed Nicholas Salos of Pskov, fool-for-Christ
New Martyr Anna of Thessalonica
Martyr Arsenius (Matseyevich), metropolitan of Rostov (+1772)
Holy Six Martyrs in Egypt
St. Romanus, desert-dweller of Condat in the Jura Mountains, Gaul (+460)
St. Barsus, bishop of Damascus
Martyrs Abricius (Abircius) and Benjamin
St. Germanus of Dobrogea, Romania
[February 29]
St. John Cassian the Roman, abbot
St. Evagrius
St. Niphon
St. John, called Barsanuphius, of Nitria in Egypt
Martyr Theosterictus the confessor, abbot of Pelecete
Martyr Barbarus
Martyr Melania
St. Cassian, recluse and faster of the Kiev Caves
St. Cassian, monk, of Mulake
St. Paisius, recluse
St. Oswald, archbishop of York (+992)
St. Meletius, archbishop of Kharkov

Martyrs Julian, his servant Chornion Eunus, and Besas the soldier, in Alexandria
St. Leander, bishop of Seville, apostle of the Visigoths
St. Baldomer, subdeacon-monk of Lyons
Martyrs Alexander, Abundius, Antigonus, and Fortunatus, of Rome
Virgin-Martyrs Honoria, Callistia, and Tristia, at Caesarea in Cappadocia
Martyr Gelasius of Heliopolis
St. Thalelaeus Much-Weeping, hermit, in Syria
St. Comgan, abbot in Ireland
Martyr Alnoth, hermit, of Stowe, England
Virgin-Martyr Honorina in France
Sts. Basil and Procopius, champions of the Icons
St. John, abbot, at Gorze
[February 29]
St. Oswald, archbishop of York, at Worcester
St. Romanus, hermit of Condat in the Jura Mountains
Sts. Macarius, Rufinus, Justus, and Theophilus
St. Aidus in Ireland
St. John, abbot, in Scetis
St. John, abbot, in the Thebaid
A St. John found in the Lives of the Fathers
Translation of the relics of St. Augustine from Hippo, 180 years after his death
Sts. Nymphas (Col. 4:15) and Eubulus (2 Tim. 4:21)
Martyr Proterius, patriarch of Alexandria
Martyrs Caerealis, Populus, Caius, and Serapion, at Alexandria
St. Ruellinus of Treguier, bishop
St. Llibio the confessor, on the isle of Anglesey
St. Maidoc, bishop, in Glamorganshire
St. Sulien (Silouan) of Bangor, abbot
St. Ermina, virgin, in Ireland

March 14 / March 1, 2023

Venerable-Martyr Eudocia of Heliopolis
Martyrs Nestor, Tribimius, Marcellus, and Anthony, of Perga in Pamphylia
Martyrs Nestorian, Cartius, Nicephorus, and Agapius
Holy 1,000 Martyrs of Saboria
Martyr Antonina of Nicaea in Bithynia
St. Domnina, nun of Syria
St. Agapius of Vatopedi monastery on Mt. Athos
St. Martyrius, abbot of Zelenets, Novgorod
Martyrs Charisius, Nicephorus, and Agapius
New Martyr Antonina, abbess, of Kizliar (+1924); New Hieromartyr Methodius (+1920); and Anastasia Andreyevna, fool-for-Christ; in the N. Caucasus
New Martyrs of Moscow: Protopresbyter Peter Liubimov (+1938), Nun Anna, and Hope (Nadezhda) Abakumova (+1938)
New Hieromartyr Alexander Ilenkov, priest (+1942), of Simferopol-Crimea
St. David, bishop of Menevia, Wales (6th century)
St. Swithbert, bishop of Kaiserworth (+713)
St. Albinus, bishop of Angers (+550)
St. Leo-Luke of Corleone, Sicily (+900)
Martyrs Sophronius and Silvester
Martyrs Charisius, Nicephorus, and Agapius

St. Albinus, bishop, in Angers
St. David the confessor, archbishop, in Wales
Holy 260 Martyrs at Rome
Martyrs Hermes and Adrian, at Marseilles
Martyrs Leo, Abundantius, Nicephorus, Donatus, and other Martyrs, in Carthage
Translation of the relics of the Martyr Herculanus, bishop, at Perugia
Sts. Sara and Syncletica, abbesses, in Scetis
Hieromartyr Hesychius, bishop, at Algeziras, Spain
Martyr Eudoxia, at Heliopolis, Phoenicia
Martyr Antonina, at Nicaea
St. Domnina, virgin, hermitess, in Syria
St. Marnoc of Annandale, bishop, in Scotland
St. Siviard, abbot of St. Calais, in France
St. Swibert of Kaiserwerth, bishop, apostle of Frisia
St. Monan, archdeacon of St. Andrew’s, in Scotland
Martyr Leo, archbishop of Rouen
St. Leo Luke, abbot, in Calabria
St. Rudesind, bishop of Celanova, Portugal
Hieromartyr Luperculus of Tarbes, bishop

March 15 / March 2, 2023

Hieromartyr Theodotus, bishop of Cyrenia
Appearance of the Kolomna Icon of the “Reigning” Mother of God (1917)
St. Arsenius, bishop of Tver
St. Agatho, monk of Scetis
Martyr Troadius of Neocaesarea
Virgin-Martyr Euthalia of Sicily
Holy 440 Martyrs slain by the Lombards
Sts. Sabbas and Barsanuphius, abbots of Tver
St. Sabbatius and his disciple St. Euphrosynus, monks of Tver
Martyr Hilary
Hieromartyr Athenodorus, bishop
St. Joseph
St. Chad, bishop of Lichfield, England (+672)
Martyr Hesychius the senator
St. Quintus (Cointus), confessor and wonderworker of Phrygia
St. Joachim of Vatopedi, Athos, and of Itaca (+1868)
Martyrs Andronicus and Athanasia
Repose of the Blessed Abbess Philareta of Ufa (+1890)

Sts. Chad the bishop of Lichfield, and his brothers Bishop Cedd of London and Priest Cynihill
Martyrs Jovinus, Basileus, and Countless other Martyrs, martyred under Emperor Alexander
Hieromartyr Lucius the bishop, and Martyrs Abasalom, Largius, Herolus, Primitius, and Januarius
St. Simplicius, pope
Holy 400 Martyrs slain by the Lombards in Italy
Many Clergy-Martyrs slain by the Vandals in Africa
Martyrs Paul, Heraclius, Secundilla, Januaria, and Luciosa, at Rome
St. Joavan, bishop
St. Willeich, priest, prior, at Kaiserswerth abbey
Sts. Fergna the White and Slebhin, abbots of Iona

March 16 / March 3, 2023

Martyr Eutropius of Amasea, and with him the Martyrs Cleonicus and Basiliscus
Sts. Zeno and Zoilus
St. Piama (Piamoun), virgin, of Egypt
St. Alexandra of Alexandria
Martyr Sabinus
Martyr Sebastian
St. Caluppan of Auvergne, Gaul (+576)
St. Non, nun, mother of St. David of Wales (6th century)
St. Winwaloe, abbot of Landevennec (+530)
Hieromartyr Theodoretus, presbyter of Antioch
St. John, catholicos of Georgia
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Volokolamsk”

Martyrs Marinus and Asterius the senator, in Caesarea Palestine
Martyrs Emitherius and Chelidonius, in Galicia
St. Winwaloe, abbot at Landevennec, Brittany
St. Kunegunda, empress, virgin, at Bamberg
Martyrs Basiliscus, Eutropius, and Cleonicus, at Amasea and Comana in Pontus
St. Camille, queen, virgin, near Auxerre
St. Nonnita, widow, St. David’s mother, in Wales
St. Titian, bishop, at Brescia
St. Calupanus, hermit of Meallet, Clermont
Martyrs Felix, Luciolus, Fortunatus, Marcia, and other Martyrs
St. Foila of Galway, virgin
St. Arthelais, virgin, at Benevento
St. Owen, hermit, near Lichfield
St. Sacer of Saggard, abbot, at Dublin
St. Lamalisse, hermit, at Lamlash
St. Christicola, bishop of Leinster
St. Anselm of Nonantola, abbot

March 17 / March 4, 2023

St. Gerasimus of the Jordan
St. Julian, patriarch of Alexandria
St. Daniel Alexandrovich, prince of Moscow
Martyrs Paul, his sister Juliana, and Quadratus, Acacius, and Stratonicus, at Ptolemias in Syria
St. Gregory, bishop of Constantia, in Salamis, on Cyprus
St. James the Faster of Phoenicia, Syria
Translation of the relics of the Martyr Wenceslaus (Vyacheslav), prince of the Czechs
Blessed Basil (Basilko), prince of Rostov
St. Gregory, bishop of Assos near Ephesus
St. Gerasimus, monk of Vologda
St. George (Yuri), great prince of Vladimir
Venerable-Martyrs Joasaph of Snetok Mountain monastery, Basil of Mirozha monastery, and other Martyrs slain by the Latins at Pskov
St. Peter, youth of Tobolsk (+1820)
New Hieromartyrs Priest Michael Kargopolov of Karsnoyarsk (+1919) and Priest Vyacheslav Leontiev of Nizhegorod (+1937)
Hieromartyrs Bishop Adrian of St. Andrew’s, Stalbrand, Geodianus, Caius, Clodian, and their Martyred Companions, on the Isle of May
St. Owin, monk of Lichfield
Repose of the Blessed Schema-monk Mark of Glinsk hermitage (+1893)
Blessed and Righteous John Vnukov the Much-Suffering

Hieromartyr Pope Lucius and the Holy 800 Martyrs, at Rome, on the Appian Way
Martyrs Caius the Palatine, Lucius, and 26 other Martyrs
Hieromartyr Bishop Adrian of St. Andrew’s, and the Martyrs Clodian, Stalbrand, Geodianus, and other Martyrs, in Scotland, on the Isle of May
St. Tabitha, in the Thebaid
St. Basinus, bishop of Trier
Martyrs Achelaus, Cyril, and Photius
Hieromartyrs Basil, Eugene, Agathodorus, Elpidius, Aetherius, Capiton, and Ephraim, bishops who preached in Crimea; and Nestor and Carcadius, bishops who preached in Cyprus
St. Gistilian of Menevia, uncle of St. David, in Wales
St. Felix of Rhuis, abbot
Passion of Martyr Adrian and 23 other Martyrs, at Nicomedia
St. Owen of Lastingham, disciple of St. Etheldreda

March 18 / March 5, 2023

Martyr Conon of Isauria
Martyr Conon the gardener of Pamphylia
Virgin-Martyr Irais (Rhais) of Antinoe in Egypt
Martyr Eulogius of Palestine
Martyr Eulampius of Palestine
Martyr Onisius of Isauria
St. Hesychius the faster of Mt. Maion in Bithynia
St. Hesychius, priest, at Jerusalem
St. Theophilus, bishop of Caesarea Palestine
St. Mark the ascetic of Egypt
Sts. Basil and Constantine of Yaroslavl
Translation of the relics of St. Theodore the prince of Smolensk and Yaroslavl, and his children Sts. David and Constantine
Martyrs Archelaus, Cyril, Photius, and 150 Companions, in Egypt
Martyr Adrian the abbot of Poshekhonye, and his fellow ascetic St. Leonidas
New Martyr John the Bulgarian, of Mt. Athos, at Constantinople
New Martyr George of Rapsana
St. Perran, monk of Perranporth
New Hieromartyrs Hieromonk Mardarius and Priest John Mirotvortsiev, of Yaroslavl-Rostov (+1938)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Education”

Martyr Phocas at Antioch
Martyrs Eusebius Politinus, and Nine other Martyrs, at Antioch
St. Kieran the Elder, bishop of Ossory, in Ireland
Hieromartyr Cyriacus, bishop of Jerusalem, the Jew whom St. Helen compelled to find the Holy Cross
St. Theophilus the confessor, bishop of Caesarea, at Palestine
St. Theophilus, bishop of Alexandria
St. Piran of Padstowe, monk of Perranporth, in Cornwall
Martyr Adrian at Caesarea in Palestine
St. Gerasimus, abbot, in Palestine
St. Virgil, archbishop of Arles
St. Eusebius, abbot, at Cremona
St. Colman of Armagh, buried by St. Patrick
St. Caron of Tregaron, bishop, in Cardiganshire
St. Carthage the elder, bishop
St. Clement, abbot, at Syracuse

March 19 / March 6, 2023

Third Sunday of Great Lent – Adoration of the Holy Cross
Holy 42 Martyrs of Amorium in Phrygia, including Constantine, Aetius, Theophilus, Theodore, Melissenus, Callistus, Basoes, and other Martyrs
St. Arcadius, monk of Cyprus
Martyrs Julian and Eubulus, disciples of St. Arcadius of Cyprus
Venerable-Martyrs Conon and his son Conon, of Iconium
The finding of the Precious Cross and the Precious Nails by Empress St. Helena
Translation of the relics of the Martyr Abraamius of Bulgar, on the Volga River, to Vladimir
St. Fridolin, abbot of Sackingen, enlightener of the Upper Rhine (+538)
Translation of the relics of Sts. Cyneswitha and Cyneburga, abbesses of Castor, and their kinswoman St. Tibba the nun, of Ryhall (963)
Venerable-Martyr Maximus
Martyr Euphrosynus
St. Hesychius the wonderworker of Mt. Maion in Bithynia
St. Anthimus
Sts. Baldred and Billfrith, hermits of Northumbria
Martyrs Cyriacus and 12 Companions, who suffered under Diocletian in Augsburg (+304)
St. Job (in the schema, Josue) of Anzer Island, in Solovki (+1720)
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Invincible Victory” in Czestochowa, “Chenstokhova,” and “Grace-Filled Heaven” in Moscow

Third Sunday of Great Lent – “Oculi Mei”
Sunday of the Strong Man
Martyrs Victor, Victorinus, Claudian, and Bassa, at Nicomedia and Apamea
St. Julian, bishop, at Toledo
Hieromartyr Marcian, bishop, at Tortona
Sts. Kinneburga the foundress of Castor, and her sister Kinneswitha the abbess, and their kinswoman Tibbe the nun
St. Quiracus, priest, at Trier
St. Evagrius, patriarch of Constantinople
St. Sezin, abbot of Guic-Sezni, Brittany
St. Fridolin, abbot of Sackingen
Translation of the relics of Sts. Baldred the priest, and Bilfred the Goldsmith, hermits of Lindisfarne, to Durham
St. Chrodegang of Metz, bishop
Holy 42 Martyrs slain by Saracens, in Syria
St. Cadroe, abbot of St. Clement, at Metz
St. Baldred, hermit, bishop of Glasgow, Scotland
Martyr Conon of Mandona
St. Basil, bishop, at Bologna

March 20 / March 7, 2023

Commemoration of Great-Martyr Theodore the Recruit
Hieromartyrs of Cherson: Basil, Ephraim, Capiton, Eugene, Aetherius, Elpidius, and Agathadorus, bishops
St. Paul the confessor, bishop of Plusias in Bithynia
St. Paul the Simple of Egypt, disciple of St. Anthony the Great
St. Emilian of Rome, monk
Sts. Nestor and Arcadius, bishops of Tremithus
St. Dandas and All the Saints of Thrace
St. Laurence, founder of the monastery of the Mother of God Phanaromene on the island of Salamis
St. Eosterwine, abbot of Wearmouth
New Hieromartyr Michael Edlinsky, protopriest
New Martyrs of Moscow: Hieromonk Nilus, Nun Mary, and Nun Matrona, of Moscow (+1938)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Surety of Sinners” at Orlovsk and at Moscow
Repose of the Blessed Schema-monk Sisoes of Valaam (+1931)

Martyrs Perpetua, Felicitas, Revocatus, Saturninus, his brother Satyrus, and Secundulus, at Carthage in Africa
St. Esterwin, abbot, at Wearmouth
Martyr Eubulus, at Caesarea in Palestine, companion of St. Adrian (St. Adrian is commemorated on March 5 o.s.)
St. Gaudiosus, bishop of Brescia
St. Drausinus, bishop of Soissons
St. Wenedoc the Confessor, in Wales
St. Deifer (“God-bearing”), abbot, founder of Bodfari in Flintshire
St. Paul, bishop, who suffered for the holy icons, at Prusa in Bithynia
St. Ardo of Aniane, abbot
Translation of the relics of St. Hildelitha, abbess of Barking

March 21 / March 8, 2023

St. Theophylactus the confessor, bishop of Nicomedia
St. Dometius, monk
Hieromartyr Theodoretus, presbyter of Antioch
Holy Apostle Hermas of the Seventy
Martyrs Quinctilian and Capitolinus, of Nicomedia
Sts. Lazarus and Athanasius, monks of Murman Island, at Lake Onega
St. Theodosius, monk
St. Felix of Burgundy, bishop of Dunwich, apostle of East Anglia (+648)
St. Paul the confessor, bishop of Plusias, in Bithynia
Martyr Dio
Holy 1,000 Martyrs of Persia
St. Duthac, bishop in Ross, Scotland
St. Pacianus, bishop of Barcelona
St. Vitalius of Castronovo
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Of the Sign” of Kursk

Martyrs Philemon the piper and Apollonius the deacon, at Antinoe in Egypt, martyred under the judge Arian
Martyrs Arian the judge (the same as listed above), Theoticus, and Three of his Martyred Officers, drowned
St. Pontius the deacon, and Hieromartyr Cyprian the bishop, of Carthage
St. Felix of Dunwich, at Ramsey, bishop, apostle of E. Anglia
St. Senan the confessor of Iniscathy, archbishop, in Ireland
Hieromartyr Cyril the bishop, and Martyrs Rogatus, Felix, Rogatus (another), Herenia, Felicitas, Urban, Sylvanus, and Mamilius, in Africa
Hieromartyr Quintilus, bishop, at Nicomedia
St. Theophylact, bishop, at Nicomedia
St. Humphrey, bishop of Therouanne
St. Provinus, bishop, at Como
St. Rhian, abbot, in Pembrokeshire
St. Beoadh (Beatus), bishop of Ardcarne, in Ireland

March 22 / March 9, 2023

Holy 40 Martyrs of Sebaste: Cyrion (Quirio), Candidus, Domnus, Hesychius, Heraclius, Smaragdus, Eunoicus, Valens, Vivianus, Claudius, Priscus, Theodulus, Eutychius, John, Xanthias, Helianus, Sisinius, Angias, AEtius, Flavius, Acacius, Ecdicius, Lysimachus, Alexander, Elias, Gorgonius, Theophilus, Dometian, Gaius, Leontius, Athanasius, Cyril, Sacerdon, Nicholas, Valerius, Philoctimon, Severian, Chudion, Aglaius, and Melito
Martyr Urpasian of Nicomedia
St. Philoromus the Confessor, of Galatia
Righteous Caesarius, brother of St. Gregory the Theologian
St. Tarasius of Liconium
St. Jonas, archbishop of Novgorod
St. Pacianus, bishop of Barcelona (+390)
St. Vitalius of Castronovo (+994)
St. Bosa, bishop of York
New Hieromartyr Metrophanes Buchnoff, archpriest of Voronezh (+1931)
New Hieromartyrs Hieromonk Joasaph, Priest Michael Maslov, and Protodeacon Nicholas Goryunov, of Moscow (+1938)
Albazin Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, “The Word Was Made Flesh”
Repose of the Blessed Elder Cleopas, disciple of St. Paisius Velichkovsky (+1778)
Repose of the Righteous Blessed Priest Theodosius Levitsky (+1845)

St. Gregory of Nyssa, bishop, brother of St. Basil the Great
St. Pacian, bishop at Barcelona, who wrote against the Novatians
Holy 40 Martyrs of Sebaste: Cyrion (Quirio), Candidus, Domnus, Hesychius, Heraclius, Smaragdus, Eunoicus, Valens, Vivianus, Claudius, Priscus, Theodulus, Eutychius, John, Xanthias, Helianus, Sisinius, Angias, AEtius, Flavius, Acacius, Ecdicius, Lysimachus, Alexander, Elias, Gorgonius, Theophilus, Dometian, Gaius, Leontius, Athanasius, Cyril, Sacerdon, Nicholas, Valerius, Philoctimon, Severian, Chudion, Aglaius, and Melito
Sts. Cyril and Methodius, brothers, apostles of the Slavs
St. Bosa the confessor, bishop of York
St. Anthony of Froidemont, hermit-monk, in Franche-Comte

March 23 / March 10, 2023

Martyrs Quadratus (Codratus) and with him Cyprian, Dionysius, Anectus, Paul, Crescens, Dionysius (another), Victorinus, Victor, Nicephorus, Claudius, Diodorus, Serapion, Papias, Leonidas, Charissa, Nunechia, Basilissa, Nice, Callida, Galina, Theodora, and other Martyrs, at Corinth
Martyrs Quadratus (Codratus), Saturninus, Rufinus, and other Martyrs, at Nicomedia
St. Anastasia the Patrician, nun, who was known as the eunuch Anastasius, of Scetis
St. George, monk, brother of St. John Climacus
St. John of Khakuhli, the Georgian Chrysostom
New Martyr Michael at Thessalonica
St. Kessog, bishop of Loch Lomond
St. Paul of Taganrog (+1879)
Martyr Marcian
St. Mark, monk
Commemoration of the Desert-dwellers of the Roslavl Forests near Briansk
St. Attalus, abbot of Bobbio (+626)
Repose of Righteous Blessed Alexander Badanin, priest of Vologda (+1913)
Blessed Sufferer Basilissa

Martyrs Alexander and Caius, at Apamea
Holy 42 Martyrs in Persia
St. Droctoveus, abbot, at Paris
St. Attalas the wonderworker, abbot of Bobbio in Italy
Martyrs Agatha, Gorgon, and Firminus
St. Sylvia, virgin, in the Thebaid
Martyrs Codratus, Dionysius, Cyprian, Paul, and Anectus, at Corinth
St. Macarius, bishop of Jerusalem
Martyr Kessog of Lennox, bishop, in Scotland
St. Anastasia the Patrician, hermitess, virgin, in Egypt
St. Hymelin, priest of Scotland, at Visenaeken in Belgium
St. Emilian of Lagny, abbot
St. Failbhe the Little, abbot of Iona

March 24 / March 11, 2023

St. Sophronius, patriarch of Jerusalem
St. Euthymius, archbishop of Novgorod
Hieromartyr Pionius the presbyter of Smyrna, and Martyrs Asclepiades, Macedonia, Linus, and Sabina
Translation of the relics of the Martyr Epimachus of Pelusium to Constantinople
St. George of Mt. Sinai
St. John Moschus, author of “Spiritual Meadow”
St. Sophronius, recluse of the Kiev Caves
St. Euthymius the Wonderworker, bishop of Novgorod
St. Sophronius, bishop of Vrachana, Bulgaria
St. Alexis of the Kiev Caves (+1917)
St. George the New, wonderworker of Constantinople
St. Theodora, wife of Michael II Comnenos, Despot of Epirus
Hieromartyr Constantine, in Kintyre, Scotland
St. Angus (Oengus) of Keld, hermit, bishop, compiler of the first Irish martyrology (+824)
Slaying of the Blessed Emperor Paul I of Russia (+1801)
Repose of the Blessed Elder Alexis of Goloseyevo hermitage in Kiev (+1917)

St. Paul, bishop of Leon, in England
Martyrs Hyradius, Zosimus, Alexander, Candidus, Piperion, and 20 other Martyrs, at Carthage
Martyr Gorgo of Rome, at Tours
Virgin-Martyr Alberta, sister of St. Faith, at Agen
Martyrs Trophimus and Thalus, at Laodicea
Martyr Vincent, abbot, at Leon in Spain
Martyr Constantine, king of Cornwall, monk, proto-martyr of Scotland
St. Sophronius, patriarch of Jerusalem
Martyr Vigilius, bishop of Auxerre
St. Vindician, bishop of Cambrai
Hieromartyr Euthymius, bishop, at Sardis
St. Angus of Keld, bishop, abbot, in Ireland
Hieromartyr Eulogius, priest, of Cordova
Martyrs Heraclius and Zosimus
Holy Martyrs of Antioch
Martyr Constantine at Carthage
St. Benedict Crispus, bishop
St. Peter of Spain
St. Firmian, abbot, at Fermo
Translation of the relics of Martyr Epimachus

March 25 / March 12, 2023

St. Theophanes the Confessor of Sigriane
St. Gregory the Dialogist, pope of Rome (+604)
St. Symeon the New Theologian; and his teacher the Righteous Simeon the Pious, the Studite
Righteous Aaron, brother of Moses the God-seer
Righteous Phineas, grandson of Aaron
Holy Abba Cyrus of Alexandria
St. Demetrius II, the Brave, king of Georgia
St. Theoctistus Dragutin, in Serbia
St. Nicodemus of Mammola in Calabria (+990)
St. Paul Aurelian, bishop of Leon, in Brittany
St. Alphege the bald, bishop of Winchester (+951)
St. Paul, bishop of Leon in Brittany (+572)
New Hieromartyr John Plekhanov, priest (+1938)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Lydda” Upon the Pillar
Repose of the Blessed Schema-monk Anthony the Gorge-dweller of Zelenchug monastery in Kuban (+1908)

Sts. Gregory the Great (“the Dialogist”), apostle of England; and Innocent; popes
Martyrs Peter, Gorgonius, Dorotheus, Maxima, and other Martyrs, at Nicomedia
Hieromartyr Egdun the priest, and Seven Martyrs with him
St. Peter, monk, St. Gregory’s deacon, at Rome
St. Sisinius, monk, who never knew the difference between man and woman
St. Diocles, hermit of the Thebaid
St. Muran, abbot of Fathinis, Ireland
St. Theophanes the confessor of Mt. Sigriana, abbot, at Constantinople
St. Paul Arelian

March 26 / March 13, 2023

Foutth Sunday of Great Lent – Commemoration of St. John Climacus, author of The Ladder of Divine Ascent
Translation of the relics of St. Nicephorus, patriarch of Constantinople
Martyr Alexander of Pydna in Macedonia
Martyr Sabinus (Abibus) of Hermopolis in Egypt
Martyrs Africanus, Publius, and Terence, of Carthage
Martyr Christina of Persia
St. Aninas the Wonderworker, hieromonk of Euphrates
Hieromartyr Publius, bishop of Athens
St. Publius (another), bishop at Athens
St. Leander, bishop of Seville (+596)
Moldavian Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos

Fourth Sunday of Great Lent – “Laetare”
Sunday of the Five Loaves (Mid-Lent Sunday)
Hieromartyr Macedonius the priest, and the Martyrs Patricia and Modesta, at Nicomedia
Martyrs Theusethus, Horres, Theodore, Nymphodora, Mark, and Arabia, at Nicea
St. Euphrasia, virgin, in the Thebaid
St. Mochoemog, abbot of Liathmor, in Ireland
St. Gerald, abbot and bishop of Mayo
Translation of the relics of St. Nicephorus, patriarch, at Constantinople
St. Ansovinus, bishop of Camerino, in Italy
St. Eldrad, abbot of Novalese
Hieromartyr Roderic the priest, and the Martyr Salomon, at Cabra, near Cordova
St. Kennocha, hermitess, virgin, in Scotland, at Kyle
Martyr Sabinus in Egypt
Virgin-Martyr Christina in Persia
Martyr Ramirus the prior, and all the Martyred Monks of St. Claudius’, slain by the Arians while singing the Nicene Creed, in Spain

March 27 / March 14, 2023

St. Benedict the Great of Nursia, abbot (+543)
St. Euschemon the Confessor, bishop of Lampsacus
St. Theognostus, metropolitan of Kiev and Moscow
St. Rostislav (in holy baptism, Michael), Great Prince of Kiev
St. Phrontina
Martyr Theodosius
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Fyodorovskaya,” that is, “Of St. Theodore”
Repose of Blessed John, fool-for-Christ of Yurievets (+1893)

Holy 47 Martyrs, baptized by the Apostle Peter and beheaded under Nero, at Rome
Martyrs Peter, Aphrodisius, and other Martyrs, in Africa
St. Puniphicus, abbot
Holy Three Martyrs in the Abruzzi: Two Monks and One Deacon of the church of Marsi
Repose of St. Lubin, bishop of Chartres
Martyrs Eutychius (Eustasius) and his Martyred Companions, at Carrhae in Mesopotamia
St. Matilda, queen, in Germany
St. Lazarus, bishop, at Milan
Hieromartyr Leo, bishop, at Rome, in the Agro Verano
St. Talmach, monastery-founder, in Ireland, at Lough Erc

March 28 / March 15, 2023

Martyrs Agapius, Publius (Plesius, Paesus, Pausis), Timolaus, Romulus, two named Dionysius, and two named Alexander, at Caesarea in Palestine
Martyr Nicander of Egypt
Hieromartyr Alexander, priest, of Side in Pamphylia
St. Nicander, monk of Gorodno Lake, Novgorod
New Martyr Manuel of Crete, at Chios
Sts. Zabulun and Susanna, parents of St. Nina the enlightener of Georgia
St. Evaristus
St. Zachariah, pope of Rome (+752)
New Hieromartyrs Protopresbyter Alexis Vinogradov of Tver (+1938), Protopresbyter Michael Bogoslovsk of Simferopol-Crimea (+1940), and Priest Demetrius Legeydo of Chimkent (+1938)

St. Longinus, who pierced and opened the side of our Savior with a spear, in Caesarea Cappadocia
Translation of the relics of the Hieromartyr Leodegar, bishop
Martyr Matrona at Thessalonica
St. Theramon, abbot, at Scetis
St. Artebius the Confessor, bishop, at Pamphilus
Hieromartyr Habetdeum, bishop, in Italy
Martyr Aristobulus, one of the 70 Disciples, in Britain
Martyr Nicander the Physician, in Egypt
St. Matrona, virgin, in Portugal
Virgin-Martyr Matrona, at Barcelona in Spain
St. Tranquillius, abbot at Dijon
Virgin-Martyr Leocritia, at Cordova
Martyr Meningus the Dyer
Martyr Mancius of Evora
St. Probus of Rieti, bishop
St. Frigidian

March 29 / March 16, 2023

Martyr Sabinas in Egypt
Martyr Papas of Lycaonia
Martyr Julian of Anazarbus in Cilicia
Hieromartyrs Trophimus and Thallus, priests, at Laodicea
St. Serapion, archbishop of Novgorod
St. Christodulus, monk and wonderworker of Patmos
Sts. Pimen the fool-for-Christ, and Anthony, of Mskhi, Georgia
Martyr Romanus at Parium on the Hellespont
Holy Ten Martyrs of Phoenicia
St. John of Rufiana, monk
Sts. Emilian, Paul, and Dionysius
Apostle Aristobulus of the Seventy, bishop of Britain
Hieromartyr Alexander I, pope of Rome (+119)
St. Patrick, bishop, at Auvergne
St. Abban of Kilabban (+650)
St. Ambrose the confessor, catholicos of Georgia (+1927)

Hieromartyrs Hilary the bishop and Tatian the deacon, and Martyrs Felix, Largus, and Dionysius, at Aquileia
Hieromartyr Cyriacus the deacon, and Martyrs Largus, Smaragdus, and 20 other Martyrs, at Rome
St. Patrick, bishop, at Auvergne
St. Finan the leper, abbot of Inisfathlen
St. Abbanus (Kirin Boniface), bishop of Ross, bringer of the Roman rite of St. Peter to Scotland
Martyr Julian of Anazarbus, in Cilicia
Martyr Papas in Lycaonia
St. Agapitus, bishop, at Ravenna
Virgin-Martyr Columba in England
St. Aninas, hermit, along the Euphrates
St. Hesychius, bishop of Vienne, in France
Sts. Abraham the hermit, and his niece Mary the penitent, in Syria
St. Eusebia, abbess of Hamage, in Belgium
St. Gregory the Armenian, bishop, at Pithiviers, France
St. Heribert, archbishop of Cologne
St. Dentlin, child, at Soignies
St. Megingaud, bishop, at Wurzburg

March 30 / March 17, 2023

St. Alexis the Man of God, in Rome
St. Patrick, enlightener of Ireland (+451)
St. Macarius, abbot and wonderworker of Kalyzin
Martyr Marinus, soldier, at Caesarea Palestine
St. Ambrose, deacon, disciple of St. Didymus the Blind of Alexandria
Venerable-Martyr Paul of Crete
St. Theosterictus the confessor, abbot of Pelecete, near Prusa
St. Withburga, abbess of East Dereham (ca. 743)
St. Gertrude, abbess of Nijvel, in the Netherlands (+659)
St. Beccan of Rhum (+677)
St. Lulach, last Orthodox king of Scotland
Hieromartyr Gabriel the Lesser, priest, martyr of Garesja in Georgia (+1802)
New Hieromartyr Victor Kiranov, protopresbyter of Simferopol-Crimea (+1942); and the New Martyr Alexander Polivanov, of Krasnoyarsk (+1919)

St. Patrick of Ireland, bishop, apostle of Ireland (among the Irish, a Double Feast)
Martyrs Eugene, Pamphylian, Castor, and Serenus, at Nicomedia
St. Withburga, nun, at Ely, whose holy well is at East Dereham
St. Gertrude, abbess, patroness of travelers, at Nivelles
St. Ambrose, deacon, at Alexandria
St. Cassiadorus, Roman senator
Many Holy Martyrs in the temple of Sarapis at Alexandria
St. Agricola, bishop, at Chalons-sur-Saone
Martyr Paul in Cyprus
St. Llinio, abbot, founder of Llandinam, Powys, Wales
St. Beccan of Rhum

March 31 / March 18, 2023

St. Cyril, archbishop of Jerusalem
Martyr-King Edward of England (+978)
St. Aninas the wonderworker, hieromonk of the Euphrates
Holy 10,000 Martyrs of Nicomedia
Martyrs Trophimus and Eucarpion of Nicomedia
St. Daniel, monk, in Egypt
St. Cyril of Astrakhan, monk
St. Tetricus, bishop of Langres, Gaul (+572-573)
St. Finan of Aberdeen, disciple of St. Kentigern
Repose of Blessed Nikolai, bishop of Zica, Serbia, at Libertyville, Illinois (+1956)
Repose of the Blessed Abbot Mark of Optina (+1909)

Passion of St. Edward, king, martyr, disciple of St. Dunstan of Canterbury, in England
St. Cyril of Jerusalem
Hieromartyr Alexander, bishop, at Jerusalem
St. Frigidian (Fred), bishop of Lucca
St. Geremarus, abbot
Holy 10,000 Martyrs at Nicomedia
Martyrs Trophimus and Eucarpus, at Nicomedia
Hieromartyrs Narcissus the bishop and Felix the deacon, at Gerona
St. Tetricus, bishop of Langres in Gaul, son of St. Gregory of Langres
St. Egbert, monk, at Ripon, England
St. Finan of Aberdeen, Scotland, monk, disciple of St. Kentigern

April 1 / March 19, 2023

Martyrs Chrysanthus and Daria, and those Martyrs with them at Rome: Claudius the Tribune, his wife Hilaria, and their sons Jason and Maurus; Diodorus the presbyter, and Marinus the deacon; and other Martyrs (+283)
Martyr Pancharius at Nicomedia
Righteous Mary, Vsevolod III’s wife
St. Innocent of Komel, in Vologda, disciple of St. Nilus of Sora
St. Bassa, nun of Pskov
New Martyr Demetrius at Constantinople
Righteous Sophia, princess, at Slutsk
New Martyr Nicholas of Karamanos in Smyrna
Sts. Chromitus and Martyria
Martyr Alcmund, prince of Northumbria
Smolensk Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Tender Feeling”

St. Joseph the Betrothed
St. John, wonderworker, abbot, at Civita-di-Penne, near Spoleto
Martyrs Quinctus, Quinctilla, Quartilla, Marcellus, and Nine other Martyrs, at Sorrento
Martyr Calocerus at Brescia
Hieromartyr Theodore the bishop, and Martyrs Apollonius, Leontius, and Florentius
Translation of the relics of St. Mary Magdalene
St. Remaclus of Stavelot, bishop, monk
Martyr Pancharius at Nicomedia
St. Leontius, bishop of Saintes, in France, friend of St. Maclovius
St. Lactan, abbot of Freshford, wonderworker, in Ireland
Hieromartyrs Landoald the priest and Amantius the deacon, and Martyr Adrian, at Wintershoven in Belgium
Martyr Alkmund, king of Northumbria, at Derby

April 2 / March 20, 2023

Fifth Sunday of Great Lent – Commemoration of the Venerable Mary of Egypt
The Holy Fathers slain at the Monastery of St. Sabbas: Sts. John, Sergius, Patrick, and Others
St. Nicetas the Confessor, archbishop of Apollonias in Bithynia
Martyrs Photina (Svetlana) the Samaritan woman, and her sons Victor (called Photinus) and Josias; Sebastian; and Anatolia, Photio, Photis, Parasceve, Cyriaca, and Domnina
Seven Virgin-Martyrs of Amisus (Samsun): Alexandra, Claudia, Euphrasia, Matrona, Juliana, Euphemia, and Theodosia
St. Archil II, king of Georgia
St. Euphrosynus of Blue Jay Lake, slain by the Poles
New Martyr Myron of Crete
Righteous Abel, first martyr in history of mankind
Martyrs Rodian, Aquilia the prefect, Lollian the elder, and Emmanuel
Martyr Mary
St. Iconius, priest of Smyrna
St. Bessarion, monk
St. Germanus (Herman)
St. Maximus
St. Cuthbert, bishop of Lindisfarne (+687)
St. Herbert, hermit of Derwentwater
St. Wulfram of Fontenelle, missionary in Frisia, in the Netherlands (+703)
St. Martin, archbishop of Braga, in Iberia (+580)
St. Austreigiselis, bishop of Bourges, in the Netherlands (+624)

Fifth Sunday of Great Lent – “Judica” or “Judge Me”
Passion Sunday
St. Cuthbert, wonderworker, bishop of Lindisfarne
St. Archippus, at Colossi, friend of the Apostle Paul
Martyrs Paul, Cyril, Eugene, and Four other Martyrs, in Syria
St. Wulfram, bishop of Sens
Sts. Landalf the abbot, Gislenus the abbot, Maldegar the Duke, his wife Waltrudis, her sister Aldegunda, and Trudo; monastics
Martyrs Photina the Samaritan, her sons Joseph and Victor called Photinus, with Sebastian, Anatolius, Photius, Photis, Parasceve, and Cyriaca
Martyrs Alexandra, Claudia, Euphrasia, Matrona, Juliana, Euphemia, Theodosia, and Derphuta and her sister, at Amisa
St. Urbicius, bishop, at Metz
St. Martin, archbishop of Braga, Portugal
St. Herbert, hieromonk of Derwentwater
Martyrs John, Sergius, Cosmas, and 17 Martyred Monks, of St. Sabbas’ near Jerusalem
Hieromartyr Nicetas, bishop, at Apollonia
St. Benignus, abbot, at Flay
Blessed Remigius of Strasbourg, bishop
Martyr Anastasius of St. Sabbas
St. Clement the Scholar, monk, of Paris
St. William of Penacorada, hermit

April 3 / March 21, 2023

St. James the Confessor, bishop of Catania
St. Thomas I, patriarch of Constantinople
St. Serapion, bishop of Thmuis in Lower Egypt, friend of St. Anthony the Great
St. Pachomius, monk, at Nerekhta
St. Ananias, monk
New Martyr Michael of Maroudis
St. Cyril (Beryllus), bishop of Catania (2nd century)
St. Lupicinus, desert-dweller of the Jura Mountains, in Gaul (+480)
St. Enda of Aran, father of Irish monasticism (+530)
Martyrs Philemon and Domninus of Rome
New Hieromartyr Theodore (Pozdeyev), archbishop (+1938)
St. Seraphim of Vyritsa, monk (+1949)

Monday in Passion Week
St. Benedict the Great, abbot, at Monte Cassino, father of Western monasticism and author of the renowned Rule
St. Serapion of Thmuis, bishop
St. Lupicinus of Lauconne, abbot, near Lyons
St. Benedict, a monk in Campania
Martyr Serapion the monk and his Martyred Companions, at Alexandria
Holy Martyrs of Alexandria in the reign of Constantine
St. Enda, abbot in Aranmore
St. Isenger, monk of Anabaric in Ireland, bishop of Verdun in Germany
St. Birillus, bishop, at Catania
Martyrs Philemon and Domninus in Italy

April 4 / March 22, 2023

Hieromartyr Basil, presbyter of Ancrya
St. Isaacius, founder of the monastery of Dalmatus at Constantinople
Martyr Drosis (Drosida) of Antioch, daughter of Emperor Trajan, and Five Martyred Nuns
New Venerable-Martyr Euthymius of Mt. Athos, at Constantinople
Righteous Basil of Mangazea, in Siberia
Martyr Mamantus Lungis
Martyrs Callinica and Basilissa, of Rome
St. Paul, bishop of Narbonne, Brittany (3rd century)
New Hieromartyr Basil, bishop of Priluki (+1930)
New Confessor Schema-abbess Sophia of Kiev (+1941) and her priest the New Hieromartyr Demetrius Ivanov (+1933)

Tuesday in Passion Week
St. Aphrodisius the Confessor, bishop, in Beziers
Martyrs Saturninus and Nine other Martyrs, in Africa
St. Paul, bishop at Narbonne, ordained by the Apostle Paul
St. Berno, first abbot of Cluny
Hieromartyr Basil, priest, at Ancyra
St. Leah of Rome, widow
St. Deogratias, bishop of Carthage
Sts. Herlinda and Reinilda, abbesses, at Maesaeyk, Belgium
Martyrs Callinica and Basilissa, at Galatia
Hieromartyr Octavian the archdeacon, and Several Thousand other Martyrs, at Carthage
St. Darerca, St. Patrick’s sister
St. Trien, abbot, at Killelga, disciple of St. Patrick
St. Failbhe, abbot of Iona
St. Avitus, hermit at Ruffes

April 5 / March 23, 2023

Venerable-Martyr Nicon and 199 Martyred Disciples with him, in Sicily (+251)
St. Nicon, abbot of the Kiev Caves
Martyrs Philetus the Senator, his wife Lydia, their sons Macedon and Theoprepius, the notary Cronides, and the dux Amphilochius, in Illyria
Martyr Dometius of Phrygia, martyred under Emperor Julian the Apostate
Venerable-Martyr Luke the New of Mt. Athos, at Mytilene
St. Pachomius, abbot of Nerekhta
St. Bassian I, archbishop of Rostov
St. George, monk of Dieppe
St. Eusebius, monk
St. Basil of Mangazeya in Siberia
St. Gwinear of Cornwall
New Martyrs Archimandrite Sergius of Tver (+1948), Protopresbyter Macarius Kvitkin of Orenburg (+1931), and Alexis Skorobogatov of Moscow (+1938)
Repose of the Blessed Elder Porphyrius of Glinsk Hermitage (+1868)

Wednesday in Passion Week
Martyrs Victorian the proconsul of Carthage, Frumentius and his brother whose also named Frumentius, Liberatus and his Wife and Sons, Boniface the deacon, Rusticus the subdeacon, Rogatus and Maximus the monks, Crescentius the priest, 12 Infants, and a Child of 7 years, all of whom suffered from the Arians
St. Theodulus, priest, at Antioch
Martyr Julian in Caesarea
St. Proculus, bishop of Verona
Martyrs Fingar, Piala the virgin, and other Martyrs, in Cornwall
St. Ethelwold, priest-hermit, in the Isle of Farne
Martyr Nicon the monk, and other Martyrs, in Sicily
Martyrs Domitius, Pelagia, Aquila, Eparchius, and Theodosia, who were martyred under Julian the Apostate
St. Maidoc of Fiddown, abbot
St. Felix of Monte Cassino, monk
Martyr Felix and some 23 other Martyrs, in Africa

April 6 / March 24, 2023

Forefeast of the Annunciation
St. Zacharias the Recluse of Scetis
St. Artemon, bishop of Seleucia in Pisidia
Hieromartyr Parthenius III, patriarch of Constantinople
Martyrs Stephen and Peter, of Kazan
St. James the Confessor, bishop of Catania (also commemorated March 21)
St. Zacharias, faster of the Kiev Caves
St. Artemius, bishop, at Thessalonica
St. Dunchad, abbot of Iona
Holy Eight Martyrs of Caesarea in Palestine
St. Martin of Thebes, monk
St. Severus of Catania (802-811)
St. Hildelith, abbess of Barking
New Hieromartyr Priest Vladimir Pankin of Chimkent (+1920)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Smoky Mountain”

Thursday in Passion Week
Hieromartyr Pigmenius, bishop, at Rome, teacher of Julian the Apostate
Martyrs Romulus and Secundulus, brothers, in Morocco
St. Seleucius near Syria
St. Agapitus of Synnada, in Phrygia
Martyr Muritus and Many other Martyrs, in Africa
St. Hildelitha, abbess of Barking, England
St. Sebba, king, monk, of Essex
St. Mackartin of Clogher, wonderworker, friend of St. Patrick
St. Latinus, bishop of Brescia
Martyrs Mark and Timothy, at Rome
Martyrs Timolaus, Dionysius, and other Martyrs, at Caesarea
Hieromartyr Bernulf, bishop, at Aste
Sts. Domangart the bishop of Slieve Donarth, Caimin the abbot of Lough Derg, and Cairlon the Resurrected, archbishop of Cashel

April 7 / March 25, 2023

Martyrs Pelagia, Theodosia, and Dula, of Nicomedia under Valentinian
St. Nicander of Pskov
New Hieromartyr Tikhon, confessor, patriarch of Moscow (+1925)
St. Alfwold, bishop of Sherborne
St. Parthenius of the Kiev Caves (+1855)
St. Sabbas the New, monk of Kalymnos (+1948)
Blessed Justin (Popovich), archimandrite and confessor of traditional Orthodoxy in Serbia, at Chelije monastery (+1979)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Annunciation”

ANNUNCIATION OF OUR LORD, when St. Gabriel declared to the Virgin Mary that of her womb God would be incarnate
Friday in Passion Week
St. Gabriel the Archangel
New Hieromartyr Tikhon, confessor, patriarch of Moscow (+1925)
Hieromartyr Irenaeus, bishop, at Sirmium in Illyricum
Martyr Quirinus at Rome
Virgin-Martyr Dula in Nicomedia
St. Hermeland, abbot on an island in the Loire, in France
St. Dismas the Good Thief, crucified next to Christ
St. Pelagius, bishop of Laodicea
St. Humbert, abbot at Marolles in Hainault
Sts. Barontus and Desiderius, hermit-monks, at Pistoria
Holy 262 Martyrs at Rome
Repose of St. Procopius of Prague, abbot of Sazaba

April 8 / March 26, 2023

Lazarus Saturday
Apodosis of the Annunciation
Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel
Hieromartyr Irenaeus, bishop of Sirmium, Pannonia
Hieromartyr Eusebius, bishop of Cybalae, Pannonia; and Martyr Pollio the reader
St. Malchus of Chalcis in Syria
St. Basil the Younger, anchorite near Constantinople
St. Eutychius, subdeacon of Alexandria
Holy 26 Martyrs of Gothia in the Crimea: presbyters Bathusius and Vercus with two sons and two daughters; monk Arpilus; laymen Abibus, Agnus, Reas, Igathrax, Iscous, Silas, Signicus, Sonerilas, Suimbalus, Thermus, Phillus; laywomen Anna, Alla, Larissa, Monco, Mamica, Virco, Animals (Animaida); and an Anonymous Martyr with them
Martyr Gaatha the queen of the Goths, with her son Martyr Agatho, and her daughter Duclida, who reposed in peace
Hieromartyr Montanus the priest, and his wife Martyr Maxima, martyrs in Romania
Martyrs Quadratus (Codratus), Theodosius, Manuel, and 40 other Martyrs, who suffered under Diocletian
New Martyr George of Adrianople
St. Stephen the Woodworker, monk
St. Abraham of Latrium
St. Govan, hermit of Pembrokeshire
St. Ludger, bishop of Munster (+809)
St. Braulio, bishop of Saragossa (+646)
Melitina Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos

Saturday in Passion Week
Hieromartyrs Theodore the bishop and Irenaeus the deacon, with Martyrs Serapion and Ammonius the readers, in Libya
Martyr Castulus at Rome
Hieromartyr Montanus the priest, and Martyr Maxima, at Sirmium
Martyr Quirinus at Rome
Martyrs Bathus the priest, his wife Verca, and their Martyred Children, martyrs of the Goths
Martyr Eutychius the subdeacon, and other Martyrs, at Alexandria
St. Felix, bishop of Trier
St. Braulio, bishop of Zaragoza
Sts. Mochelloc the abbot of Kilmallock, Sincheall the abbot-founder of Killeigh, and Garbhan the abbot, in Ireland
St. Ludger, bishop of Munster, apostle of Westphalia
St. Basil the New, hermit at Constantinople
Martyrs Quadratus, Theodosius, Emmanuel, and other Martyrs, in Asia Minor
Martyrs Peter, Marcian, Jovinus, Thecla, Cassian, and other Martyrs, at Rome
Martyr Bertilo the abbot of Dijon, and other Martyred Monks
St. Felicitas, virgin, at Padua

April 9 / March 27, 2023

Palm Sunday
Entry of Our Lord into Jerusalem
(On this day, the blessing of palms/willows and flowers is done)
Martyr Matrona of Thessalonica
Martyrs Manuel and Theodosius
St. John the Clairvoyant, anchorite of Lycopolis in Egypt
St. Cyricus (Quiricus), monk of Apros in Thrace
Prophet Hanani (Anani; cf. II Chron 16)
St. Paphnutius, disciple of St. Anthony
St. Paul, bishop of Corinth
Martyrs John and Baruch
St. Eutychius, bishop
St. Ephraim, archbishop of Rostov
St. Anthony, metropolitan of Tobolsk
St. Macarius
St. Alexander, abbot of Voche by the Volga
St. Rupert, bishop of Salzburg (+718)
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos on Mt. Athos “Glycophilousa” (“Sweet-Kissing”) and “Of the Akathist”

Palm Sunday
Entry of Our Lord into Jerusalem
(On this day, the blessing of palms/willows and flowers is done)
St. John of Damascus, monk
St. John, hermit, at Lycopolis, Egypt
St. Eutherius, bishop
Martyr Alexander, at Drizipara in Pannonia
Sts. Robert (Rupert) the apostle of Bavaria and Austria, and Virgil the apostle of Carinthia, bishops of Salzburg
Martyrs Philetus, Lydia, Macedon, Theoprepius, Amphilocius, and Chronidas, in Illyria
Virgin-Martyr Augusta at Serravalle in Venetia
Martyrs Zanitas, Lazarus, Marotas, Narses, and other Martyrs, in Persia
St. Amator, hermit, near Guarda, Portugal
Virgin-Martyr Augusta at Treviso
St. Romulus of Nimes, abbot
St. Suairlech of Fore, bishop
Virgin-Martyr Athilda (Alkelda) in Yorkshire

April 10 / March 28, 2023

Great and Holy Monday
St. Hilarion the New, abbot of Pelecete
St. Stephen the Wonderworker, abbot of Triglia
Sts. Priscus, Malchus, and Alexander, in Caesarea Palestine
Martyrs Jonah and Barachisius and those with them in Persia: the Martyrs Zanithas, Lazarus, Maruthas, Narses, Elias, Mares, Abibus, Simiathes (Sembeeth), and Sabbas
Venerable-Martyr Eustratius of the Kiev Caves
St. Hilarion, monk of Gdov
St. Hesychius the Theologian, presbyter of Jerusalem
Hieromartyrs George the bishop, and Parodus and Peter the priests; and Martyr Enravato-Boyan, prince of Bulgaria; in Bulgaria
New Hieroconfessor Theodosius (Bakhmetev), bishop
Holy Apostle Herodion of the Seventy
St. Jonas, monk, of Klimets, Olonets
St. John, bishop of Manglisi, Georgia
St. Basil
Repose of the Blessed Abbot Adrian (in the schema, Alexis) of Konevets (+1812)
Repose of Blessed Helena of Arzamas, disciple of the Abbot Nazarius of Valaam (+1820)

Great and Holy Monday
Martyrs Priscus, Malchus, and Alexander, at Caesarea in Palestine, who in the persecution under Emperor Valerian reproved the cruel judge who slew Christians, for which they were devoured by wild beasts
St. Guntram, king of Burgundy, at Chalon, who spent all he had to support the Church and poor
Martyrs Castor and Dorotheus, at Tarsus
Translation of the relics of the Virgin-Martyr Dorothy of Cappadocia
Martyrs Rogatus, Successus, and 16 other Martyrs, in proconsular Africa
St. Spes, abbot, at Campi
St. Gwendolyn, virgin, at Niedermunster
St. Tutilo the Hymnographer, trope-writer, at St. Gall monastery in Switzerland

April 11 / March 29, 2023

Great and Holy Tuesday
Hieromartyrs Mark the bishop of Arethusa, Cyril the deacon of Heliopolis, and other Martyrs, who suffered under Julian the Apostate
St. John “In-the-Well”, anchorite of Egypt (same as 30 March)
St. Eustathius (Eustace) the Confessor, bishop of Clus (Kios) in Bithynia
Sts. Jonah, Mark, and Bassa, of the Pskov Caves
Sts. Isaac, Philip, monks, and Others with them
St. Marcian
St. Patapius
Sts. Gwynllyw and Gwladys, parents of St. Cadoc, in Wales
New Martyrs Priest Paul Voinarksy, Paul, and Alexis (+1919)
Repose of the Blessed Elder Nicetas of the Roslavl forests (+1793)

Great and Holy Tuesday
Martyrs Armogastes, Masculas, Archinimus, and Saturus, in Africa
Martyrs Pastor, Victorinus, and other Martyrs, at Nicomedia
Repose of St. Eustace, abbot of Luxeuil
St. Or, hermit
St. Gundleus (Gwynllyw), king, hermit, in S. England
Martyr Limineus at Clermont in Auvergne
Martyrs Jonas and Barachisius, monks, brothers; and other Martyrs; martyred under King Shapur
St. Mark of Athens, hermit, in Libya
Martyr Cyril of Heliopolis
St. Gladys, widow, wife of St. Gundelus, St. Cadoc’s mother
St. Lassera, nun of Clonard
St. Firminus, bishop
St. Gery, bishop of Sens

April 12 / March 30, 2023

Great and Holy Wednesday
St. John (Climacus) of Sinai, author of “The Ladder”
St. Sophronius, archbishop of Irkutsk
St. John the Silent of St. Sabbas’ monastery, bishop of Colonia in Armenia (also December 3 and December 7)
St. Zosimus, bishop of Syracuse
Prophet Joad (Jadon) (I Kgs 13:11) who dwelt in Bethel
Apostles Sosthenes, Apollos, Cephas, Caesar, and Epaphroditus, of the Seventy
St. Eubula, mother of the Great Martyr Panteleimon
St. John, patriarch of Jerusalem
New Hieromartyr Zacharias, bishop of Corinth
St. Sabbas, bishop
Martyr Persidus
St. John “In-the-Well”, anchorite of Egypt (same as March 29)
Translation of the relics of the Martyr-King Edmund of East Anglia
St. Osburga, abbess of Coventry

Spy Wednesday in Holy Week
Martyr Quirinus the Gaoler, at Rome
Martyrs Domninus, Philopolus, and Archaicus, in Thessalonica
St. Regulus the Confessor, bishop of Arles and Senlis
St. Pastor, bishop, at Orleans
Martyr Secundus, soldier, converted and buried by Angels
St. Mamertus, abbot, at Auxerre
St. John Climacus of Sinai, abbot, author of “The Ladder”
Holy Martyrs at Constantinople slain by Macedonius the Heresiarch
St. John in the Well, hermit, in Armenia
St. Zosimus, bishop of Syracuse
St. Patto (Pacificus), bishop of Werden
St. Vero the Confessor, at Limbecke in Hainault
St. Regulus, abbot, at Scotland
St. Fergus, bishop of Downpatrick
St. Tola, abbot and bishop of Disert Tola, Meath
St. Forannan, bishop, at Waulsort, Belgium

April 13 / March 31, 2023

Great and Holy Thursday
Commemoration of the Mystical Supper
[On this holy day we re-enact the eve of Christ’s passion, the Mystical Supper, the washing of His disciples’ feet, and the new command to love one another]
Hieromartyr Hypatius the wonderworker, bishop of Gangra
Appearance of the Iberian (Iveron) Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos
St. Innocent, metropolitan of Moscow and enlightener of Siberia and Alaska
St. Hypatius, abbot of Rufinianae in Chalcedon
St. Apollonius, ascetic of the Thebaid
Hieromartyrs Audus (Abdas) the bishop and Benjamin the deacon, in Persia
Repose of St. Jonah, metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia
Righteous Joseph the All-comely, son of Jacob
St. Acacius the confessor, bishop of Melitene
St. Hypatius the Healer of the Kiev Caves
Martyr Menander
St. Blaise of Amorium, monk
Holy 38 Martyrs who were kinsfolk, beheaded under the emperor Julian the Apostate
St. Stephen the Wonderworker, monk
St. James
St. Anna
St. Amenonia
Repose of Blessed Abbot Philaret of Glinsk Hermitage (+1841)
Repose of Blessed Archbishop Averky of Jordanville (+1976)

Maundy Thursday
Commemoration of the Mystical Supper
[On this holy day we re-enact the eve of Christ’s passion, the Mystical Supper, the washing of His disciples’ feet, and the new command to love one another]
St. Innocent, metropolitan of Moscow and enlightener of Siberia and Alaska
Martyr Amos the Prophet
St. Balbina, virgin
Martyrs Theodolus, Anesius, Felix, Cornelia, and other Martyrs, in Africa
Sts. Wandregisil and Ansbert, at Fontenelle
St. Amos, abbot of 1,500 monks at Scetis
Sts. Ammon the Great, abbot; and his brothers Eusebius, Euthymius, and another Brother who was a bishop
St. Acacius, bishop, at Melitene, in Armenia
Martyr Benjamin, deacon, in Persia
St. Renovatus, bishop of Merida, in Spain
St. Guido (Guy), abbot of Pomposa
Translation of the relics of St. Aldhelm, bishop of Sherborne
St. Aldo, abbot, at Hasnon, in Belgium

April 14 / April 1, 2023

Great and Holy Friday
Commemoration of the Holy and Salvific Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ
[On this holy day we, with a strict fast, re-enact the passion and bodily death of our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ, and reverence His Holy Cross]
St. Mary of Egypt, penitent
St. Meliton, bishop of Sardis (+177)
St. Euthymius the wonderworker, archimandrite of Suzdal
St. Macarius, abbot of Pelecete
St. Eulogius, monk, fool-for-Christ
St. John of Black Mountain, monk
Martyrs Gerontius and Basilides
Martyr Abraamius of Bulgar on the Volga River, wonderworker of Vladimir
Righteous Achaz
St. Gerontius, youth, canonarch of the Kiev Caves
New Hieroconfessor Schema-bishop Macarius (+1944)
New Martyr Michael (Misha), fool-for-Christ (+1931)
Martyr-Hermit Tewdric of Tintern
St. Barsanuphius of Optina, elder (+1913)
New Hieromartyr Sergius Zavarin, priest, of Yaroslavl-Rostov (+1938)

Good Friday
Commemoration of the Holy and Salvific Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ
[On this holy day we, with a strict fast, re-enact the passion and bodily death of our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ, and reverence His Holy Cross]
Sts. Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, who buried the body of the Lord; Mary, mother of St. James the Less; her sister, Mary Salome, mother of the apostles James and John; the two other Marys who anointed it.
Virgin-Martyr Theodora at Rome
Hieromartyr Venantius, bishop, at Spalato
Martyrs Victor and Stephen, in Egypt
St. Valerian, abbot of Leucone
St. Deodoricus, bishop, cousin of the emperor Otto
St. Levconius, bishop of Troyes
St. Dodolin, bishop of Vienne
St. Macarius, abbot, wonderworker, at Constantinople
St. John, bishop of Naples
St. Ctesiphon, bishop, in Spain
St. Melito, bishop, at Sardis
Martyrs Quintian and Irenaeus
Sts. Caidoc and Adrian, hermits, at Amiens
St. Cellach of Armagh, archbishop
St. Tewdrig (Theodoric), in Wales, prince of Glamorgan, later a hermit at Tintern

April 15 / April 2, 2023

Great and Holy Saturday
St. Titus the wonderworker
Martyrs Amphian (Apphian) and Aedesius (Edesius) of Lycia
Martyr Polycarp of Alexandria
St. George, monk of Matskveri, Georgia
St. Euthymius, monk
St. Sabbas, archbishop of Sourozh, Crimea
St. Gregory, ascetic of the Gulf of Nicomedia
Martyr Anastasius
St. Nicetius, bishop of Lyons in Gaul (+573)
Virgin-Martyr Theodora of Tyre
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Key of Understanding”

Holy Saturday, the Vigil of Pascha
Virgin-Martyr Theodosia at Caesarea Palestine
St. Nicetas, bishop, at Lyons
St. Eutace, abbot of Luxeuil
St. Mary of Egypt, in Palestine, penitent, who is named in the Litany
St. Abundius, bishop of Como
St. Bronach, virgin, at Glen-Seichis
Martyr Constantine II, king of Scotland, at Iona
Blessed Drogo of Baume, monk

April 16 / April 3, 2023

St. Nicetas the confessor, abbot of Medikion
Martyr Ulphian of Tyre
St. Illyricus of Mt. Myrsinon in the Peloponnesus
St. Antiochus
St. Marinus
Martyrs Elpidephorus, Dius, Bithonius, and Galycus
Martyrs Theodosia the virgin, and Irene, at Tyre
St. Nectarius, abbot of Bezhetsk
New Martyr Paul the Russian at Constantinople
Venerable Joseph the Hymnographer, of Sicily
St. Fara (Burgondofara) of Eboriac or Faremoutiers (7th century)
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos the “Unfading Bloom” and “Iveron”

Martyrs Evagrius the bishop, Benignus, Chyristus, and other Martyrs, at Tomis in Scythia
Virgin-Martyrs Agape and Chionia, sisters of St. Irene, at Thessalonica
Hieromartyr Pancratius, bishop, at Taormina, Sicily, disciple of the Apostle Peter
St. Attala, abbot, at Sicily
Martyr Ulpian at Tyre
St. Urbicius, bishop of Clermont, in France
St. Burgundofara (Fara), abbess of Faremoutier
St. Nicetas, abbot of Medikion

April 17 / April 4, 2023

Bright Monday
St. Joseph the Hymnographer of Sicily (+883)
St. George, monk of Mt. Maleon in the Peloponnesus
St. Zosimas of Palestine, who was deemed worthy to meet St. Mary of Egypt
Martyrs Pherbutha the virgin of Persia, her Sister, and her Sister’s Handmaid
St. Theonas, metropolitan of Thessalonica
St. Zosimas, abbot of Vorbozom
New Hieromartyr Nicetas of Albania, on Mt. Athos
St. James, monk of Galich
Martyr Callinicus
St. Adrian, monk
St. Paphnutius, monk
Sts. Ambrose and Thomas
Martyr Theodore
Martyr Basil of Mangazea, Siberia
New Hieromartyr Nicetas the Serb of Mt. Athos
St. Joseph the Much-ailing of the Kiev Caves
St. Isidore, bishop of Seville (+636)
New Hieromartyrs Archimandrite Benjamin (+1928) and Hieromonk Nicephorus (+1928), new martyrs of Solovki
Repose of the Blessed Elder Sabbas of Mt. Athos (+1908)

Monday “in Albis,” i.e. “in white robes”
St. Isidore, bishop, at Seville
St. Tighernach (Terry), bishop of Clogher, in Ireland, godson of St. Brigid of Kildare
Martyrs Agathopedes the deacon and Theodulus the reader, at Thessalonica
St. George, hermit on Mt. Malaeus
St. Plato, abbot of Sakkudion
St. Gwerir, hermit at Hamstoke, in Cornwall
St. Merrin, missionary of Cornwall and Brittany
St. Hildebert, monk, at Ghent
(St. Ambrose, bishop, at Milan, transferred to April 15 o.s.)

April 18 / April 5, 2023

Bright Tuesday
Martyrs Theodulus the reader, Agathopodes (Agathopous) the deacon, and other Martyrs with them, at Thessalonica
St. Publius of Egypt, monk
Sts. Theonas, Symeon, and Phorbinus, of Egypt
Martyr Claudian of Persia
St. Theodora, nun of Thessalonica
St. Mark the Anchorite of Athens
St. Plato the confessor, abbot, of the Studion
Translation of the relics of St. Job, patriarch of Moscow and All Rus
New Martyr George of New Ephesus
Martyr Fermus
Martyr Zeno
Martyr Hippomona
St. Didymus of Alexandria
Martyrs Claudius, Diodorus, Victor, Victorinus, Papias, Serapion, and Nicephorus
Holy Five Girl Martyrs of Lesbos
St. Zosimas of Palestine, who was deemed worthy to meet St. Mary of Egypt
New Martyr Argyra of Constantinople
St. Derfel of Llandderfel
St. Ethelburga, Queen of Northumbria and Abbess of Lyminge, Kent
New Venerable-Martyr Maria of Gatchina (+1932)
Repose of Blessed Theodore of Svir (+1822)
Repose of the Blessed Righteous Symeon Klimych (+1837)
Repose of the Blessed Elder Philemon of Valaam and Jordanville (+1953)

Tuesday “in Albis,” i.e. “in white robes”
Martyrs Marcian, Nicanor, and Apollonius, in Egypt
Virgin-Martyr Irene at Thessalonica, sister of Agape and Chionia
Martyr Amphian the youth at Lycia in Caesarea
St. Becan, abbot of Kill-Beggan, one of the 12 Apostles of Ireland
Holy Five Virgin-Martyrs at Lesbos
Many Holy Martyrs slain by Arians during the singing of alleluia, in Africa on Pascha
St. Theodora the widow at Thessalonica
Martyr Zeno
Sts. Probus and his wife Grace, in Cornwall at Tressilian
St. Ethelburga, abbess, daughter of St. Ethelbert the king
St. Derfel Gadarn, hermit in Merionethshire, Wales

April 19 / April 6, 2023

Bright Wednesday
St. Eutychius, patriarch of Constantinople
St. Methodius, equal to the apostles, enlightener of the Slavs
Holy 120 Martyrs of Persia
St. Platonis (Platonida) of Nisibis, nun
Martyrs Jeremiah and Archilius the presbyter
St. Gregory of the Great Lavra on Mt. Athos, instructor of St. Gregory Palamas
St. Gregory the Sinaite
St. Aphthonius of Novgorod
Martyr Paul (+1683)
Martyr Serapion
St. Paul, first abbot of the Studion
New Martyr Nicholas of Lesbos
New Martyr Gennadius at Constantinople, monk of Mt. Athos
New Martyrs of Samothrace: Manuel, Theodore, George, Michael, and George
St. Elstan, bishop of Ramsbury
St. Sebastian, archimandrite of Optino (+1966)
New Hieromartyrs Jacob and John Boikov, priests, of Tver (+1943, +1934)
Repose of the Blessed Elder Mardarius of Nizhni Novgorod Caves monastery (+1859)

Wednesday “in Albis,” i.e. “in white robes”
Martyr Sixtus, pope of Rome
Martyrs Timothy and Diogenes
St. Theodore, bishop of Ancyra
St. Theodore, priest, at Antioch
Holy 120 Martyrs in Persia
Martyr Marcellinus at Carthage, slain by Donatists
St. Winebald, abbot of Troyes
St. Genard, abbot of Flay
St. Bertham, bishop of Kirkwall, in Orkney
Blessed Notker the Stammerer, monk, trope-writer, at St. Gall’s in Switzerland
Martyr Platonis the deaconess and other Martyrs, at Nisibis
St. Ulched the confessor, at Anglesey
St. Amandus, count of Grisalba, at Bergamo
St. Eutychius, patriarch of Constantinople
St. Prudentius Galindo, bishop of Troyes
St. Urban, abbot, at Penalba
St. Elstan, bishop, at Winchester
St. Brychan, king of Brecknock, father of 24 children, all Saints

April 20 / April 7, 2023

Bright Thursday
St. George, bishop of Mytilene
Martyr Calliopus at Pompeiopolis in Cilicia
Martyrs Rufinus the deacon, Aquilina, and 200 Martyred Soldiers, at Sinope
St. Serapion of Egypt, monk
St. Daniel, abbot of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky
St. Nilus, abbot of Sora
St. Leucius, abbot of the Leucius hermitage, in Volokolamsk
Sts. Procopius and Peter
Opening of the relics of St. Serapion, archbishop of Novgorod
St. Govan of Pembrokeshire, Cornwall
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Of Byzantium”
Repose of the Blessed Schema-monk Agapitus the Blind of Valaam (+1905)

Thursday “in Albis,” i.e. “in white robes”
Martyrs Epiphanius the bishop, Donatus, Rufinus, and 12 other Martyrs, in Africa
St. Hegesippus, historian, at Rome
Martyr Peleusius, priest, in Alexandria
St. Bernacus, hermit, in Wales
Martyr Calliopus, at Pompeiopolis in Cilicia
St. Aphraates, hermit, at Antioch
St. George the Younger, bishop of Mitylene
Blessed Christian, priest, at Douai
Martyr Cyriacus and 10 other Martyrs, at Nicomedia
Martyr Pelagius at Alexandria
St. Saturninus, bishop at Verona
St. Villicus, bishop, at Metz
Sts. Llewellyn and Gwrnerth, monks, at Bardsey
St. Goran, friend of St. Patrick
St. Finan, abbot, at Kinnitty
St. Gibardus, abbot, at Luxeuil
Conversion of St. Mary Magdelene
Translation of the relics of St. Brixius, bishop of Tours

April 21 / April 8, 2023

Bright Friday
Commemoration of the New Martyrs Raphael, Nicholas, Irene, and Olympias of Mytilene
Holy Apostles of the Seventy: Herodion, Agabus, Asyncritus, Rufus, Phlegon, Hermes, and Those with them
St. Celestine, pope of Rome
Martyr Pausilypus of Heraclea in Thrace
St. Niphon of the Kiev Caves, subsequently, bishop of Novgorod
St. Rufus the Obedient, recluse of the Kiev Caves
New Martyr John Koulika
New Martyr John Naukleros (“the Skipper”) on the island of Cos
Sts. Jacob and Luke
St. Philaret of Seminara, Calabria (+1070)
Spanish Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos
Repose of the Righteous Blessed Helena Voronova, disciple of Elder Barsanuphius of Optina (+1916)

Friday “in Albis,” i.e. “in white robes”
St. Dionysius the Confessor, bishop, at Corinth
St. Perpetuus the Confessor, bishop, at Tours
St. Pitrion, abbot, in the Thebaid, disciple of St. Anthony the Great
Hieromartyrs Herodion the bishop of Patras, Asyncritus the bishop of Marathon, Phlegon the bishop of Hyrcania, and Hermas the bishop, martyred by the Jews (Rom. 16:14)
Martyr Edesius, at Alexandria
St. Amantius, bishop of Como
Martyr Concessa, at Carthage
Martyrs Januarius, Maxima, and Macaria, in Africa

April 22 / April 9, 2023

Bright Saturday
Martyr Eupsychius of Caesarea in Cappadocia
Venerable-Martyr Bademus (Vadim), archimandrite of Persia
Martyrs Desan (Dausas) the bishop, Mariabus the presbyter, Audiesius (Abdiesus) the deacon, and 270 other Martyrs, in Persia
Martyr Patience (Hypomone)
Newly-revealed Martyrs Raphael, Nicholas, and Irene, of Lesbos
St. Waltrude, foundress of a monastery, of Belgium (+688)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Tsesarskaya”

Saturday “in Albis,” i.e. “in white robes”
Martyr Prochorus of the 7 first deacons, bishop of Nicomedia, at Antioch
Holy Seven Virgin-Martyrs in Sirmium
St. Dioscorus, abbot
St. Jerome (Jeronias) in Nitrea
Martyr Eupsychius at Caesarea of Cappadocia
St. Acacius, bishop of Amida, in Mesopotamia
St. Marcellus, bishop, at Avignon
St. Hugh, bishop of Rouen
Martyrs Demetrius, Concessus, Hilary, and other Martyrs
St. Madrun, widow, in Wales
St. Dotto, abbot in the Orkney Islands
Martyrs Theodore the abbot, Askega the prior, Swithin the subprior, Elfgete the deacon, Savinus the subdeacon, Egdred and Ulric the acolytes, Grimkel and Agamund (each 100 years old), martyred by the Danes
Martyrs Hedda the abbot and 84 Martyred Monks, at Peterborough
St. Casilda the Moor, hermitess, virgin, at Briviesca
Translation of the relics of St. Mary of Egypt, penitent
St. Woutruide, monastery foundress, in the Netherlands

April 23 / April 10, 2023

St. Thomas Sunday
Martyrs Terence, Pompey, Africanus, Maximus, Zeno, Alexander, Theodore, Macarius, and 32 other Martyrs, beheaded at Carthage (+250)
New Hieromartyr Gregory V, patriarch of Constantinople
Martyrs James the presbyter, and Azadenes (Azas) and Abdicius the deacons, of Persia
Prophetess Huldah (Olda; cf. II Kings 22:14)
St. Milteades, pope of Rome
Holy Nun-Martyrs of Kvabtakhevi convent in Georgia
New Martyr Demos at Smyrna
Consecration of St. Joasaph, bishop of Kodiak
Martyr Auxentius
St. Maximus
Sts. Ischyrion and Tifantian
Martyr Chrysanthus, monk, of Xenophon, Athos
Martyr Anastasia the abbess of Uglich, and 32 Martyred Nuns with her
Martyrs Beocca, Hethor, and their Martyred Companions, at Chertsey
Hieromartyr Hedda and 84 Maryted Monks with him, at Peterborough

Sunday “in Albis,” i.e. “in white robes”
Quasimodo Sunday
Octave Day of Pascha
Martyr Ezechiel the Prophet
Many Holy Martyrs baptized by St. Alexander, at Rome
Hieromartyr Apollonius the priest and Five other Martyrs, at Alexandria
St. Diogenes, anchorite, in Nitrea
St. Julius African, writer
Martyrs Terence, Africanus, Pompeius, Maximus, and 36 other Martyrs, at Carthage
St. Palladius, bishop of Auxerre
St. Bede, monk, at Gavello, Italy
St. Macarius of Antioch, hermit at Ghent
St. Fulbert, bishop, hymnographer, at Chartres
Martyr Bademas, abbot, in Persia
Martyrs Beocca the abbot, Ethor the priest, and 90 Martyred Monks, in Surrey, at Chertsey
Martyrs Arsenius the abbot and some 6,000 Martyred Monks, slain by Muslims, in Georgia

April 24 / April 11, 2023

St. Pharmuthius, anchorite of Egypt
Martyrs Processus and Martinian, of Rome
St. John, monk, disciple of St. Gregory of Decapolis
St. James the abbot of Zhelezny Borok, and his disciple St. James
Sts. Euthymius and Chariton, abbots of Syanzhema, Vologda
St. Barsanuphius, bishop of Tver
St. Kurduva
St. Callinicus of Cernica, bishop of Rimnicu Valcea in Romania
St. Guthlac, hieromonk, of Crowland (+714)
Hieromartyr Domninus the bishop of Salona in Dalmatia, and Eight Martyred Soldiers with him
New Martyrs of Tver: Peter Zhukov and Prochorus Mikhailov (+1918)
Appearance of the Most Holy Theotokos at Pochaev, in Rus’, and the Leaving of her sacred Footprint there

St. Ambrose, bishop, at Milan, transferred from April 04 (OS)
Translation of the relics of St. Leo the Great, pope, who saved Rome from Attila and from Pelagius
St. Guthlac, priest-hermit, at Croyland in Britain
St. Philip the Confessor, bishop, at Gortyna in Crete
Hieromartyr Domnio the bishop, Anastasius, Maurus, and Six Martyred Soldiers
St. Eustorgius, priest, at Nicomedia
St. Agricus, abbot, at Tours
St. Sicarius, bishop, at Lyons
St. Archilocus, bishop, in Mesopotamia
St. Mochua the Wonderworker, in Ireland
St. Barsanuphius, hermit, at Gaza
St. Isaac, abbot of Monteluco at Spoleto
St. Godebertha, abbess, at Noyon, France
Martyr Antipas, bishop of Pergamos (Apoc 2:13)
Sts. Machai of Bute, Aidus of Achad-Finglas, and Maedhog of Clonmore, abbots

April 25 / April 12, 2023

St. Basil the Confessor, bishop of Parium
St. Anthusa the virgin of Constantinople
St. Athanasia, abbess of Aegina
Venerable-Martyrs Menas, David, and John, of Palestine
St. Isaac the Syrian, abbot of Spoleto
Hieromartyr Zeno, bishop of Verona
St. Acacius the New, monk of Kavsokalybia skete, Mt. Athos
St. Basil, bishop of Ryazan
Translation of the Cincture of the Most Holy Mother of God to Constantinople (942)
St. Sergius II, patriarch of Constantinople
Martyrs Demes, Protion, and Those Martyred with them
Martyr Gerontius
Martyr Kistion
New Hieromartyr Demetrius Rozhdestvensky, protopresbyter of Alma-Ata (+1921)
Murom and Belinich Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos

St. Julius, pope of Rome, friend of St. Athanasius
Martyr Zeno, bishop of Verona
St. Constantine, bishop, at Gap in France
St. Agrippus Castor the Confessor, at Alexandria
Martyr Victor, catechumen, at Braga in Portugal
Virgin-Martyr Vissia, in the marches of Ancona, at Fermo
Martyr Sabbas the Goth and other Martyrs, near Tirgovist in Romania
St. Erkemboden, bishop of Therouanne
St. Wigbert, preacher in Friesland in Ireland
Hieromartyr Tetricus, bishop, at Auxerre
St. Damian, bishop, at Pavia
St. Alpherius, abbot, founder of La Cava, near Salerno
Commemoration of the Deluge (Gen 6-9)

April 26 / April 13, 2023

Hieromartyr Artemon, presbyter of Laodicea in Syria
Martyr Crescens of Myra in Lycia
Martyr Thomais at Alexandria
Martyr Eleutherius of Persia
Martyr Zoilus the Roman, in Persia
New Martyr Demetrius at Tripoli, in the Peloponnesus
St. Martius, abbot of Clermont, Gaul
St. George
New Hieromartyr Stephen, bishop of Izhevsk (+1933)
St. Guinoch of Buchan
Martyr Theodosius of Persia

Martyr Justin the Philosopher at Rome
Martyrs Carpus the bishop of Thyateira, Papylus the deacon, Agathonica, Agathodorus, and other Martyrs, at Pergamus
Martyr King Hermenegild in Spain
Virgin-Martyr Euphemia at Chalcedon, who wrought the wonder at the 4th Ecumenical Council
St. Atticus, archbishop, who replaced the exiled St. John Chrysostom but repented of it
Martyrs Maximus, Quintilian, and Dadas
St. Ursus, bishop of Ravenna
St. Winnoc, bishop, in Scotland
St. Romanus, bishop of Metz
St. Martius, hermit of Auvergne

April 27 / April 14, 2023

St. Martin the Confessor, pope of Rome
Martyrs Anthony, John, and Eustathius of Vilnius in Lithuania
Martyr Ardalion the Actor
Martyr Azat (Azades) the eunuch and 1,000 Martyrs, of Persia
Venerable-Martyr Christopher the Sabbaite
Martyr Thomais of Alexandria
St. Cyriacus, bishop of Jerusalem
St. Euthymius the wonderworker
St. Valentine
New Hieromartyr Sergius (Trofimov), and One slain with him, in Russia
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Vilna, Lithuania

Martyrs Tibertius, Valerian, and Maximus, at Rome
St. Fronto, hermit, at Nitria in Egypt
Martyrs Domnina and another Virgin, who suffered together with St. Valentine, at Terni, Umbria
St. Bacchylus the Confessor, bishop, at Corinth
St. Ardalion, actor, who while mocking Christianity on the stage was converted to Christ, then roasted alive as a martyr
St. Abundius, sacristan of St. Peter’s, Rome
St. Lambedrt, bishop of Lyons
St. Tassach, bishop, at Raholp

April 28 / April 15, 2023

Apostles Aristarchus, Pudens, and Trophimus, of the Seventy
Martyr Sabbas the Goth of Wallachia
Martyrs Basilissa and Anastasia of Rome, disciples of the Apostles Peter and Paul
St. Mstislav (in holy baptism, Theodore), Great Prince of Kiev
Martyr Suchias and his 16 martyred companions in Armenia: Andrew, Anastasius, Thalelaeus, Theodoretus, Ivchirion, Jordan, Quadratus, Lucian, Mimnenus, Nerangius, Polyeuctus, James, Phocas, Dometian, Victor, and Zosimas
St. Leonidas, bishop of Athens
Martyrs Theodore the presbyter and Pausilypus (Pausolypius)
Martyr Sebastian
St. Ruadhan, abbot and founder of Lorrha, in Ireland (ca. 584)
St. Paternus (Padarm), bishop of Llandbadarm Fawr, in Wales
St. Daniel of Achinsk, Siberia (+1843)

Martyrs Olympias and Maximas, at Corduba, in Persia
Martyrs Maro, Eutyches, and Victorinus, in Italy
St. Paternus of England, ordained in Jerusalem, bishop of Vannes
Martyrs Basilissa and Anastasia, at Rome
Martyr Crescens at Myra
St. Ruadan, abbot of Lorrha, in Ireland
St. Silvester, abbot, at Reome
St. Mundus, abbot, in Argyle, Scotland
Martyrs Theodore and Pausilippus, near Byzantium
Martyr Blessed Laurentinus Sossius, boy, near Vicenza
St. Hunna, widow, the “holy washer-woman,” at Alsace
Blessed Nidger, bishop, at Augsburg
St. Leonidas, bishop of Athens

April 29 / April 16, 2023

Virgin-Martyrs Agape, Irene, and Chionia, in Illyria
Martyrs Leonidas and the women Charissa, Nice, Galina, Callida, Nunechia, Basilissa, Theodora, Irene, and other Martyrs, of Corinth
Martyr Irene (another) of Corinth
St. Theodora (Princess Bassa), nun, of Nizhny Novgorod
St. John, fool-for-Christ of Verkhoturye
New Martyr Michael of Bourla, at Smyrna
Sts. Paul and Timothy
New Martyr Christopher, monk, of Dionysiou, Athos, who suffered at Adrianople
St. Fructuosus, archbishop of Braga
The Weeping Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos at the Holy Trinity-St. Elias monastery in Chernigov, and the Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Tambov
Martyrs Felix, Januarius, Fortunatus, and Septimus

Martyrs Callistus and Charistius with Seven other Martyrs, at Corinth
Holy 18 Martyrs at Zaragoza, in Spain: Quinctilian, Cassian, Matutin, Publius, Urban, Martial, Faustus, Seccessus, Felix, Januarius, Primitivus, Eventius, Cecilian, Optatus, Fronto, Lupercus, Apodemius, and Julia
Hieromartyr Phocas, bishop, in Egypt
St. Toribio, bishop of Astorga, Spain
Martyr Vasius at Saintes in France
St. Paternus, bishop of Avranches
St. Sculbilius, monk, at Jouin-de-Marne
St. Fructuosus, bishop, at Braga, Portugal
Translation of the relics of St. Gibrian, hermit on the Marne
Martyrs Caius and Crementius at Zaragoza, in Spain
Virgin-Martyr Encratia in Spain
St. Toribio, abbot, at Palencia
St. Paternus the Confessor, in Wales
Martyr Lambert at Zaragoza
Blessed Elias, abbot, at Cologne
Blessed Hervé (Harvey), hermit of Tours

April 30 / April 17, 2023

Third Sunday of Pascha
Commemoration of the Holy Myrrh-Bearing Women: Mary Magdalen, Mary the wife of Cleopas, Joanna, Salome the mother of the sons of Zebedee, Mary and Martha the sisters of Lazarus, and Susanna
Righteous Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus
Hieromartyr Symeon the bishop in Persia, and those with him: Martyrs Abdechalas and Ananias the presbyters, the men Usthazanes, Phusicus (Pusicius), Azat (Azades) the eunuch, the woman Ascitrea, and 1,150 other Martyrs
St. Acacius, bishop of Melitene
Martyr Adrian of Corinth
St. Ephraim the Great, monk of Matskhvereli, Georgia
Sts. Zosimas, abbot of Solovki, and Sabbatius, monk
Opening of the relics of St. Alexander, abbot of Svir
Sts. Patapius and Thomas, and Others, monks
St. Macarius, archbishop of Corinth
St. Simeon, monk
St. Agapitus, pope of Rome (+536)
Hieromartyr Donnan and 52 Companions, on the Isle of Eigg, in Scotland (+618)
St. Paisius, fool-for-Christ of the Kiev Caves (+1893)
New Hieromartyrs John Prigorovsky of Krasnoyarsk (+1918) and Theodore Nedosekin of Moscow (+1942), priests

First Sunday after the Octave Day of Pascha
Sunday of the Good Shepherd, “Misericordia Sunday”
Martyr Mappalicus and Many other Martyrs, in Africa
Martyrs Peter the deacon and Hermogenes, at Antioch
Martyr Nicephorus in the East Country
Martyrs Elias the priest, and Paul and Isidore the monks, slain by the Muslims, at Córdova
Hieromartyr Anicetus, pope, at Rome
St. Helenus, abbot
St. Paul, abbot of 500 monks, in Libya
St. Innocent, bishop of Tortona
Martyr Donnan the abbot and his 52 Martyred Monks, on the island of Eigg in the Inner Hebrides
St. Landeric, bishop of Metz, at Soignies
Martyrs Fortunatus and Marcian
St. Pantagathus, bishop, at Vienne
St. Wando, abbot, at Fontenelle

May 1 / April 18, 2023

St. John, monk, disciple of St. Gregory of Decapolis
St. Cosmas the Confessor bishop of Chalcedon, and his fellow struggler St. Auxentius
Martyrs Victor, Zoticus, Zeno, Acindynus, and Severian, of Nicomedia
St. Basil Ratishvili of Holy Mountain, Georgia
St. Euthymius the Enlightener of Karelia and founder of the St. Nicholas monastery, and Sts. Anthony and Felix, righteous laymen buried in the monastery
New Martyr John the New at Epirus
New Martyr John the tailor of Ioannina, at Constantinople
New Martyr John Kulikas
Sts. John and Athanasius, monks of Aegina
St. Euthymius the Wonderworker
Martyr Sabbas the Goth (+372)
New Hieromartyrs Priests Nicholas (+1937) and Basil Derzhavin (+1930), and the Martyred Lay People of Gorodets
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Sweet Kissing”

Martyrs Eleutherius the bishop, his mother Anthia, and 11 other Martyrs, at Messina, Sicily
Martyr Apollonius the senator, at Rome
Hieromartyr Perfectus, priest, at Córdova
St. Laserian, bishop, abbot of Leighlin, who brought the Orthodox Paschal dating to Southern Ireland
St. Apollo, abbot of 500 monks, near Hermopolis in Egypt
Martyr Calocerus at Brescia
St. Wigterp, bishop of Augsburg
St. Agia, nun, wife of St. Hydulf, at Mons in Belgium
Martyr Corebus at Messina
Sts. Bitheus and Genocus, monks, in Ireland
St. Cogitosus “the Thinker,” at Kildare
St. Eusebius, bishop of Faro
St. Deicola, monk, founder of Bosham monastery in Sussex, England

May 2 / April 19, 2023

St. John of the Ancient Caves in Palestine
St. George the Confessor, bishop of Antioch in Pisidia
St. Tryphon, patriarch of Constantinople
Martyrs Christopher, Theonas, and Antoninus, at Nicomedia
St. Nicephorus, abbot of Katabad
Hieromartyr Paphnutius, bishop of Jerusalem
St. Symeon the Barefoot of Philotheou monastery (Mt. Athos)
St. Joachim, abbot of Opochka (Pskov)
New Venerable-Martyr Agathangelus of Esphigmenou monastery on Mt. Athos, at Smyrna
St. Joasaph Bolotov of Alaska
Hieromartyr Alphege, archbishop of Canterbury (+1012)
New Hieromartyrs Victor, bishop of Glazov (+1934), and Demetrius Vlasenkov, priest of Alma-Ata (+1942)
Repose of Blessed Asenatha, fool-for-Christ of Goritsa (+1892)
Repose of the Blessed Schema-Hieromonk Alexis of Valaam (+1900)

Martyr Timon, one of the 7 first deacons, at Corinth
Hieromartyr Aelphege, archbishop of Canterbury
Martyrs Hermogenes, Caius, Expeditus, Aristonicus, Rufus, and Galatas, at Melitene in Armenia
Martyr Vincent at Calahorra, in Spain
St. Ursmar, bishop and abbot of Lobbes
Martyr Timon, bishop of Vesegorine, Arabia
St. Crescentius the Confessor at Florence
Hieromartyr George, bishop of Antioch, who suffered for the Icons, in Pisidia
St. Gerald, hermit, and his sons Blessed Kuno and Blessed Ulrich, monks, near Mitternach, Wallgau
Martyrs Socrates and Dionysius at Pamphylia
Hieromartyr Paphnutius, priest, at Jerusalem
St. Emma, widow, philanthropist of Bremen

May 3 / April 20, 2023

New Hieromartyr Seraphim, bishop of Phanar
New Martyr Elias Ardunis
New Martyr Demetrius of the Peloponnesus
St. Tamara, Queen of Georgia
St. Theodore Trichinas (the “Hair-shirt Wearer”), hermit near Constantinople
Child-Martyr Gabriel of Bialystok
St. Anastasius, abbot of Sinai
Sts. Gregory and Anastasius I, patriarchs of Antioch
Hieromartyr Anastasius II, patriarch of Antioch
St. Alexander (Osheven), abbot near Kargopol
Sts. Betrannion and Theotimus, bishops of Tomi in Lesser Scythia
Sts. Athanasius and Joasaph of Meteora, abbots
Apostle Zaccaeus, bishop of Caesarea in Palestine
New Hieromartyr Seraphim, bishop of Phanar
New Martyrs Elias and Demetrius
Martyr Theodora
St. Chrysippus, priest of Jerusalem
St. Stachys
St. Caedwalla (Peter), king of Wessex (+689)
Cypriot and Kipyazha Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos
Repose of the Blessed Schema-monk Ignatius of St. Nicephorus monastery in Olonets (+1852)

Hieromartyr Victor, 15th pope, at Rome
Martyrs Sulpicius, Publius, and Servilian, at Rome
Sts. Marcellin the bishop and apostle of the Maritime Alps, Vincent, and Domninus; confessors, in the Alps
St. Victor of Carthage, bishop
Martyrs Victor, Zoticus, and other Martyrs, at Nicomedia
St. Theotimus, bishop, in Scythia at Tomi
St. Theodore of the Hair-shirt, hermit, near Constantinople
St. Hugh of Ancy-le-Duc, monk
St. Caedwalla, king of the West Saxons
The Seven Archangels standing before God’s throne: Sts. Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Salaphiel, Jegudiel, and Barachiel (Jude 9; Lk 1:19, 26; Tob 3:17; 3 Esd 5:16); at Palermo
St. Marcian, lay-brother of St. Germanus’, at Auxerre
Blessed Harduin, hermit-monk, at Fontenelle

May 4 / April 21, 2023

Hieromartyr Januarius, bishop of Benevento, and his Companions: Martyrs Festus (Faustus), Proculus, and Sosius (Sossus), deacons; Desiderius the reader; Gantiol, Eutychius, and Acutius, laymen; at Puteoli (Pozzuoli)
Hieromartyr Theodore of Perge in Pamphylia, and Martyrs Philippa his mother, Dioscorus, Socrates, and Dionysius
Martyr Alexandra the Empress (same as April 23)
Martyrs Isaacius, Apollo, and Quadratus (Codratus), of Nicomedia
St. Maximian, patriarch of Constantinople
Repose of St. Niphon of the Kiev Caves, subsequently bishop of Novgorod
Uncovering of the relics of St. Theodore of Synaxar
St. James, monk of Stromin
St. Alexander, Sinai monk
St. Beuno, abbot of Clynnnog Fawr, England (ca. 640)
St. Ethilwald, hermit of Farne
St. Maelrubha, abbot of Applecross (+722)
Righteous Alexis, priest, in Rus’
Mozdoskaya Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos
Repose of the Blessed Schema-monk Nicetas of Valaam (+1907)

Martyrs Simeon the bishop of Seleucia; Usthazanes, Abdechalas, and Ananias, priests; and Pusicius with his Daughter; and 100 other Martyrs; in Persia
Translation of the relics of St. Ethelwold the bishop of Lindisfarne, to London, by King Edgar
Martyrs Arator the priest, Fortunatus, Felix, Silvius, and Vitalis, at Alexandria
St. Geminus the Confessor, bishop of Nisibis
St. Anastasius of Sinai, monk, in Arabia
St. Beuno, abbot of Clynnog Fawr, in Caernarvon, Wales
St. Eneon (Eingan), hermit, at Llyn, in Bangor
St. Wobold, bishop of Liége
St. Maelrubha, abbot of Applecross, in the Isle of Skye, in Scotland
St. Cyprian, bishop, at Brescia
St. Anastasius I, patriarch of Antioch
St. Frodulf, hermit-monk, at Barjon, Côte-d’Or

May 5 / April 22, 2023

St. Theodore the Sykeote, bishop of Anastasiopolis
St. Vitalis, of the monastery of Abba Seridus at Gaza
Apostles Nathaniel, Luke, and Clement
Martyr Leonid of Alexandra
Translation of the relics of St. Vsevolod (in holy baptism, Gabriel), prince of Pskov
Martyrs Epipodius and Alexander, of Lyons (ca. 2nd century)
Martyr Nearchus
Hieromartyr Plato of Banja Luka (+1941)
Martyr Nearchus
Repose of the Blessed Fool-for-Christ Athanasius Andreyevich of Orel (+1967)

Martyr Caius; Sts. Soter and Agapitus, popes; at Rome
Martyrs Milles the bishop, Acepsimas the bishop, James the priest, Mareas and Bicor the bishops, Tarbula the virgin, her Servant, the eunuch Azades, and 16,000 other Martyrs, in Persia
Hieromartyrs Parmenas, Helimenas, and Chrysotelus, priests; Luke and Mucius, deacons; at Corduba, Persia
Martyrs Epipodius and Alexander, at Lyons
Finding of the relics of Martyr Dionysius and his Martyred Companions
St. Opportuna, abbess at Almeneches, Normandy
St. Agapitus I, pope
St. Leo, bishop of Sens
St. Theodore, bishop of Anastasiopolis, monastery-founder
St. Senorina, abbess at St. Jean-de-Vieyra
St. Rufus, hermit, at Glendalough
Holy Two Martyrs, princes, sons of Arwald, in the Isle of Wight

May 6 / April 23, 2023

Holy Glorious Great-Martyr George
Martyrs Anatolius and Protoleon, soldiers converted by witnessing the martyrdom of St. George
Martyr Alexandra the Empress, Diocletian’s wife
Martyrs Glycerius, Athanasius the former sorcerer, Valerius, Donatus, and Therinus, at Nicomedia
Blessed George of Shenkursk, fool-for-Christ
New Martyr George of Cyprus, at Ptelomais, in Acre
New Martyr Lazarus the Bulgarian, who suffered near Pergamum
Righteous Tabitha
St. Ethelbert, king of Wessex
St. Ethelred, king of England
New Hieromartyr George of Spas-Chekriak, priest (+1918)
New Hieromartyr John Anserov, priest of Alma-Ata (+1940)

Passion of ST. GEORGE the Great-Martyr of Palestine, and his converts: Martyrs Alexandra the wife of Diocletian, and her servants Apollo, Isaac, and Codratus
Hieromartyrs Felix the priest, Forunatus and Achilles the deacons, at Valence, France
Passion of St. Adalbert, archbishop of Prague, martyr, apostle of Prussia
St. Malachias, prophet of the Old Testament
St. Heraclides, monk of Thebaid, St. Dorotheus’ disciple
Sts. Pusina, Emma, Houe, Francula, Lindrua, and Meneholda, virgins, at Baisieux near Corbie, in France
St. Iberius, bishop of Meath, in Ireland
St. Gerald, bishop of Toul
St. Marolus, bishop
St. Ethelbert, king of Wessex

May 7 / April 24, 2023

Fourth Sunday of Pasha
Martyr Sabbas Stratelates (“the General”) of Rome, and 70 Martyred Soldiers with him
St. Alexis Toth, priest of Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania (+1909)
Martyrs Eusebius, Neon, Leontius, Longinus, and other Martyrs, at Nicomedia
Martyrs Pasicrates, Valention (Valentine), and Julius, of Durostorum in Moesia, in Silistra, Bulgaria
St. Thomas the Fool of Syria
St. Elizabeth the Wonderworker of Constantinople, nun
Sts. Sabbas and Alexis the Recluse, of the Kiev Caves
New Martyr Luke of Mitylene, tailor
New Martyr Doukas of Mytilene, at Constantinople
New Martyr Nicholas of Magnesia
Holy Martyrs who suffered at Chalcedon
St. Innocent and those Martyred with him
St. Chronictius
St. Iorest and St. Sabbas (Brancovich), Serbian metropolitans of Ardeal, confessors against the Calvinists
St. Joseph the Confessor, bishop of Maramures, Romania
St. Mellitus, archbishop of Canterbury
Translation of the relics of St. Wilfrid, bishop of York (+709)
Uncovering of the relics of St. Ivo (Yvo) of Ramsey, bishop
Martyr Alexander of Lyons, Gaul (+177)
St. Egbert, bishop of Iona (+729)
Hieromartyr Branko of Serbia (+1941)
Repose of the Blessed Schema-monk Nicholas of Valaam (+1947)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Molchenskaya”

Second Sunday after the Octave Day of Pascha
Jubilate Sunday
Finding of the relics of St. Ive in Huntingdonshire, bishop, hermit
Crucified Martyr Alexander and 34 other Martyrs, at Lyons
St. Mellitus, archbishop of Canterbury
St. Gregory, bishop, at Elvira in Spain
St. Corona, virgin, near Valencia
St. Egbert, hieromonk at Rathelmigisi, who brought Orthodox Pascha to Iona
Translation of the relics of St. Wilfrid, archbishop of York
Finding of the relics of St. Ive in Huntingdonshire, bishop, hermit
St. Deodatus, abbot of Blois
Sts. Bova and her niece Dodde, abbesses, at Reims
Martyr Sabbas and other Martyrs, soldiers, at Rome
Martyrs Eusebius, Neo, Leontius, Longinus, and other Martyrs, at Nicomedia
Martyr Daniel, hermit, at Gerona in Spain
St. Dyfnan, in Anglesey, son of St. Brychan
St. Honorius, bishop, at Brescia

May 8 / April 25, 2023

Holy Apostle and Evangelist Mark (I Peter 5:6-14; Mk 6:7-13)
St. Anianus, 2nd bishop of Alexandria
St. Macedonius II, patriarch of Constantinople
St. Sylvester, abbot of Obnora
Martyr Nice
Holy Eight Martyred Anchorites
New Hieromartyr Sergius Rokhletsov, protopresbyter of Vologda (+1938)
Repose of Blessed Bassian the Blind of the Kiev Caves (+1827)
Blessed Schema-hieromonk Basil (Vasile) of Poiana Marului
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Of Constantinople,” 1071 A.D.

Translation of the relics of ST. MARK, EVANGELIST, to Venice by St. Dominic, 800 A.D. (the relics were returned to Egypt in 1968) (the symbol of St. Mark is the lion)
Rogation Day: Greater Litany and Procession
Martyrs Evodius, Hermogenes, and Callistus, at Syracuse
Sts. Philo and Agatho, deacons, at Antioch
Hieromartyr Stephen, bishop of Antioch
St. Phoebadius, bishop of Agens, foe of Arianism
St. Maccail of Croghan, bishop, in Ireland
St. Maccald (Maughold), bishop of Man
St. Macedonius, patriarch of Constantinople
St. Ermin, bishop and abbot of Lobbes
St. Mella, at Doire-Melle, widow, abbess, mother of Sts. Cannech and Tigernach
St. Heribald, bishop of Auxerre
St. Robert, abbot, at Syracuse

May 9 / April 26, 2023

Hieromartyr Basil, bishop of Amasea
St. Stephen, bishop of Great Perm
Righteous Virgin Glaphyra
St. Joannicius of Devich in Serbia
St. Justa, nun
St. Nestor the Silent, monk
Sts. Andrew and Anatolius, disciples of St. Euthymius the Great
St. Richarius, abbot in Picardy
St. Theophilus
New Martyrs of Orlov: Priest John Pankov, Nicholas Pankov, and Peter Pankov; (+1918)

Martyrs under Diocletian: Cletus, 2nd bishop of Rome, named in the W. Liturgy; Marcellinus, pope; Claudius, Quirinus, and Antoninus; and in the same month 17,000 were martyred
St. Richarius, abbot, at Centula monastery, Le Ponthieu
St. Luciferus, bishop, in Sardinia, foe of Arianism
Hieromartyr Basil, bishop of Amasea, at Nicomedia
Martyr Trudpert of Münstethal, hermit, in Breisgau
Hieromartyr Peter of Braga
St. Lucidius, bishop, at Verona
St. Exuperantia, virgin, at Troyes
St. Clarence, bishop

May 10 / April 27, 2023

Mid-Pentecost or Prepolovenie.
Hieromartyr Symeon, the kinsman of the Lord, bishop of Jerusalem (I Cor 4:9-16; Mt 13:54-58)
St. Simeon the New, monk, stylite, in Cilicia
St. Stephen, abbot of the Kiev Caves, subsequently bishop of Vladimir in Volhynia
St. John, abbot of the Cathara monastery in Bithynia
New Martyr Elias (Ardunis) on Athos
St. Seraphim, bishop of Phanar
St. Machalus, bishop of the Isle of Man
Martyrs Pollio (Poplion) the reader and Lollian the New, of Cybalae, Pannonia
St. Eulogius the Hospitable at Constantinople
Burning by the Turks of the relics of St. Sava I, archbishop of Serbia
St. Dadius
St. Floribert, bishop of Luik, Netherlands (+746)
New Martyrs Archbishop Hilarion of Vereya (+1929); Protopresbyter Paul Svetozarov and Priest John Rozhdestvensky, of Ivanova (+1922); Priest John Spassky of Tver (+1941); and at Ivanova, in 1922, Anastasia, Auxentius Kalashnikov, Nicholas Malkov, Peter Yazikov, and Sergius Mefodiev

St. Anastasius, Pope of Rome, who condemned Origenism and Donatism
Hieromartyr Anthimus the bishop, and most of his Martyred Flock, at Nicomedia
Martyrs Castor and Stephen, at Tarsus of Sicily
Martyr Pulius the reader, at Civilitano, under Diocletian
St. Alpinian, priest, in Aquitania
St. John the Confessor, abbot, at Constantinople
St. Asicus (Tassach), bishop of Elphin, in Ireland
St. Liberalis, priest, at Treviso, at Ancona, persecuted by the Arians
St. Theophilus, bishop, at Brescia
St. Tertullian, 8th bishop of Bologna
St. Enoder, abbot, in Wales, grandson of St. Brychan
St. Winebald, abbot, at Beverley
St. Floribert, bishop, at Liége

May 11 / April 28, 2023

Apostles Jason and Sosipater of the Seventy, and their companions: Martyrs Saturninus, Jakischolus (Inischolus), Faustian, Januarius, Marsalius, Euphrasius, Mammius, Cercyra the virgin, and Christodulus the Ethiopian, at Corfu; the Martyrs Zeno, Eusebius, Neon, and Vitalis, who were converted by the Apostles Jason and Sosipater
Martyrs Dada, Maximus, and Quinctilian, at Durostorum in Moesia (Silistria, Bulgaria)
Martyr Tibald of Pannonia
St. Cyril, bishop of Turov
St. Auxibius, bishop of Soli on Cyprus
Martyr Olympia, abbess of Mitylene
St. Cyriacus, abbot of Kargopol, Vologda
Martyr John in Romania
Miracle at Carthage
Venerable Cronan, abbot of Roscrea, Ireland (7th century)
New Martyr Anna Shashkina of Yaroslavl-Rostov (+1939)
Repose of the Blessed Elder Basil (Kishkin) of Ploshchansk hermitage (+1831)

Martyrs Vitalis at Ravenna and his wife Valeriana, at Milan
Martyrs Theodora the virgin that was sent to a bordello, and Didymus who rescued her, at Alexandria
Martyrs Aphrodisius, Caralippus, Agapius, and Eusebius, at Languedoc
Martyr Pollio the reader in Lower Hungary
Hieromartyr Mark of Galilee, bishop, at Atino
Virgin-Martyrs Proba and Germana, near Laon
St. Artemius, bishop of Sens
St. Cronan, abbot of Roscrea, in Ireland
St. Gerard the English pilgrim, at Garinaro, Southern Italy
St. Pamphilius, bishop of Sulmona, in Italy
St. Prudentius, bishop of Tarazona, in Spain
St. Cyril, bishop of Turov, in Rus
Translation of the relics of St. Winwaloë of Wales, abbot
Martyrs Patrick, Acatius, Menander, and Polyenus, at Prusa, in Bithynia
Blessed Adalbero, abbot of Lorsch, bishop, at Augsburg
Translation of the relics of St. Matthew the Apostle to Salerno

May 12 / April 29, 2023

Holy Nine Martyrs at Cyzicus: Theognis, Rufus, Antipater, Theostichus, Artemas, Magnus, Theodotus, Thaumasius, Philemon
St. Memnon the Wonderworker of Corfù
St. Basil, metropolitan of Zachlumia (Herzegovina), wonderworker of Ostrog (Montenegro), myrrh-streamer, to whom not only Orthodox, but many Roman Catholics and Muslims also, resort upon the Day of Pentecost for the healing of their infirmities
Hieromartyrs Diodorus and Rhodopian, deacons, at Aphrodisia in Anatolia
Martyr John the Romanian
St. Arsenius, archbishop of Suzdal
St. Endelienta (Endellion), nun-recluse of Cornwall
St. Secundellus the deacon, in Gaul
St. Nectarius, hieromonk, confessor of Optina (+1928)
St. John the New, the Merciful, metropolitan of Thebes

Commemoration of the Coming forth of Noah from the Ark (Gen 8:18)
St. Tychicus, bishop, at Paphos, disciple of St. Paul (Acts 20:4; Eph 6:21; Col 4:7; Titus 3:12)
Hieromartyrs Agapius and Secundinus the bishops; the Martyrs Emilian the soldier, Tertulla and Antonia the virgins, and a Woman with her Twin Boys; in Numidia
Translation of the relics of the Martyr-King Edmund of England
St. Wilfrid II, archbishop of York
St. Leo, bishop, in Greece
The Seven Thieves, Martyrs, converted by St. Jason, in Corcyra
St. Senan, hermit, in Northern Wales
Martyr Gundebert, monk, near Reims, at Avenay
St. Secundellas, deacon, in Gaul
St. Severus, bishop, at Naples
St. Dichu, first convert of St. Patrick at Ulster
St. Endelienta, hermit-nun of Cornwall, daughter of St. Brychan
St. Paulinus, bishop at Brescia
St. Fiachan, monk, at Lismore
St. Ava, abbess, at Dinant
Martyr Daniel, hermit, at Gerona

May 13 / April 30, 2023

Holy Apostle James, the brother of St. John the Theologian (Acts 12:1-11; Lk 5:1-11)
St. Donatus, bishop of Euroea in Epirus
Martyr Maximus of Ephesus
Opening of the relics of the Hieromartyr Basil of Amasea, bishop
Opening of the relics of St. Nicetas, bishop of Novgorod
Translation of the relics of St. Sabbas, abbot of Zvenigorod monastery
St. Clement the Hymnographer, abbot of the Studion
New Martyr Argyra of Prussa, woman, at Constantinople
St. Quintian and Atticus
St. Erkonwald, bishop of London (+693)
Martyrs Eutropius and Estelle, of Saintes, Gaul (3rd century)
St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov), bishop of the Caucasus and the Black Sea (+1867)
St. Ephraim
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Of the Passion,” also known as “Our Lady of Perpetual Help”
Repose of the Blessed Schema-abbess Martha (Protasieva), disciple of St. Paisius Velichkovsky (+1813)

Martyrs Marianus the reader, James the deacon, and other Martyrs with St. Agapius, at Cirta and Lambesa, Africa
Hieromartyr Eutropius, bishop, at Saintes
St. Erkenwald, bishop of London
St. Zosimas, abbot, who buried St. Mary of Egypt
Martyr Maximus of Ephesus
St. Maternian, bishop of Reims
Hieromartyr Laurence the priest and other Martyrs, at Novara
St. Donatus, bishop of Euraea, in Epirus
St. Hilda, virgin, in Champagne
St. Michomer the Confessor, at Tonnerre, France
St. Hildegard of Kempten, queen
St. Swithbert the Younger, bishop of Werden
Hieromartyr Amator the priest, and the Martyrs Peter and Louis, all slain by the Muslims, at Córdova
St. Indaletius, bishop, in Spain
Hieromartyr Aphrodisius the priest, and some 30 Martyrs of his flock, at Alexandria
Virgin-Martyr Sophia at Fermo
St. Pomponius, bishop, at Naples
St. Desideratus, hermit, at Gourdon, in France
St. Cynwl, hermit, in Northern Wales

May 14 / May 1, 2023

Fifth Sunday after Pascha
Sunday of the Samaritan Woman
Prophet Jeremiah (650 B.C.)
New Venerable-Martyrs Euthymius, Ignatius, and Acacius the Serb, of Mt. Athos
St. Tamara, Queen of Georgia
St. Paphnutius, abbot of Borovsk
Venerable-Martyr Batas the Persian, at Nisibis
Hieromartyr Macarius, metropolitan of Kiev
St. Gerasimus, abbot of Boldin
St. Isidora
Martyr Philosophus at Alexandria
St. Panaretus, archbishop of Pathos on Cyprus
Martyr Sabbas
St. Nicephorus of Chios, monk
New Martyr Mary of Crete
St. Asaph, bishop of Lllanelwy in North Wales (6th – 7th century)
St. Ultan, founder of Fosse, Netherlands (+680)
St. Brioc, abbot of Saint Brieuc, Brittany
St. Corentin, bishop of Quimper, Brittany
Translation of the relics of St. Walburga, abbess of Heidenheim
New Martyr Nina Zuznyetsova of Vologda (+1938)
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Andronik,” “Tsaryevokokshaiskaya” of the Myrrh-Bearers, and “Unexpected Joy”
Repose of Blessed Schema-monk Luke of Glinsk hermitage (+1898)

Third Sunday after the Octave Day of Pascha
Cantate Sunday
Martyr Jeremias and his disciple St. Baruch, prophets, at Taphnas, in Egypt (Dan 9:2; Jer 36:4-32)
Martyr Andeolus of Smyrna, subdeacon, in the Vivarais, Gaul
Martyr-King Sigismund, king of Burgundy, hermit, wonderworker, at Southern Maurice
St. Oriens the Confessor, bishop, at Auch, in France
St. Amator, bishop, at Auxerre
St. Corentin, bishop of Quimper, Brittany
Glorification of St. Walburga the Myrrh-Gusher, abbess
Martyrs Achius and Acheolus at Amiens
St. Isidora the Virgin, at Tabenna in Egypt
St. Africanus, bishop of Comminges
St. Marculf, abbot of Nantueil, in Normandy
St. Asaph, bishop, in Wales
St. Brioch, bishop, in Brittany
St. Theodulus, abbot of St. Thierry, at Rheims
St. Cellach, bishop of Killala, hermit, in Ireland
St. Aregius, bishop of Gap
Martyr Bertha, abbess, at Avenay, Châlons-sur-Marne
St. Ultan, abbot of Fosses, near Péronne
Martyr Evermar of Tongres, Belgium
St. Theodard, archbishop of Narbonne
Martyrs Orentius and his wife Patientia, near Huesca, Aragon
St. Grata, widow, at Bergamo
St. Kevoca the virgin, at Kyle, Scotland

May 15 / May 2, 2023

St. Athanasius the Great, archbishop of Alexandria
St. Athanasius, monk of Svir
St. Boris (in holy baptism, Michael), king and Enlightener of Bulgaria, Equal-to-the-Apostles, who in the 9th century accepted Baptism with all his people
St. Athanasius of Lubny, patriarch of Constantinople, wonderworker
Martyrs Hesperus, Zoë, and their sons Cyriacus and Theodulus, at Attalia
Translation of the relics of the Holy Passion-bearers of Rus’ Boris and Gleb (in holy baptism, Romanus and David)
St. Jordan the Wonderworker
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Putivl” and “Vutivan”

St. Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria, author of the creed “Whoso wisheth to be saved,” printed in the Psalter of the Russian Church
Martyrs Saturninus and Neopolus, Germanus, and Celestine
Hieromartyrs Vindemialis, Eugene, and Longinus, bishops, at Tarvis, in Africa
St. Secundus, bishop, at Avila, Spain
Martyrs Hesperus, Zoë, and their sons Cyriacus and Theodulus, at Attalia
Virgin-Martyr Flamina in Auvergne
Hieromartyr Germanus (Herman), bishop, in Normandy
St. Waldebert, abbot of Luxeuil
Virgin-Martyr Wiborada, hermitess, virgin, at St. Gall, Switzerland
Martyr Felix at Seville
St. Valentine, bishop, at Genoa
St. Neachtain, kinsman of St. Patrick, in Ireland
St. Gluvias, monastery founder, in Cornwall
Blessed Bertin the Younger, monk of Sithiu under St. Bertin Elder
Translation of the relics of the Martyr Januarius to Naples

May 16 / May 3, 2023

Martyrs Timothy the reader and his wife Maura of Antinoë, in Egypt
St. Theodosius, abbot of the Kiev Caves monastery and founder of coenobitic monasticism in Russia
St. Mamai, catholicos of Georgia
New Martyr Paul of Vilna, Lithuania
St. Peter the Wonderworker, bishop of Argos
St. Ecumenius, bishop and wonderworker of Trikala
Great Martyr Xenia the Wonderworker of the Peloponnesus
Translation of the relics of St. Luke of Mt. Steirion
New Martyr Achmed (Ahmet) the Calligrapher, at Constantinople
New Martyr Mary in Crete
St. Glywys of Cornwall
St. Ansfried, bishop of Utrecht (+1010)
St. Nicholas Benevolsky, priest of Alma-Ata (+1941)
Kiev Caves’ Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Yaskin,” “Dormition” (originally from Constantinople), “Not Made With Hands,” “With Sts. Anthony and Theodosius,” and “Svenskaya”

Hieromartyrs Alexander the pope, and Eventius and Theodulus the priests, at Rome
St. Juvenal, bishop of Narni
Martyrs Timothy the reader and his wife Maura, in the Thebaid
Martyrs Genius the Confessor and 30 Soldiers, in France at Lecture
St. Fumach, hermit, in Scotland
St. Philip of Zell, hieromonk, hermit, in the Nahegau, in Germany
Martyrs Alexander the soldier and Antonina the virgin, at Constantinople
Hieromartyrs Diodorus and Rhodopianus, deacons, in Asia Minor
St. Conleth, bishop, at Kildare
St. Scannal of Cell-Coleraine, preacher, disciple of St. Columba
St. Adalsinda, abbess, at Bèze
St. Ethelwin, bishop, at Lindsey

May 17 / May 4, 2023

Apodosis of Prepolovenie
Virgin-Martyr Pelagia of Tarsus in Cilicia
Hieromartyr Silvanus the bishop of Gaza, and 40 other Martyrs
Hieromartyr Olbian (Albian), bishop of Anaea in Asia Minor, with his Martyred Disciples
Hieromartyr Erasmus, bishop of Formia in Campania
Translation of the relics of the Righteous Lazarus and St. Mary Magdalene, Equal-to-the-Apostles, to the monastery of St. Lazarus in Constantinople
St. Monica, mother of Blessed Augustine of Africa
Martyrs Aphrodisius, Leontius, Anthony, Meles (Melda), Valerian, Macrobius, and other Martyrs, monks of Scythopolis in Palestine
St. Nicephorus, abbot of Medikion
St. Nicephorus the Hesychast, of Mt. Athos
St. Athanasius, bishop of Corinth
Translation of the relics of the Alfanov brothers: Sts. Nicetas, Cyril, Nicephorus, Clement, and Isaac of Novgorod, founders of the Sokolnitsky monastery
St. Hilary of the desert, wonderworker
New Hieroconfessor Demetrius, archbishop of Gdov (+1935)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos at Staraya Russa

Hieromartyr Silvanus the bishop, and many other Martyrs, at Gaza
Hieromartyr Quiricus the bishop who located the Cross for St. Helen, and the Martyr Ammon, at Jerusalem
St. Anna, mother of St. Quiricus
Holy 40 Martyrs in the mines of Phennes in Palestine
Martyr Antonina at Nicomedia
Martyr Florian the soldier, at Lorch, in Austria
St. Curcodemus, deacon, at Auxerre
Martyr Amonius at Jerusalem
Virgin-Martyr Herynia
Holy 40 Martyrs, workmen, slain by Arians, in Italy
St. Monica, at Carthage, mother of St. Augustine of Africa
Virgin-Martyr Pelagia at Tarsus
Martyr Valerian at Forli
St. Venerius, 2nd bishop of Milan after St. Ambrose
Hieromartyr Porphyrius, priest, at Camerino
Martyr Paulinus, at Cologne, in Germany
St. Nepotian the Confessor, at Atino
St. Anthony du Rocher, abbot
St. Ethelred, king of Merica, then abbot of Bardney
St. Sacerdos, bishop of Limoges
St. Paulinus, bishop, at Sinigaglia
Blessed Hilsinda, abbess and foundress of Thorn monastery on the Marne
St. Kunegunda, virgin, at Niedermünster monastery in Ratisbon
St. Titan, bishop of Lodi
St. Malou, bishop of Senlis

May 18 / May 5, 2023

Great-Martyr Irene of Thessalonica
Martyrs Neophytus, Gaius, and Gaianus
St. Hierax of Egypt, monk
Sts. Martin and Heraclius, of Illyria
St. Barlaam of Serpukhov, monk
St. Adrian, abbot of Monza monastery
Opening of the relics of St. James, abbot of Zhelezny Bor
St. Euthymius the Wonderworker, bishop of Madytos in Thrace
Venerable-Martyr Ephraim the Newly-appeared at Nea Makri
St. Hilary of Arles (+449)
St Hydrock of Cornwall
Translation of the relics of St. Aldhelm, bishop of Sherborne
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “The Unquaffed Cup”

Commemoration of the hymn “Te Deum”
Hieromartyr Euthymius, deacon, at Alexandria
Martyrs Irenaeus, Peregrinus, and Irene, of Thessalonica
St. Hilary, bishop, at Arles
St. Nicetas, bishop, at Vienne
Martyr Jovinian of Auxerre, reader
Child-Martyr Tryphon
Translation of the relics of St. Owen
Translation of the relics of St. Aldhelm, bishop of Sherborne
St. Diuma the Scot, bishop of Mercia
St. Gothard, bishop of Hildesheim
St. Maximus, patriarch of Jerusalem
St. Gerontius, bishop of Milan
St. Maurontius, abbot of Breuil, at Douai
Martyr Silvanus at Rome
St. Nectarius, bishop, at Vienne
St. Eulogius, bishop, at Edessa
St. Brito, bishop, at Trier
Martyr Crescentiana at Rome
St. Hydroc of Lanhydroc, Cornwall
St. Gibrian, hermit, in Ireland, brother of Sts. Tressan the priest, Helan, Germanus, Abran, Petran, Franca, Promptia, and Possenna of Brittany
St. Theodore, bishop, at Bologna
St. Sacerdos, bishop, at Saguntum
St. Waldrada, first abbess of St. Pierre-aux-Nonnais, at Metz
St. Echa, hieromonk, hermit, at Crayck, York
Finding of the relics of St. Mary Magdelene
Baptism of St. Augustine of Africa

May 19 / May 6, 2023

Righteous Prophet Job the Much-suffering
St. Micah, disciple of St. Sergius of Radonezh
St. Job, abbot and wonderworker of Pochaev
Martyr Barbarus the warrior, and with him the Martyrs Bacchus, Callimachus, and Dionysius, in Thrace
St. Barbarus the former robber, whose relics are in Thessaly
Translation of the relics of St. Pachomius of Nerekhta
Sts. Mamas, Pachomius, and Hilarion, monks
Martyrs Demetrion, Danax, Mesirus, Therinus, and Donatus
Martyr Basil
St. Cassian, bishop of Narni
St. Micheas, monk of St. Sergius, Radonezh
St. Seraphim of Mt. Dombos
Translation of the relics of St. Sava I, archbishop of Serbia
Venerable Sinaites of Serbia
St. John the New
St. Dimas
St. Edbert, bishop of Lindisfarne (+698)

THE PASSION OF ST. JOHN THE APOSTLE at the Latin Gate, where he was thrown into boiling oil but was unharmed, at Rome
Hieromartyr Evodius, bishop, at Antioch
St. Lucius of Cyrene, bishop, confessor (Acts 13:1)
Martyrs Heliodorus, Venustus, with 75 other Martyrs, in Africa
St. John of Damascus, monk, confessor for the holy icons, at St. Sabbas’
Hieromartyr Justus, bishop of Vienne, in France
Virgin-Martyr Avia near Cologne
St. Edbert, bishop of Lindisfarne, who lies at Durham
St. Colman of Cork, reader and poet
St. Petronax, abbot of Monte Cassino
St. Theodotus, bishop, in Cyprus
St. Protogenes, bishop, in Syria
St. Benedicta, nun at St. Galla monastery, at Rome
St. Maurelius, bishop of Imola in Emilia

May 20 / May 7, 2023

Commemoration of the Appearance of the Sign of the Precious Cross over Jerusalem in 351 A.D.
Martyr Acacius the centurion at Byzantium
Opening of the relics of St. Euthymius the Great
Repose of St. Nilus, abbot of Sora
St. John of Zedazeni in Georgia, and his 12 disciples: Sts. Shio, David, Anthony, Thaddeus, Stephen, Isidore, Michael, Pyrrhus, Zeno, Jesse the bishop of Tskilkani, Joseph the bishop of Alaverdi, and Abibus the bishop of Nekressi
New Venerable-Martyr Pachomius at Usaki, whose relics are on Patmos
Martyr Heliocrates
Martyr Nicomas
Opening of the relics of St. Nilus the Myrrh-gusher of Mt. Athos
St. John of Beverly, bishop of York (+721)
St. Domitian, bishop of Maastricht (+560)
St. Liudhard, Frankish bishop and chaplain of Queen Bertha at Canturbury
Repose of the Blessed Hieromonk Eulogius of Valaam (+1969)
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Lyubech,” “Zhirovits,” and “Peč”

St. John of Beverly, bishop of York, who ordained St. Bede
Virgin-Martyrs Domitilla, Euphrosyne, and Theodora, at Terracina
Martyr Juvenal at Benevento
Martyrs Flavius, Augustus, and Augustine, brothers, at Nicomedia
Enshrining of Sts. Stephen and Laurence, at Rome
St. Raphael the Archangel, healer
St. Liuthard of Canterbury, bishop
Sts. Maillard the bishop, Serenicus the abbot in Hyesmes, and his brother Serenus the hermit at Saulges, at Séez, in France
St. Domitian of Huy, bishop of Maastricht
Martyr Quadratus of Herbipolis
St. Michael Ulumbijski in Georgia
St. Placid, abbot, at Autun
St. Peter, bishop, at Pavia
St. Hernin, hermit, near Carhaix in Brittany

May 21 / May 8, 2023

Sixth Sunday of Pascha
Sunday of the Blind Man
Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian
St. Arsenius the Great, the Roman, at Scetis in Egypt
Righteous Emilia, mother of St. Basil the Great
Translation of the relics of St. Arsenius of Novgorod, fool-for-Christ
Sts. Pimen the Faster and Arsenius the Lover of labor, monks of the Kiev Caves
Sts. Zosimas and Adrian, monks of Volokolamsk
St. Hierax of Egypt
St. Meles the Melodist, monk
Holy Martyred Soldiers
Hieromartyr Indract and his Martyred Companions, at Shapwick
St. Wiro, bishop of Utrecht
St. Odger, hierodeacon, of Odilienberg
St. Macarius of Ghent, bishop from the East (+1012)
St. Iduberga, foundress of Nijvel, Netherlands (+652)
Commemoration of the miraculous healing of blinded Stephen on Corfu by the Cassiope Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos
Repose of the Blessed Schema-hieromonk Michael of Valaam, confessor for the Orthodox Calendar (+1934)
Repose of Blessed Basiliscus of Uglich (+1863)

Fourth Sunday after the Octave Day of Pascha
Rogation Sunday
Translation of the relics of St. Chad of Lichfield
Martyr Victor the African, at Milan
Martyrs Stephen and Victor, in Egypt
Appearance of St. Michael the Archangel on Mt. Gargano, Italy
St. Helladius, bishop of Auxerre
St. Catald the Irish, bishop of Tarentum, in Southern Italy
Martyr-King Indractus of Ireland
St. Aurelian, bishop of Limoges
Martyr Acacius and other Martyrs, at Byzantium
St. Desideratus, bishop of Bourges
St. Ida (Iduberga), nun under her daughter St. Gertrude, at Nivelles
Hieromartyrs Wiro and Plechelm the bishops, and Otger the hierodeacon, at Roermund, in Holland
St. Dionysius, bishop, at Vienne
St. Odrian, bishop, at Waterford
Streaming of Myrrh from the tomb of St. John the Apostle
St. Macarius, archbishop

May 22 / May 9, 2023

Prophet Isaiah
Martyr Christopher of Lycia, and with him the Martyrs Callinica, Aquilina, and 200 Martyred Soldiers
Translation of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, archbishop, from Myra in Lycia to Bari, in 1087
Martyr Epimachus the New of Alexandria
Martyr Gordian at Rome
Translation of the relics of the Child-Martyr Gabriel of Bialystok, Poland, to Slutsk
Venerable-Martyr Nicholas the New of Bounena and his Companions, near Larissa in Thessaly
St. Shio (Simeon), monk of Mgvine, Georgia
Sts. Probus and Christopher
St. Stratonicus
St. Joseph, hieromonk, elder of Optina (+1911)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Perekop

Rogation Monday
St. Gregory the Divine, bishop, at Nazianzen
Translation of the relics of Sts. Andrew the Apostle, Luke the Evangelist, and Timothy the disciple of St. Paul, to Constantinople
St. Hermas, bishop (Rom 16:14)
Translation of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, archbishop, from Myra in Lycia to Bari
Translation of the relics of St. Jerome of Bethlehem, abbot
Holy 310 Martyrs in Persia
St. Metron at Verona
St. Beatus, hermit, apostle of Switzerland, on Lake Thun
Hieromartyr Gerontius, bishop of Cervia
St. John, bishop, at Chalon
St. Gofor the Confessor in Monmouthshire, at Llanover
St. Tegwin, abbot, at Landevennec
St. Sanctan, bishop, at Kill-da-Less
St. Vincent, abbot, at Montes
St. Gregory, bishop, at Ostia
Blessed Adalgar, bishop of Bremen

May 23 / May 10, 2023

Apostle Simon the Zealot
St. Isidora the Fool-for-Christ of Tabenna in Egypt
Blessed Thais (Taisia) of Egypt
Martyr Hesychius of Antioch
Martyrs Philadelphus, Cyprian, Alphaeus (Alphius), Onesimus, Erasmus, and 14 other Martyrs, in Sicily
St. Laurence, monk of Egypt
St. Simon the of Kiev Caves, subsequently bishop of Vladimir and Suzdal
Blessed Simon of Yurievets, fool-for-Christ
Translation of the relics of the Martyr Basil of Mangazeya in Siberia
St. Dionysius, archimandrite of Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra
St. Conleth, bishop of Kildare, hermit, maker of sacred vessels (+520)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Kiev-Bratskaya”
Repose of Blessed Synesius of Irkutsk, friend of St. Sophronius (+1787)
Repose of the Blessed Eldress Thais (Taisia) of Voronezh (+1840)

Rogation Tuesday
Martyrs Gordian and Epimachus, at Rome
Holy and patient Prophet Job, in the land of Uz
Martyrs Calepodius the priest, Palmatius and his wife and 42 Martyrs of his Household, with Martyrs Simplicius the senator and Blanda and Felix
Martyrs Quartus and Quintus, at the Hundred Halls, in Rome
St. Comgall, abbot of Bangor
Martyrs Alphius, Adelphus, and Cyrinus, at Lentini in Sicily
Virgin-Martyr Solangia at Bourges
St. Aurelian, bishop, at Limoges
Martyr Dioscorides at Smyrna
Enshrining of St. Bede the Venerable, hieromonk, at Durham
Translation of the relics of St. Catald, bishop of Tarentum

May 24 / May 11, 2023

Apodosis of Pascha
Forefeast of the Ascension
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Unburnt Bush,” “Of the Passion,” and “Modenskaya”
Hieromartyr Mocius (Mucius), presbyter of Amphipolis in Macedonia
Sts. Methodius and Cyril, equals-to-the-apostles, first teachers of the Slavs, bishops
Hieromartyr Joseph, metropolitan of Astrakhan
Commemoration of the Founding of Constantinople
St. Rostislav, prince of Moravia, equal-to-the-apostles
St. Nicodemus, archbishop of Peč, in Serbia
Consecration of Holy Wisdom Cathedral at Kiev
St. Sophronius, recluse of the Kiev Caves
New Martyrs Dioscorus and Argyrus, of Thessalonica
Martyr Aromodius and other Martyrs
St. Bessarion, archbishop, at Larissa
Martyr Acacius of Lower Moesia
St. Wiro, Irish missionary bishop to the Netherlands, in Limberg (+710)
St. Cathan of Bute (6th century)
St. Asaph, bishop of Llanelwy, Wales (6th century)
St. Mayeul, abbot of Cluny (+994)
St. Tudy of Landevennec, hermit
St. Comgall, founder of Bangor monastery (+601)
Martyrs Bassus, Susanna, Stephen, and Longinus, in Persia
Blessed Christesias (Christopher), of Garesja, Georgia

Vigil of the Ascension
Rogation Wednesday
Hieromartyr Anthimus, priest, at Rome
St. Mamertus, bishop, at Vienne, who ordained the Rogation Days before Ascension
Martyr-King Fremund of Dunstable, at Harbury in Warwickshire
St. Majolus, abbot of Cluny
Martyr Gengulf, recluse, at Varennes, in Burgundy
Martyrs Primus the priest, Mark the deacon, Jason, and Celian, of Trieste
Martyr Evellius at Pisa
Sts. Walbert and Bertilia, at Courtsobre in Hainault
St. Ansfrid, bishop of Utrecht
St. Secundus, bishop, in Spain
Martyr Anastasius the Tribune and his Martyred Household, at Camerino
Martyrs Maximus, Bassus, and Fabius, at Rome
Martyrs Sisinius, Diocletius, and Florentius, near Ancona, at Osimo
St. Principia, virgin, at Rome, disciple of St. Marcella
St. Possessor, bishop, at Verdun
St. Illuminatus, monk of San Mariano, at San Severino
St. Credan, hogherd
St. Lua, abbot of Killaloe

May 25 / May 12, 2023

St. Epiphanius, archbishop of Cyprus
St. Germanus (Herman), patriarch of Constantinople
St. Sabinus, archbishop of Cyprus
St. Polybius of Cyprus, bishop of Rhinocorura, Egypt
Righteous Philip Argyria (“Silversmith”), priest of Sicily
St. Dionysius, archimandrite of Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra at Radonezh
Glorification of the Hieromartyr Hermogenes, patriarch of Moscow and all Russia (1913)
New Martyr John of Wallachia, at Constantinople
St. Theodore of Cythera, monk
St. Proterius, monk
Martyr Pancratius (Pancras) of Rome (+304)
St. Ethelhard, archbishop of Canterbury
New Martyr Athanasia, abbess of the Smolensk Hodigitria convent near Moscow (+1931)
New Hieromartyr Peter Popov, priest of Yaroslavl-Rostov (+1937)
Commemoration of the Consecration of the Cathedral of the Theotokos at Kiev in 996
Commemoration of Blessed Monk Dorotheus, disciple of St. Dionysius of Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra

Martyrs Nereus and Achilleus who were baptized by St. Peter, with the Martyr Domitilla the niece of the Emperor Domitian, at Rome
Martyrs Pancras the youth of 14 years, and his father Dionysius, at Rome
St. Epiphanius, bishop of Salamis, at Cyprus
Martyrs Philip the first Christian emperor, and his son Philip, martyred by their servant Decius who became emperor
Choosing of St. Matthias the Apostle (Acts 1:16-26)
St. Philip of Arirone, priest, in Sicily
St. Modoald, archbishop of Trier
St. Rictrudis, widow, abbess of Marchiennes
St. Germanus (Herman), patriarch of Constantinople
St. Diomma of Kildimo, in Limerick
St. Ethelhard, archbishop of Canterbury

May 26 / May 13, 2023

Afterfeast of the Ascension
Virgin-Martyr Glyceria at Heraclea
Martyr Laodicius, jailer of St. Glyceria
Martyr Alexander of Rome, at Drizipara
St. George (also known as Sergius) the Confessor of Constantinople, his wife Irene, and their Children
St. Pausicacus, bishop of Synnada
St. Euthymius the New, founder of Iveron monastery, and his fellow Georgian saints of Mt. Athos: his father John, his cousin George, and Gabriel
Commemoration of the Monks of Iveron monastery martyred by the Latins in the 13th century
Righteous-Virgin Glyceria of Novgorod
Translation of the relics of the Venerable-Martyr Macarius, archimandrite of Obruch and later of Kanev
St. Macarius, abbot of Glushitsa, Vologda
St. Nicephorus, hieromonk of Ephapsios
Hieromartyr Alexander at Tiverias
St. Servatius, bishop of Tongeren, Belgium, foe of Arianism
St. Leander of Seville (+600)
Holy 103 Martyrs who suffered at Cherkassy in Russia
Repose of the Righteous Priest Blessed Alexis Gnevushev of Bartsuman, disciple of St. Seraphim (+1848)
Repose of the Blessed Riasophore-monk John of St. Nilus of Sora monastery (+1863)

Day within the Octave of the Ascension
St. Abban, monk, missionary, at Abingdon, England
Dedication of St. Mary-at-the-Martyrs
Hieromartyr Mucius, priest, at Byzantium
St. Servatus, bishop of Tongres
Sts. Boniface I, pope, called “the meekest man on Earth;” and Boniface IV, pope who hallowed the Pantheon as the Church of St. Mary and All Martyrs; at Rome
St. Onesimus, bishop of Soissons
St. Mel, hermit, on the isle of Bardsey
Virgin-Martyr Glyceria at Trajonopoplis
Many Holy Martyrs slain by Arians at Alexandria
St. John the Silent, monk of St. Sabbas, bishop
St. Euthymius the Enlightener, 2nd abbot of Iveron
St. Valerian, bishop, at Auxerre
St. Agnes, abbess of Holy Cross, at Poitiers
St. Natalis, bishop, at Milan
St. Anno, bishop, at Verona
Blessed Fortis Gabrielli, hermit of Fontavellana
St. Merwenna, abbess of Rumsey

May 27 / May 14, 2023

Afterfeast of the Ascension
Martyr Isidore of Chios
St. Isidore, fool-for-Christ, wonderworker of Rostov
Martyr Maximus, martyred under Decius
St. Serapion the Sidonite, monk of Egypt
St. Nicetas, recluse of the Kiev Caves, subsequently bishop of Novgorod
New Martyr Mark of Crete at Smyrna
New Martyr John (Raiko) the Bulgarian, at Sumla
First opening of the relics of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk (1846)
Synaxis of the Martyrs Alexander, Barbarus, and Acoluthus, at the Church of the Holy Peace by the Sea in Constantinople
St. Leontius, patriarch of Jerusalem
St. Andrew, abbot of Raphael, Tobolsk
Sts. James and Macarius, bishops
Sts. Isidore and Tikhon
Martyrdom by the Poles of Abbot Anthony with 40 Monks and 1,000 Laymen of St. Paisius of Uglich monastery (+1609), and Abbot Daniel with 30 Monks and 200 Laymen of St. Nicholas’ monastery (+1608)
St. Aprunculus, bishop of Clermont in Gaul
Icons of the Holy Theotokos “Terebinth,” “Of Cyprus,” and “Of Yaroslavl-Caves”

Day within the Octave of the Ascension
Martyr Pontius at Cimiez, near Nice, France
Martyrs Victor and Corona, in Egypt
St. Pachomius, abbot of Tabenna in Egypt
Martyr Boniface at Tarsus in Cilicia
St. Herembert the Confessor, bishop of Toulouse, at Fontenelle
St. Boniface, bishop of Ferentino, in Italy
Martyrs Babarius, Bacchus, Almachius, and Dionysisu, soldiers
Sts. Pachomius of Scetis and his disciples Theodore and Orosius, abbots
St. Ampelius, hermit, at Genoa
Martyr Halvard at Oslo, Norway
Martyrs Justa, Justina, and Henedina, in Sardinia
St. Carthage the Younger, abbot, bishop, author of a monastic Rule in verse, at Lismore, in Ireland
Blessed Tuto, bishop, at Ratisbon
St. Aprunculus, bishop of Clermont in Gaul
Martyr Dyfan (Deruvian), missionary in Britain (see also May 26)

May 28 / May 15, 2023

Seventh Sunday of Pascha: The Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council
St. Pachomius the Great, founder of coenobitic monasticism
St. Isaiah, bishop and wonderworker of Rostov
The slain Crown Prince Demetrius of Uglich and Moscow
St. Achilles, bishop of Larissa
St. Euphrosynus (Eleazar) the abbot and wonderworker of Pskov, and his disciple St. Serapion the monk
St. Isaiah, monk, wonderworker of the Kiev Caves
Sts. Pachomius the abbot and Silvanus, of Nerkhta
St. Anastasia
St. Demetrius Andreyevich, prince-prisoner, of Uglich, Vologda
St. Macarius, archimandrite, in Russia
Commemoration of St. Barbarus the Myrrh-gusher on Corfù
St. Andrew the hermit and wonderworker of Mt. Kalana, Epirus
St. Colman of Oughaval
Martyr Dymphna of Geel, Flanders (7th century)
St. Hallvard of Husaby in Lier, Norway
St. Arethas of Verkhoturye and Valaam (+1903)
New Hieromartyrs Archbishop Pachomius of Chernigov (+1938), his brother Archbishop Abercius of Zhitomir (+1937), their father Priest Nicholas Kedrov (+1936), and their brother-in-law Priest Vladimir Zagarsky (+1937)

Sunday Within the Octave of the Ascension
Hieromartyrs at Rome: Torquatus, Ctesiphon, Secundus, Indaletius, Cecil, Hesychius, and Euphrasius, made bishops by the apostles and sent into Spain
Martyr Isidore on Chios
Martyrs Peter, Andrew, Paul, and Dionysia (Denise) the virgin, at Lampsacum
St. Brithwin, abbot of Beverly
Martyrs Castus, Victorinus, Maximus, and other Martyrs, at Clermont, France
Martyr Simplicius in Sardinia
Martyr Mantius at Evora, in Portugal
Martyr Dymphna the virgin, patroness for mental illness; and Hieromartyr Gerebern the priest; at Gheel, Belgium
Sts. Rupert the hermit, and his mother Bertha, at Bingen on the Rhine
St. Nicholas the Mystic, patriarch of Constantinople
St. Hilary of Galeata, abbot, in Italy
St. Isaias, bishop of Rostov, in Rus’
St. Caesarea, hermitess, near Otranto in Italy
St. Achilles, bishop, in Thessaly
St. Colman (Columban), abbot, founder of Oughaval monastery, in Ireland
St. Reticius, bishop of Autun

May 29 / May 16, 2023

Afterfeast of the Ascension
St. Theodore the Sanctified, disciple of St. Pachomius the Great, in Egypt
Translation of the relics of St. Ephraim, abbot of Perekomsky monastery, wonderworker of Novgorod; at Perekop
Blessed Maiden Musa of Rome (5th century)
St. George II, bishop of Mytilene
Martyrs Auda and Audiesus the bishops, and with them 16 Priests, 9 Deacons, 6 Monks, and 7 Virgins; in Persia
Holy Monk-Martyrs of St. Sabbas’ monastery near Jerusalem
Martyr Peter of Blachernae
St. Nicholas I the Mystic, patriarch of Constantinople
Martyrs Vitus, Modestus, and Crescentia, at Lucania
New Martyr Nicholas of Metsovo, at Trikala, whose relics are at Meteora
Martyr Papylinus
St. Neadius the Wonderworker
St. Arcadius and Companions
Sts. Cassian and Laurence, abbots of Komel, Vologda
St. Alexander, archbishop at Jerusalem
St. Brendan the Voyager, abbot of Clonfert (+577)
St. Carantoc of Carhampton
Hieromartyr Alexander, bishop of Jerusalem
St. Euphemia near Neaorion
St. Matthew, hieromonk of Yaramsk (+1927)
Martyr Vukasin of Serbia (+1941)

Day within the Octave of the Ascension
Martyrs Aquilinus and Victorian, in Isauria
Hieromartyr Peregrinus, bishop, at Auxerre
St. Maxima, virgin, in Fréjus
St. Brendan the Navigator, abbot, founder of Clonfert, (6th century), who – after St. Barrfoin – sailed to America
St. Carantoc, abbot, founder of Llangranog
St. Fidolus, abbot of Aumont, at Troyes, in France
St. Germerius, bishop of Toulouse
St. Domnolus, bishop of LeMans
Sts. Ragnobert the bishop and Zeno the deacon, confessors, at Bayeux
Hieromartyr Fortus, bishop, at Bordeaux
St. Peregrinus, bishop, at Terni
Martyrs Felix and Gennadius, at Uzalis in Africa
St. Hilary, bishop, at Pavia
Hieromartyr Audas, bishop, in Persia
St. Primael, hieromonk, of Quimper, in Brittany
St. Annobert, bishop, at Séez
St. Francis (Franchy), hermit of Nivernais (7th century)

May 30 / May 17, 2023

Afterfeast of the Ascension
Apostle Andronicus of the Seventy and his fellow laborer Junia
St. Stephen, patriarch of Constantinople
Martyrs Solochon, Pamphamer, and Pamphalon, soldiers, at Chalcedon
St. Nicephorus, abbot of Medikion
Translation of the relics of St. Adrian, abbot of Ondrusov
Sts. Nectarius and Theophanes the gate-keepers of Meteora, brothers
St. Euphrosyne (princess Eudocia) of Moscow
Great-Martyr Nicholas of Sofia
St. Athanasius the New, bishop and wonderworker of Christianopolis
St. Melangell, virgin-hermitess of Wales (6th century)
St. Jonah Atamansky, priest of Odessa, wonderworker (+1924)

Day within the Octave of the Ascension
Conversion of St. Augustine of Africa, bishop
Martyr Torpes, officer, at Pisa
Martyrs Heraclius, Paul, Aquilinus, and Two other Martyrs, at Noyon
Translation of relics of St. Cyrus, bishop, at Papias
Martyrs Felix and Fortunatus
Sts. Andronicus and Junia (Romans 16)
Virgin-Martyr Restituta at Carthage
St. Madern, hermit in Cornwall
St. Framechild, abbess of Montreuil
St. Posidonius, bishop of Calama, Africa
St. Rasso, founder of Wörth in Bavaria
Martyrs Adrian, Victor, and Basilla, of Alexandria
Martyrs Solochon, Pamphamer, and Pamphalon, soldiers, at Chalcedon
St. Cathan, bishop on Bute isle
St. Maw, hermit, in Cornwall
St. Maidulf, abbot at Malmesbury

May 31 / May 18, 2023

Afterfeast of the Ascension
Venerable Dodo of the St. David-Gareji Monastery, Georgia (596) (movable holiday on the Wednesday of Holy Ascension).
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos: Chelinskaya; Tender Feeling – Pskov Caves; Krasnotokskaya; Radogoschskaya; Brailovskaya; Onishkovskaya; and Lesnianskaya
Commemoration of All the Holy Fathers of the Seven Ecumenical Councils
Martyr Theodotus of Ancrya, and with him the seven Virgin-Martyrs Alexandra, Tecusa, Claudia, Phaine, Euphrasia, Matrona, and Julia
Martyrs Peter and Dionysius at Lampsacus, and with them the Martyrs Andrew, Paul, and Christina, who suffered under Decius
Martyrs Heraclius, Paulinus, and Benedimus, at Athens
Martyrs Symeon, Isaac, and Bachtisius, of Persia
St. Palaemon, bishop of Heraclea
Martyr Euphrasia of Nicaea
Martyr Theodota at Ancyra
Martyrs David and Tarichan, of Georgia
Martyr Julian
St. Stephen the New, patriarch of Constantinople
Hieromartyr Theodore, pope of Rome
Martyr Leo
St. Anastaso of Leucadion
St. Martinian of the Areobindus quarter of Constantinople, monk
St. Elgiva of Shaftesbury, queen of England
Repose of the Blessed Archimandrite Macarius, missionary to the Altai, Siberia (+1847)
Repose of Blessed Philip, founder of the Gethsemane Caves skete of the Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra (+1869)

Day within the Octave of the Ascension
Martyr Dioscorus the reader, and Mary whom he rescued, at Kynopolis, in Egypt
Translation of the relics of St. Elgiva of Shaftesbury, queen, nun
Hieromartyr Felix, bishop of Spoleto, in Dalmatia
St. Sophonias, Old Testament prophet
Martyr Venantius at Camerino, in Italy
Martyrs Theodotus, Thecusa, Alexandra, Claudia, Faina, Euphrasia, Matrona, and Julitta, at Ancyra
Martyrs Urban, Theodore, and 78 other Martyrs, at Constantinople
Hieromartyr Potamion, bishop of Heraclea
Martyr Merililaun, pilgrim from Britain, near Rheims
St. Conval, archdeacon of St. Kentigern, in Scotland
St. Feredarius, abbot of Iona

June 1 / May 19, 2023

Afterfeast of the Ascension
Entry into Georgia of St. Nina the Enlightener
Hieromartyr Patrick, bishop of Prusa, and his companions: Hieromartyrs Acacius, Menander, and Polyenus, priests
St. Cornelius, abbot of Komel, Vologda
Martyr Acoluthus of the Thebaid
St. John, bishop of Gothia in the Crimea
Martyrs John, Conon, Jeremias, Cyril, Theoctistus, Barnabas, Maximus, Theognostus, Joseph, Gennadius, Gerasim, and Germanus (Herman), of Cyprus, martyrs and confessors afflicted by Roman Catholics
Righteous Prince Demetrius Donskoi
St. John Andreyevich, prince-prisoner of Uglich, tonsured as Ignatius, at Vologda
St. Sergius, monk of Shukhtovo
St. Cornelius, abbot of Palei Island (Paleostrov)
Martyrs Cyriaca and Theotima
Martyr Anastasia
St. Zosimas
St. Priscilla and Others
St. Dunstan, archbishop of Canterbury (+988)
St. Alcuin, of York, abbot of Tours
New Hieromartyrs Archbishop Alexander of Kharkov (+1940), Bishop Anthony of Belgorod, and Archbishop Onuphrius of Kursk (+1938)
New Hieromartys: Presbyters Alexander Yeroshov, Alexander Saulsky and Basil Ivanov (+1938), Victor Karakulin (+1937), Hippolytus Krasnovsky and Maximus Bogdanov (+1938), Matthew Voznesensky (+1919), Metrophanes Vilgelmsky, Michael Deineka, Nicholas Kulakov, Nicholas Sadovsky, Paul Bryantsev, Paul Popov; New Martyrs Gregory Bogoyavlensky and Michael Voznesensky the laymen (+1938); at Belgorod

Octave Day of the Ascension
St. Dunstan, abbot of Glastonbury, the 26th archbishop of Canterbury
Virgin-Martyr Pudentiana and her father Pudens, of Rome (2 Timothy 4:21)
Martyrs Calocerus and Parthenius, at Rome
Martyr John of Alexandria, at Venice
St. Celestine I, pope, who proclaimed Christ’s two Natures and declared the Virgin Mary to be “Theotokos” – “Birthgiver of God”
Martyrs Philetaerus and Eubiotus, at Cyzicus
St. Theodore, bishop of Lucca
Virgin-Martyrs Cyriaca and Five other Martyrs, at Nicomedia
St. Cyril, bishop, at Trier
St. Hadulf, abbot of St. Vaast, bishop of Arras-Cambrai

June 2 / May 20, 2023

Martyr Thallelaeus of Aegae in Cilicia, and his companions: Martyrs Alexander and Asterius
Opening of the relics of St. Alexis, metropolitan of Moscow and wonderworker of All Russia
Martyr Asclas of the Thebaid
St. Thalassius the Myrrh-gusher of Libya
Sts. Nicetas, John, and Joseph, monks of Nea Moni on Chios
St. Dovmont (in holy baptism, Timothy), prince of Pskov
St. Stephen, abbot of Piperi in Serbia
St. Mark the hermit
Sts. Zabulon the monk and Susanna the nun, parents of St. Nina of Georgia
Martyr-King Ethelbert of East Anglia (+793)
St. Austregiselus, bishop of Bourges (+624)
New Hieromartyrs Hieromonk Macarius, Protopresbyters Alexander Zaozersky and Basil Sokolov, Priest Christopher Nadezhdin, and the New Martyr Sergius Tikhomirov the layman, of Moscow (+1922)
Repose of the Blessed Schema-monk Cyriacus of Valaam (+1798)

Virgin-Martyr Basilla at Rome
Martyr Baudelius at Nïmes
St. Austregisil the Confessor, bishop, at Bourges
Martyr-King Ethelbert of East Anglia, at Hereford
Martyrs Eustace the “2nd Job,” his wife Theopista, and their sons Agapitus and Theopistus, at Rome
St. Plautilla, matron, at Rome, baptized by St. Peter
Martyrs Thalelaeus, Asterius, Alexander, and other Martyrs, at Aegea, in Cilicia
St. Anastasius, bishop of Brescia
Martyrs Aquila, and the prefect Arianus who tortured her but was converted by her and martyred with her, in Egypt
St. Hilary, bishop, at Toulouse
St. Theodore, bishop, at Pavia

June 3 / May 21, 2023

Saturday before Pentecost
Universal Commemoration of the Departed
St. Dodo, prince of Georgia
Holy Equals-to-the-Apostles Emperor Constantine the Great and his mother, Empress Helena
St. Constantine and his children Sts. Michael and Theodore, wonderworkers of Murom
St. Cyril, bishop of Rostov
St. Cassian the Greek, wonderworker, monk of Uglich
St. Agapitus, abbot of Markusha, Vologda
New Venerable-Martyr Pachomius of Usaki, whose relics are on Patmos
St. Helen of Dečani in Serbia
St. Basil, bishop of Ryazan
Translation of the relics of St. Hospicius, hermit near Nice, Provence
St. Hospicius of Trier, Gaul
The Meeting of the Vladimir Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (was established to commemorate the deliverance of Moscow from an invasion of Tatars led by Khan Makhmet-Girei in 1521)
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Tender Feeling” of the Pskov Caves, “Sirkovskaya,” “Zaonikievskaya,” “Of Krasnogorsk” or “Black Mountain,” “Of Oran,” “Florischevskaya,” and “Tupichev-Rostov”
Repose of the Blessed Elder Isaac of Dionysiou monastery on Mt. Athos (+1932)

Vigil of Pentecost
(Today is done the Chanting of the Prophecies and the Blessings of Baptismal Waters)
Martyrs Timothy, Polius, and Eutychius the deacon, at Caesarea in Morocco
Martyrs Polyeuctus, Victorinus, and Donatus, at Caesarea in Cappadocia
Martyr Secundinus at Córdova
St. Constantine the Great, emperor, who summoned the first Council of Nicaea
St. Hospitus, hermit, near Nice, at Villafranca
Virgin-Martyr Eustalia at Saintes
Hieromartyr Secundus the priest, and many other Martyrs, by the Arians, at Alexandria
St. Isberga (Gisela), nun, at Aire in Artois, sister of Charlemagne
Martyrs Nicostratus, Antiochus, and other Martyrs, soldiers, at Caesarea Philippi, in Palestine
Hieromartyr Valens the bishop, and Three Youth-Martyrs, at Auxerre
St. Barrfoin, hermit, at Killbarron, in Donegal, who sailed to America and informed St. Brendan
St. Colan the Confessor, in Denbighshire
Martyr Ageranus, monk, at Bèze
St. Theobald, bishop, at Vienne
St. Maurelius, abbot of Isle in Troyes

June 4 / May 22, 2023

Descent of the Holy Spirit
(Kneeling prayers of St. Basil are done on this day)
Synaxis of Hieromartyrs of Kholmsk and Podliash (movable holiday on the Sunday after May 19th).
“Lesna” Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (1696) (movable holiday on the Trinity Sunday).
oHoly Fathers and Mothers of Atchara (18th c.) (movable holiday on the Trinity Sunday) (Georgia).
Martyr Basiliscus of Comana, bishop
St. John-Vladimir, Serbian prince of Doclea (Duklja)
New Hieromartyr Zacharias of Prusa
Blessed James, youth, of Borovichi, Novgorod
Commemoration of the Second Ecumenical Council
Righteous Melchizedek, king of Salem
Martyrs Marcellus and Quadratus (Codratus)
Martyr Sophia the Romanian, healer
New Martyrs Paul and Demetrius, monks, at Tripoli, Peloponnesus
Hieromartyrs Bishop Donatus, Priest Macarius, and Deacon Theodore
Martyrs Theodore and Thaddeus
St. Daniel, monk, stylite of Resslavl
St. Paisius the Faster, monk
New Hieromartyr Maxim (Zhizhilenko), bishop of Serphukov (+1931)
New Hieromartyr Archimandrite Benjamin (Essen) (+1938)
Repose of Blessed Cleopas of Valaam, disciple of St. Paisius Velichkovsky (+1816)

Descent of the Holy Spirit
Martyrs Castus and Emilius, in Africa
Virgin-Martyr Julia, crucified by Saracens, at Corsica
St. Helen, virgin, at Auxerre
Martyrs Faustinus, Timothy, and Venustus, at Rome
Hieromartyr Ausonius, bishop, martyred by Vandals, at Angoulême
St. Romanus of Subiaco, abbot, St. Benedict’s elder, at Auxerre
St. Marcian, bishop of Ravenna
Virgin-Martyr Quiteria at Aire in Gascony
St. Aigulf, bishop of Bourges
Hieromartyr Basiliscus, bishop, at Comana, who appeared to the exiled St. Chrysostom
St. Conall, abbot, at Inniscoel
St. Boëthian, monk-founder of Pierrepont monastery, near Laon in France
St. John, abbot, at Parma
St. Bobo, knight, hermit, at Pavia
St. Lupus, bishop of Limoges
St. Ronan Fionn, patron of Kelminiog

June 5 / May 23, 2023

Day of the Holy Spirit
St. Michael the Confessor, bishop of Synnada
St. Euphrosyne (Princess Predislava), abbess of Polotsk
Opening of the relics of St. Leontius, bishop and wonderworker of Rostov
Venerable-Martyr Michael the “black-robed” of St. Sabbas’ monastery
Synaxis of All Saints of Rostov and Yaroslavl
St. Damian of Garesja (King Demetrius of Georgia)
St. Paisius, abbot of Galich
Holy Myrrh-bearer Mary, wife of Cleopas
St. Joannicius I, archbishop of Serbia
Martyr Salonas the Roman
Martyr Seleucus
St. Athanasius
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Thou Art the True Vine”
Blessed Hieromonk Damascene of Valaam (+1825)

Hieromartyr Desiderius the bishop, and many other Martyrs, martyred by the Vandals, at Langres
Hieromartyrs Epitacius and Basileus, bishops, at Spain
Hieromartyr Desiderius, bishop of Vienne
Hieromartyr Theopompus the bishop, and Martyr Synesius (Theonas) the ex-sorcerer, at Nicomedia
Hieromartyr Antidius, bishop, at Besançon, who was borne upon the winds to Rome to bring the Pope to repentance, and later slain by the Vandals at Ruffey
St. Euphebius, bishop of Naples
Sts. Eutychius the abbot, and Florentius the monk, at Norcia
St. Wibert, monk, founder of Gembloux monastery, at Gorze
Holy Martyrs of Cappadocia
Holy Martyrs of Mesopotamia
St. Mercurialis, bishop, at Forlì
Martyrs Quintian, Lucius, Julian, and 16 other Martyrs, in Africa
St. Goban, abbot of Old-Leighlin monastery, at Tascaffin in County Limerick
St. Syagrius, bishop, kinsman of Charlemagne, at Nice
St. Michael, bishop, at Synnada
Hieromartyr Leontius of Rostov, bishop, in Rus

June 6 / May 24, 2023

Third Day of the Holy Trinity
St. Symeon the Younger, Stylite of the Wondrous Mountain
St. Nicetas the Stylite, wonderworker of Pereyaslavl-Zalesski
Martyrs Meletius Stratelates (“General”), Stephen, John, and 1,218 Soldiers with Women and Children, including: Serapion the Egyptian, Callinicus the sorcerer, Theodore, Faustus, the women Marciana, Susanna, and Palladia, the two children Cyriacus and Christian, and the twelve tribunes Faustus, Festus, Marcellus, Theodore, Meletius, Sergius, Marcellinus, Felix, Photinus, Theodoriscus, Mercurius, and Didymus, all of whom suffered in Galatia
St. Gregory, archbishop of Novgorod
St. Vincent, monk & writer, at Lèrins lavra
Sts. Meletius and Pevka

St. Manahen, prophet, at Antioch (Acts 13:1)
St. Joanna, wife of Chusa (Lk 8:3)
Hieromartyr Vincent, hieromonk of Lérins
Martyrs Donatian and Rogatian, brothers, of Nantes, France
Martyrs Zoellus, Servilius, Felix, Silvanus, and Diocles, at Istria
Martyrs Anolinus the Gaoler, at Rome
Virgin-Martyr Afra of Brescia, Italy
Sts. Simeon Stylites the Younger and his mother Martha, near Antioch
Martyrs Meletius the General, his Soldiers, their wives Susanna, Marciana, Palladia, and other Martyrs with their Martyred Children, in all some 249 Martyrs, in Galatia
Martyr Robustian at Milan
Martyr Vincent at Porto Romano
St. Patrick, 4th bishop of Bayeux
Transferred to June 2, 2020 o.s.: Wonderworking “Domini Salvatoris” (“Lord Savior”) Icon of Beirut

June 7 / May 25, 2023

Afterfeast of Pentecost
Third Finding of the Precious Head of the Holy and Glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John, 850 A.D.
Martyrs of Adjara who suffered under the Turks
Hieromartyr Therapon, bishop on Cyprus
Sts. Pasicrates, Valentinian, Julias, and Others, at Dorostolum
St. Dodo, prince, in Georgia
Synaxis of the Saints of Volhynia: Yaropolk, Stephen, Macarius, Igor, and Juliana
Righteous John and Mary, at Ustiug
Commemoration of the Reunion of the 3,000,000 Uniates with the Orthodox Church at Vilna in 1831
St. Aldhelm, bishop of Sherborne
Martyr Celestine
St. Olbian, monk
St. Sozon, monk
St. Coronatus, monk
St. Theodore
Repose of Blessed George, recluse of Zadonsk (+1836)

Hieromartyr Urban, pope, at Rome
St. Aldhelm, bishop of Sherborne, at Malmesbury
St. Dionysius, bishop, at Milan
Martyrs Pasicrates, Valentio, and Two other Martyrs, of Silistria, Bulgaria
St. Leo, abbot, near Troyes
Martyr Nicetas, slain by Goths
St. Zenobius the Confessor, bishop, at Florence
St. Gennadius, bishop of Astorga, hermit, in Spain
St. Cantio the Confessor, bishop, in Africa
Martyrs Maximus and Venerandus, brothers, at Acquigny, in Evreux
Sts. Injuriosus and his wife Scholastica, confessors, in Auvergne
Finding of the head of St. John the Baptist at Coana
Hieromartyr Zacharias, bishop, at Vienne
St. Dunchadh, abbot of Iona when Orthodox Pascha was accepted in Scotland
Martyr Egilhard, 8th abbot of Cornelimünster

June 8 / May 26, 2023

Afterfeast of Pentecost
St. James, monk of Brileyev
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Cypriot” and “Tupichev”
Apostle Carpus of the Seventy
Apostle Alphaeus and his children, the Martyrs Abercius and Helena
Translation of the relics of the New Martyr George of Kratovo, at Sofia
St. John the Confessor, of the Psycha monastery on the Bosphorus
Opening of the relics of St. Macarius, abbot of Kolyazin
New Martyr Alexander of Thessalonica, at Smyrna
St. Augustine, first archbishop of Canterbury, evangelizer of England (ca. 605)
St. Bertha, Queen of Kent, apostle to the Anglo-Saxons
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Seliger-Vladimir”


St. Bede the Venerable, Hieromonk, confessor, exegete, historian, and scientist, of Wearmouth-Jarow
Hieromartyr Eleutherius, pope, at Rome, and the Martyrs Fugatius and Damian (Deruvian), whom he sent to Britain
St. Quadratus the Apologist, Apostles’ disciple, in Athens
Hieromartyr Simitrius, priest, and 22 other Martyrs, at Rome
Martyr Quadratus of Africa
Martyrs Felicissimus, Heraclius, and Paulinus, at Todi
Martyrs Priscus, Cottus, and other Martyrs, in Auxerre
St. Alpheus, at Capharnaum, father of Sts. Matthew and James the apostles
St. Carpus, bishop of Beroea
St. Becan, hermit, at Cork
St. Odulvald, abbot of Melrose
Blessed Regintrudis, 4th abbess of Nonnberg
St. Guinizo, hermit-monk, at Monte Cassino
Translation of the relics of St. Bertilla, abbess, at Chelles
St. Augustine of Canterbury, bishop, apostle of England

June 9 / May 27, 2023

Afterfeast of Pentecost
Hieromartyr Therapon, bishop of Sardis
Translation of the relics of St. Nilus of Stolbensk
St. John the Russian, whose relics are on the island of Euboea
St. Bede the Venerable of Wearmouth and Jarrow (+735)
Finding of the relics of St. Nilus of Stolby Island
Virgin-Martyr Theodora and the Martyr Didymus the soldier, at Alexandria
St. Michael of Parekheli in Georgia
Translation of the relics of Sts. Cyprian, Photius, and Jonah, metropolitans of Kiev
St. Therapon, abbot of White Lake, in Byelozersk
St. Therapon, abbot of Monza
Martyr Eusebiotes
Martyr Alypius
Martyr Julian the Veteran, of Romania
Martyr Leontius
St. Anastasia
St. Peter Mechev, priest of Moscow (+1922)

Martyr Julius the Soldier, at Dorostorum, in Mesia
St. Eutropius, bishop, at Orange
Martyr Ranulf (Ralph) in Arras
Martyrs Symmachus and his son-in-law Severianus Boëthius, senators of Rome taken by Arians, at Ravenna
Martyrs Restituta the virgin, her Prison Guards, the Hieromartyr Cyril the priest, and other Martyrs, at Sora in Campania
St. Hildebert, bishop of Meaux
St. Bruno the Scholar, bishop of Würzburg, commentator on the Holy Scriptures

June 10 / May 28, 2023

Adoposis of Pentecost
St. Nicetas the Confessor, bishop of Chalcedon
St. Ignatius, bishop and wonderworker of Rostov
Hieromartyr Helladius, bishop in the East
Hieromartyr Eutychius, bishop of Melitene
Martyrs Heliconis (Heliconida) and Daphne of Thessalonica, women, at Corinth
St. Gerontius, metropolitan of Moscow
St. Sophronius, monk of Bulgaria
New Martyr Demetrius, at Tripoli, Peleponnesus
New Hieromartyr Zacharias of Prusa
St. Germanus (Herman), bishop of Paris, in Gaul (+576)
St. William of Gellone or Toulouse, in Gaul (+812)
Martyrs Crescens, Paul, and Dioscorides, of Rome
St. Andrew the Fool-for-Christ of Constantinople
St. Philothea, nun
New Hieromartyr Basil Preobrazhensky, priest (+1940)
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Of Nicea,” “Of Galich,” and “Of Antioch”

Hieromartyr Pope John I, and the Martyrs Theodore and Agapitus the consuls, and another Agapitus, at Rome, under Theodoric the Arian
St. Germanus (Herman), bishop of Paris
Martyrs Aemilius, Felix, Priamus, and Lucian, in Sardinia
Martyr Caraunus at Chartres
St. William, monk, founder of Gellone
Virgin-Martyr Heliconis at Thessalonica
Holy Monk-Martyrs in Palestine
St. Theodulus Stylites, hermit, at Edessa
St. Manvaeus, bishop of Bayeux
St. Justus, bishop of Urgel, in Spain
St. Senator, bishop of Milan
St. Senator, bishop of Pavia
Martyrs Crescens, Dioscorides, Paul, and Helladius
St. Podius, bishop, at Florence

June 11 / May 29, 2023

First Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday of All Saints
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos: Grace-Filled Heaven, Life-Giver, Dyektourskaya, Mother & Virgin, Unshakeable Rampart, Softener of Hardened Hearts, Yanoborskaya, Blessed is the Womb, Simeon’s Prophecy, Unexpected Joy, and Deliverance of Sufferers from Trouble
Venerable-Martyr Theodosia the Virgin, of Constantinople
Repose of Blessed John, fool-for-Christ and wonderworker of Ustiug
Virgin-Martyr Theodosia of Tyre, at Caesarea in Palestine
St. Alexander, patriarch of Alexandria
New Martyr Andrew Argentes of Chios, at Constantinople
New Martyr John (or Nannus) of Thessalonica, at Smyrna
Righteous John and Righteous Mary of Ustiug
Commemoration of the First Ecumenical Council
Hieromartyr Olbian (Albian), bishop of Anaea in Asia Minor, with his Martyred Disciples
Holy Two Women Martyrs with other Martyrs, martyred with St. Procopius
St. Thaïna
Martyr Theodotus
Other Holy Martyrs, both men and women who suffered today
St. Mary, virgin
St. Job (in the schema, Josue), monk of Anzersk
St. Luke the Surgeon, archbishop of Simferopol and Crimea (+1961)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Matelikiskaya,” “Tsesarskaya-Borovskaya,” “Surety of Sinners,” and “Unsleeping Eye”
Repose of the Blessed Schema-monk Michael of Valaam (+1854)

Feast of the All-Holy Trinity (Trinity Sunday)
Octave Day of Pentecost
Martyrs Conan and his 12-year-old son Conan, at Iconium in Lycaonia
Martyrs Sisinius, Martyrius the reader, and Alexander, at Trent
St. Maximinus, bishop, at Trier
Martyr Restitutus at Rome
Holy Seven Brother-Martyrs in Rome
Translation of the relics to Venice of the Hieromartyrs Nicholas and Theodore, bishops of Myra
St. Maximus, bishop of Verona
St. Burian, virgin, in Cornwall
St. Mary of Antioch, virgin, in Syria
Virgin-Martyr Theodosia the defender of Icons, and the Martyr Andrew of Chios, at Constantinople
Martyr Cyril the boy, at Caesarea Cappadocia
Martyr Theodosia the mother of St. Procopius, and 12 Martyred Women, at Caesarea Palestine
St. Eleutherius of Rocca d’Arce, English pilgrim
Sts. Votus and Felix, brothers; and John; hermits under a rock, in the Pyrenees
St. Gerald, bishop, at Macon
Translation of the relics of St. Dyfrig, archbishop of Caerleon, in Wales

June 12 / May 30, 2023

Beginning of the Apostles’ Fast
St. Isaacius the Confessor, founder of the monastery of Dalmatus at Constantinople
St. James, monk of Galich, in Kostroma
Martyrs Natalius and Salonus
Martyr Euplus
Martyrs Eusebius, Romanus, Teletius (Meletius), Charalampus, Christina, and other Martyrs, at Nicomedia
Sts. Isaiasa and Nicanor, monks of Archangelsk
St. Hilary
St. Macrina the Elder, grandmother of St. Basil the Great
St. Venantius of Gaul (+374)
St. Hubert of Maastricht, Netherlands (+727)
Repose of the Blessed Abbot Ephraim of Sarov (+1778)

Beginning of the Apostles’ Fast
Wonderworking “Domini Salvatoris” (“Lord Savior”)
Hieromartyr Felix I, pope of Rome
Martyrs Gabinus and Crispulus, in Sardinia, at Torre
St. Hubert of Brétigny, bishop
Sts. Basil and Emilia, parents of St. Basil the Great, at Neocaesarea Cappadocia
St. Exuperantius, bishop of Ravenna
St. Anastasius, bishop of Pavia
St. Isaac of Constantinople, abbot
St. Madelgisilus, monk
Martyrs Sycus and Palatinus, at Antioch in Syria
St. Venantius, brother of St. Honoratus of Lérins
St. Walstan the Generous of Taverham in England, a nobleman who embraced poverty
Sts. Caidoc and Adrian, hermits, at Amiens

June 13 / May 31, 2023

Martyr Hermias at Comana
Apostle Hermes of the Seventy
Martyr Philosophus at Alexandria
Martyr Marus the sorcerer who was converted on witnessing the martyrdom of Hermias
St. Eustace, patriarch of Constantinople
Holy Five Martyrs of Ascalon
Martyrs Eusebius, Charalampus, Romanus, Teletius, Christina, and many other Martyrs, at Nicomedia
St. Petronilla
St. Phylicus
St. Polycarp
Finding of the relics of the New Martyr Nicholas the deacon of Lesbos
Translation of the relics of St. Philip, metropolitan of Moscow, to Solovki
St. Philotheus, metropolitan of Tobolsk
New Hieromartyrs Bishop Hierotheus of Nikolsk (+1928), and his friend Hieroschemamonk Seraphim (Nikolsk) (+1923)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Unshakeable Rampart”
Repose of Blessed Archimandrite Macarius of Peshnosha monastery, disciple of Blessed Theodore of Sanaxar (+1811)

St. Augustine of Canterbury, bishop, apostle of England (Transferred from May 26, 2023 o.s.)
Virgin-Martyr Petronilla at Rome, daughter of the Apostle Peter
Martyrs Cantius, Cantian, and Cantianilla the virgin, kin of the emperor Carus, and their tutor the Martyr Protus, at Aquileia
Martyr Crescentian at Torre in Sardinia
St. Theodosius the Emperor, who repented before St. Ambrose of Milan
St. Libertinus, abbot, disciple of St. Honoratus
Martyr Hermias at Comana in Cappadocia
St. Lupicinus, bishop of Verona
St. Paschasius, deacon, of the Dialogues
Sts. Winnow, Manx, and Myrbad, confessors, in Cornwall
St. Silvius, bishop of Toulouse

June 14 / June 1, 2023

Martyr Justin the Philosopher and those with him at Rome: Martyrs Justin, Chariton, Charita, Euelpistus, Hierax, Peon, Valerian (Liberian), and Justus
Holy 10,000 Martyrs at Antioch
St. Dionysius, abbot of Glushitsa, Vologda
St. Agapitus, unmercenary physician of the Kiev Caves
St. Metrius the Farmer
St. Barlaam of Khoutin, monk
Martyrs Shio (Simeon) the New, David, Gabriel, and Paul, martyred monks of Garesja, Georgia
Martyr Neon
Hieromartyr Pyrrhus the Virgin
Martyr Firmus at Magus
Martyr Thespesius of Cappadocia
New Martyr Onuphrius, bishop of Kharkov (+1938)

Ember Wednesday in June
Commemoration of the ordination of St. Oswald of York, bishop, confessor
Hieromartyr Nicomedes, priest, at Rome
Hieromartyr Pamphilus the priest, and other Martyrs, in Palestine
Hieromartyrs Reverian the bishop, Paul the priest, and 10 other Martyrs, at Autun
St. Caprasius, abbot-founder of Lérins
St. Simeon of Syracuse, hermit at Trier
Martyr Juventius at Rome
Martyr-King Wistan at Evesham
Translation of the relics of Hieromartyr Eulogius, priest, at Córdova
Hieromartyr Clarus, bishop, at Lectoure, France
Martyr Florentinus and other Martyrs, at Perugia
Martyrs Gratian and Felinus, soldiers
Martyrs Ammon, Zeno, and other Martyrs, at Alexandria
Martyr Secundus at Amelia, in Umbria
St. Ruadan, bishop of Quimper, in Cornwall
St. Gwen in Dorset
Martyr Thespesius at Cappadocia
Martyr Crescentian at Saldo
Martyr Firmus in the East
Martyr Proculus at Bologna
St. Thecla, virgin, in Denbighshire
St. Fortunatus, priest, at Spoleto
St. Hervé (Harvey) the Blind, abbot, in Brittany
St. Gaudentius, bishop, at Ossero
St. Atto, bishop of Oca-Valpuesta in Castile
St. Claudius, bishop of Vienne in Dauphiny
St. Gerard, bishop of Mâcon
St. Theobald the Sweeper of Mondovi
St. Ronan, bishop of Kilmaronen

June 15 / June 2, 2023

St. Nicephorus the Confessor, patriarch of Constantinople
Great Martyr John the New of Trebizond, who suffered at Asprocastron (Belgorod on the Dniester) and whose relics are in Suceava, Moldavia
Martyr Mary
St. Marinus, monk
New Martyr Demetrius of Philadelphia
Opening of the relics of Righteous Juliana, princess of Vyazemsk, in 1819
New Martyr Constantine the Hagarene, at Constantinople
Hieromartyr Erasmus of Ochrid, who reposed in peace, and 20,000 Martyrs with him (+303)
New Martyr John at Trebizond
Hieromartyr Photinus (Pothinus), bishop of Lyons, Gaul (+177)
St. Odo, archbishop of Canterbury (+959)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Kievo-Bratskaya”

Hieromartyr Marcellinus the priest, Martyr Peter the Exorcist, and many other Martyrs, at Rome
Hieromartyrs Bishop Photinus, Priest Zacharias, Deacon Sanctus, and the Martyrs Epagathus, Maturus, Attalus, Albinus, Gratus, Vetius, Ponticus the youth, Biblides, Blandina, with some 35 other Martyrs, at Lyons
St. Odo (Oda) the Good, archbishop of Canterbury
St. Adalgis, priest-hermit, disciple of St. Fursey, in Picardy
St. Bodfan, monk, at Abern in Carnarvon
St. Eugene I, pope of Rome

June 16 / June 3, 2023

Martyr Lucillian and those who suffered with him: the Four Martyred Youths Claudius, Hypatius, Paul, and Dionysius; and the Virgin-Martyr Paula
St. Achilles, archbishop of Alexandria
Translation of the relics of the slain Crown Prince Righteous Demetrius from Uglich to Moscow
St. Athanasius, wonderworker of the monastery of Traianus, Bithynia
St. Hieria, widow, nun, of Mesopotamia
St. Pappus, monk
Hieromartyrs Bishop Lucian, Presbyter Maximian (Maxian), Deacon Julian, and Martyrs Marcellinus and Saturninus, at Beauvais, Gaul (+96)
St. Clotilde (Chlotilda), queen of France, wife of Clovis, who completed the basilica of St. Genevieve at Paris (+545)
St. Kevin, abbot of Glendalough, Ireland (+618)
St. Meriasek (Meriadoc), of Camborne, bishop of Vannes, Brittany
Meeting of the Icon of St. Demetrius, abbot, wonderworker of Priluki in Vologda
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Yugskaya”

Ember Friday in June
Hieromartyr Erasmus (Elmo), bishop, in Campania
Martyrs Pergentinus and Laurentinus, brothers, at Arezzo
Martyr Isaac of Córdova
St. Lifard, abbot of Meung-sur-Loire, in Orléans
Sts. Kevin the abbot of Glendalough, his disciple Cronan the Tanner, and Glunshallaich the penitent, in Ireland
St. Cicil, priest, at Carthage
Martyrs Lucillian, Claudius, Hypatius, Paul, and Dionysius, at Byzantium
St. Clotilda, queen, at Paris
St. Genesius, bishop of Clermont, in Auvergne
Virgin-Martyr Paula at Nicomedia
St. Hilary, bishop, at Carcassonne
St. Oliva, virgin, at Anagni
Blessed Gausmaurus, abbot, at Savigny
St. Davinus, pilgrim, at Lucca
St. Urbicius, abbot of Meung

June 17 / June 4, 2023

St. Metrophanes, first patriarch of Constantinople (+325)
St. Titus, bishop of Byzantium
St. Optatus, bishop of Mileve
Hieromartyr Astius, bishop of Dyrrachium in Macedonia
Martyr Concordius of Spoleto (+175)
Martyrs Frontasius, Severinus, Severian, and Silanus, of Gaul
Martyrs Zoticus, Atallus, Camasius, and Philip, of Niculiţel in Romania
St. Zosimas of Cilicia, bishop of Babylon in Egypt
St. Methodius, abbot of Peshnosha, disciple of St. Sergius of Radonezh
St. Sophia, nun, of Aenus in Thrace
St. John, abbot of Monagria near Cyzicus
St. Alonius, monk, of Scetis in Egypt
Sts. Mary and Martha, sisters of St. Lazarus
Sts. Eleazar and Nazarius, wonderworkers of Olonets
Martyr Paula
New Hieromartyrs Archbishops Andronicus of Perm (martyred June 7) and Basil of Chernigov (martyred August 14), and those Martyred with them (+1918)
New Hieromartyrs Metropolitan Joanniciuis of Montenegro and Littoral, and Bishop Sava of Upper Karlovci; of Serbia (+1941)
St. Petroc, abbot of Bodmin, Cornwall (+594)
St. Edfrith, bishop of Lindisfarne
Repose of the Righteous and Blessed sisters Vera and Lyubov (foundresses of Shamordino convent of Elder Ambrose of Optina (+1883)

Ember Saturday in June
Hieromartyr Quirinus, bishop, of Sissek, Croatia
Martyrs Zoticus, Attalus, and Eutychus, at Noyon
Martyrs Petroc the abbot, and his disciples Croidan, Medan, and Degan, at Bodmin, Cornwall
Holy 44 Martyrs converted by Sts. Cyriacus and Julitta
Hieromartyr Clateus, bishop, at Brescia
Martyr Quirinus (another) at Tivoli
St. Metrophanes, patriarch of Constantinople
St. Optatus, bishop of Milevis, in Numidia, foe of Donatism
St. Alonius, abbot in Egypt
Translation of the relics of St. Edfrith, bishop of Lindisfarne
St. Breaca, virgin, on the Hayle, in Cornwall
Virgin-Martyr Saturnina at Arras
St. Nennocha, abbess, in Brittany
Martyrs Aretius and Dacian, in the catacombs of Rome
Martyr Rutilus and other Martyres, of Sabar, Hungary
St. Alexander, bishop, at Verona
St. Adegrin, knight, hermit, near Cluny
St. Elsiar, monk of S. Savin’s, at Lavedan

June 18 / June 5, 2023

Second Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday of All Saints of America (Today we commemorate all of the saints of the locality, so for those located in America, today we commemorate the saints of America)
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Shuiskaya,” “Of Kaluga,” and “Mokhnatinskaya”
Hieromartyr Dorotheus, bishop of Tyre
Repose of St. Theodore Yaroslavich of Novgorod, older brother of St. Alexander Nevsky
Martyrs Marcian, Nicander (Nicanor), Hyperechius, Apollo (Apollonius), Leonidas, Arius, Gorgias, Selenias, Irenius, and Pambo, of Egypt
St. Theodore the Wonderworker, hermit of the Jordan
St. Anubius, confessor and anchorite of Egypt
Blessed Constantine, metropolitan of Kiev and all Russia
Translation of the relics of Holy Passion-Bearer Igor-George (in the schema, Ignatius), prince of Chernigov and Great Prince of Kiev
Holy Abba Dorotheus of the monastery of St. Seridus in Palestine
St. Peter of Korisha, monk, in Serbia
Finding of the relics of Sts. Bassian and Jonah, monks of Solovki, at Pertominsk
New Martyr Mark of Smyrna, on Chios
St. Illidius (Allyre), bishop of Clermont, Gaul (+385)
Hieromartyr Boniface (Wynfrith), archbishop of Mainz and enlightener of Germany (+754), and those with him: Hieromartyrs Eoban the bishop; the priests Wintrung, Walthere, and Ethelhere; the deacons Hamrind, Scirbald, and Bosa; and the Monk-Martyrs Wachar, Gundaecer, Illehere, and Hathowulf
St. Basil, bishop at Ryazan
Martyr Christopher of Rome
Martyr Conon of Rome
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Igorevskaya”

First Sunday after Trinity
Hieromartyrs Boniface (Winfred) the bishop of Mainz, Euoban the bishop, and many other Martyrs, in Friesland
Martyr Boniface, at Tarsus, who was lecherous in his youth but changed by repentance
St. Severin, bishop, at Cologne, foe of Arians
Martyrs Marcian, Nitrand, Apollonius, Leonidas, Arius, Gorius, Hyperechius, Seleniades, Irene, and Pambo, in Egypt
St. Illidius, bishop of Clermont
Hieromartyr Dorotheus of Tyre, bishop
Sts. Justus and Clement the Confessors, at Volterra
Blessed Meinwerk, bishop of Paderborn
Martyr Sanctius (Sancho) of Córdova, soldier
Martyrs Florentius, Julian, Cyriacus, Marcellinus, and Faustinus, at Perugia
Martyrs Zenaïs, Cyria, Valeria, and Marcia
St. Tudno, at Caernarvon, Wales
Martyr Felix, monk, at Fritzlar
St. Dorotheus the Younger, abbot, on the Black Sea

June 19 / June 6, 2023

St. Bessarion the Great, wonderworker of Egypt
St. Hilarion the New, abbot of the monastery of Dalmatus
Virgin-Martyrs Archelais, Thecla, and Susanna, beheaded at Salerno (+293)
St. Paisius, abbot of Uglich
St. Jonah, abbot, founder of Klimentsy monastery, in Karelia
St. Jonah, bishop of Perm
Opening of the relics of St. Barlaam, abbot of Khutyn, Novgorod
St. Basil of Mangazea, Siberia
Virgin-Martyrs of Caesarea in Palestine: Martha, Mary, Cyria, Valeria, and Marcia
St. Attalus the Wonderworker, monk
Martyr Gelasius
St. Photas, monk
St. George, monk
St. Claudius of Besancon, Gaul (+699)
St. Jarlath of Cluain Fois (+560)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Pimenovskaya”

St. Philip, one of the 7 first deacons (Acts 6:5), bishop of Tralles, who baptized the Ethiopian eunuch, and his 4 Daughters, prophetesses (Acts 21:9); in Caesarea Cappadocia
St. Gudwal, bishop, apostle of Brittany, abbot of 188 monks, near Penzance, in Cornwall
Holy 20 Martyrs at Tarsus in Cilicia
Martyrs Artemius, his wife Candida, and their daughter Paulina, at Rome
Martyrs Amantius, Alexander, and other Martyrs, at Noyon
Hieromartyrs Vincent the bishop, Benignus the deacon, and 600 other Martyrs, at Bevania, Umbria
St. Branwallader, bishop in Jersey
St. Ceratius, bishop of Grenoble
St. Eustorgius II, bishop of Milan
Translation of the relics of St. Jarlath, bishop of Tuam
St. Claudius, bishop of Besançon
St. John, bishop at Verona
St. Nilamnon, hermit
Hieromartyr Alexander, bishop of Fiesole, near Bologna
St. Cocca, virgin, at Kilcock, in Ireland
St. Agobard, bishop, at Lyons

June 20 / June 7, 2023

Hieromartyr Theodotus, bishop of Ancyra
Martyrs Cyriacia (Cyria), Valeria (Caleria), and Mary (Marcia), of Caesarea in Palestine
Hieromartyr Marcellus, bishop of Rome, and those with him: Martyrs Sisinius and Cyriacus the deacons, Apronian the commentarisius, Papias and Maurus the soldiers, Smaragdus, Largus, Saturninus, Crescentian, Priscilla, Lucina, and Artemia the princess; (+304)
St. Daniel of Scetis in Egypt
Hieromartyr Marcellinus, pope of Rome, and with him Martyrs Claudius, Cyrinus, and Antoninus
Virgin-Martyr Potamiaena of Alexandria
Martyr Zenais (Zenaida) the Wonderworker of Caesarea in Palestine
Holy women Aesia and Susanna, disciples of St. Pancratius of Taormina and martyred with him
Martyr Lycarion of Hermopolis in Egypt
Martyrs Tarasius and John
St. Anthony, monk of Keno
St. Stephen the hieromonk
St. Anthimus the hieromonk
St. Sebastiana the Wonderworker, nun
St. Colman, bishop of Dromore, Ireland (+6th century)
St. Penagia of Cephalonia
New Hieromartyr Andronicus, archbishop of Perm (+1918)
Repose of Blessed Anthony Ivanovich, fool-for-Christ of Valaam (+1832)

Hieromartyr Paul, bishop, murdered by Arians, at Constantinople
Hieromartyrs Peter the priest and Walabons the deacon, and Monk-Martyrs Aventius, Jeremias, Sabinian, and Wistremund, at Córdova
Translation of the relics of St. Servatus
Hieromartyr Colman, bishop of Dromore, in Ireland
St. Marcellinus, bishop of Puy, in France
Virgin-Martyr Potamioena the Younger, at Hermopolis, in Egypt
Martyr Lycarion at Hermopolis, in Egypt
St. Wulflac, priest-hermit, at Regnie I’Ecluse in Ponthieu
St. Meriadoc, bishop of Vannes, in Brittany
Hieromartyr Aventinus of Bagnères, priest-hermit, in the Pyrenees, at Larbouste
St. Willibald, bishop of Eichstätt
St. Deochar (Gottlieb or Amadeus), first abbot of Herriedon monastery
Blessed Odo, abbot of Massay monastery
Translation of the relics of St. Owen
St. Wolfgang, a monk of Reichenau, bishop of Ratisbon, at Pupping, in Austria

June 21 / June 8, 2023

Translation of the relics of Great-Martyr Theodore Stratelates (the General) from Heraclea to Euchaita
St. Ephraim, patriarch of Antioch
St. Zosimas, monk of Phoenicia, Syria
St. Athre (Atres) of Nitria in Egypt
Martyr Paul of Kaiuma
St. Naucratius, abbot of the Studion
St. Theodore, bishop of Rostov and Suzdal
New Venerable-Martyr Theophanes at Constantinople
Finding of the relics of Sts. Basil and Constantine, princes of Yaroslavl
Hieromartyr Theodore of Kvelteli, Georgia
St. Theophilus of Omucha in Pskov, disciple of St. Arsenius of Konevets in Valaam
New Hieromartyrs Archbishop Barlaam (+1942) and his brother Bishop Germanus (+1937)
Translation of the relics of Hieromartyr Alphege, archbishop of Canterbury
St. Medardus, bishop of Noyon (+560)
Martyr Caliope
St. Melania the Elder, nun (mentioned in the Lausiac History)
Martyrs Nicander and Marcian
Synaxis of the Church of the Cross at Mteskheta, Georgia
Martyr Mark
New Hieromartyrs Archbishop Barlaam (+1942), and his brother Bishop Germanus (Herman) (+1937)

Sts. Medard the bishop of Noyon and Tournai, and Gildard the bishop of Rouen, brothers, at Soissons
St. Heraclius the Confessor, bishop, at Sens
St. Sallustian at Sardinia
Hieromartyr Abundius, priest, at Córdova
Martyr Calliope
St. Maximus, bishop of Aix, in Provence, one of the 70 disciples, said to be the blind man in Jn. 9:1-38
Translation of the relics of St. Alphege, archbishop of Canterbury, from London
Martyrs Germanus (Herman), Paulinus, Justus, and Sicius, at Gerona, Spain
St. Marius, hermit, at Mauriac, Auvergne
St. Clodulf (Cloud), bishop of Metz
St. Eustadiola, abbess of Bruges
St. Melania the Elder, widow
St. Bron, bishop, at Cassel-Irra, disciple of St. Patrick
St. Victorinus, bishop
St. Severin, hermit, bishop of San Severino
St. Levan the Confessor, in Cornwall
St. Maccutin, writer of the Lives of Sts. Patrick and Brigid, in Ireland
St. Syra, virgin, at Troyes, sister of St. Fiacre

June 22 / June 9, 2023

St. Cyril, archbishop of Alexandria
St. Cyril, abbot of White Lake, Byelozersk
St. Alexander, abbot of Kushta, in Vologda
Five nuns beheaded in Persia: Martyrs Thecla, Mariamne, Martha, Mary, and Ennatha
St. John of Shavtel-Gaenati, monk of Georgia
Hieromartyr Alexander, bishop of Prusa
Finding of the relics of Righteous Cyril of Velsk or Vaga, in Vologda
St. Columba (Colum Cille), apostle to Scotland, founder of Iona monastery (+597)
St. Baithene, abbot of Iona (+600)
Hieromartyr Alexander, bishop of Prusa
Martyr Ananias
St. Cyrus, monk
Holy Three Virgin-Martyrs of Chios
St. Nicasius
St. Heliodorus
Righteous Alexis Mechev, protopresbyter (+1923)
Repose of the Blessed Hieromonk Vitaly of Valaam (+1856)

Martyrs Primus and Felician of Rome, brothers
Hieromartyr Vincent, deacon, at Agen
Sts. Columba (Columbkille) and his cousin Baithin, abbots, at Iona
Martyr Diomedes at Nicaea
St. Onuphrius (Humphrey), hermit, in Egypt
St. Maximian, bishop, at Syracuse
Virgin-Martyr Pelagia at Antioch
Virgin-Martyrs Thecla, Mariamne, and other Martyrs, in Persia
St. Julian, monk, at Edessa
St. Cummian, bishop, monk, at Bobbio

June 23 / June 10, 2023

Hieromartyr Timothy, bishop of Prusa (+362)
Martyr Alexander and Virgin-Martyr Antonina, whose relics were translated to Constantinople
St. Bassian, bishop of Lodi in Lombardy
St. Theophanes the monk of Antioch, and St. Pansemne the former harlot of Antioch
Synaxis of All Saints of Tobolsk: Sts. John (Maximovitch) the metropolitan of Tobolsk, Innocent the bishop of Irkutsk, Macarius of Altai, Macarius the metropolitan of Moscow and apostle to Altai (+1926), and Others
St. Paul, metropolitan of Tobolsk
St. Silvanus, schema-monk of the Kiev Caves
St. Ivo (Yvo) of Ramsey, bishop
St. Ithamar, bishop of Rochester
Martyr Neaniscus the Most Wise of Alexandria
St. Canides, monk of Cappadocia
St. Apollos, bishop
St. Alexis of Bithynia, bishop
Opening of the relics of St. Basil, bishop of Ryazan
St. Nikon
Chinese New Martyrs of the Boxer Uprising, at Peking and other places: Hieromartyr Metrophanes the first Chinese priest, his sons Isaias and John, Mary and Paul the catechists, Ia the teacher, Clement, Matthew, Vitus, Anna, Tatiana, Sophia, Nadezhda, Agatha, Cyril, Artemius, Philemon, Anisia, Melania, Agremius, Eudocia, Eugene, Cyrus, Pelagia, Sava, Nilus, Mary, Helen, Sira, Mina, Herman, Vera, Nadezhda, John, Sergius, Ananias, Pelagia, Thomas, Theoctistus, Anna, Julitta, Sophronius, Nicholas, John, Theodosius, Mark, John, Eudocimus, Maura, John, Macrina, John, Athanasius, Eupraxia, Prochor, Natalia, Alexander, Andrew, Eustolia, Euthemia, Mary, Mary, Nina, Basil, Helen, Simeon, Agatha, Juliana, Lucy, Stephen, Eudocia, Nikita, Michael, Mary, John, and 147 other Martyrs; (+1900)
Nameday of St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco
Repose of Blessed Elder Nahum of Solovki (+1853)
Repose of Blessed Schema-monk Sergius of Valaam (+1860)

Martyrs Basilides, Tripos, Mandal, and 20 other Martyrs, at Rome
Martyrs Getulius, Caerealis (his judge, whom he converted), his brother Amantius, and Primitivus, at Rome
Martyr Zacharias at Nicomedia
St. Censurius, bishop, at Auxerre
St. Landeric, bishop, in Paris
St. Ithamar the Confessor, bishop, at Rochester, in England
St. Maximinus, one of the 70 Disciples, in Quin
Translation of the relics of St. Ive (Yves) the Persian, bishop, in England
Hieromartyrs Mammarius the priest, Victorian the deacon, and Martyr Felix, in Africa
Sts. Theophanes the hermit, and Pansemne the penitent, near Antioch
Martyr Maurinus, abbot, at Cologne
St. Evermund, abbot of Fontenay-les-Louvets, in Normandy
Virgin-Martyr Olivia at Palermo
St. Bardo, archbishop of Mainz
Martyrs Crispulus and Restitutus, who suffered under Nero
Martyrs Aresius, Rogatus, and other Martyrs
St. Asterius, bishop, at Petra
Hieromartyr Timothy, bishop, at Prusa in Bithynia
Hieromartyr Maximus, bishop, at Naples
St. Illadan, bishop, at Rathlihen
Martyr Landeric, monk, at Novalese, in Savoy

June 24 / June 11, 2023

Holy Apostles Bartholomew and Barnabas
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “It is Truly Meet” and “Abulskaya”
Commemoration of the appearance of the Archangel Gabriel to a monk on Mt. Athos, revealing the hymn “It is truly meet” (“Axion estin”)
Opening of the relics of St. Ephraim, abbot of Novotorzhok
St. Barnabas, monk of Vetluga
St. Bassian of Uglich, monk
Martyr Mary of Pergamus
Translation of the relics of St. Arcadius, monk of Vyazma and Novotorzhok
St. Niphon, patriarch of Constantinople (Romania)
Martyr Theopemptus and Four other Martyrs
Repose of the Righteous recluse Blessed Melania of Elets and Zadonsk (+1836)

Holy Apostle Barnabas at Salaminos, in Cyprus
Martyrs Felix and Fortunatus, brothers, in Aquileia
Sts. Timothy, John, Andrew, Thaddeus, and Philip, hermits, in Egypt
St. Rimbert, archbishop of Bremen
Translation of the relics of Virgin-Martyr Macra at Fère-en-Tardenols
Sts. Amabilis the priest at Riome, and Blithar the priest-hermit at Verday, in France
Sts. Tochumra of Kolmore and Tochumra of Tuam, virgins, in Ireland
St. Herebald, hermit, in Brittany

June 25 / June 12, 2023

Third Sunday after Pentecost
All Saints Martyred under the Turkish Yoke
All Saints of Novgorod, Vologda, Pskov, and Byelorussia
St. Onuphrius the Great, in Egypt
St. Peter the Athonite
Sts. John, Heraclemon, Andrew, and Theophilus, hermits of Egypt (also December 2)
St. Arsenius, abbot of Konevets
St. John the Soldier of Egypt
St. John (Tornicus) of Mt. Athos and Georgia
St. Onuphrius, abbot of Maly, Pskov
Sts. Onuphrius and Auxentius, monks of Vologda
St. Stephen of Komela, abbot of Nicholas Lake hermitage, Vologda
Sts. Bassian and Jonas, monks at Pertoma
Opening of the relics of St. Anna, great princess
Opening of the relics of Blessed John, fool-for-Christ, wonderworker of Moscow
St. Onuphrius, abbot of Katrom
St. Julian, abbot in the Dagouta quarter of Constantinople
St. Zeno, monk
Virgin-Martyr Cunera of Rhenen, in the Netherlands (+451)
New Hieromartyr Bishop Onuphrius (+1938), and his co-sufferers Priests Anthony, Barsanuphius, and Joseph (+1937), and Bishop Alexander of Kharkov

Second Sunday after Trinity
Martyrs Basilides, Cyrinus, Nabor, at Milan
The Finding by St. Ambrose of Martyrs Nazarius and the child Celsus, at Milan (see July 28)
St. Odulf, bishop, at Holy Saviour, at Utrecht
St. Nonnosus, monk and wonderworker, provost of Mt. Soracte, near Rome, mentioned by St. Gregory the Great
St. Ternan of Culross, bishop of the Picts, in Scotland
St. Peter, priest-hermit of Mt. Athos, ordained at Rome
St. Cunera, virgin, at Rhenen, in Holland
Virgin-Martyr Antonina at Nicaea
St. Amphion, bishop, at Cilicia
St. Olympus, bishop, at Enos
St. Gerebald, bishop, at Châlons-sur-Seine

June 26 / June 13, 2023

Martyr Aquilina of Byblos, Lebanon
St. Triphyllius, bishop of Leucosia (Nicosia) on Cyprus
Martyr Antonina of Nicaea
Sts. Anna and her son John, of Constantinople
St. Antipater, bishop of Bostra in Arabia
St. Andronicus the disciple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, and St. Sabbas the disciple of St. Andronicus, abbots of Moscow; Sts. Alexander, Daniel, and Andrew, monks, iconographers
St. Anthimus, monk of Iveron on Mt. Athos
Finding of the relics of New Martyr Nicholas the Deacon of Lesbos
St. James, monk, who was deceived and worshipped the Antichrist but later repented
St. Eulogius, patriarch of Alexandria
Martyr Diodorus of Emesa, who was crucified
Martyr Eustratius
New Martyr Pelagia, nun, of Alma-Ata (+1944)
Repose of Blessed Abbess Alexandra, foundress of Diveyevo convent (+1789)

Virgin-Martyr Felicula at Rome, sister of St. Petronilla
Translation of the relics of Apostle Bartholomew
Hieromartyr Fandilas of Peñamelaria, at Córdova
Martyrs Lucianus and Crescentius in Africa
Translation of the relics of St. Anthony the Great, whose relics were revealed by Archangel Gabriel
Elevation of the relics of St. Landoald of Maastricht
Virgin-Martyr Aquilina at Biblis in Palestine
St. Triphyllius, bishop of Nicosia, in Cyprus
St. Agricius, bishop of Sens
St. Peregrinus Cletheus, bishop of Amiterno, drowned by Arians
Martyr Rembert, at Brou near Ambournay, in France
St. Damhnade, virgin, in Ireland

June 27 / June 14, 2023

Prophet Elisha (Eliseus) (10th century B.C.)
St. Methodius the Confessor, patriarch of Constantinople
St. Niphon, monk of Kapsokalyvia, on Mt. Athos
St. John, metropolitan of Euchaita
St. Mstislav the Brave (in holy baptism, George), prince of Novgorod
St. Elisha (Eliseus), monk of Suma, Solovki
St. Methodius, abbot of Peshnosha
St. Julitta (Julia) of Tabenna in Egypt
St. Joseph, bishop, at Thessalonica
St. Dogmael, monk of Pembrokeshire
Hieromartyr Cyril, bishop of Gorlyna, Crete
New Hieromartyr Nicholas Vinogradov, protopresbyter, of Moscow (+1938)

Commemoration of the ordination of St. Basil the Great, archbishop, in Caesarea Cappadocia
St. Elisha (Eliseus) the Prophet, in Samaria
Martyrs Rufinus and Valerius, in Soissons
St. Quintian, bishop, in France
Translation of the relics of St. Brendan the Navigator, abbot, in Ireland
Hieromartyr Marcian, bishop of Syracuse
St. Mark, bishop of Lucera
St. Docmael, hermit at Pembrook
St. Methodius the Sicilian, patriarch of Constantinople
Venerable Richard, abbot of St. Vannes
St. Etherius, bishop, at Vienne
St. Psalmodius, hermit, at Limoges, disciple of St. Brendan
St. Nennus, abbot, at Arran
St. Lothar, bishop, at Séez
St. Gerald, bishop, at Fontenelle
St. Joseph, hymnographer, bishop, at Constantinople
Hieromartyr Anastasius the priest, Martyrs Felix the monk and Digna the nun, at Córdova
St. Cearan the Pious, abbot of Bellach-Duin
Blessed Hartwig, bishop, at Salzburg
Translation of the relics of St. Exuperius of Toulouse, bishop

June 28 / June 15, 2023

Prophet Amos (8th century B.C.)
St. Jonah, metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia
St. Jerome (Hieronymus) the Blessed, of Stridonium (+420)
St. Augustine the Blessed, bishop of Hippo (+430); and his mother St. Monica (+387); in Africa
Great-Martyr Lazarus, Tsar of Serbia
Martyrs Vitus, Modestus, and the governess Crescentia, at Lucania
Martyr Dulas at Cilicia (305-313)
Martyr Dulas the Passion-bearer of Egypt
Translation of the relics of St. Theodore the Sykeote, bishop of Anastasiopolis
St. Orsius of Tabenna, monk, disciple of St. Pachomius the Great
Sts. Gregory and Cassian, abbots of Avnezha, Vologda
St. Michael, first metropolitan of Kiev
St. Spyridon, patriarch of Serbia
St. Symeon, archbishop of Novgorod
St. Ephraim, patriarch of Serbia
Venerable-Martyrs Leonis (Leonida), Libya, Eutropia, and their Mother, at Palmyra in Syria
Martyr Hesychius
St. Abraham, abbot of Auvergne, Gaul (+477)
St. Trillo, abbot of Llandrillo
Synaxis of All New Martyrs of the Serbian Land
Apostles Fortunatus, Achaicus, and Stephanas, of the Seventy
Martyr Grace
St. Joseph, monk of Bethlehem
Hieroconfessor Glicherie of Romania (+1985)
Marianica Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos
Repose of Blessed Jonah, fool-for-Christ of Peshnosha monastery (+1838)

St. Edburga the Wonderworker, abbess, at Winchester
Martyrs Vitus (Vitalis), Modestus, and Crescentia, in Sicily
Great-Martyr Lazarus, Tsar of Serbia
Martyr Mercurius at Benevento
Martyrs Hesychius the soldier, and Julius, at Silistria, in Romania
St. Honoratus the Confessor, bishop, at Amiens, in France
Martyr Tatian Dulas at Zephyrium in Cilicia
St. Orsisius, abbot of Tabenna, in Egypt
St. Vougas, bishop, at Tregienec, in Brittany
St. Vorech, priest, hermit, in Cornwall
St. Landelin, abbot and founder of Lobbes, abbot of Crespin, in Belgium
Martyrs Lybe, her sister Leonis, and a girl of 12 Eutropia, at Palmyra, in Syria
St. Abraham of S.-Cyrgues, abbot
St. Melan, bishop, at Viviers
St. Trillo, in Wales, companion of St. Cadfan
Sts. Domitian and Hadelin, monks of Lobbes
St. Constantine of Beauvais, bishop

June 29 / June 16, 2023

Hieromartyr Tychon, bishop of Amathus on Cyprus
St. Tikhon of Kaluga or Medyn
St. Tikhon of Lukhov
St. Tikhon of Krestogorsk, Vologda
Hieromartyr Tigrius the presbyter and Martyr Eutropius the reader, of Constantinople
Apostle Mark the Just, of the Seventy, bishop of Apollonias, nephew of Apostle Barnabas
Martyr Kaikhosro of Georgia
St. Nicephorus, monk of Kaluga
St. Ismael, bishop of Menevia
St. Moses, archimandrite of Optina monastery, founder of the Optina Skete (+1862)
Holy Five Martyrs of Nicomedia
Holy Forty Martyrs of Rome
New Hieromartyrs Hermogenes (Germogen) the bishop of Tobolsk, Protopresbyter Ephraim Dolganev, Priests Michael Makarov and Peter Karelin; and New Martyr Constantine Minyatov the layman; at Tobolsk (+1918)
Repose of Blessed Elder Gerasimus of St. Tikhon of Kaluga monastery (+1898)

Martyrs Cyriacus and his mother Julitta, at Tarsus
Hieromartyrs Ferreolus the priest and Ferrution the deacon, at Besançon
St. Aurelian, bishop of Arles, at Lyon
St. Similian the Confessor, bishop, at Nantes
Martyrs Aureus, his sister Justina, and other Martyrs, at Mainz
St. Tikhon, bishop of Amathontium, Cyprus
Sts. Bertald and Amandus, hermits, at Rheims
Sts. Maurus the priest and Felix, at Spoleto
Virgin-Martyrs Actinea and Graecina, at Volterra, Etruria
St. Simplicius, archbishop, at Bourges
St. Cettin of Oran, bishop, assistant to St. Patrick
St. Colman McRoy, deacon-abbot, near Dublin
St. Curig, bishop of Llanbadarn in Wales
St. Ismael, bishop of St. David’s, Wales
St. Vorlé, hermit in Champagne

June 30 / June 17, 2023

Martyrs Manuel, Sabel, and Ismael, of Persia, at Chalcedon
St. Aetius, apostle, Ethiopian eunuch baptized by Apostle Philip
Hieromartyr Philoneides, bishop of Kourion on Cyprus
Sts. Joseph and Pior, disciples of St. Anthony the Great
Martyr-Prince Shalva of Akhaltsikhe, Georgia, and with him Holy 10,000 Martyrs
The Alfanov brothers: Sts. Nicetas, Cyril, Nicephorus, Clement, and Isaac, of Novgorod, founders of the Sokolnitsky monastery (also May 4)
St. Ananias the Iconographer of Novgorod
Martyr-hermit Nectan of Hartland, Devon
St. Botulph the Confessor and abbot of Ikanhoe (+680), and his brother St. Adulph the bishop of Saxony
Martyrs Isaurus the deacon, Basil and Innocent of Athens, with Felix, Hermias, Peregrinus, Rufus, and Rufinus, at Apollonia in Illyria
New Hieromartyr Ismael Rozhdestvensky, priest (+1938)

Holy 262 Martyrs who lie at Cucumer Hill, at Rome
Translation of the relics of St. Gundulf, bishop, in Bourges
St. Avitus, abbot of Micy, hermit, at Orléans
St. Botulf, abbot at Boston, in Britain
St. Hymerus, bishop of Cremona, in Tuscany
St. Moling, bishop of Ferns in Ireland
Martyr Sophia and her daughters: Virgin-Martyrs Faith, Hope, and Charity
Translation of the relics of St. Columba (Columbkille), abbot of Iona
Martyrs Nicander and Marcian at Atino, Italy
Martyr Montanus at Terracina, in Italy
Martyrs Cyriacus, Blastus, and other Martyrs, at Rome
Martyrs Manuel, Sabiel, and Ismael, at Constantinople
Sts. Joseph and Pior the hermits, and Bessarion the abbot, in Egypt
St. Hypatius, abbot, in Bithynia
St. Verol, bishop, near Langres, at Marcenay
Virgin-Martyr Alena at Vorst, in Belgium
St. Romuald, abbot, at Ratisbon
Martyrs Isaurus, Innocent, Felix, Jeremias, and Peregrinus, in Macedonia
St. Briavel, hermit, in Gloucester
Martyr Nectan of Harland, hermit, in Devon
St. Agrippinus, bishop, at Como

July 1 / June 18, 2023

Martyr Leontius, and with him Martyrs Hypatius and Theodulus, at Tripoli in Phoenicia
St. Leontius, clairvoyant of Dionysiou monastery on Mt. Athos
Martyr Aeutherius of Nicomedia
St. Leontius, canonarch of the Far Caves in Kiev
St. Erasmus, monk
St. Leontius the Shepherd, monk
New Hieromartyrs Protopresbyter Basil Smirnov of Moscow, Protopresbyter Sergius Krotkov, Priest Alexander Krutitsky, and Priest Basil Krilov of Moscow, (+1938)
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Bogolyubovo” at Bogolyubov in Vladimir and the venerated copies of it, “Of Moscow,” “Zimarovskaya,” “Of Uglich,” “Of Yuriev,” “Of Tula,” “Kozlovskaya,” “Yelatemskaya,” “Usmanskaya,” and “Tarusskaya”

Hieromartyrs Mark and Marcellian, brothers, deacons, at Rome
Martyr Cyriacus and Virgin-Martyr Paula, in Spain
Virgin-Martyr Marina in Alexandria
St. Fortunatus the Philosopher, bishop, in Chelles
St. Martyrius, recluse, named by St. Gregory, at Valeria in the Abruzzi
Martyrs Leontius, Hypatius, and Theodulus, at Tripoli in Phoenicia
Martyrs Potentinus, Felix, and Simplicius, at Steinfeld
St. Amandus, bishop of Bordeaux
Martyr Etherius at Nicomedia
St. Calogerus the Greek, recluse, and at Fragalata Sts. Gregory the bishop, Demetrius the archdeacon, and another Calogerus the abbot; in Sicily
St. Osmanna, virgin, in France at Jouarre
St. Guy (Guido), abbot, at Baume

July 2 / June 19, 2023

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
Korobeinikov-Kazan Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (movable holiday on the Saturday after to June 18th )
Synaxis of All Saints of Pskov-Pechers (movable holiday on the 4th Sunday of Pentecost)
Holy Apostle Jude, the Brother of the Lord
St. John Maximovitch II, archbishop, wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco, advocate of restoring ancient Western Rites to modern usage within the Orthodox Church (+1966)
Martyr Zosimus the Soldier at Antioch in Pisidia
St. Paisius the Great of Egypt
St. John the Anchorite at Jerusalem
St. Zeno, hermit of Egypt
St. Barlaam, monk of Shenkursk
St. Job, patriarch of Moscow and All Rus’
St. Paisius the Bulgarian, of Hilander on Athos
Holy Myrrh-bearer Mary, mother of Apostle James the son of Alphaeus
Hieromartyr Asyncritus, whose synaxis was kept at the Church of Holy Peace by the Sea in Constantinople, and other Martyrs with him
Venerable Romuald, abbot of Camaldoli, Ravenna
New Hieromartyr Parthenius, bishop, in Russia (+1937)
At St. Hilarion’s monastery in Austin, Texas, 1984, the first public veneration of Alaskan relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov since their exile from Russia in the 1920s
Blessed Archbishop Leonty of Chile (+1971)

Third Sunday after Trinity
St. John Maximovitch II, archbishop, wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco, advocate of restoring ancient Western Rites to modern usage within the Orthodox Church
Martyrs Gervasius and Protasius, brothers, at Milan
Martyr Ursicinus at Ravenna
Translation of the relics of St. Romuald, abbot-founder of Camaldoli
St. Dacius, bishop of Milan
Martyr Zosimus at Spoleto
Hieromartyrs Gaudentius the bishop, Culmatius his deacon, Martyrs Andrew, his Wife and Children and 53 other Martyrs, at Arezzo
St. Zeno, hermit, in Egypt
St. Innocent, bishop of LeMans
St. Deodatus, bishop of Nevers
Hieromartyr Boniface (Bruno), bishop, martyr of Querfurt, Prussia
St. Deodatus of Jointures, bishop
St. Hildegrin of Châlons-sur-Marne, bishop
At St. Hilarion’s monastery in Austin, Texas, 1984, the first public veneration of Alaskan relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov since their exile from Russia in the 1920s

July 3 / June 20, 2023

Hieromartyr Methodius, bishop of Patara, who opposed the heresy of Origen
Hieromartyrs Aristocles the presbyter, Demetrian the deacon, and Martyr Athanasius the reader, of Cyprus
Martyrs Innas, Pinnas, and Rimmas, disciples of Apostle Andrew in Scythia
St. Leucius, bishop of Brindisi
Holy Prince Gleb Andreyevich (in baptism, George), wonderworker of Vladimir
St. Nahum of Ochrid, monk, equal-to-the-apostles, enlightener of the Slavs, and wonderworker of Bulgaria
Translation of the relics of St. Gurias, archbishop of Kazan
St. Callistus I, patriarch of Constantinople
Translation of the relics and garments of Apostles Luke the Evangelist, Andrew, and Thomas, Prophet Elisha (Eliseus), and Martyr Lazarus of Persia, to the Church of the Holy Apostles in Constantinople
St. Menas of Polotsk
St. Nicholas Cabasilas, metropolitan of Durazzo
Martyr Crescens
St. Africanus, monk
St. Studius, founder of the Studion monastery
Finding of the relics of New Martyr Raphael of Lesbos
Hieromartyr Silverius, pope of Rome
“Hodegetria” (“Directress”) Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos at the monastery of Xenophon on Mt. Athos

Translation of the relics of Martyr-King Edward
Hieromartyr Silverius the pope, and St. Novatus the priest and disciple of the Apostles, at Rome
Martyrs Paul and Cyriacus, at Tomis
St. Abgar, king of Edessa, who wrote the letter to Christ
Virgin-Martyr Gemma at Saintes
St. Macarius, bishop, at Petra, in Palestine
St. Florentina, abbess, sister of St. Leander, at Carthagena
Martyr Goban, hermit-monk, near Laon, at St. Gobain
St. Bain, bishop of Thérouanne and abbot of Fleury
St. Adalbert, archbishop of Magdeburg, apostle of the Wends
St. Edburga of Caistor, virgin, in Northamptonshire
St. Helia, abbess of Öhren at Trier
Translation of the relics of Martyr-King Oswald, Edburga, Kinneswitha, Kinneburga, and Lewina, nuns, at S. Winnoc in Flanders

July 4 / June 21, 2023

Martyr Julian of Tarsus in Cilicia (+305)
Hieromartyr Terence (Tertius), bishop of Iconium
St. Julius the presbyter of Novara, and his brother St. Julian the deacon
New Martyr Nicetas of Nisyros (near Rhodes), on Chios
Martyrs Archil II the king of Iberia, and Luarsab II the king of Kartalin, in Georgia
Martyr Aphrodisius in Cilicia
Martyr Rufus
Martyrs Julian and his wife Basilissa, and with them Marcianilla and her son Celsus, Anthony the presbyter, Anastasius who was resurrected, Seven Brothers and Twenty Prison Guards, at Antinoë in Egypt
St. Anastasia (Anna), nun, mother of St. Sava I of Serbia
St. Theodore, prince, at Starodub
St. Mewan (Mevan), abbot of St. Meen
St. Cormac of the Sea (+590)
New Hieromartyrs Archimandrite George (+1932) and Priest Paul Uspensky of Moscow (+1938)

Martyrs Rufinus and Martia, in Sicily at Syracuse
Hieromartyr Eusebius, bishop, in Samosata
Virgin-Martyr Demetria at Rome
Sts. Leutfrid and Agofrid, brothers, abbots of Holy Cross, Evreux
Martyrs Cyriacus and Apollinaris, in Africa
Translation of the relics of St. Werburga of Chester
Hieromartyr Alban of Naxos, priest, at Mainz
St. Martin, hermit, bishop, at Tongres, in Belgium
Martyr Aphrodisius in Cilicia
St. Mevennus, abbot, in Brittany
St. Engelmund, abbot, near Haarlem, at Velsen
St. Radulf (Ralph, Rudolph), archbishop of Bourges
Hieromartyr Terence of Iconium, bishop
St. Urciscenus of Pavia, bishop
St. Corbmac, abbot of Durrow
St. Dominic of Comacchio, monk, who brought St. Mark’s relics to Venice
Blessed Woldrid of Hohentwiel, abbot

July 5 / June 22, 2023

Hieromartyr Eusebius, bishop of Samosata
Martyrs Pompian and Galaction, who were drowned, with Juliana and her son Saturninus, who were burned, whose relics were in the Petrion quarter of Constantinople
Martyrs Zeno and his servant Zenas of Philadelphia
St. Basil, abbot of Patalara
St. Alban, protomartyr of Britain (+305)
St. Anastasia (Princess Anna), mother of St. Savva of Serbia
Repose of Righteous Blessed Mary the Cave-digger of White Mountain monastery near Voronezh (+1822)
Repose of Schema-monk Blessed Theoctistus of Valaam (+1863)

Passion of Sts. Alban the Protomartyr of Britain, and Martyr Heraclius the soldier, at St. Alban’s (Verulam) in Hertfordshire
St. Paulinus, bishop, at Nola in Campania
St. Consortia, virgin, monastery foundress, at Cluny
St. Nicetas, bishop, at Remesiana, who preached in Romania and Serbia
Martyrs Acacius, Heliadus, and Others – 10,000 Soldiers, at Alexandria of Syria
The beheading of Virgin-Martyr Winifred, in Wales, whom St. Bueno raised to life
St. Alban, honoured at Cologne, at Rome
St. Aaron, hermit, St. Maclovius’ teacher, at S.-Malo, Brittany
Martyr Flavius Clemens, cousin of emperor Domitian, who had him beheaded
Sts. John I and John IV, bishops
St. Rotrudis, virgin, kinswoman of Charlemagne, at S.-Omer

July 6 / June 23, 2023

Martyr Agrippina of Rome (+253-260)
Meeting of the Vladimir Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos in memory of Saving of Moscow from the Invasion of Khan Achmed in the year 1480; and her icons of Pskov “Tender Feeling” and “Zaonikiev”
Synaxis of All Saints of Vladimir
Hieromartyr Eustochius the presbyter, and those with him at Ancyra: Martyrs Gaius, Lollia, Proba, Urban, and Others
St. Theodore Yaroslavich, prince of Vladimir
Righteous Youth Artemius of Verkola
St. Joseph, founder, and Sts. Anthony and Joannicius, abbots of Zaonikiev hermitage (Vologda)
Second translation of the relics of St. Germanus (Herman), archbishop of Kazan
Translation of the relics of St. Michael of Klops monastery, fool-for-Christ
St. Bassa
St. Dionysius of Polotsk, Minsk
St. Etheldreda, abbess of Ely, England (+679)
New Hieromartyrs Archbishop Metrophanes of Astrakhan, and Bishop Leontius of Yenotayevka, and Those Martyred with them (+1919)
New Hieromartyr Maximus, bishop of Serpukhov (+1931)
Repose of Schema-monk Blessed Zosimas of Solovki (+1855)

Vigil of St. John Baptist, the Forerunner of the Lord
St. Etheldreda (Audrey), queen, abbess of Ely’s double monastery, in Britain
Hieromartyr John, priest, at Rome
Hieromartyr Felix, priest, at Sutri in Tuscany
Virgin-Martyr Agrippina at Rome
Martyrs Zeno and Zenas, at Philadelphia in Arabia
Many Holy Martyrs at Nicomedia
St. Leodegar, priest, at Pertes, in Champagne
St. James, bishop of Toul, in Lorraine
St. Melray, abbot, baptized by St. Patrick, at Nendrum, in Ireland
Hieromartyr Walhere, priest, at Dinant, in Belgium
St. Hidulf, count of Hainault, monk, at Lobbes

July 7 / June 24, 2023

Nativity of the Honorable and Glorious Prophet and Forerunner John the Baptist
Martyrs Orentius, Pharnacius, Eros, Firmus, Firminus, Cyriacus, and Longinus, brothers, on the southeast shores of the Black Sea, in Georgia
St. Anthony of Smoky Lake, abbot, in Dymi, Novgorod
St. Michael, Prince of Tver and Great Prince of Vladimir
St. Nicetas, bishop of Remesiana, in the Netherlands (+414)
Translation of the relics of Martyr John the New to Suceava, Romania
Righteous John and Righteous James, youths, at Meniugi
New Martyr Panagiotes of Caesarea in Cappadocia, at Constantinople
St. Gerasimus of Archangelsk, Siberia
Synaxis of Righteous Zacharias and Elizabeth, parents of the Forerunner
New Hieromartyr Victor Morigerovsky, priest of Moscow (+1938)

NATIVITY OF ST. JOHN BAPTIST, the forerunner of Our Lord
Martyrs Agoard and Agilbert, with many other Martyrs, at Creil near Paris
St. Simplicius, bishop, at Autun
Virgin-Martyr Luceias and Martyr Auceias, at Rome
St. Ivan, hermit, in Bohemia
Holy Martyrs at Rome under Nero
Martyrs Orentius, Heros, Pharnacius, Firmin, Firmus, Cyriacus, and Longinus, brothers
Virgin-Martyr Alena at Brussels
Hieromartyr Rumbold, bishop, St. Willibrord’s co-worker, near Malines
St. Theodulf, abbot of Lobbes
St. Henry the Hagiographer, monk, in Auxerre
St. John, hermit of Galicia, at Tuy
Blessed Erembert, abbot, at Kremsmünster
Sts. Ezechias and Josias, kings of Jerusalem (2 Kg, ch. 19-23)

July 8 / June 25, 2023

Afterfeast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist
Virgin-Martyr Febronia of Nisibis, nun
Sts. Prince Peter and Princess Febronia (tonsured David and Euphrosyne), wonderworkers of Murom
Venerable-Martyrs Leonis (Leonida), Libya, and Eutropia, of Syria
St. Simon (Symeon), monk at Sinai
Sts. Dionysius and his fellow struggler Dometius, of the monastery of the Forerunner (Dionysiou) on Mt. Athos
St. Theoloeptus, metropolitan of Philadelphia
Martyrs Euphrosyne and Theodora
Sts. Constantine and Theodore
New Venerable-Martyr Procopius of Varna, at Smyrna
New Martyr George of Attalia, at Crene, in Asia Minor
St. Dalmatus, founder and abbot of the Dormition monastery in Siberia
St. Adalbert of Egmond, archdeacon of Utrecht, in the Netherlands (+740)
St. Moluac of Lismore (+592)
New Hieroconfessor Nicon, hieromonk of Optina (+1931)
Repose of Blessed Serapion, hierodeacon, of Glinsk hermitage (+1859)
Repose of Blessed Heliodorus, schema-archimandrite, of Glinsk hermitage (+1879)

In the Octave of St. John Baptist
Martyr Gallicanus, consul, in Alexandria
Virgin-Martyr Lucy and 12 other Martyrs, at Rome
Virgin-Martyr Kenneburga at Gloucester
Finding of the relics of St. Mark the Evangelist, at Venice
Hieromartyr Amphibalus, priest, of Verulam in Hertford, St. Alban’s teacher
Translation of the relics of St. Milburga, abbess of Wenlock
St. Mnaason of Cyprus, of the 70 Disciples
Virgin-Martyr Febronia at Nisibis
St. Maximus, bishop of Turin
St. Prosper, bishop of Reggio, in Modena
St. Tigris, virgin, at St. Jean-de-Maurienne
St. Moloc of Mortlach, bishop, in Scotland
Hieromartyr Emilian, bishop of Nantes
Royal Sts. Peter and Febronia, in Rus’
St. Adalbert, deacon, monk of Echternach, in Luxemburg
Martyrs Solomon I the husband of St. Gwen, and Solomon III, kings, in Brittany
Martyrs Gohard the bishop, many Priests, Monks, and other Martyrs, martyred by Vikings, at Nantes
St. Gallicanus, bishop, at Embrun
St. Molonachus, bishop, at Lismore
Virgin-Martyr Eurosia at Jaca, in the Pyrenees
Translation of the relics of St. Lebuin, priest, at Deventer
St. Amandus, hermit of Limoges

July 9 / June 26, 2023

Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
St. David, monk, of Thessalonica
Martyrs John and Paul, brothers, and Gallicanus
St. John, bishop of Gothia in the Crimea
St. Dionysius, archbishop of Suzdal
Finding of the relics of St. Tikhon of Lukh
New Venerable-Martyr David of St. Anna’s skete on Mt. Athos, at Thessalonica
Translation of the relics of St. Brannoc, abbot of Braunton, in Devon
St. Anthion, monk
St. Therapontes
New Hieromartyr George Stepanyuk, priest (+1918)
Appearance of the Tikhvin Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Of the Seven Lakes” of Kazan, “Of Niamets,” and the Roman Icon “Of Lydda”

Fourth Sunday after Trinity
In the Octave of the Nativity of St. John Baptist
Martyrs John and Paul, at Rome, named in the Canon Missae of the Western Liturgy of St. Peter
Hieromartyr Vigilius, bishop, at Trent
St. Maxentius the Wonderworker, abbot, in Poitiers
St. Perseveranda of Spain, virgin
Hieromartyr Salvius the bishop, and his disciple Martyr Superius, at Valenciennes
St. David, hermit, at Thessalonica
St. Babolen, abbot of Stavelot-Malmédy
St. Corbican of Ireland, hermit, in the Low Countries
St. John, bishop of the Goths
Youth-Martyr Pelagius of Oviedo, martyred by Muslims, at Córdova
St. Hermogius, bishop, at Tuy
St. Dionysius, archbishop of Sugdea, in Rus’
Translation of the relics of St. Brannock, abbot of Braunton

July 10 / June 27, 2023

St. Sampson the Hospitable of Constantinople
St. Severus, presbyter of Interocrina in Italy
Holy Myrrh-bearer Joanna, the wife of Chuza
Martyr Anectus of Caesarea in Cappadocia
St. George of Georgia, monk of the Holy Mountain
Blessed Martin, monk of Turov
St. Serapion of Kozha Lake
St. Luke the hermit
St. John, anchorite
Martyrs Marcius and Marcia
Hieromartyr Pierius, presbyter of Antioch
St. Marcellinus
Hieromartyrs Crescens, Maximus, and Theonest, bishops of Mainz, Germany (5th century)
Uncovering of the relics of the Optina Elders: Sts. Ambrose, Leonid, Macarius, Anatolius I, Anatolius II, Barsanuphius, and Hilarion
New Hieromartyr Gregory Nikolsky, presbyter of Kuban (+1918)

In the Octave of St. John Baptist
Hieromartyr Crescens, bishop, at Galatia, disciple of Apostle Paul (2 Tim. 4:10)
Martyrs Symphorosa and her seven sons: Crescentius, Julian, Nemesius, Primitivus, Justin, Stacteus, and Eugene; at Tivoli
Martyr Zoilus and 29 other Martyrs, at Córdova
Translation of the relics of St. Benignus, the chanter of St. Patrick, at Glastonbury
Martyr Anectus at Caesarea in Cappadocia
St. Deodatus, bishop of Nola, in Italy
St. Sampson the Hospitable, priest, at Constantinople
St. John of Chinon, priest-hermit, in Touraine
St. Hadelin, abbot, at Crespin
Translation of the relics of St. Bertilla, abbess of Chelles, at Jouarre

July 11 / June 28, 2023

Translation of the relics of Holy Wonderworkers Cyrus and John, unmercenary physicians
Martyrs Serenus, Plutarch, Heraclides, Heron, Raiso, and other Martyrs, of Alexandria
St. Sennunphius, standard-bearer
Sts. Sergius and Herman (Germanus), abbots of Valaam
St. Paul the Physician of Corinth, monk
St. Xenophon, abbot of Robeika, Novgorod
Glorification of St. Theodore of Sanaxar (1999)
Martyr Pappias
Martyr Macedonius
Martyrs Joseph and his Companions
Sts. Vulkian the monk and Moses the anchorite
St. Ulcian, monk
Holy Two Child-Martyrs crucified for Christ
Hieromartyr Donatus of Libya
Holy Three Martyrs of Galatia
Holy 70 Martyrs of Scythopolis
St. Magnus, monk who reposed while praying to the Lord
St. Austell (Austol), monk of St. Austell, in Cornwall (6th century)
Blessed Sergius the Magister, monk-founder of the monastery of the Mother of God called Nicetiates on the Gulf of Nicomedia
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Three Hands” at Hilander on Mt. Athos, and “Piukhtitsa”

Vigil of the Apostles
In the Octave of St. John Baptist
St. Leo I the Great, pope of Rome
Martyrs Irenaeus the bishop and disciple of St. Polycarp, and his Congregation, at Lyons
Hieromartyr Plutarch the bishop, Martyrs Serenus, Heraclides the catechumen, Heron, another Serenus, Rhaïs (Rose or Iris), Basilides, Potamioena the virgin, and her mother Marcella; at Alexandria
St. Leo III, pope of Rome, who affixed the original Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed (without Filioque) in Greek and Latin to St. Peter’s tomb
Martyr Luperculus at Eauze in Gascony
Martyr Papias at Mylas in Sicily
St. Theodehilda, first abbess of Jouarre in Meaux, at Sens
Sts. Sergius and Herman (Germanus) of Valaam, abbots, in Russia
St. Crummine, bishop, disciple of St. Patrick, at Lackan, County Westmeath
St. Austell of Cornwall, disciple of St. Mevan
Hieromartyr Benignus, bishop, at Utrecht
Martyr Argymirus, monk, who denounced Mohammed, at Córdova
Martyr Egilo the abbot of Prüm, and many Martyred Monks
St. Heimrad, monk, fool-for-Christ

July 12 / June 29, 2023

Holy, Glorious, All-Praised And Preeminent Apostles, Peter and Paul
St. Peter, prince of the Golden Horde, wonderworker of Rostov
Opening of the relics of St. Nicander, monk of Pskov
St. Elwin, bishop of Lindsey
St. Peter, schema-bishop of Russia (+1939)
New Hieromartyr Theogenus the Archimandrite (+1939)
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Kasperovskaya” and “Dunilovskaya”
Repose of Blessed Archbishop Andrew (Fr. Adrian Rymarenko) of Novo-Diveyevo (+1978)

STS. PETER AND PAUL, APOSTLES, martyred under emperor Nero and consuls Bascus and Tuscus, at Rome. Peter was crucified; Paul beheaded.
In the Octave of St. John Baptist
Martyrs Marcellus and the soldier Anastasius, at Argenton
St. Cassius, bishop of Narni
Sts. Salome the virgin, and Judith the widow, anchorites, at Niederalteich, Bavaria
St. Emma, widow, foundress of Gurk monastery, in Carinthia
St. Cyrus, bishop of Genoa
St. Mary, widow, at Rome (Acts 12:12)
Virgin-Martyr Benedicta in the Senonais
St. Cocha, abbess of Ross-Benchuir

July 13 / June 30, 2023

Synaxis of the Holy, Glorious, and All-Praised Twelve Apostles: Peter, Andrew, James and John the sons of Zebedee, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, Jude the brother of James, Simon the Zealot, and Matthias
St. Dinara, queen of Khereti, in Georgia
St. Peter, monk, crown prince of Odrina
Translation of the relics of Great-Martyr Stephen Uroš III of Serbia
Glorification of St. Sophronius, bishop of Irkutsk, in 1918
New Martyr Michael the Gardener, at Athens
St. Stephen of Omsk
St. Andrew of Bogolyubovo, great prince of Vladimir
St. Martial, bishop of Lomoges (3rd century)
Martyr Meliton
Martyr Peter of Sinope
St. Gelasius of Rîmeţ in Transylvania
Martyr Perpetua
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Of Volhynia,” “Balikinskaya,” and “Gorbanevskaya”

Commemoration of Apostle Paul, Teacher of the Gentiles, martyr
In the Octaves of Sts. Peter and Paul, and of St. John Baptist
St. Lucina, disciple of the Apostles, at Rome
Hieromartyrs Bishop Martial, and Priests Alpinian and Austriclinian, at Limoges
Hieromartyr Corsitus the priest, and Martyr Leo the subdeacon, in Italy
Martyr Lucina (another), matron, martyred under emperor Maximian
Martyr Donatus of Rome, at Münster-Eifel
St. Peter the Confessor, at Aste, in Lombardy
St. Erentrudis, abbess of Nonnberg, in Austria
St. Clotsendis, abbess of Marchiennes
St. Bertrand, bishop of LeMans
Martyr Basilides in Egypt, under Septimius Severus
St. Ostian, priest, at Viviers
Martyr Emiliana at Rome
St. Eurgain, virgin, foundress of Llantwit monastery, at Glamorgan
St. Marcian, bishop, at Pampeluna, in Navarre

July 14 / July 1, 2023

Holy and wonderworking unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian, martyred at Rome
St. Nicodemus, spiritual writer, of the Holy Mountain of Athos (on the Greek calendar, July 14)
Martyr Potitus at Naples (2nd century)
St. Peter the former patrician, monk of Constantinople
St. Angelina, despotess (princess) of Serbia
Translation of the relics of St. John of Rila from Turnovo to Rila
St. Gallus the bishop of Clermont (+551), and St. Eparchius the hermit (+581), in Gaul
Protomartyrs of Wales: Julius, Aaron, and their Martyred Companions, at Caerleon-on-Usk, Wales (ca. 304)
St. Serf (Servanus) of Culross, apostle of West Fife, Scotland (6th century)
St. Leontius of Rādāuţsi in Romania
Martyr Maurice
Holy 25 Martyrs at Nicomedia
St. Basil, founder of the monastery of the Deep Stream, in Cappadocia
Martyr Constantine the Wonderworker of Hormedia (Cyprus) and the Martyrs with him
St. Leo the Hermit
Sts. Perpetua, Paula, and Others with them
Righteous Blessed Anna Ivanovna, fool-for-Christ of St. Petersburg

Octave Day of St. John Baptist, and in the Octave of Sts. Peter and Paul
St. Aaron, brother of St. Moses, first priest of the Old Law, on Mt. Hor
St. Domitian, abbot, proto-hermit of the Jura, at Bebron
St. Eparchius (Cybard), hieromonk, at Angoulême
St. Carileff, priest, at Aninsole near LeMans
St. Mary (Miriam), prophetess, sister of Sts. Moses and Aaron
Sts. Eleazar the son of St. Aaron, and Phineas the son of St. Eleazar, priests
St. Esther, queen of Susan
Martyrs Aaron and Julius, of Caerleon, and other Martyrs, in Britain
St. Theodoric, abbot of Mont d’Or, at Rheims
St. Pambo the Great, abbot, in Nitria
St. Leonore, bishop of Pontual, in Brittany
Hieromartyrs Castus and Secundinus, bishops, in Campania
St. Shenouda, abbot, in Egypt
St. Gall, bishop, at Clermont
St. Cewydd of Wales, at Anglesey
St. Gwenyth, virgin, sister of St. Sampson of York, in Cornwall
St. Servan, bishop of Culross, co-labourer of St. Ninian
St. Martin, bishop, at Vienne
St. Hilary, priest of Oise, near Le Mans
St. Floregius, bishop, near Rodez, at Estaing
St. Golwen, bishop of St. Pol-de-Léon, hermit
Sts. Regina, countess, foundress of Denain, and her daughter Renfroie the abbess of Denain; in Hainault

July 15 / July 2, 2023

The Deposition of the Precious Robe of the Most Holy Theotokos in the Church of Blachernae
St. Juvenal, patriarch of Jerusalem
St. Photius, metropolitan of Kiev
Translation of the relics of St. Arsenius, bishop of Tver
St. Stephen the Great, king of Moldavia, Romania
Sts. Tikhon, Basil, and Nicon, monks of Solovki (also July 4)
St. Juvenal, Protomartyr of America and Alaska (+1796)
New Martyr Lamprus of Makri
St. Monegunda of Chartres, Gaul (+530)
St. Oudoceus, bishop of Llandaff
St. Swithun, bishop of Winchester
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Feodotevskaya,” “Pozhaiskaya,” “Of Akhtyr,” and “Root of Jesse”
Repose of Blessed Elder Zacharias of Moscow (+1936)

In the Octave of Sts. Peter and Paul
Martyrs Processus and Martinian, baptized by St. Peter, at Rome
Martyrs Longinus, Megistus, and Acestes, soldiers converted at St. Paul’s grave, at Rome
Martyrs Ariston, Crescentian, Eutychian, Urbanus, Vitalis, Justus, Felicissimus, Felix, Marcia, and Symphorosa, in Campania
St. Monegunda, widow, hermitess, at Tours
Repose of St. Swithin the Confessor, bishop, at Winchester
St. Oudoc, bishop of Llandaff, in Wales

July 16 / July 3, 2023

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost.
Venerables Tikhon, Basil and Nikon Sokolovsky (16th c.) (movable holiday on the first Sunday after June 29th).
St. Arsenius, bishop of Tver (movable holiday on the first Sunday after June 29th).
Synaxis of saints of Tver (movable holiday on the 1st Sunday after June 29th).
Hieromartirs Neophytus, Jonah, Neophytus, Jonah, and Parthenius of Lampsacus (movable holiday on the first Sunday after June 27th).
Martyr Hyacinth of Caesarea in Cappadocia, at Rome
Translation of the relics of Hieromartyr Philip, metropolitan of Moscow
Martyrs Mocian (Mucian) and Mark
Martyrs Diomedes, Eulampius, Asclepiodotus, and Golinduch, who suffered with Martyr Hyacinth
St. Claudian, patriarch of Alexandria
St. Isaias the Solitary of Egypt and Palestine
St. Anatolius, patriarch of Constantinople
St. Alexander, founder of the monastery of the Unsleeping Ones in Constantinople
St. George the God-Bearer, hermit of the Black Mountain, teacher of St. George of Mt. Athos
Sts. Basil and Constantine, princes of Yarslavl
St. Anatolius, recluse of the Kiev Caves, whose relics lie in the Far Caves
St. Anatolius (another), monk of the Kiev Caves, whose relics lie in the Near Caves
Repose of St. Basil of Ryazan
St. Basil, archbishop of Novgorod
Sts. John and Longinus, monks, wonderworkers of Yarenga, Solovki
Blessed John of Moscow, fool-for-Christ
St. Nicodemus, abbot of Kozha Lake
Sts. Michael, Basil, Herodion, and Thomas, fools-for-Christ of Solyvychegodsk, Vologda
St. Germanus (Herman), bishop of the Isle of Man and enlightener of Peel, nephew of St. Patrick of Ireland (+474)
Martyrs Theodotus and Theodota, at Caesarea in Cappadocia, with Martyr Hyacinth
Venerable-Martyr Gerasimus the New of Carpenision, at Constantinople
Martyr Erasmus
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “the Milk-Giver” at Chilandar monastery on Mt. Athos
Repose of Righteous Nun Blessed Euphrosyne “the Unknown” (+1855)

Fifth Sunday after Trinity
In the Octaves of Sts. Peter and Paul and the Visitation
Translation of the relics of St. Thomas the Apostle, at Edessa, Mesopotamia
St. Gregory the Wonderworker, bishop, who by prayer removed a mountain impeding the building of a church, at Neocaesarea in Ponti
Hieromartyr Irenaeus the deacon, Martyr Mustiola the matron, and other Martyrs, at Chiusi
St. Anatolius, bishop, at Laodicea in Syria
Martyr Trypon and 12 other Martyrs, at Alexandria
St. Eulogius the Clairvoyant, at Constantinople
St. Gregory, bishop of Langres
St. Heliodorus, bishop of Altino, friend of St. Jerome
Martyrs Hyacinth, Diomedes, Eulampius, Asclepiodotus, Golinduc, Theodotus, and Theodota, at Caesarea Cappadocia
Martyrs Mark, Mucian, an un-named Boy, and Paul
St. Anastasius, patriarch of Constantinople (New Rome) when it was made equal to Old Rome
St. Germanus (Herman), bishop, nephew of St. Patrick, on the Isle of Man
St. Bladus, bishop, on the Isle of Man
St. Gunthiern, Welsh prince, hermit, in Brittany
St. Publicius, at Carnarvon, in Wales
St. Cillene, abbot of Iona
St. Guthagon, hermit, in Belgium
St. Tirechan, writer of Ireland

July 17 / July 4, 2023

St. Andrew, archbishop of Crete
St. Martha, mother of St. Symeon the Younger, stylite of the Wondrous Mountain
Passion of the Holy Royal Martyrs of Russia: Tsar Nicholas II, Tsaritsa Alexandra, Crown Prince Alexis, and Grand-duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria, and Anastasia, and Those Martyred with them (+1918)
Hieromartyr Theodore, bishop of Cyrene in Libya, and Those Martyred with him, including Martyrs Cyprilla, Aroa, and Lucia
Martyrs Theodotus and Theodota, at Caesarea in Cappadocia, with Martyr Hyacinth (July 3)
Opening of the relics of St. Euthymius the Wonderworker, archimandrite of Suzdal
Burial of St. Andrew of Bogolyubovo, great prince of Vladimir (also June 30)
Sts. Tikhon, Basil, and Nicon, monks of Sokolovo
St. Andrew the Russian, confessor, of Cairo
St. Michael, archbishop of Athens
St. Andrew (Rublev), iconographer of Rus’
St. Asclepia the Wonderworker
Hieromartyr Theophilus
St. Menignus, monk
Hieromartyr Theodotus of Libya
St. Donatus of Libya
St. Mark the Confessor, monk
Translation of the relics of St. Martin the Merciful, bishop of Tours (397)
St. Ulrich of Augsburg and Bavaria (+973)
New Hieromartyr Nilus of Poltava, hieromonk (+1918)
New Hieromartyr George, priest, of Serbia (+1941)
Galatian Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos
Repose of Schema-Hieromonk Blessed John, founder of Sarov monastery (+1737)

In the Octaves of Sts. Peter and Paul and the Visitation
St. Osëe (Hosea), prophet
Translation of the relics of St. Martin of Tours and his election and consecration
Martyr Jucundian in Africa
Martyrs Innocent, Sebastia, and 30 other Martyrs, at Mitrovica, in the Balkans
Hieromartyr Laurian, archbishop of Seville, in Bourges
St. Ulric, bishop of Augsburg, monk of St. Gall
Synaxis of the 12 Prophets of the Old Testament, especially St. Aggeus
St. Argenterius, monk, at Orléans, named in St. Gregory’s Dialogues
Translation of the relics of Hieromartyr Concordius, priest (see January 1)
“Archmartyr” Namphanion, and other Martyrs, at Madaura in Numidia
Hieromartyr Theodore, bishop, at Cyrene, in Libya
St. Finbar, abbot of Innis-Doimhle, at Wexford
St. Bertha, abbess, hermitess-founder of Blangy, in Artois
St. Andrew, archbishop of Gortyna, Crete
St. Aurelian, abbot of Ainay, archbishop of Lyons
Repose of St. Odo (Oda) the Good, archbishop of Canterbury
Blessed Hatto of Ottobeuren, monk
St. Procopius, abbot, founder of Sazaba monastery, at Prague
St. Florentius, bishop of Cahors

July 18 / July 5, 2023

St. Athanasius of Mt. Athos and his Six Disciples, monks
Uncovering of the relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh, abbot, in Russia
New Martyrs Elizabeth Romanov the Grand-Duchess and nun, Nun Barbara, and Those Martyred with them, at Alapayevsk (+1918)
St. Lampadus, monk of Irenopolis on Cilicia
Martyr Anna at Rome (+304)
Martyr Cyrilla (Cyprilla) of Cyrene in Libya, widow
Sts. Athanasius and Theodosius, of Cherepovets, disciples of St. Sergius of Radonezh
Venerable-Martyr Cyprian the New of Koutloumousiou monastery on Mt. Athos, at Constantinople
Martyr Basil and 70 other Martyrs
Hieromartyr Stephen, bishop of Reggio, Italy, disciple of Apostle Paul, and with him Hieromartyr Bishop Suerus and the Women-Martyrs Agnes, Felicitas, and Perpetua
Synaxis of 23 Saints of Lesbos, Greece
St. Morwenna, patroness of Morwenstow, in England (6th century)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Ekonomissa”
Blessed Joasaph of Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra

In the Octaves of Sts. Peter and Paul and the Visitation
Martyr Domitius in Syria
Martyr Zoe, wife of the record-keeper, at Rome
St. Modwenna, abbess after St. Hilda, at Whitby
Hieromartyr Stephen, bishop, of Reggio
Martyr Cyrilla, widow, at Cyrene
Martyrs Agatho and Triphina, in Sicily
Hieromartyr Athanasius, deacon, at Jerusalem
St. Fragan and St. Gwen the Three-Breasted, in Brittany, parents of St. Winwaloë
St. Edana, virgin, in W. Ireland
St. Erfyl, virgin, foundress of Llanerfyl church in Montgomeryshire
Sts. Probus and Grace, in Cornwall
St. Philomena, virgin, at San Severino
St. Numerian, bishop, at Trier
St. Modwenna, abbess of Polesworth
St. Athanasius, abbot, on Mt. Athos
Translation of the relics of St. Wendelin, shepherd

July 19 / July 6, 2023

St. Sisoës the Great of Egypt
Opening of the relics of St. Juliana, Princess Olshanskaya, virgin
Virgin-Martyr Lucy (Lucia) and Martyr Rexius, and those with them at Rome: Martyrs Anthony, Lucian, Isidore, Dion, Diodorus, Cutonius, Aronosus, Capicus, Satyrus (Saturus), and other Martyrs
Martyr Quintus (Cointus) of Phrygia (+301)
Martyrs Marinus and Martha, and their children Audifax and Abbacum (Habbakuk) and those with them at Rome: Martyrs Cyrinus, Valentine the presbyter, Asterius, and other Martyrs (+269)
Martyrs Isaurus the deacon, Basil and Innocent, of Athens; Felix, Hermias, and Peregrinus, together with two brothers, Rufus and Rufinus, at Apollonia in Illyria
St. Gleb, prince of Vsevolod–Kiev
St. Sisoës, schema-monk of the Kiev Caves
New Venerable-Martyr Cyril of Chilander monastery on Mt. Athos, at Thessalonica
Synaxis of the Apostles Archippus, Philemon, and Onesimus
Martyrs Apollonius, Alexandrion, and Epimachus
Martyrs Anatolius, Serinus, Apamus, Victor, Neasus, Apollonius, and Pappianus
New Martyr Cyril, monk of Hilander, Mt. Athos
Synaxis of All Saints of Radonezh
St. Monenna, abbess of Killeavy, the wonderworker (+518)
St. Sexburga, queen of Kent, abbess of Ely
St. Goar, hieromonk, hermit, and missionary along the Rhine, in Germany (+649)
New Hieromartyr Simon, bishop of Ufa (+1921)
Hieromartyr Theodore, Hieromonk of Moscow (+1943)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Ufim

Octave Day of Sts. Peter and Paul, and in the Octave of the Visitation
Martyr Isaias the Prophet, in Judea
Martyr Tranquillinus in Rome
St. Goar of Aquitaine, priest, in Trier
St. Sexburga, queen, abbess of Ely, in England
Martyrs Romulus, Dulcissimus, Charissimus, and Crescentius, at Fiesoli and Volterra
Virgin-Martyr Dominica at Campania
Martyrs Lucy and Rictiovarus, the prefect she converted, at Campania
St. Palladius, bishop, apostle of Scotland
Hieromartyr Gervasius, deacon, at Châlons-sur-Saône
St. Modwenna, abbess, at Burton-on-Trent
St. Moninna the abbess that was veiled by St. Patrick, and St. Moninna (Darerca) the hermitess of Sliab Cuillin, in Ireland
Martyrs Bertarius and Atalenus, at Favernay in Franche-Comté
Virgin-Martyr Noyala at Pontivy, in Brittany
St. Justus, monk of St. Claudius’ at Condat

July 20 / July 7, 2023

St. Thomas of Mt. Maleon
St. Acacius on Mt. Sinai, who is mentioned in “The Ladder” (also November 29)
Martyrs Epictus the presbyter, and Astion the monk, in Scythia Minor (Romania), martyrs of Halmyris
Martyr Cyriaca (Dominica) of Nicomedia
Martyrs Peregrinus, Lucian, Pompey, Hesychius, Pappias, Saturninus, and Germanus (Herman), at Dyrrachium in Illyria
Hieromartyr Evangelus, bishop of Tomi in Scythia (Constanţa, Romania)
St. Eudocia (in monasticism, Euphrosyne), great princess of Moscow
Sts. Sergius and Nikon, abbots of Radonezh
Hieromartyr Eustathius (Eustace)
Martyr Polycarp the New
Martyrs Cyriaca, Bassa, and other Martyrs with them
St. Illtyd, founder of the abbey at Llantwit Major in Wales
St. Hedda, bishop of Winchester (+705)
St. Maelruin of Tallaght (+792)
St. Willibald, bishop of Eichstatt (+786)
St. Boisil, abbot of Melrose
St. Ethelburga, abbess of Faremoutier-en-Brie
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Blachernae”

In the Octave of the Visitation
St. Pantaenus the Confessor, at Alexandria
Martyrs Nicostratus, Claudius, Castorius, Victorian, and Symphorina, at Rome
St. Hedda, bishop of Winchester
St. Ethelburga, abbess of Faremoutier, in France
Martyr Nicostratus, notary, at Rome
St. Erkengotha, nun, at Faremoutier in France, daughter of St. Sexburga
Martyrs Peregrinus, Lucian, Pompeius, Hesychius, Papius, Saturninus, Germanus (Herman), and Astius the bishop; in Macedonia
St. Apollonius, bishop, at Brescia
St. Illidius, bishop, at Clermont
St. Illtyd, abbot of Llantwit, in Wales
St. Bonitus, abbot of Monte Cassino
St. Felix, bishop, at Nantes
Sts. Medran and Oudran, at Muskerry in Ireland
St. Ampelius, bishop, at Milan
St. Willibald, bishop, at Eichstätt, apostle of Franconia
St. Maelrain, abbot of Tallaght
St. Boisil, abbot of Melrose

July 21 / July 8, 2023

Great-Martyr Procopius at Caesarea in Palestine, and his mother Martyr Theodosia
St. Procopius of Lubeck, fool-for-Christ, wonderworker of Ustiug, Vologda
Martyrs Epictus the presbyter, and Astion the monk, in Scythia Minor (Romania), martyrs of Halmyris (also July 7)
Martyr-King Miridat of Kartli, Georgia
St. Theophilus the Myrrh-gusher of Pantocrator monastery on Mt. Athos
New Martyr Anastasius of Ioannina, monk, at Constantinople
Righteous Procopius of Ustya (Vologda), fool-for-Christ
Martyr Potentianna
Translation of the relics of St. Demetrius Basarbovsky, monk
Martyrs Abdias and Sabbas
St. Grimbald, abbot of Winchester
Blessed King Edgar the Peaceable (+975), and Virgin-Martyr Urith of Chittlehampton, in England
Translation of the relics of St. Withburga, abbess of East Dereham
Virgin-Martyr Urith (Hieritha) of Chittlehampton, Devon
Martyrs Sunniva and her Companions on Selje Island, in Norway
Appearance of the Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Kazanskaya;” the miracle worked by her Icon at Ustiug in 1290; her weeping Novgorod Icon “Of Tender Feeling” and her Icon “Peschanskaya;” venerated copies of the Kazan Icon at Kazan, Yaroslavl, Moscow, Vyazniki, Nizhny Lomov, Tobolsk, Kaplunovka, Tambov, Schlüsselburg, Pyenza, St. Petersburg, Visochinov, and Vyshensky monastery

In the Octave of the Visitation
Martyrs Aquila and his wife Priscilla, in Asia Minor
Martyr Procopius, reader, at Scythopolis
St. Grimbald, abbot of New Minster, at Winchester
Hieromartyrs Killian the bishop (apostle of Franconia), Colman the priest, and Totnan the deacon, slain by a duchess, at Würzburg
Translation of the relics of St. Withburga, princess, virgin of Dereham
Martyr Paul the New at Constantinople
St. Auspicius, bishop, at Trier
St. Apollonius, bishop, at Benevento
St. Auspicius, bishop, at Toul
St. Morwenna, virgin, in Cornwall
St. Landrada, abbess-foundress of Münsterbilsen
St. Disibod, bishop, at Dysenberg
St. Arnold the Greek, near Julich, Charlemagne’s courtier
Holy Monk-Martyrs of St. Abraham’s slain for the Icons, at Constantinople
Blessed King Edgar the Peaceable, and Virgin-Martyr Urith of Chittlehampton, in England
Virgin-Martyr Sunniva, and her brother Martyr Alban, proto-martyrs of Norway, at Bergen

July 22 / July 9, 2023

Hieromartyr Pancratius, bishop of Taormina in Sicily (1st century)
Hieromartyr Cyril, bishop of Gortyna on Crete
St. Theodore the bishop of Edessa, Martyr Michael his co-struggler and disciple, St. John the Cave-dweller (monk) in the parts of Babylon, his brother Theodosius the stylite of Edessa, Martyr John (formerly called Muavis) the king of Babylon, and with them Three Holy Martyred Youths, at Edessa
Venerable-Martyrs Patermuthius and Coprius the ascetics of Egypt, and Martyr Alexander the soldier, in Egypt
Sts. Petermuthius (another) and Coprius (another), ascetics in Egypt
St. Euthymius, enlightener of Karelia
Hieromartyr Peter, priest of Cherevkovo, Vologda, slain by the Poles (+1613)
Hieromartyr Methodius of Amaria, Crete
Martyrs Andrew and Probus
Sts. Dionysius the Rhetorician and Metrophanes, of Little St. Anna’s skete on Mt. Athos
St. Panages (Basias)
St. Everild, abbess of Everingham, Northumbria (+700)
Hieromartyr Killian the bishop in East Franconia and in Thuringia, and his companions Hieromonk Colman and Hierodeacon Totman, at Wurzburg (+689)
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos of Koloch and Cyprus, in Stromin near Moscow
Repose of Blessed Hierodeacon Melchizedek of the Roslavl forests (+1840)
Righteous Schema-monk Blessed Patermuthius of St. Alexander Nevsky Lavra (+1830s)

Octave Day of the Visitation
Martyr Zeno and Holy 10,203 Martyrs under emperor Diocletian, at Rome
Hieromartyr Cyril, bishop, in Crete
Virgin-Martyr Anatolia, and her gaoler Martyr Audax, at Reate, Italy
St. Brictius, bishop of Martola
Hieromartyr Cyril, deacon, martyred under emperor Constans
St. Zeno, abbot, in the Thebaïd
Martyr Eusanius and other Martyrs, at Foscone, Naples
Martyrs Patermuthius, Copras, and Alexander, in Egypt
St. Everilda, abbess of Everingham, veiled by St. Wilfrid
Hieromartyr Agilulf, bishop, at Cologne
St. Erembert, bishop, at Minden in Westphalia
St. Agrippinus, bishop, at Autun
St. Golvinus, bishop, at Renees
Sts. Benedict, Andrew, Barnabas, and Justus, brothers, hermit-monks, in Poland

July 23 / July 10, 2023

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
Holy 45 Martyrs at Nicopolis in Armenia, including Leontius, Maurice, Daniel, Anthony, Alexander, Anicetus, Sisinius, Meneas, and Belaerades
Deposition of the Precious Robe of the Lord at Moscow (1625)
St. Anthony of the Kiev Caves, founder of monasticism in Rus’
Martyrs Bianor of Pisidia and Silvanus (Silouan), at Isauria
Martyr Apollonius of Sardis in Lydia, at Iconium
Translation of the relics of St. Basil, bishop of Ryazan
Holy 10,000 Fathers of the desert and caves of Scetis martyred by the impious Patriarch Theophilus of Alexandria
St. Silvanus (Silouan), desert-dweller of the Kiev Caves
Glorification of St. Zosima of Siberia in 2000
St. Gregory, bishop of Assos on Mitylene
Konevets Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos

Sixth Sunday after Trinity
Martyred sons of St. Felicitas at Rome: Januarius, Philip, Felix, Silvanus, Alexander, Vitalis, and Martial
Martyrs Januarius, Marinus, Nabor, and Felix, in Africa
Virgin-Martyrs Rufina and Secunda at Rome
St. Amalberga (Amelia), nun of Maubeuge, Belgium
St. Amalberga (another), nun of Münsterbilsen
St. Paternianus, bishop of Bologna
Martyr Apollonius of Sardis
Martyrs Bianor and Silvanus, at Pisidia
Martyrs Leontius, Maurice, Daniel, Anthony, Alexander, Anicetus, Sisinius, Meneus, Belerad, and 36 other Martyrs, in Armenia at Nicopolis
St. Etto, bishop, at Fescau, in Belgium
St. Paschasius, bishop of Nantes
Sts. Lantfrid, Waltram, and Elilantus, brothers, abbot-founders of Benedikt-beuren
St. Peter of Perugia, abbot
St. Anthony, first abbot of the Kiev Caves

July 24 / July 11, 2023

Commemoration of the miracle of Great-Martyr Euphemia the All-praised at the Fourth Ecumenical Council in Chalcedon in 451 A.D., whereby was confounded the Monophysite party
Blessed Olga (in holy baptism, Helena), great princess of Rus’, equal-to-the-apostles
Hieromartyr Cindeus, presbyter near Side in Pamphylia
St. Nicodemus of Vatopedi monastery on Mt. Athos
New Venerable-Martyr Nicodemus of St. Anna’s skete on Mt. Athos, at Berat, Albania
New Venerable-Martyr Nectarius of St. Anna’s skete on Mt. Athos, at Bouria, Asia Minor
St. Leo, monk of Mandra
Martyr Martyrocles
Opening and translation of the relics of St. Arcadius, monk of Vyazemsk
St. Drostan, abbot of Old Deer in Aberdeenshire, Scotland (6th century)
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Rezhevskaya” or “Okovetskaya,” “Rudnenskaya,” and “Borkolabovskaya
Repose of cave dweller Blessed Anastasia of St. Cornelius of Padan hermitage in Olonets (+1901)

Translation of the relics of St. Benedict, abbot at Nursia, from Monte Cassino to Fleury
Martyrs Januarius and Pelagia, at Nicopolis, in Lesser Armenia
Martyr Marcian at Iconium
Martyr Sidronius of Rome, in Sens
St. Sabinus in Poitiers
Hieromartyr Pius I, pope of Rome, who ordered Pascha to be always on Sunday
Martyr Eulogius and Three other Martyrs, at Constantinople
Hieromartyr Cindeus, priest, at Sida in Pamphylia
Martyrs Savinus and Cyprian, at Brescia in Italy
St. Drostan, abbot of Dalcongail, in Scotland
Hieromartyr John, bishop, at Bergamo near Milan
St. Hildulf, archbishop of Trier
Martyr Placidus and St. Sigisbert the abbot, at Disentis monastery, in the Grisons
St. Leontius II, bishop of Bordeaux
St. Amabilis, princess, virgin, at S.-Amand, at Rouen
Hieromartyr Abundius, priest, at Córdova
St. Olga, duchess of Kiev, grandmother of St. Vladimir
St. Turketil, abbot, rebuilder of Croyland
Translation of the relics of St. Maclovius, bishop of Aleth
St. Aleth, bishop of Cahors

July 25 / July 12, 2023

Martyrs Proclus and Hilary, of Ancyra
St. Michael, monk of Maleinus
Martyr Golinduch (in holy baptism, Mary) of Persia
Martyrs Theodore the Varangian (Viking) and his son John of Kiev
St. Veronica, the woman with the issue of blood who was healed by the Savior
Blessed Serapion, bishop of Vladimir
St. Simon, abbot of Volomsk
St. Arsenius of Novgorod, monk, fool-for-Christ
Sts. John and Gabriel the Georgians, of Iveron monastery on Mt. Athos, who helped build the Western Rite monastery of Amalfion on Mt. Athos
St. Anthony, abbot of Leokhnovo, Novgorod
Martyrs Andrew Stratelates (the soldier), Heraclius, Faustus, Menas, and other Martyrs
Martyr Mamas at Sigma in Constantinople
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “The Self-Drawn” and at Hilander, “Three Hands”

Day within the Octave of St. Benedict
St. Jason, in Cyprus, a disciple of the Lord (Acts 17:5; Rom 16:21)
Hieromartyrs Hermagoras the bishop and disciple of St. Mark, and his Archdeacon Fortunatus, at Aquileia
St. Anacletus, pope of Rome, who ordained that priests should be higher in honour than all secular dignitaries
Martyrs Nabor and Felix, at Milan
Hieromartyrs Bishop Paulinus, Priest Severus, Deacon Luke, Martyr Theobald the soldier, and other Martyrs, at Lucca
Martyrs Proclus and Hilarion, at Ancyra in Galatia
St. Viventiolus, bishop, at Lyons
St. Menulf, bishop of Quimper
St. Ansbald, abbot of Prüm
Sts. John and his son Euthymius, founders of Iveron (“Georgian”) monastery on Mt. Athos, who helped build the Western Rite monastery of Amalfion on Mt. Athos

July 26 / July 13, 2023

Synaxis of the Holy Archangel Gabriel
St. Stephen the Sabbaite
Martyr Serapion under Emperor Severus
Martyr Marcian of Iconium
St. Julian, bishop of Cenomanis (LeMans) in Gaul (1st century)
St. Sarah, virgin, abbess, at Scetis in Libya
St. Sabbas of Livisk, monk
Translation of the relics of St. Anthony, abbot of Leokhnov
Synaxis of All Saints of Hilander monastery on Mt. Athos
Virgin-Martyr Juthwara of Dorset
St. Mildred, abbess of Minster-in-Thanet (+700)
Venerable Just, monk in Cornwall (5th century)
New Martyr Constantine Oprisan of Jilava, Romania (+1959)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Axion Estin” (“It is Truly Meet”)

Day within the Octave of St. Benedict
Translation of the relics of St. Mildred, abbess of Minster, in Thanet
Sts. Joel and Esdras, prophets of the Old Testament
St. Silas, bishop of Corinth, in Macedonia, disciple of St. Paul (Acts 15:22, 18:5)
St. Silvanus, bishop of Thessalonica (2 Cor 1:19; 2 Thess 1:1)
Hieromartyrs Bishop Eugene of Carthage, Archdeacon Salutarus, Martyr Muritta the soldier, and 500 other Martyrs, in Africa
St. Turian, bishop of Dol, in Brittany
St. Juthware, virgin, in Devonshire, sister of St. Sidwell
Virgin-Martyrs Maura and Brigid, near Creil, at Balagny
Martyr Golinduc (Mary) in Syria
St. Stephen the Sabbaite, near Jerusalem
Martyr Serapion of Macedonia
Martyr Myrope of Chios
Martyr Dofgan in Wales
Consecration of St. Willehad, bishop of Bremen
Old Testament: Sts. Zorobabel, Jesus the priest and son of Josedec, and Nehemias the prophet (Ecclus 49)

July 27 / July 14, 2023

Apostle Aquila of the Seventy, and St. Priscilla
St. Hellius (Ellius), monk of Egypt
St. Onesemius, monk and wonderworker of Magnesia
St. Stephen, abbot of Makhrishcha, Vologda
Martyr Justus at Rome (1st century)
St. Marcellinus (Marchelm) of Utrecht, priest, missionary in the Netherlands (8th century)
St. Joseph the Confessor, archbishop of Thessalonica, brother of St. Theodore the Studite
Martyrs Aquila and Hilary
Hieromartyr Peter the New, bishop of Crete
Martyr Heraclius
St. Nicodemus, spiritual writer, of the Holy Mountain of Athos (on the Russian calendar, July 1)
St. Deusdedit, archbishop of Canterbury

Day within the Octave of St. Benedict
Dog Days begins
Hieromartyr Phocas, bishop of Sinope, at Pontus
St. Heraclias the Confessor, bishop, at Alexandria
St. Phocas the bishop, and Martyr Donatus, in Africa
Sts. Vincent the count, and his son Dentlin, at Soignies, in Belgium
St. Ragnulfa, virgin, at Aincour
Martyr Basinus in Flanders, at Drongen
St. Markhelm (Marcellinus), priest, at Deventer, in Holland
Martyr Justus the soldier, at Rome
St. Felix, bishop of Como
St. Idus of Leinster, bishop
St. Optatus of Brescia, bishop
St. Optatian, bishop
Sts. Dionysius and Hilary

July 28 / July 15, 2023

Holy Great Prince Vladimir, equal-to-the-Apostles (in holy baptism, Basil), enlightener of Rus’
Martyrs Cyricus (Quircus) and his mother Julitta at Tarsus
Martyr Abudimus of the isle of Tenedos
Martyr Lollian
Finding of the head of St. Matrona of Chios
Sts. Vladimir and Agrippina, prince and princess of Rezhev
St. Justinian
St. Donald, layman, of Ogilvy, Scotland (+716)
Translation of the relics of St. Swithun, bishop of Winchester (+862)
St. Edith of Polesworth

Day within the Octave of St. Benedict
St. James, bishop, at Nisibis
Martyrs Eutropius and sisters Zosima and Bonosa, near Porto Romano
Hieromartyr Catulinus the deacon, Martyrs Januarius, Florence, Julia, and Justa, at Carthage
Martyrs Philip, Zeno, Narseus, and 10 Children, at Alexandria
Translation of the relics of St. Swithin, bishop of Winchester, confessor
St. Adeodatus, archbishop of Canterbury
Parting of the 12 Apostles into the world
Synaxis of the 70 Disciples: Sts. James (brother of the Lord), Mark and Luke the Evangelists, Cleophas (brother of St. Joseph the Betrothed), Simeon (son of Cleophas), Barnabas, Justus, Thaddeus, Ananias, Steph the archdeacon; Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon and Parmenas of the 7 deacons; Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Onesimus, Epaphras, Archippus, Silas, Silvanus, Crescens, Crispus, Epenetus (Rom 16:5), Andronicus, Stachys, Amplias, Urban, Narcissus, Apelles, Aristobulus, Herodion, Agabus, Rufus, Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobus, Hermas, Linus, Caius, Philologus, Lucius, Jason, Sosipater, Olympas, Tertius, Erastus, Quartus, Evodias, Onesiphorus, Clement, Sosthenes, Apollos, Tychicus, Epaphroditus, Carpus, Quadratus, Mark called John, Zenas, Aristarchus, Pudens, Trophimus, Mark, Artemas, Aquila, Fortunatus, and Achaicus
St. Apronia, virgin, at Troyes in France
Hieromartyr Felix, bishop, at Pavia
Martyrs Antiochus the physician, and Cyriacus his executioner, at Sebaste
Martyr Abudimus of the isle of Tenedos
St. Eternus, bishop, at Evreux
Hieromartyr Plechelm, bishop, at Ruremund in Belgium
St. Donald and his 9 Virgin Daughters, at Ogilvy, in Scotland
St. Gumbert at Ansbach
St. Athanasius, bishop, at Naples
St. Benedict, bishop, at Angers
St. Adalard the Younger, monk, at Corbie
St. Haruch, bishop, at Werden
Martyr Benilda at Córdova
Virgin-Martyr Reginswitha at Lauffen
St. Edith, nun, at Polesworth
St. Vladimir (Volodymyr), king, enlightener, at Kiev

July 29 / July 16, 2023

Hieromartyr Athenogenes the bishop of Pedachtoe, and his Ten Disciples, at Sebaste
Commemoration of the Fourth Ecumenical Council at Chalcedon
Martyrs Paul and two sisters, Chionia (Thea) and Alevtina (Valentina), at Caesarea in Palestine
Martyr Antiochus, physician of Sebaste
Martyr Faustus
Virgin-Martyr Julia of Carthage, on Corsica (+440)
Holy 1,015 (or 15,000) Martyrs of Pisidia
Martyr Athenogenes
Hieromartyr Plechelm, bishop of Odilienberg
St. Tenenan, bishop of St. Pol-de-Léon (Spain)
Martyr-Hermit Hielier of Jersey (6th century)
New Hieromartyrs Seraphim and Theognostes, and other Martyrs, of Alma-Ata (+1921)
St. Magdalena, schema-abbess of New Tikhvin in Siberia (+1934)
New Hieromartyrs Archbishop Jacob, and the Priests John Mozhirin and Peter Gavrilov, at Barnaul
St. Matrona the Blessed Confessor (Byelyakova) (+1937)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Chirskaya” of Pskov
Repose of Blessed Elder Theodotus of Glinsk hermitage (+1859)

Day within the Octave of St. Benedict
At London, today is kept as the Feast of the Holy Relics
St. Eustathius, patriarch of Antioch, in Syria
Martyr Hilarinus, monk, at Ostia
St. Leo IV, pope, godfather of King Alfred; he ordered the vigil for Dormition
Martyr Faustus, crucified under Emperor Decius
Martyr Helier, hermit, on the island of Jersey
St. Monulf, bishop, at Maastricht
St. Gundulf, bishop, at Maastricht
St. Vitalian, bishop, at Capua
Virgin-Martyr Rainilda, Martyrs Grimoald the subdeacon and Gundulf, near Hal in Belgium
St. Tenenan, bishop, at St. Pol-de-Léon
St. Generosus, abbot of S.-Jouin-de-Marnes, at Poitou
St. Vitalian of Osimo, bishop
St. Fulrad, abbot of St. Denis
Hieromartyr Sisenand, deacon, at Córdova
Blessed Irmengard, abbess of Chiemsee, great-grandmother of Emperor Charlemagne
St. Sinach of MacDara

July 30 / July 17, 2023

Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
Commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the First Six Councils (movable holiday on Sunday closest to July 16)
Great-Martyr Marina (Margaret) of Antioch in Pisidia
Translation of the relics of St. Lazarus, monk of Mt. Gallesius near Ephesus
St. Irenarchus, abbot of Solovki
St. Leonidas (Leonid), abbot of Ust-Neduma, Vologda
Martyr Speratus and his Martyred Companions, of Scilli, North Africa
Martyr Veronica
St. Euphrasius, bishop of Ionopolis in Paphlogonia
Child-Martyr Prince Kenelm of Mercia (+821)
New Hieromartyrs Ismael and Michael Rozhdestvensky, priests
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of the Holy Mountain

Seventh Sunday after Trinity
Day within the Octave of St. Benedict
Martyr Kenelm of Glastonbury, prince of Mercia
Martyrs Speratus, Narzales, Venturis, Felix, Cythinus, Acyllinus, Laetantius, Januaria, Generosa, Vestina, Donata, and Secunda, at Scillium, in Africa
St. Alexis of Rome, “Man of God”
Translation of the relics of St. Marina, nun, at Venice
St. Theodora, nun in man’s clothing
Martyr Hyacinth at Amastris
St. Marcellina, virgin, sister of St. Ambrose
St. Ennodius, bishop of Pavia
St. Fredegand (Fred), abbot of Deurne, near Antwerp
Martyr Generosus at Tivoli
St. Cynllo in Wales
St. Theodosius, bishop, at Auxerre
Martyr Theodota at Constantinople, who hid Icons
St. Turninus, preacher, at Antwerp
Martyrs Andrew and his disciple Benedict of Szkalka, monks, in Hungary
St. Gorazd, archbishop, in Moravia

July 31 / July 18, 2023

Martyr Emilian of Durostorum, in Silistria, Bulgaria
Martyr Hyacinth of Amastris
Great-Martyr Athansius
St. John the Much-suffering of the Kiev Caves
St. Pambo, hermit of Nitria, Egypt
St. Pambo, recluse of the Kiev Caves
St. Leontius, abbot of Karikhov, Novgorod
Blessed Leontius of Ustiug, fool-for-Christ
Martyr Cosmas of Georgia, monk
Martyr Marcellus
Martyrs Dasius and Maron
Sts. Stephen II the archbishop of Constantinople, and John the Confessor and metropolitan of Chalcedon
Hieromartyr Frederick, bishop of Utrecht (9th century)
St. Edburga, virgin, of Aylesbury
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Tolga” and “Kaluga”

Octave Day of St. Benedict
At Old Rome, today once began the 4-week Assumption fast (9th century)
Virgin-Martyr Gundena at Carthage
Martyr Emilian in Bulgaria at Durazzo
St. Aquilinus, bishop, in Bulgaria
St. Edburga, virgin, at Winchester
St. Arnulf, bishop of Metz
Martyr Symphorosa the widow of St. Getulius, and her sons Martyrs Crescens, Julian, Nemesius, Primitivus, Justin, Stacteus, and Eugene, at Rome
St. Refilius, bishop of Forlimpopoli
St. Philastrius, bishop of Brescia, foe of Arianism
St. Maternus, bishop, at Milan
Virgin-Martyr Marina of Orense, in Galicia
St. Theneva of Glasgow, mother of St. Mungo, in Scotland
Martyr Arnulf at Ivelines in France
Hieromartyr Frederick, bishop, at Utrecht
St. Goneri, hermit, at Tréguier, in Brittany
St. Minnborinus, abbot, at Cologne

August 1 / July 19, 2023

St. Macrina, sister of St. Basil the Great
St. Dius of Antioch, abbot
Opening of the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov, hieromonk, wonderworker (1903)
St. Romanus Olegovich of Ryazan, prince
Blessed Stephen Lazarevich the despot of Serbia, and his mother St. Militsa (in the schema, Euphrosyne)
Sts. Metrophanes and Tikhon the bishops of Voronezh, and Demetirus the metropolitan of Rostov
St. Barlaam, monk, preacher of the Caucasus
St. Paisius of the Kiev Caves
Abba Diocles, abbot, of “The Paradise of the Fathers”
St. Gregory the New, monk
New Hieromartyr Victor, bishop of Glasov (+1934)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos called “Umileniye,” – “Tender Feeling”
Repose of Blessed Abbot Nilus of St. Nilus of Sora monastery (+1870)
Repose of Blessed Elder John of St. Nilus of Sora monastery (+1903)
Repose of Blessed Schema-Hieromonk Anthony of Valaam (+1862)

Hieromartyr Epaphras, bishop, at Colosse, disciple of St. Paul (Col 1:7)
St. Arsenius the Great, deacon of Rome, hermit, at Scetis, in Egypt
Virgin-Martyrs Justina and Rufina, at Seville, in Spain
A Holy Abbot of the Monastery of St. Peter at Palestrina
Opening of the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov, hieromonk and staretz, at Sarov in Russia
Hieromartyr Martin, bishop, at Trier
St. Macrina, virgin, the sister of St. Basil the Great, in Pontus
Martyr Aurea, at Córdova, nun of Cuteclara
St. Felix, bishop, at Verona
St. Ambrose Autpertus, abbot, at St. Vincent’s in Benevento
St. Jerome, bishop, at Pavia

August 2 / July 20, 2023

Holy Glorious Prophet Elijah (Elias)
Righteous Aaron, first priest, brother of Prophet Moses the God-Seer
Sts. Elias and Falvius, patriarchs of Jerusalem and Antioch
St. Abramius of Galich or Chukhloma Lake, disciple of St. Sergius of Radonezh
Sts. Leontius and Sabbas, monks of Stromin
St. Cassian, abbot
Opening of the relics of Venerable-Martyr Athanasius, abbot of Brest-Litovsk
Martyr Salome of Jerusalem and Karli under the Persians
St. Ethelwida, widow of King Alfred the Great (9th century)
St. Elias (Chavchavadze), of Georgia (+1907)
St. Alexis Medvedkov the archpriest of Uzine (+1934), Elias Fondaminskii (+1942), Priest Demetrius Klepinine (+1944), George Skobtsov (+1944), and Nun Maria (Skobtsova) (+1945), of Paris
New Martyr Lydia, and with her New Martyrs Alexis and Cyril the soldiers (+1928)
New Hieromartyr Protopriest Philosophus Ornatsky of St. Petersburg, and those Martyrs with him (+1918); and Hieromartyr Juvenal the deacon (+1919)
New Martyrs of Voronezh: Archimandrite Tikhon, Hieromonk George, Hieromonk Cosmas, Protopresbyter Alexander Arkhangelsky (+1930), Priest George Nikitin, Priest John Steblin-Kamensky, Priest Sergius Gortinsky, Priest Theodore Yakovlev (+1930), Yephim Grebenschikov (+1930), and Peter Viaznikov (+1930)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Galich” or “Chukhloma,” and “Of the Sign, of Abalak”
Repose of the Righteous Protopriest Blessed Valentine Amphiteatrov (+1908)

Virgin-Martyr Margaret (Marina, Rita) in Antioch in Pisidia
St. Joseph bar-Sabas, the Just, disciple of the Lord
Martyrs Sabinus, Maximus, Julian, Cassian, Macrobius, Paula, Cassia, and 10 other Martyrs, in Damascus
St. Wulmar, abbot near Boulogne
Hieromartyr Paul, deacon, at Córdova
Virgin-Martyr Arilda at Gloucester
Martyr Modmund at Gloucester
Translation of the relics of Hieromartyr Gerebern of Gheel, priest, confessor to St. Dymphna
Virgin-Martyr Wilgefortis in Portugal
St. Euspicius, near Orléans, at S.-Mesmin
St. Severa, virgin, at Trier
St. Ansegis, abbot, at Fontenelle, in Normandy
St. Rheticus, bishop, at Autun
Hieromartyr Barhadbesciabas, deacon, at Arbela in Persia
St. Aurelius of Carthage, bishop
St. Severa of Villeneuve, abbess
St. Severa of Öhren, abbess
St. Etheldwitha of Winchester, nun
St. Flavian, patriarch of Antioch

August 3 / July 21, 2023

St. Symeon of Emessa the fool-for-Christ, and his fellow faster St. John
Prophet Ezekiel
St. Onuphrius the Silent of the Kiev Caves
St. Onesimus, recluse of the Kiev Caves
Opening of the relics of St. Anna of Kashin
Martyr Victor of Marseilles
St. Anastasia (Princess Anna), mother of St. Savva of Serbia
Martyrs Justus, Matthew (Matthias), and Eugene of the 13 who suffered at Rome together with Martyrs Trophimus and Theophilus (+305)
Martyrs Theodore and George
Synaxis of Martyr Acacius (May 7) at Heptascalon in Constantinople
Synaxis of Martyr Eleutherius (December 15) at Xerolophon (Dry Hill) in Constantinople
Martyr Revocatus
St. Parthenius, bishop of Radobysdius
New Hieromartyr Peter Golubev, priest of Moscow (+1938)
Armatia Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos

St. Praxedes, virgin, at Rome, sister of St. Potentiana
St. Daniel the Prophet, at Babylon
Martyrs Victor, Alexander, Felician, and Longinus, soldiers, at Marseilles
Virgin-Martyr Julia, Martyrs Claudius, Justus, Jucundinus, and other Martyrs, at Troyes, in France
St. Daniel, abbot, in Egypt, named in “Lives of the Fathers”
St. Simeon Salus, hermit, fool-for-Christ, at Emesa in Syria
St. John of Edessa, hermit, friend of St. Simeon Stylites
St. Arbogast, bishop of Strasbourg
St. Constantine, abbot, on Monte Cassino
Sts. John and Benignus, twins, monks at Moyenmoutier
St. Wastrada, at Utrecht, mother of St. Gregory of Utrecht
Ordination of St. Paulinus

August 4 / July 22, 2023

Holy Myrrh-bearer and Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene
Translation of the relics (404) of Hieromartyr Phocas, bishop of Sinope, to Constantinople
Martyr Marcella, nun
Blessed Cyprian of Suzdal, fool-for-Christ
Virgin-Martyr Marcella of Chios
St. Cornelius, monk of Pereyaslavl, father-confessor of Alexandrov convent
Martyr Agapius
St. Zina
St. Wandregisilus of Caux, in Gaul (+668)
New Hieromartyr Alexis Ilinsky, priest (+1931)

REPOSE OF ST. MARY MAGDALENE, equal-to-the-Apostles, to whom Christ appeared first after His Resurrection
St. Wandregisil the Confessor, abbot of Fontenelle, father of St. Landrada
St. Wandregisil (another) the Confessor
Martyr Plato at Ancyra in Galatia
St. Syntyche, virgin, at Philippi, disciple of Apostle Paul (Phil 4:2-3)
St. Menelaus, abbot of Messate, in Auvergne, Normandy
Martyr Theophilus the Younger, in Cyprus
St. Cyril, bishop of Antioch
Martyr Pancharius who suffered from Arians, at Besançon
St. Movean (Bitteus), abbot of Innis-Coosery, disciple of St. Patrick, hermit in Perthshire
St. Dabius the Confessor, priest, in Scotland

August 5 / July 23, 2023

Martyrs Trophimus, Theophilus, and 13 other Martyrs, in Lycia
Pochaev Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos
Miraculous appearance of the Mother of God at Pochaev, which saved the monastery from the assault of the Tatars and Turks (1675)
Hieromartyr Apollinaris, bishop of Ravenna
Righteous Anna (Hannah), mother of Prophet Samuel
Translation of the relics of St. Germanus (Herman), archbishop of Kazan
Martyr Apollonius at Rome
Holy 250 Martyrs killed by Bulgarians under Emperor Nicephorus
Holy Seven Martyrs of Carthage
St. Anna of Constantinople, whose relics are on Leucada (one of the Ionian Islands)
New Hieromartyr Nectarius, bishop of Yaransk
Repose of St. John Cassian the Roman, abbot, of Marseilles (+435)
Icon (with coins) of the Most Holy Theotokos, the “Joy of All Who Sorrow” in St. Petersburg

Hieromartyr Apollinaris, bishop, at Ravenna, ordained by the Holy Apostle Peter
St. Claudius Apollinaris, bishop, the Apologist, at Hierapolis
Blessed Anna (Hannah), mother of Prophet Samuel, in the Old Testament
Martyrs Ravennus and Rasiphus, at Bayeux, in Normandy
St. Liborius, bishop of LeMans, in France
Sts. Romula, Redempta, and Herundia, virgins, at Rome
Martyrs Trophimus and Theophilus, at Rome
Martyrs Apollonius and Eugene, at Rome
Virgin-Martyr Primitiva of Rome
St. Valerian, bishop of Cimiez
Martyr Rasiphus at Rome
Holy 250 Martyrs of Bulgaria during the war with Emperor Nicephorus
St. Anna, hermitess, virgin, at Constantinople
St. Conan, co-struggler with St. Petroc, at Washaway, in Cornwall

August 6 / July 24, 2023

Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
Synaxis of Saints of Smolensk (movable holiday on the Sunday before July 28th)
Martyr Christina of Tyre
Holy Passion-bearers Boris and Gleb (in holy baptism, Romanus and David), princes of Rus’
New Hieromartyr Maximus Sandovich, who suffered under the Latins, protomartyr of the Lemko people
St. Polycarp, archimandrite of the Kiev Caves
St. Hilarion of Tvaleli, Georgia
New Martyr Athanasius of Cios (Bithyia), at Constantinople
New Martyr Theophilus of Zakynthos, on Chios
Martyr Hermogenes
St. Pachomius, abbot of Kamenny Island on Kubena Lake, friend of St. Dionysius of Glushitsa, Vologda
St. Bogolep, child schema-monk of Cherny Yar (Black Ravine) near Astrakhan (also July 29)
Martyrs Capito and Hymenaeus
St. Anatolius
St. Fantinus the Wonderworker
St. Papas
Blessed Smaragdus
St. Bernulphus, bishop of Utrecht (+1054)
St. Declan, bishop of Ardmore, Ireland (5th century)
New Hieromartyr Nicholas Pongelsky, priest of Yaroslavl-Rostov (+1942)
Repose of Blessed Monk Tikhon of Turukhansk on the Yenisei River in Siberia (+1682)

Eighth Sunday after Trinity
Vigil of St. James
Virgin-Martyr Christina of Tyre, Palestine
Martyr Vincent at Rome
Martyrs Victor the soldier, the brothers Stercatius and Antinogenes, in Spain
Martyrs Niceta and Aquilina, sisters, in Lycia, converts of St. Christopher
Holy 86 Martyr soldiers at San Vittorino
St. Pavacicus, bishop, at LeMans
St. Ursicinus of Sens, bishop
Martyrs Cleonicus and Stratonicus at Leontini, Sicily
St. Fantinus the Confessor, at Seminara, Calabria
Martyr Arnulf at Monson in the Ardennes
St. Declan, bishop of Ardmore, in Ireland
Virgin-Martyr Lewina the Wonderworker at Seaford, Sussex
St. Sigolena, abbess of Troclar, at Albi, France
Passion of St. Boris (Romanus), martyr, St. Vladimir’s son, in Rus’
Martyrs Meneus and Capito
St. Dictinus of Astorga, bishop
St. Menefritha, virgin, St. Brychan’s daughter; and St. Germoc near Mount’s Bay; in Cornwall
St. Godo, abbot-founder of Oye, near Sezanne-en-Brie
St. Christiana of Termonde, virgin, in Belgium
St. Aliprandus, abbot of Ciel d’Oro

August 7 / July 25, 2023

Dormition of the Righteous Anna, mother of the Most Holy Theotokos
Righteous Women Olympias (Olympiada) the deaconess of Constantinople, and Virgin Eupraxia of Tabenna in Egypt
St. Macarius, abbot, founder of the Zheltovodsky and Unzha monasteries
St. Christopher of Koryazhma, founder of the Chistopher hermitage near Solvychegodsk, Vologda
Martyrs Sanctus, Maturus, Attalus, Blandina, Biblia, Vetius, Epagathus, Ponticus, Alexander, and other Martyrs, at Lyons, Gaul (+177)
Commemoration of the Holy 165 Fathers of the Fifth Ecumenical Council
New Hieromartyr Alexander Sakharov, protopresbyter of Moscow (+1927)

ST. JAMES THE GREATER, APOSTLE, brother of St. John, who lies at Compostela, Spain (the Blessing of Apples is done on this day)
Martyr Christopher at Samon, in Lycia
Martyr Cucufatus of Spain
Translation of the relics of Sts. Germanus and Julian, at Paris
Hieromartyr Nemesius the deacon, and his daughter Martyr Lucilla, at Rome
Martyrs Thea, Valentina, and Paul, at Caesarea Palestine
St. Magneric, archbishop of Trier
St. Ebrulf of Beauvais, abbot
St. Glodesinda, abbess, at Metz
Martyrs Florentius and Felix
Martyr Paul of Gaza
St. Nissen, in Wexford, made abbot of Montgarth by St. Patrick
Martyr Theodemir, monk, at Córdova

August 8 / July 26, 2023

Hieromartyrs Hermolaus and with him Hermippus and Hermocrates, presbyters of Nicomedia
Venerable-Martyr Parasceva of Rome, nun (+138)
St. Moses the Hungarian, of the Kiev Caves
Virgin-Martyr Oraiozela of Reuma on the Bosporus, disciple of Apostle Andrew
St. Ignatius, monk of Mt. Steirion
Martyr Appion
Virgin-Martyr Jerusalem of Byzantium
St. Gerontius, monk-founder of St. Anna’s skete on Mt. Athos
St. Savva (Sabbas) III, archbishop of Serbia
St. Theodore, metropolitan of Trebizond
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos at the Embolon in Constantinople
St. Jacob Netsvetov, priest of Alaska (+1867)
Repose of Blessed Elder Theophanes of Solovki, disciple of St. Paisius Velchkovsky (+1819)

Sts. Anna and Joachim, in Palestine, parents of the Mother of God
Hieromartyr Erastus, bishop, at Philippi, disciple of St. Paul (Rom 16:23; Act 19:22; 2 Tim 4:20)
Martyr Hyacinth at Rome
Martyrs Symphronius the servant, Olympius the tribune, his wife Exuperia, and their son Theodulus, at Rome
St. Pastor the Confessor, priest, at Rome
St. Poemen the Great, abbot of Scetis
St. Simeon, hermit from Armenia, near Mantua, at Padolirona

August 9 / July 27, 2023

Holy Great-Martyr and Healer Panteleimon
Synaxis of the Holy Enlighteners of the Slavs and Bulgars: Equal-to-the-Apostles Methodius and Cyril, and their disciples: Clement of Ochrid the bishop of Greater Macedonia, and Angelarius, Gorazd, Nahum, and Sabbas
Sts. Anthusa the Confessor, abbess of Mantineon in Asia Minor, and 90 of her Sisters
Blessed Nicholas Kochanov, fool-for-Christ at Novgorod
St. Joasaph, metropolitan of Moscow
New Martyr Christodulus of Kassandra, at Thessalonica
St. Clement, bishop, equal-to-the-Apostles, at Ochrid
The Blind Man who confessed Christ and was martyred with St. Panteleimon
Holy 853 Martyrs of Thrace who were drowned (some sources say “153”)
St. Manuel, monk, of Constantinople
Glorification of St. Herman of Alaska (1970)
New Hieromartyr Ambrose, bishop, abbot of Sviyazhsko-Dormition monastery, at Kazan (+1918)
Repose of Blessed Abbess Pulcheria of the Vyatka Nativity convent (+1890)

First feast of the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus: Martyrs Maximian, Malchus, Martinian, Dionysius, John, Serapion, and Constantine, who fell asleep under Emperor Decius
Hieromartyr Hermolaus the priest, the brothers Hermippus and Hermocrates, at Nicomedia
St. Etherius, bishop, at Auxerre
Hieromartyr Maurus the bishop, Martyrs Penteleimon and Sergius, at Bisceglia
St. Desideratus, bishop of Besançon
Hieromartyr Galactorius, bishop of Lescar, in Béarn
St. Laurence, archbishop, at Milan
St. Anthusa, abbess, tortured for the holy icons, at Constantinople
Martyrs Aurelius, Sabagotha (Natalia), Felix, his wife Liliosa, and George the monk, martyred by Muslims, at Córdova
Martyrs Julia and Jucunda, at Nicomedia
St. Ecclesius, bishop, at Ravenna
St. Ursus of Cahors, monastery founder, at Ravenna
St. Ursus, bishop of Troyes
Sts. Congall the abbot of Iabnallivin, and Luican, in Ireland

August 10 / July 28, 2023

Holy Apostles of the Seventy and Deacons: Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, and Parmenas
St. Pitirim, bishop of Tambov, and Synaxis of All Saints of Tambov
Appearance of the “Hodegetria” or “Leader of the Way” Smolensk Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos
Martyr Eustathius (Eustace) the soldier of Ancyra
Martyr Acacius the New, at Miletus of Caria
Martyr Acacius at Apamea
Martyr Julian of Dalmatia, at Sora in Campania, Italy
St. Irene Chrysovolantou of Cappadocia, abbess of the Chrysobalontou convent in Constantinople
St. Paul of Xeropotamou monastery on Mt. Athos
St. Moses, monk, wonderworker of the Kiev Caves
St. Sampson, bishop of Dol in Brittany (+565)
St. Ursus the abbot of Loccis (Loches), and his disciple St. Leobatius the abbot of Senaparia (Sennevieres), in Gaul (+500)
St. George of Iveron, builder, on Mt. Athos
Martyr Drosis (Drosida)
Martyrs Euthymius and Antonina
St. Dorymedon
New Martyr Christodulus of Kassandra
New Martyrs of Saransk: Hieromonk Basil, Nuns Anastasia and Helen, Arethas Yeriomkin, John Lomakin, John Milioshkin, John Sielmonov, and Maura Moisieva; (+1937)
Diveyevo Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Of Tender Feeling,” before which St. Seraphim of Sarov reposed
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos Korstroma, Tambov, and Grebnev
Venerated copies of Her Smolensk Icon: Ustiug, Vidropusskaya, Voronin, Khristoforov, Suprasl, Yugskaya, Igrits, Shuiskaya, “Seven Lakes,” and that of the Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra
Repose of Blessed Abbess Daria of Sezenovo (+1858)

Great-Martyr Panteleimon, unmercenary healer, of Nicomedia
St. Sampson, bishop of Dol in Brittany
St. Peregrinus, priest-hermit, at Lyons
Hieromartyr Victor, pope of Rome, who first used Latin in the celebration of the Holy Mysteries
Hieromartyr Innocent I, pope, friend of St. John Chrysostom
Burial of Martyrs Nazarius and Celsus the child, at Milan
St. Redemptus, bishop, at Ferentini, friend of St. Gregory the Great
Holy Martyrs in the Thebaïd under Decius and Valerian
Martyr Eustathius at Ancyra in Galatia
Martyr Acacius at Miletus in Caria
St. Irene, abbess, at Constantinople
St. Camelian, bishop of Troyes
St. Arduinn, pilgrim, at Ceprano
St. Lucidus, hermit-monk, at Aquara
St. Géran, bishop of Auxerre, foe of the Vikings

August 11 / July 29, 2023

Martyr Callinicus of Cilicia, at Gangra in Paphlagonia
Hieromartyr Bessarion of Smolyan, Bulgaria
Virgin-Martyr Seraphima (Serapia) of Antioch, at Rome
Martyr Theodota and her Three Children, at Nicaea in Bithynia
Birthday of St. Nicholas the archbishop of Myra in Lycia, and the translation of his wonderworking “Great River” Icon from Vyatka to Moscow in 1555
St. Constantine I, patriarch of Constantinople
St. Theodosius the New, emperor
St. Romanus, abbot of Kirzhach, disciple of St. Sergius of Radonezh
Sts. Constantine and Cosmas, abbots of Kosino, Novgorod
Martyr Eustathius (Eustace) of Mtskheta in Georgia
Venerable-Martyr Michael the black-robed of St. Sabbas’ monastery
St. Lupus the Confessor, bishop of Troyes (+479)
Martyrs Mamas and Basiliscus the Elder, whose relics lie in the Darion quarter of Constantinople
St. Bogolep, child schema-monk of Cherny Yar (Black Ravine) near Astrakhan (also July 24)
Martyr Basilicus the Elder
St. Olaf, king and enlightener of Norway (+1030)
Martyrs Benjamin and Berius, whose relics lie in the Hebdomon quarter of Constantinople
Holy Martyred Men, Women, and Two Children
Martyrs Alexander and Theodota
St. Anatolius the Younger, elder
New Hieromartyrs Seraphim and Theognostus, hieromonks of Alma-Ata (+1921)

Martyrs Simplicius and Faustinus, brothers; and their sister St. Beatrice; at Rome
Hieromartyr Felix II, pope of Rome
St. Lupus, bishop of Troyes
St. Martha the sister of St. Mary Magdalene, apostle of S. France; and her maid St. Marcella; at Tarascon, in Provence
Virgin-Martyrs Flora and Lucila, and their converts: Martyrs Eugene, Anthony, Theodore, Dionysius, Apollonius, Campanius, Piolus, Corsius, Corygenes, Bacchus, Saturninus, and Nine other Martyrs; at Rome
Translation of the relics of St. Quiricus of Jerusalem, bishop, who located the Cross
Martyr Callinicus at Gangra
Virgin-Martyr Serapia in Syria
St. Faustinus of Spello, at Todi
St. Seraphina at Mamia
St. Prosper of Orléans, bishop
St. Sulien, abbot-founder of Luxulyan in Cornwall

August 12 / July 30, 2023

Apostles Silas and Silvanus of the Seventy and those with them: Crescens, Epenetus, and Andronicus
St. John the Warrior at Constantinople
Opening of the relics of St. Germanus (Herman), monk, wonderworker of Solovki
Hieromartyr Valentine the bishop of Interamna (Terni) in Italy (+273), and Youth-Martyrs Proculus, Ephebus, Apollonius, and Abundius
Hieromartyrs Polychronius the bishop of Babylon; Presbyters Parmenius, Helimenas (Elymas), and Chrysotelus; Deacons Luke and Mucius; Martyrs Maximus and Olympiades (Olympius), at Cordula in Persia; Martyrs Abdon and Sennen, Persian princes, at Rome
St. Tsotne Dadiani the Confessor, prince of Mingrelia, Georgia
St. Stephen (Vladislav) of Serbia
St. Angelina, despotess (princess), of Serbia
Sts. Paul the bishop and John the priest
St. Gelasius
St. Germanus (Herman) (another)
Sts. Agnes and Lucy
St. Tatwin, archbishop of Canterbury
New Hieroconfessor Anatolius the Younger, hieroschemamonk, elder of Optina (+1922)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Okon”

Martyrs Abdon and Sennen, from Persia, at Rome
Virgin-Martyrs Maxima and Donatilla, sisters; and Secunda; in Africa at Lucernarius
St. Ursus, hermit, bishop of Auxerre
St. Tatwin, archbishop of Canterbury after St. Brithwald
St. Speciosus, monk, disciple of St. Benedict, brother of St. Gregory
Martyr Julitta at Caesarea of Cappadocia
Martyr Rufinus at Assissi
St. Ermengitha, virgin at Minster, in Thanet, the sister of St. Ermenburga
Martyr-King Olaf, enlightener of Norway, at Nidaros
St. Angelina, princess of Serbia

August 13 / July 31, 2023

Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
Eve of the Dormition Fast
Forefeast of the Procession of the Precious Cross of the Lord
Righteous Eudocimus of Cappadocia
Righteous Joseph of Arimathea
Martyr Julitta (Juliet) at Caesarea in Cappadocia
Consecration of the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos of Blachernae
Holy 12 Martyrs of Rome
Translation of the relics of Apostle Philip (of the Twelve) to Cyprus
St. Arsenius, bishop of Nikotsminda, Georgia
Martyr Gelasius
Martyrs Anthony and George
St. Stephen, prince, monk
St. John the Exarch, of Bulgaria
St. Germanus (Herman), bishop of Auxerre (+448)
St. Neot, abbot of Neotstoke, Cornwall (+877)
St. Maughold, bishop of the Isle of Man (also November 15)
New Hieromartyr Benjamin the metropolitan of Petrograd and Gdov, and those with him: Hieromartyr Archimandrite Sergius and Martyrs George and John; (+1922)
New Hieromartyr Basil, bishop of Kineshma (+1945)
Repose of Blessed Elder Gerasimus the Younger of St. Sergius skete near Kaluga (+1918)

Ninth Sunday after Trinity
Tomorrow is begun the Dormition Fast
Repose of St. Germanus (Herman), bishop of Auxerre
Martyr Fabius in Caesarea Mauretania
Martyrs Democritus, Secundus, and Dionysius, at Synnada
St. Neot, hieromonk of Glastonbury, hermit, in Cornwall
Martyrs Wolfadus and Rufinus, brothers, in England, disciples of St. Cedd, slain by their father King Wolfhere
Hieromartyr Calimerius, bishop, at Milan
Martyrs Fantius and Deodata, at Turin
St. Peter II, bishop of Ravenna
St. Firminus of Tagaste, bishop

August 14 / August 1, 2023

Procession of the Precious Wood of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord (1164) (first of the three “Feasts of the Savior” in August)
Beginning of the Dormition Fast – Blessing of Waters
Maccabean Martyrs: Abim, Antoninus (Anthony), Gurias, Eleazar, Eusebonas, Alimus (Achim), and Marcellus; their mother Solomonia; and their teacher Eleazar
Feast of the All-merciful Savior, Christ our God, and of His Mother, the Most Holy Theotokos Mary
Holy Nine Martyrs of Perge in Pamphylia: Leontius, Attius, Alexander, Cindeus, Minsitheus (Mnesitheus), Cyriacus, Mineon (Menaeus), Catunus, and Eucleus (Eucles)
Martyr Papas the New
Martyrs Polyeuctus, Eleazar, Theodore, and Cyricus, whose synaxis is celebrated in the Viglentius quarter of Constantinople
Martyrs Menes, Menaeus, and other Martyrs, whose synaxis is celebreated in the Hebdomon quarter of Constantinople
Venerable-Martyr Elesa of Cythera, nun
St. Timothy the Wonderworker, archbishop of Prikonissos, wonderworker of Peloponnesus
Commemoration of the Baptism of Rus’
St. Ethelwold, bishop of Winchester (+984)
Virgin-Martyr Sidwell of Exeter (or July 31 or August 2)
St. Nicholas, archbishop, enlightener of Japan (+1912)
New Hieromartyr Basil, bishop of Chernigov (+1918)

Beginning of the Dormition Fast
St. Peter ad Vincula (St. Peter’s Chains)
Sts. Eleazar, the Seven Machabees: Abimus, Antoninus, Gurias, Eleazar, Eusebonus, Alimus, and Marcellus; and their mother Solomonia (2 Maccabees 6, 7)
St. Ethelwold the Confessor, bishop, “Father of Monks,” at Winchester
Repose of Hieromartyr Eusebius of Vercelli, bishop, in Italy
Passion of Martyr Sophia the matron; and Virgin-Martyrs Faith, Hope, and Charity, daughters of Martyr Sophia
Hieromartyr Bonus the priest, Martyrs Faustus, Maurus, and Seven other Martyrs, at Rome
Martyr Felix at Gerona, Spain
Martyrs Cyril, Aquila, Peter, Domitian, Rufus, and Menander, at Philadelphia in Arabia
Child-Martyr Justin near Paris
St. Nemesius the Confessor, in Lisieux
Old Testament: St. Solomon, King David’s son, who repented after idolatry; and Jesus Siracus, who wrote Ecclesiasticus
St. Kenneth, hermit of Gower, Wales
Martyrs Leontius, Attius, Alexander, and Six other Martyrs, at Perge in Pamphylia
St. Verus, bishop, at Vienne
St. Rioch, abbot of Innisboffin, nephew of St. Patrick
Virgin-Martyr Sidwell in Devonshire
Sts. Friardus and Secundel, hermits, at Nantes
St. Peregrinus, hermit, at Modena
St. Jonatus, abbot of Marchiennes near Douay
Virgin-Martyr Almedha, daughter of St. Brychan
St. Exuperius, first bishop of Bayeux
St. Arcadius, bishop of Bourges

August 15 / August 2, 2023

Dormition Fast
Translation of the relics of Protomartyr and Archdeacon Stephen, from Jerusalem to Constantinople
Translation of the relics of Righteous Nicodemus, Gamaliel, and Abibas
Blessed Basil, fool-for-Christ, wonderworker of Moscow
Finding of the relics of Righteous Nicodemus, Gamaliel, and Abibus
Blessed Basil of Kubena Lake
Martyr Phocas
Translation of the relics of Martyrs Dada, Maximus, and Quinctillian, at Durostorum (in Bulgaria) to Constantinople
Hieromartyr Stephen, pope of Rome (+257), and those Martyrs with him
St. Marco of Belavinsky Lake, in Vologda
New Martyr Theodore of the Dardanelles
St. Romanus
St. Tarasius
St. Etheldritha, hermitess of Crowland
St. Plegmund, archbishop of Canterbury
Sts. Friardus and Secundel, hermits, at Nantes

Dormition Fast
Hieromartyr Stephen, pope of Rome, in the cemetery of St. Callistus
Martyrs Theodota the matron, her son Evodius, and Two of his Brothers, in Bithynia at Nicaea
Finding of the relics of Martyr Alban, protomartyr of Britain
St. Maximus, bishop of Padua
Martyr Rutilius in Africa
St. Auspicius, bishop, at Apte in France
St. Serenus, bishop of Marseilles
St. Boëtharius, bishop of Chartres
St. Etheldritha, princess and hermitess, on the island of Croyland
St. Plegmund, archbishop of Canterbury, tutor of King Alfred the Great
St. Wulvella, sister of St. Sidwell

August 16 / August 3, 2023

Dirmition Fast
Sts. Isaacius, Dalmatus, and Faustus, ascetics of the monastery of Dalmatus at Constantinople
St. Anthony the Roman, abbot and wonderworker of Novgorod
St. Cosmas, eunuch and hermit of Palestine
Holy Myrrh-bearer Salome
Martyr Razhden the Persian, protomartyr of Tsromi and Nikozi, in Georgia
St. John the Confessor, abbot of Patelaria (Pantellaria)
St. Theoctistus the Wonderworker of Optimaton
Holy New Martyrs the Kherkheulidze Brothers, their Mother and Sister, and 9,000 other Martyrs who suffered on Marabde Field in Georgia
St. Theodora, nun of Thessalonica
Repose of Blessed Schema-hieromonk Ignatius of Harbin (+1958)
Blessed Abbot Paul of the skete of the Prophet Elias (+1840)

Dormition Fast
Finding of the relics of Protomartyr Stephen, Martyrs Gamaliel, Nicodemus, and Abibas, at Jerusalem
Martyr Hermellus at Constantinople
St. Euphronius, bishop of Autun
St. Stephen the Confessor, hermit
St. Asprenius, bishop, at Naples, baptized by St. Peter
St. Lydia, dyer, in Thyateira (Acts 16:14-15)
St. Dalmatius, abbot, at Constantinople
Sts. Marana and Cyra, anchorites, at Beroea, in Syria
St. Trea, hermitess, at Ardtree, in Derry
St. Senach of Clonard, bishop
Blessed Gregory, abbot of Nonantula
Blessed Benno, bishop of Metz, founder of Einsiedeln, Switzerland
St. Anthony of Old Rome, abbot, at Novgorod

August 17 / August 4, 2023

Dormition Fast
Holy Seven Youths (“the Seven Sleepers”) of Ephesus: Maximilian, Jamblichus, Martinian, John, Dionysius, Exacustodian (Constantine), and Antoninus
Martyr Eudocia of Persia, nun
Martyr Eleutherius the Chamberlain, of Byzantium
Martyr Thathuel
Martyr Ia and 9,000 Martyrs with her, in Persia
New Hieromartyr Cosmas of Aetolia, equal-to-the-Apostles (also August 24)
Martyr Irene
Sts. John the monk and John the New, archbishops of Ephesus
St. Andrew
St. Darius
New Hieromartyr Priest Nicholas Prozorov (+1930)
New Hieromartyr Michael the hieromonk of Saransk, and New Martyrs Demetrius and Simeon Vorobiev of Tver; (+1937)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Kazan” of Penza

Dormition Fast
St. Aristarchus at Thessalonica, disciple of St. Paul (Col 4:10; Philemon 24)
Martyr Tertullinus, on the Latin Way, in Rome
Hieromartyr Justin, priest, in Rome, who helped St. Laurence divide the goods of the church
Martyr Eleutherius at Tarsica in Bithynia
Martyr Eudoxia in Persia
Martyr Ia and other Martyrs, in Persia
St. Luanus, abbot of Clonfert, in Ireland, who founded 120 monasteries of a very ascetic Rule
St. Perpetua at Rome, baptized by St. Peter, mother of St. Nazarius
St. Agabius, bishop of Verona
Martyr Protasius at Cologne
St. Euphronius, bishop, at Tours

August 18 / August 5, 2023

Forefeast of the Transfiguration
Martyr Eusignius of Antioch
Martyrs Cantidius and Cantidian, of Egypt
Martyr Sibelius (Sobel) of Egypt
Martyr Pontius the Roman, at Cimella, in Cimiez, France (+257)
Hieromartyrs Fabian (+250) and Antherus (Anterus) (+257), popes of Rome
Righteous Nonna, mother of St. Gregory the Theologian
St. Euthymius, patriarch of Constantinople
St. Job of Ushchelie, monk, on the Mezen River, Solovki
Martyrs Eudocius and Maximilian
Martyr Vincent
Martyr Christina
Martyr Irenaeus
Martyr-King Oswald, missionary, of Northumbria (+642)
New Martyr Chrestos of Preveza
St. John Chozebite of Neamţ (+1960)
New Martyrs Eudocia the nun, Daria, Daria (another), and Mary, novices, of Diveyevo convent (+1919)
New Hieromartyr Simon, bishop of Ufim (+1921)

Martyr-King Oswald in Northumbria
Commemoration of the Holy Virgin Mary of the Snows (her miraculous church at Rome)
Martyr Afra, former harlot, in Augsberg
St. Cassian the Confessor, in Autun
St. Memmius, bishop of Châlons-sur-Marne
Hieromartyr Emigdius, bishop, at Ascoli in Italy
Martyrs Cyriacus, Largus, Crescentia, Diomedes, Caricus, Philadelphe, Agape, Peter, and 17 other Martyrs, at Augsburg
St. Nonna at Nazianzen, mother of St. Gregory
St. Abel, archbishop of Rheims
Sts. Addai and Mari, bishops, at Edessa, apostles of Persia
Martyrs Cantidius, Cantidian and Sobel, in Egypt
St. Paris, bishop, at Teano
Martyr Eusignius, soldier, at Antioch, Syria
St. Venantius, bishop, at Viviers
St. Theodore, bishop of Cambrai
St. Gormgal, abbot of Ardoilen, in Ireland
Translation of the relics of St. Savin, hermit of the valley of Lavedan in the Pyrenees

August 19 / August 6, 2023

Blessing of Grapes and Fruit
St. Theoctistus, bishop of Chernigov
St. Job, gorge-dweller on the Mezen River, Solovki
New Martyr Abacuc (Avvakum) of Thessalonica
New Hieromartyr Protopriest Sergius Tikhomirov (+1930)
New Hieromartyrs Archbishop Demetrius of Gdov (+1938), and Priest Nicholas Prozorov (+1930)
New Hieromartyr Peter Tokarev, priest of Yaroslavl-Rostov (+1937)
Repose of Schema-Hieromonk Blessed Nicon the Cave-Dweller of Valaam (+1822)
Repose of Righteous Protopriest Blessed Basil Shustin, disciple of Optina (+1968)

Blessing of Grapes
Martyrs of Rome: Pope Sixtus II; Deacons Felicissimus and Agapitus; Subdeacons Januarius, Magnus, Vincent, and Stephen; and Quartus
Martyrs Justus and Pastor, brothers of 13 and 9 years, at Alcala de Henares, in Spain
St. Sixtus III, pope of Rome, foe of Nestorius and Pelagius, builder of St. Mary of Snows
St. James the Syrian, hermit, near Amida, in Mesopotamia
Martyr Stephen the abbot of Cardeña, and 200 Martyred Monks, slain by Muslims, near Burgos

August 20 / August 7, 2023

Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
Afterfeast of the Transfiguration
Venerable-Martyr Dometius of Persia, monk, and his Two Disciples
Martyrs Marinus the soldier and Asterius the senator, at Caesarea in Palestine
St. Poemen (Pimen) the Much-ailing of the Kiev Caves
St. Or (Hor, Horus) of the Thebaid
St. Poemen (Pimen), faster of the Kiev Caves
Translation of the relics of St. Metrophanes (in the schema, Macarius), first bishop of Voronezh
Virgin-Martyr Potamia of Alexandria
Martyr Mocius
St. Dometius of Philotheou monastery on Mt. Athos
St. Mercurius of the Kiev Caves, subsequently bishop of Smolensk
St. Theodora of Sihla, Romania
Holy 10,000 Ascetics of the Thebaid
Hieromartyr Narcissus, archbishop of Jerusalem
St. Hyperechius of “The Paradise of the Fathers,” monk
St. Sozon of Nicomedia
St. Theodosius the New, healer in the Peloponnesus
St. Nicanor, wonderworker of Mt. Callistratus
Martyr Afra of Augsburg (+304)
Commemoration of the Saving of Constantinople from Persians and Avars in 626
St. Anthony, elder, schema-abbot of Optina (+1865)
New Hieromartyrs Protopresbyter Alexis Vorobiev (+1938), Priest Demetrius Milovidov, and Deacon Elisaeus (Elisha) Schtolder (+1937), of Moscow
Valaam Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos
Repose of Blessed Elder Adrian of the South Dorotheus hermitage (+1853)
Repose of Schema-monk Blessed John the Blind of Valaam (+1894)
Repose of Blessed Elder Callinicus the Hesychast of Mt. Athos (+1930)

Tenth Sunday after Trinity
Hieromartyr Donatus, 2nd bishop of Arezzo, who by prayer restored a chalice shattered by pagans; and Martyr Hilary; in Tuscany
Martyrs Peter, Julian, and 18 other Martyrs, at Rome
Martyr Faustinus, under Commodus, at Milan
St. Donatus, bishop of Besançon, founder of St. Paul monastery and author of a monastic rule based largely on the rule of St. Benedict
St. Claudia, matron, at Sabino in Umbria (2 Timothy 4:21)
Martyr Dometius the monk, and Two of his Martyred Disciples, at Nisibis in Mesopotamia
St. Victricius, bishop of Rouen
Martyrs Carpophorus, Exanthus, Cassius, Severinus, Secundus, and Licinus, at Como
St. Donatian, 2nd bishop of Châlons-sur-Marne

August 21 / August 8, 2023

Afterfeast of the Transfiguration
St. Emilian the Confessor, bishop of Cyzicus
First and Second translations of the relics of Sts. Zosimas and Sabbatius of Solovki
St. Myron, bishop of Crete
Martyrs Eleutherius, Leonidas, and Many Infants Martyred with them, at Constantinople
Martyr Hormisdas of Persia
St. Gregory of Sinai (and Mt. Athos)
St. Gregory, iconographer of the Kiev Caves
St. Gregory, wonderworker of the Kiev Caves
Translation of the relics of St. Germanus (Herman), monk of Solovki (1992)
New Martyr Triantaphyllus of Zagora, in Thessaly
New Martyr Anastasius the Bulgarian, at Constantinople
St. Theodore, abbot of Orov
St. Cassian, monk
Martyr Euthymius, abbot of St. John Baptist monastery at Garesja, Georgia
St. Moses the monk, and other Fellow Ascetics
St. Elidius the Confessor, of Hirnant
Holy 12 (in some books, 10) Ascetics of Egypt
Holy Two Martyrs of Tyre
Martyr Styracius
St. Philaret of Ichalka, Ivanovo (+1913)
New Hieromartyr Nicodemus, archbishop of Kostroma and Galich (+1938)
Tolga Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos

Day within the Octave of the Holy Name
Hieromartyr Cyriacus the deacon, Martyrs Largus, Smaragdus, and 20 Other Martyrs, on Ostian Way, at Rome
St. Severus, priest, at Vienne, France
St. Hormisdas, pope, who ordained psalms be sung at Mass
Martyr Hormisdas in Persia
Translation of the relics of Hieromartyr Quiricus, bishop
St. Agape, virgin
St. Myron the Wonderworker, bishop, in Crete
Martyr Marinus at Anazarbus in Cilicia
Holy 14 Helpers: Achatius, Barbara, Blaise, Christopher, Cyriacus, Dionysius, Erasmus, Eustace, George, Katherine, Margaret, Panteleimon, Vitus, martyrs; and Giles the abbot
Martyrs Eleutherius and Leonides, at Constantinople
Martyr Gunifort at Pavia
St. Leobald, abbot, at Fleury
St. Mummolus, abbot, at Fleury
St. Sigrada, nun, at Soissons, mother of St. Leodegar
St. Ternatius, bishop, at Besançon
St. Agilberta, second abbess of Jouarre
St. Ellidius the Confessor, of Hirnant
St. Gedeon, bishop of Besançon
St. Ultan, priest-hermit of St. Peter’s at Craik, manuscript illuminator
Blessed Rathard, priest, founder of Diessen monastery, at Andechs, Bavaria
St. Emilian, bishop of Cyzicus

August 22 / August 9, 2023

Afterfeast of the Transfiguration
Holy Apostle Matthias
Martyr Anthony of Alexandria
Martyrs Julian, Marcian, John, James, Alexis, Demetrius, Photius (Phocas), Peter, Leontius, Mary the patrician, and other Martyrs, of Constantinople
Consecration of the Church of the Holy 40 Martyrs of Sebaste
St. Irene, empress
St. Samuel, priest
St. Psoës of Egypt
St. Macarius, abbot of Oredezh
Synaxis of All Saints of Solovki

Vigil of St. Laurence
Day within the Octave of the Holy Name
Martyr Romanus the soldier, baptized by St. Laurence
Martyrs Secundian, Marcellian, and Verian, in Tuscany
Martyrs Firmus and Rusticus, at Verona
Martyr Numidicus and other Martyrs, in Africa; St. Numidicus lived to be priested by St. Cyprian
St. Phelim, bishop at Kilmore, in Ireland, brother of St. Dermot
St. Nathy (David), abbot, bishop, at Achonry, Ireland
Martyrs Gregory, Julian, Mary, Marcian, and Six other Martyrs, at Constantinople
St. Serenus, bishop of Marseilles
St. Samuel of Edessa, priest

August 23 / August 10, 2023

Afterfeast of the Transfiguration
Holy Hieromartyr and Archdeacon Laurence of Rome (+258)
Hieromartyrs Sixtus the bishop of Rome, and Deacons Felicissimus and Agapitus, and other Martyrs (+258)
Martyr Romanus the soldier, with Hieromartyr Laurence, at Rome (+258)
Martyr Hippolytus of Rome, with Hieromartyr Laurence
Holy Six Martyrs of Bizye
St. Heron the Philosopher
Blessed Laurence, fool-for-Christ of Kaluga
Holy Six Martyrs at Bizin
St. Heron, philosopher
Blessed Martha of Suzdal (+1803)

PASSION OF HIEROMARTYR LAURENCE, archdeacon of Rome, broiled under Emperor Decius
Day within the Octave of the Holy Name
Holy 165 Martyred Soldiers at Rome
St. Hope, abbot of Cample near Norcia
Virgin-Martyr Asteria at Bergamo in Italy
St. Blaine, bishop of Bute, in Scotland
St. Arigius, archbishop of Lyons
Holy Martyrs of Alexandria under Valerian
Virgin-Martyrs Bassa, Paula, and Agathonica, at Carthage
Martyr-King Gerontius of Devon, slain by Saxons
St. Deusdedit, shoemaker, at Rome
Martyr Thiento the abbot of Wessobrun, and Six Martyred Monks, in Bavaria

August 24 / August 11, 2023

Afterfeast of the Transfiguration
Holy Martyr and Archdeacon Euplus of Catania (+304)
Virgin-Martyr Susanna and those with her: Hieromartyrs Gaius the pope of Rome, and his brother Presbyter Gabinus, the father of Susanna; Martyrs Maximus, Claudius, and his wife Praepedigna, with her sons Alexander and Cutias; (+295)
Venerable-Martyrs Basil and Theodore, of the Kiev Caves
St. Theodore (in monasticism, Theodosius), prince of Ostrog
St. Passarion, monk, chor-bishop of Palestine
St. Niphon, patriarch of Constantinople (Mt. Athos)
St. Blane, bishop of the Isle of Bute (Dunblane), Scotland (+590)
St. Taurinus, first bishop of Evreux, Gaul (2nd century)
Martyrs Neophytus, Zeno, Gaius, Mark, Macarius, Gaianus, and Martin
Commemoration of the Miracle of St. Spyridon on Kerkyra (Corfu) with the Hagarenes
Martyr Donatus
St. John, hermit of Svyatogorsk
New Martyrs Anastasius of Asomaton in Asia Minor, and Demetrius of Lesbos

Day within the Octaves of the Holy Name and St. Laurence
Martyr Tibertius at Rome, between two laurels
St. Thaurinus the Confessor, bishop of Evreux
Virgin-Martyr Susanna, niece of Pope Caius
St. Gaugericus the Confessor, bishop, at Cambrai
Martyr Chromatius, father of St. Tiburtius
St. Chromatius, bishop, correspondent of St. Jerome
Second Feast of the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus: Martyrs Maximian, Malchus, Martinian, Dionysius, John, Serapion, and Constantine, who awoke in the reign of Emperor Theodosius
St. Rusticula, abbess, at Arles
Hieromartyr Alexander the Charcoal-burner, at Comana
Hieromartyr Rufinus the bishop of the Marsi, and other Martyrs
Virgin-Martyr Digna, hermitess, at Todi
St. Attracta, abbess, at Drum, in Ireland
St. Lelia, virgin, at Limerick in Ireland
St. Equitius, abbot, at Valeria
August 25 / August 12, 2023

Afterfeast of the Transfiguration
Martyrs Photius, Anicetas, and other Martyrs with them, of Nicomedia
Martyrs Pamphilus and Capito
Hieromartyr Alexander, bishop of Comana
St. Palamon of Egypt, monk, instructor of St. Pachomius the Great
Martyrs Gerontius, Serapion, Germanus (Herman), Bessarion, Michael, and Simeon, monks, martyred by Lekians (+1851)
Sts. Sergius and Stephen, monks
Holy 12 Soldier-Martyrs of Crete
Holy 33 Martyrs of Palestine
St. Castor, monk
Translation of the relics of St. Edwold, hermit of Cerne, Dorvetshire
St. Jambert, archbishop of Canterbury
St. Muredach (Murtagh), first bishop of Killala and founder of Innismurray, Ireland (6th century)
St. Molaise of Devenish (+563)
St. Seigne, abbot of Iona (+652)
New Martyrs at St. Nicholas monastery in Belgorod: Archimandrite Barlaam; Priests Sergius, Elias, Vyacheslav, Joasaph, John, and Anthony; Deacons Micheas, Bessarion, Matthew, and Euthymius; Monks Barnabas, Demetrius, Sabbas, Hermogenes, Arcadius, Euthymius, and Marcellus; Novices John, James, Peter, James, Alexander, Theodore, Peter, Sergius, and Alexis; (+1918); Priest John Nikolsky at Tver (+1937); Eudocia Safronova of Moscow (+1938)

Day within the Octaves of the Holy Name and St. Laurence
Hieromartyr Euplius, deacon, at Catania, in Sicily
Martyr Hilaria the mother of St. Afra, her maids Digna, Euprepia, and Eunomia; Quiracus, Largio, Crescentian, Nimmia, Juliana, and 20 other Martyrs; at Augsburg
Martyr Gracilian and Virgin-Martyr Felicissima, at Falere, in Tuscany
Martyrs Macarius and Julian, in Syria
St. Edwold the Confessor, hermit
St. Romula, recluse, named by St. Gregory the Great, near St. Mary Major, at Rome
Martyrs Anicetus and Photius, at Nicomedia
Martyr Porcarius the abbot, and 500 Monk-Martyrs, all slain by Muslims, at Lérins
Martyr Antoninus at Rome
St. Merwenna, virgin, near Bude in Cornwall, daughter of St. Brychan
St. Just at Penzance
St. Cassian, bishop of Benevento
St. Eusebius, bishop of Milan
St. Jambert, archbishop of Canterbury
St. Cecilia, abbess of Remiremont

August 26 / August 13, 2023

Apodosis of the Transfiguration
St. Tikhon, bishop of Voronezh, wonderworker of Zadonsk and All Russia
Translation of the relics of St. Maximus the Confessor
Opening of the relics of St. Maximus of Moscow, fool-for-Christ
Martyr Hippolytus of Rome and Those with him, including Martyrs Concordia, Irenaeus, Abundius, and 15 other Martyrs (+258)
St. Irene (tonsured Xenia) the empress
St. Eudocia, empress, wife of Theodosius the Younger
St. Seridus, abbot of Gaza
Holy Abba Dorotheus of Gaza
Martyr Coronatus
St. Paramon, monk
St. Wigbert, abbot of Fritzlar, English missionary to Germany (+738)
St. Radegunde, queen of the Franks, nun of Poitiers (+587)
New Hieromartyrs Metropolitan Benjamin of St. Petersburg, Archimandrite Sergius, and other Martyrs (+1921)
New Hieromartyrs Bishop Seraphim of Dmitrov near Moscow (+1937), Priests James Arkhippov and Nicholas Orlov, and Deacon Alexis Vedensky, of Yaroslavl-Rostov (+1937), and at Moscow Martyr Basil Aleksandrin (+1942)
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Of the Passion,” “Of Minsk,” and “Softener of Hardened Hearts”
Repose of Blessed Schema-monk Timothy of Mt. Athos (formerly of Valaam) (+1848)

Day within the Octaves of the Holy Name and St. Laurence
Martyrs Hippolytus, his nurse Concordia, and 19 other Martyrs, at Rome
Martyr Cassian, school-master, at Imola
St. Radegunda, queen, at Poitiers
St. John Cassian, hermit, author of “Teachings” of the Egyptian Fathers, who upheld the teaching on synergy against St. Augustine
St. Irene the Hospitable, empress, at Constantinople, who founded Savior monastery
Martyrs Centolla and Helen, near Burgos in Spain
Hieromartyr Cassian of Todi, bishop
St. Muredach, bishop of Killala, in Ireland
St. Herculanus, bishop of Brescia
St. Junian, abbot of Chaulnay
Sts. Maximus the Confessor and his disciples Athanasius and Athanasius, exiled by Monothelites
St. Wigbert, abbot of Fritzlar
St. Herulf, bishop of Langres
St. Ludolf, abbot of New Corbie

August 27 / August 14, 2023

Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost
Forefeast of the Dormition
Prophet Micah of the 12 prophets
Translation of the relics of St. Theodosius of the Kiev Caves
Hieromartyr Marcellus, bishop of Apamea
St. Arcadius, monk of Novotorzhok
Martyr Ursicius of Ilyria, at Nicomedia
New Martyr Simeon of Trebizond, at Constantinople
Martyr Lucius the soldier
St. Fachanan, abbot of Ross Carbery, Cork, Ireland (ca. 600)
New Hieromartyrs Metropolitan Nazarius of Kutaisi; Priests Germanus (Herman), Hierotheus, and Simon; Archdeacon Bessarion; in Georgia (+1924)
Synaxis of All New Martyrs who suffered in Georgia under the Atheist Yoke (20th c.)
New Hieromartyr Basil, archbishop of Chernigov (+1918)
New Martyrs Schema-archimandrite Eleutherius at Chimkent (+1937); Archimandrite Matthew (+1918); Abbess Eve (+1937); Protopresbyters Vladimir Smirnov and Nicholas Tolgsky, and Nun Eudocia (+1937); Alexis Zverez (+1918); and Theodore Zakharov (+1937)
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Besednaya” and “Of Narva”
Commemoration of the disciples of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk: Blessed Monks Theophanes, Aaron, Nicander, Cosmas, and Metrophanes

Eleventh Sunday after Trinity
Vigil of the Dormition of the Mother of God
Octave Day of the Holy Name
Day within the Octave of St. Laurence
St. Eusebius the Confessor, priest, of Palestine
St. Eusebius, priest of Rome
St. Elias the Prophet, translated to Paradise today, whence he and St. Henoch, shortly before the Judgment, will come to earth and preach, be slain by Antichrist, and resurrect
Martyr Demetrius in Africa
Martyr Ursicius in Illyricum
Hieromartyr Marcellus, bishop, at Apamea, in Syria
St. Fachnan, bishop of Rosscarbery, in Ireland
Hieromartyr Callistus, bishop, at Todi
St. Athanasia, widow, abbess on the island of Aegina
Blessed Eberhard, first abbot of Einsiedeln in Switzerland
St. Werenfrid, hieromonk, at Arnheim

August 28 / August 15, 2023

St. Macarius the Roman of Novgorod, abbot; and St. Chariton
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos’ Dormition: “Kiev Caves,” “Ovinov,” “Pskov Caves,” “Seven-Cities,” “Pyukhtitsa,” “and “Bakhchisarai.” Her Icons: “Atskurskaya,” “Tsilkani” in Georgia, “Vladimir-Rostov,” “Mozdok,” “Gaenatskaya,” “Chukhlom,” “Surdyeg,” “Tupichev,” and “Blachernae. Her Icons “Diasozousa” and “Chajnicke”
Repose of Blessed Elder Anthony of Murom, friend of St. Seraphim of Sarov (+1851)
Repose of Blessed Archimandrite Hieron, founder of New Athos monastery (+1912)
Repose of Blessed Abbess Rufina of Harbin and Shanghai (+1937)

DORMITION OF THE MOTHER OF GOD EVER-VIRGIN MARY, whose God-bearing body was taken after death into heaven; called also her “Taking-Up” or “Assumption”
Blessing of Flowers and Herbs
Octave Day of the Holy Name
Day within the Octave of St. Laurence
Martyr Tarsicius, acolyte, at Rome on the Appian Way
St. Eusebius, abbot, at Bethlehem, disciple of St. Jerome
St. Alipius, bishop of Tagaste, baptized with St. Augustine
St. Maccarthen, bishop of Clogher, in Ireland, disciple of St. Patrick
St. Altfried, bishop of Hildesheim
Martyr Napoleon at Alexandria
St. Arduin, hermit-monk, at Rimini
St. Stephen, king of Hungary, at Budapest

August 29 / August 16, 2023

Afterfeast of the Dormition
Translation of the Image Not-Made-By-Hands of our Lord Jesus Christ from Edessa to Constantinople (944) (“the 3rd feast of the Savior” in August)
Commemoration of Christ – the Father’s Hypostatic Wisdom
Martyr Diomedes the physician of Tarsis in Cilicia (+298)
St. Chaeremon (Cherimon, Cheremon) of Egypt, monk
St. Anthony, hermit of Martq’ophi, Georgia
St. Joachim, monk of Osogovo, Bulgaria
St. Gerasimos the New, ascetic of Cephalonia, on Mt. Athos
New Venerable-Martyr Nicodemus of Meteora, monk
New Martyr Stamatius of Volos, at Constantinople
St. Raphael of Banat, Serbia
Holy 33 Martyrs of Palestine
Martyr Alcibiades
St. Nilus, nephew of Emperor Theodore Laskaris, who rebuilt the monastery of the Mother of God monastery in Epirus
Finding of the relics of Martyrs Seraphim, Dorotheus, James, Demetrius, Basil, and Sarantes, of Megara
St. Timothy, archbishop of Euripus, founder of the monastery of Pentele
New Martyr Apostolos the Great, of St. Laurence, at Constantinople
Translation of the relics of Martyrs Seraphim, Dorotheus, James, Demetrius, Basil, and Sarantis, of Megaris
New Martyrs King Constantine Brâncoveanu of Wallachia; his sons Constantine, Stephen, Radu, and Matthew; and counsellor Ianache
St. Romanus of Djunis, Serbia
New Martyrs Priest Vladimir and his brother Boris (+1931)
New Hieromartyr Alexander Sokolov, priest of Tver (+1937)
St. Theodore (“Feodorovskaya”) Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos
Repose of Blessed Matrona Popova, disciple of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk (+1851)

Day within the Octaves of the Dormition and St. Laurence
St. Arsacius, soldier, hermit, at Nicomedia, who foretold the earthquake there
Repose of St. Arnulf, bishop, at Metz
St. Serena, wife of Diocletian, at Rome
Virgin-Martyr Artemia, daughter of Diocletian by St. Serena, slain by her brother
St. Simplician, bishop of Milan
Martyr Vamnes in Persia
Martyr Balsemius at Ramerude, near Troyes in France
St. Armagil, founder of monasteries, in Brittany
Martyr Ambrose the centurion, at Ferentino
Hieromartyr Titus, deacon, at Rome
St. Fraimbault, hermit, in Maine

August 30 / August 17, 2023

Afterfeast of the Dormition
Hieromartyr Myron, presbyter of Achaia, at Cyzicus
Martyrs Strato, Philip, Eutychian, and Cyprian, of Nicomedia
Martyrs Thyrsus, Leucius, and Coronatus, with other Martyrs, at Caesarea in Bithynia
Martyrs Paul, his sister Juliana, and Quadratus, Acacius, and Stratonicus, at Ptolemais in Syria
Martyr Patroclus of Troyes, Gaul (3rd century)
Venerable Elias of Calabria, monk (+903)
St. Alypius the iconographer of the Kiev Caves
St. Leucius, monk of Volokolamsk
St. Philip, monk, at Yankov, Vologda
New Venerable-Martyr Demetrius of Samarina in Eprius, at Ioannina
Blessed Theodoretus of Kola, enlightener of the Lapps, in Solovki
St. Raphael of Banat, in Serbia
Hieromartyr Jeroen, priest of Noordwijk, Netherlands (+857)
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Armatia” and “Svenskaya – Kiev Caves”
Repose of Blessed Schema-monk Onuphrius of Valaam (+1912)

Octave Day of St. Laurence
Day within the Octave of the Dormition
Martyrs Liberatus the abbot, Boniface the deacon, subdeacons Servus and Rusticus, monks Rogatus and Septimus, and the child Maximus, at Carthage, Africa
Martyr Mamas at Caesarea in Cappadocia
St. Tharcilla, aunt of St. Gregory the Great
Hieromartyr Myron, priest, at Cyzicus in Mysia
Martyrs Paul and his sister Juliana, at Ptolemais in Palestine
St. James, hierodeacon named by St. Bede, at York
St. Amor, abbot of Amorbach, in Franconia
Hieromartyr Hiero (Jeroen), priest, martyr of Egmont, Holland
Sts. Benedicta and her sister Cecilia, princesses, abbesses of Susteren, in Juliers
Martyrs Straton, Philip, Eutychian, and Cyprian, in Nicomedia
St. Anastasius, bishop of Terni
St. Drithelm, hermit, at Melrose
Blessed Carloman, king of Austrasia, monk
St. Theodulus, bishop of Sion in the Valais, in Switzerland
St. Elias I, hermit in Calabria

[SB: Holy Rule] Chapter 62 – Of the Priests of the Monastery – Apr. 17, Aug. 17, Dec. 17
If the Abbot desireth to have a priest or a deacon ordained, let him select from among his monks one who is worthy to discharge the priestly office.
But let the one who hath been ordained be on his guard against arrogance and pride, and let him not attempt to do anything but what is commanded him by the Abbot, knowing that he is now all the more subject to the discipline of the Rule; and in consequence of the priesthood let him not forget the obedience and discipline of the Rule, but advance more and more in godliness.
Let him, however, always keep the place which he had when he entered the monastery, except when he is engaged in sacred functions, unless the choice of the community and the wish of the Abbot have promoted him in acknowledgment of the merit of his life. Let him know, however, that he must observe the Rule prescribed by the Deans and the Superiors.
If he should otherwise, let him be judged, not as a priest, but as a rebel; and if after frequent warnings he doth not amend, and his guilt is clearly shown, let him be cast forth from the monastery, provided his obstinacy is such that he will neither submit nor obey the Rule.

August 31 / August 18, 2023

Afterfeast of the Dormition
Martyrs Florus and Laurus, of Illyria
Martyrs Hermes, Serapion, and Polyaenus, of Rome (2nd century)
Hieromartyr Emilian the bishop of Trebiae (Trevi, Umbria), and Martyrs Hilarion, Dionysius, Hermippus, and other Martyrs (about 1,000) of Italy (4th century)
Sts. John V and George I, patriarchs of Constantinople
St. Barnabas and his nephew St. Sophronius, monks of Mt. Mela monastery near Trebizond
St. Christopher, restorer and abbot of Mt. Mela monastery
St. Macarius, abbot of Pelecete
Repose of St. John, abbot of Rila, Bulgaria
St. Sophronius of St. Anna’s skete on Mt. Athos
St. Arsenius the New, at Paros
Uncovering of the relics of St. Arsenius the New of Paros
Martyr Juliana near Strobilos
Martyr Leo, drowned near Myra in Lycia
St. Julitta (Juliet)
Holy Four Ascetics
Holy 300 Martyrs
New Hieromartyrs Archimandrite Augustine of Orans, Protopresbyter Nicholas of Nizhni-Novgorod, and 15 other Martyrs with them, (+1918)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Hodigitria” of Trebizond

Day within the Octave of the Dormition
Martyr Agapitus, a youth aged 15, at Palestrina
Hieromartyrs Crispus and John, priests, at Rome
St. Helen, on the Lavican Way, who found the True Cross, mother of Emperor Constantine
St. Fiacre of Ireland, hermit, founder of Breuil monastery, in France
St. Dageus, bishop of Iniscaoin-Deghadh, in Ireland
Martyred brothers Florus and Laurus, and Martyrs Proculus and Maximus, in Illyria
St. Firminus, bishop, at Metz
St. Evan, hermit, in Ayrshire, in Scotland
Martyrs Hermas, Serapion, and Polyaenus, at Rome
Martyrs Leo at Myra in Lycia, and Juliana at Strobylum
St. Milo, monk of Fontenelle, hermit, at Caudebec
Hieromartyr Rusticus, bishop of Cahors, in France

September 1 / August 19, 2023

Afterfeast of the Dormition
Martyr Andrew Stratelates (the General) and 2,593 Martyred Soldiers with him, in Cilicia (3rd century)
Martyrs Timothy, Agapius, and Thecla, of Palestine
St. Pitirim, bishop of Perm
Opening of the relics of St. Gennadius, abbot of Kostroma
St. Theophanes, new wonderworker of Macedonia (Mt. Athos)
St. Callistratus
St. Credan, abbot of Evesham
St. Edbert, monk of Northumbria
New Hieromartyr Nicholas Lebedev, priest of Tver (+1933)
Don Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, and the Commemoration of the Deliverance of Moscow from the Tatars in 1591

Day within the Octave of the Dormition
Great-Martyr Andrew the Tribune, Martyr Magnus, and 2,598 other Martyrs, in Cilicia
St. Donatus, hermit-priest on Mt. Jura, Provence
Martyr Julius, senator, at Rome
St. Marian, hermit in Entreaigues forest
Hieromartyr Timothy the bishop of Gaza, and Martyrs Thecla and Agapius, in Palestine
Commemoration of the Appearance of the Cross to Emperor St. Constantine near Trier
St. Mochta of Louth, St. Patrick’s archpriest
St. Bertulf, abbot of Bobbio in Italy
St. Magnus, bishop of Avignon
St. Sebald, missionary and hermit, at Nuremberg
St. Elaphius, bishop, at Châlons-sur-Marne
Sts. Calminius the hermit and founder of Velais and Mauzac monasteries, and his wife Namadia the nun of Marsat
St. Guenninus, bishop, at Vannes
St. Marinus, bishop of Besalú
St. Badulf, abbot of Ainay near Lyons

September 2 / August 20, 2023

Afterfeast of the Dormition
Prophet Samuel (6th century B.C.)
Hieromartyr Philip the bishop of Heraclia, and with him Hieromartyr Severus the presbyter, and Martyrs Eusebius, Hermes
Martyrs Severus, Memnon the centurion, and 37 soldiers, in Thrace
Martyr Lucius the senator of Cyrene (Libya), on Cyprus
Hieromartyrs Heliodorus and Desan (Dausas, Dosas), bishops in Persia
Translation of the relics of Sts. Theodore the bishop of Rostov, and John the bishop of Suzdal
Martyrs Orion, Antilinus, Molius, Eudemonus, Silvanus, Sabinus, Eustace, Straton, and Bosbas, of Phillipopolis; Martyrs Timothy, Palmatus, Mestus, Nikon, Dyphilus, Dometian, Maximus, Neophytus, Victor, Rhinus, Saturninus, Epaphroditus, Cercanus, Gaius, Zoticus, Chronion, Anthonus, Horus, Zoilus, Tyrannus, Agatho, Pansthenus, Achilles, Panphirius, Chrysanthus, Anthinodorus, Panteleimon, Theosebius, and Genethlius
Commemoration of Martyr Photina the Samaritan Woman, in the church dedicated to her near the church of Blachernae
Martyr-King Oswin of Deira
St. Philibert of Jumierges, Gaul (+685)
Martyr-King Oswin of Northumbria (+651)
St. Credan, abbot of Evesham
Repose of Righteous Blessed Seraphim, hieromonk, spiritual writer, in Platina, California (+1982)

Day within the Octave of the Dormition
Sts. Samuel the Prophet, and his teacher Heli the priest
Martyr Porphyrius at Palestrina
St. Philibert, abbot, on Noirmoutier
Martyrs Leovigild and Christopher, monks, at Córdova
Martyr-King Oswin in Northumbria
St. Credanus, abbot, at Evesham
Martyrs Leontius and Carpophorus, at Vicenza
Martyr Lucius and other Martyrs, in Cyprus
St. Auctor, bishop of Trier
Hieromartyr Severus the priest, Martyr Memnon, and 37 soldier Martyrs, at Bizya in Thrace
St. Amator of Rocamadour, proto-hermit of Gaul
St. Haduin, bishop, at LeMans
St. Edbert of York, king, monk, in Northumbria
Blessed Burchard, bishop, canonist, at Worms
Translation of the relics of St. Stephen, king, in Hungary
Repose of Righteous Blessed Seraphim, hieromonk, spiritual writer, in Platina, California (+1982)

September 3 / August 21, 2023

Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Afterfeast of the Dormition
Icon of the Mother of God “Enlightener of Minds” (movable holiday on the Sunday after August 15th)
Apostle Thaddaeus of the Seventy
Old Testament: Sts. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
Martyr Bassa of Edessa in Macedonia, and her sons Theognius (Theogonius), Agapius, and Pistus (Fidelus)
St. Sarmean, catholicos of Kartli, Georgia
St. Abramius, archimandrite, wonderworker of Smolensk; and his disciple St. Ephraim
St. Abramius, monk, “Lover-of-Labor,” of the Kiev Caves
St. Theocleta, nun, wonderworker of Asia Minor
St. Cornelius the abbot of Palei Island (Paleostrov) in Valaam, and his disciple St. Abramius, monk
Martyrs Alexander, Dorotheus, and Joannicius
St. Isaiah of Mt. Athos
St. Hardulph of Breedon on the Hill, in Leicestershire
St. Avitus, bishop of Clermont (+594)
Hieromartyrs Priest Romul, Deacons Donatus and Silouan, and Martyr Venust, of Romania
St. Dositheus the Teacher, of Romania
New Hieromartyrs Alexander Yelokhovsky of Yaroslavl-Rostov (+1918), and Paul Yagodinsky of Saransk (+1937), priests
New Hieromartyr Raphael of Sisatovac, Serbia (+1941)

Twelfth Sunday after Trinity
Day within the Octave of the Dormition
Hieromartyr Privatus, bishop of Mende, in Gevaudan
Martyrs Bonosus and Maximian, soldiers, at Antioch in Syria
Martyr Anastasius the tribune, at Salona
Martyrs Luxorius and the boys Cisellus and Camerinus, in Sardinia
St. Moghtewe, abbot, in Ireland
Hieromartyrs Bishop Timothy and Priest Proterius, in Alexandria
St. Euprepius, bishop, at Verona
Martyr Cyriaca, widow, at Rome
Martyrs Bassa and her sons Theognis, Agapius, and Fidelis, at Larissa
St. Julian, bishop of Lescar in Béarn
St. Leontius, bishop of Bordeaux
Martyr Paternus of Egypt, near Rome
St. Hardulf of Breedon, in Leicestershire
Sts. Avitus I and Sidonius Apollinaris, bishops, at Clermont

September 4 / August 22, 2023

Afterfeast of the Dormition
Martyr Agathonicus of Nicomedia and his companions: Martyrs Zoticus, Theoprepius (Bogolep), Acindynus, Severian, Zeno, and other Martyrs, who suffered under Maximian
Virgin-Martyr Eulalia of Barcelona (+303)
Martyr Felix
St. Ariadne, empress
St. Anthusa of Seleucia
Hieromartyr Athanasius the bishop of Tarsus in Cilicia, St. Anthusa the abbess, and her servants Martyrs Charisimus and Neophytus, the servants of St. Anthusa
St. Bogolep, monk of St. Paisius of Uglich monastery
Martyrs Irenaeus the deacon, Or, and Oropsis
St. Theodora Xerotissa
St. Symphorian of Autun (2nd – 3rd century)
Venerable Sigfrid, abbot of Wearmouth (+688)
Martyr Parthenius, abbot of Kiziltashsky (+1867)
St. Isaacius I, elder of Optina (+1890)
New Hieromartyrs Alexis the archbishop of Omsk (+1937), John the bishop of Velikiye Luki (+1937), Theodore the bishop of Penza (+1937), with Martyr Hierotheus of Yaroslavl-Rostov, Hieromartyrs Hilarion and John of Chimkent the hieromonks, and Hieromartyr Alexander Ratkovsky the priest of Tver; (+1937)
Sts. Alexis Naumov and John Boyarshinov the priests of Perm (+1918), Basil Smirnov and Gabriel Archangelsky the priests of Penza (+1937), Michael Lyubertsev the priest of Tver (+1937), and Theodore Malyarovsky the priest of Chimkent (+1937)
New Hieromartyrs Ephraim the bishop of Selenginsk, and Protopriest John Vostorgov; (+1918)
New Hieromartyr Andrew the bishop of Ufa, and New Martyr Valentina; (+1937)
New Hieromartyr Gorazd, bishop, slain by the Nazis, at Prague
Georgian Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos at Moscow

Octave Day of the Dormition
Martyr Timothy at Rome on the Ostian Way
Martyr Symphorian at Autun
Martyrs Martial, Epictetus, Saturninus, Maprilis, Felix, and other Martyred Pilgrims, at Porto Romano
Martyr Antoninus in Rome
St. Musa, virgin, at Rome, named by St. Gregory the Great
St. Sigfried, abbot of Wearmouth, in England
Hieromartyr Athanasius the bishop, Martyrs Anthusa, and her servants Charisius and Neophytus, at Tarsus in Cilicia
Martyrs Agathonicus, Zoticus, and other Martyrs, in Bithynia
Hieromartyr Hippolytus, bishop, at the Port of Rome
Martyr Gunifortis at Pavia
Martyrs Fabrician and Philibert, at Toledo in Spain
Hieromartyr Maurus the priest, and 49 other Martyrs, in Reims
St. Ethelgitha, abbess, in Northumbria
St. Arnulf, hermit, at Eynesbury
St. Andrew, abbot of St.-Martin, Mesola, in Tuscany

September 5 / August 23, 2023

Apodosis of the Dormition
Martyr Luppus, slave of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica
Hieromartyrs Photinus (+177) and Irenaeus (+202), bishops, at Lyons
St. Callinicus I, patriarch of Constantinople
Holy 38 Martyrs of Thrace
Holy Martyr Ebba the Younger, abbess of Coldingham, Northumbria, and her Companions (+870)
St. Elizabeth
Hieromartyr Victor of Marseilles (3rd century)
St. Nicholas of Sicily, ascetic on Mt. Neotaka on the island of Euboea
Sts. Eutychius (+540) and Florentius (+547), of Nursia
Martyr Tydfil of Merthyr Tydfil
New Hieromartyrs Bishop Ephraim of Selenginsk and Protopresbyter John Vostorgov of Moscow, (+1918), Priest Paul Gaidao of Alma-Ata (+1937), and New Martyr Nicholas Varzhansky of Moscow (+1918)

Vigil of the Apostle Bartholomew
Martyrs Timothy and Apollinaris, at Rheims
Martyrs Donatus, Restitus, Valerian, Fructuosa, and 12 other Martyrs, at Antioch
Martyrs Claudius, Asterius, and Neon, brothers; Donvina the virgin, and Theonilla the widow; in Cilicia at Aegaea
Hieromartyrs Bishop Cyriacus, Priest Maximus, and Deacon Archelaus, at Ostia
St. Zachaeus, 4th bishop of Jerusalem
St. Theonas the Confessor, bishop, at Alexandria
Martyrs Minervus, Eleazar, and their 8 Martyred Children, at Lyons
St. Zachaeus, bishop of Antioch after St. Peter
St. Theonas, abbot, in Scetis
St. Eogain, abbot, in Ireland
Martyr Lupus the slave
St. Maximus, abbot and founder of Chinon monastery
Martyr Tydfil at Glamorgan, kin to St. Brychan
St. Victor, bishop of Vita
St. Eugene of Tyrone, bishop
St. Flavian, bishop of Autun
Martyrs Altigianus and Hilarinus, monks, at S.-Seine
Martyr Ebba II the abbess of Coldingham, and Martyred Nuns, martyred by Danes

September 6 / August 24, 2023

Hieromartyr Eutyches, disciple of St. John the Theologian
Translation of the relics of St. Peter, metropolitan of Kiev and All Rus
St. Arsenius, abbot of Komel, Vologda
St. George of Lemnos, monk, the confessor of Mt. Olympus
St. Martyrius, archbishop of Novgorod
Martyr Tation (Tatio) at Claudiopolis in Bithynia
Virgin-Martyr Sira (Cyra) of Persia
New Hieromartyr Cosmas of Aetolia, priest, equal-to-the-Apostles, missionary to 18th century Greece who suffered under the Turkish Yoke (also August 4)
St. Serapion the Wonderworker, abbot of St. John Baptist monastery at Garesja, Georgia
St. Dionysius of Zakynthos, archbishop of Aegina
Translation of the relics of St. Dionysius, archbishop of Aegina, to Zakynthos
St. Bregwine, archbishop of Canterbury
St. Peter of Moscow (“Petrovskaya”) Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos
Commemoration of the Most Holy Theotokos’ Appearance to St. Sergius of Radonezh

ST. BARTHOLOMEW the Apostle, martyr in India; and his disciple St. Ptolemy (Polimius), king, bishop
St. Owen, archbishop, at Rouen, in Normandy
Holy 300 Martyrs cast into a lime kiln – the “White Mass of Martyrs,” in Africa
Sts. Patrick the abbot and elder, and Gildard, at Nevers, in France
Martyrs Gregory, Theodore, and Leo, soldiers, at Samos
St. Patrick the Elder, abbot, in Ireland
Many Holy Martyrs at Caesarea under Dacian
Virgin-Martyr Aurea at Ostia
Hieromartyrs Ptolemy and Romanus, bishops of Nepi, in Tuscany
St. Eutyches, disciple of Apostles Paul and John, in Phrygia
Martyr Tation of Claudiopolis, in Bithynia
St. Rigomer, priest, at Soulignè sous Vallon
Martyr Gregory Limniotes of Mt. Olympus
St. Irchard, bishop of the Picts
Blessed Sandratus, abbot of Gladbach
St. Peter, metropolitan of Kiev

September 7 / August 25, 2023

Translation of the relics of Apostle Bartholomew from Anastasiopolis to Lipari in Italy
Apostle Titus of the Seventy, bishop of Gortyna on Crete (Titus 1:1-4, 2:15-3:3, 12-13, 15; Mat 5:14-19)
Sts. Barses and Eulogius the bishops of Edessa, and Protogenes the bishop of Carrhae (Haran), confessors
Sts. Menas, John the Cappadocian, and Epiphanius, patriarchs, at Constantinople
Synaxis of Hierarchs of Crete: Sts. Andrew the Wonderworker, Cyril the bishop of Gortyna, and Eumenius the bishop of Rome
St. Syncletica
St. Aredius of Limousin, Gaul (+591)
St. Gregory of Utrecht, in the Netherlands (+775)
Translation of the relics of St. Hilda of Whitby (+680)
St. Ebba the Elder, abbess of Coldingham, Northumbria, in England (+683)
New Hieromartyr Vladimir Meschansky, protopresbyter (+1938)
Repose of Blessed Abbess Magdalena of Sevsk convent (+1848)
Repose of Blessed Monk Benjamin of Valaam (+1848)

Martyrs Eusebius, Pontian, Vincent, and Peregrinus, at Rome
Martyr Genesius the actor, at Rome
Martyr Genesius, secretary who refused to copy the persecution edict, at Arles
Martyrs Nemesius and Lucilla
Hieromartyr Gerontius, bishop, at Italica
St. Titus, bishop, foe of Manichaeism
St. Ebba I, abbess of Coldingham, King Oswy’s sister
St. Hunegunda, virgin, at Homblieres
St. Edbert of York, king of Northumbria, monk
Translation of the relics of Hieromartyr Adalbert, archbishop of Prague
Translation of the relics of St. Hilda of Whitby, abbess
St. Mennas, patriarch of Constantinople
Martyr Maginus at Tarragona
Hieromartyr Julian, priest, in Syria
St. Patricia of Constantinople, virgin, at Naples
St. Gregory, abbot of St. Martin’s at Utrecht
St. Marcian, abbot, founder of St. Eusebius’, at Apt
Martyr Warinus (Warren), in France, brother of St. Leodegar

September 8 / August 26, 2023

Martyrs Adrian, Natalia, and 23 Martyred Companions, of Nicomedia
Meeting of the Vladimir Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos
Martyr Adrian the Prince, at Nicomedia
St. Tithoes of the Thebaid, disciple of St. Pachomius the Great
St. Adrian, abbot of Ondrusov, Valaam
Blessed Cyprian of Storozhno, former outlaw
St. Adrian, abbot of Poshekhonye, Vologda
St. Ibistion, Egyptian ascetic
St. Adrian of Uglich, disciple of St. Paisius of Uglich
Finding of the relics of St. Bassian, schema-monk of Alatyr monastery (17th century)
St. Zer-Jacob, missionary in Ethiopia
St. Joasaph, monk, king of India
Martyrs Atticus and Sisinius
St. Pandionia (Pandwyna), virgin of Eltisley
New Hieromartyr Nectarius (Trezvinsky), bishop of Yaransk (+1937)
Sts. George Kossov of Orlov (+1928), and Romanus Medved of Moscow (+1937), protopresbyters; and Victor Ellansky of Alma-Ata, priest; new confessors
New Martyrs Demetrius Morozov and Peter Bordan, (+1937) new martyrs of Alma-Ata
Commemoration of the “Vladimir” Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and the Deliverance of Moscow from Tamerlane in 1395
“Vladimir-Eletskaya” and Pskov Caves “Tender Feeling” Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos
Miraculous Renewal of the Vladimir Icon in the hands of Righteous Abbess Rufina in Harbin, Manchuria (+1925)
Repose of Blessed Schema-hieromonk Aristocleus of Mt. Athos and Moscow (+1918)

St. Zephyrinus, pope of Rome
Martyrs Irenaeus and Abundius, at Rome
Martyrs Secundus of Ventimiglia and Alexander of Bergamo, captains of the Theban Legion, in Italy
Sts. Aredius the abbot, and his mother Pelagia, at Atane
St. Bregwin, archbishop of Canterbury, disciple of St. Theodore
St. Eleutherius, bishop, at Auxerre
Martyrs Simplicius and his sons Constantius and Victorian, at Rome
Martyr Gelasinus at Heliopolis
Martyr Adrian at Nicomedia
St. Rufinus, bishop, at Capua
St. Elias, bishop of Syracuse
St. Felix of Pistoia, hermit
St. Pandwina, nun of Ettisley, in Cambridgeshire
Hieromartyr Vitores, priest, at Cerezo

September 9 / August 27, 2023

St. Poemen the Great, abbot
St. Poemen, monk, of Palestine
St. Sabbas monk, of Benethalon
St. Liberius, pope of Rome (+366)
St. Hosius the Confessor, bishop of Córdova
Hieromartyr Kuksha the priest, and his disciple St. Poemen (Pimen) the Faster, of the Kiev Caves
Martyr Anthusa the New
Translation of the relics of Sts. Theognostus, Cyprian, and Photius, metropolitans of Moscow
Great Martyr Phanurius the Newly-Appeared, of Rhodes
St. Caesarius, bishop of Aries (+543)
St. Theocletus, monk
St. Liudina
Martyr Hermit Decuman of Watchet
Baptism of St. Aetius, the Ethiopian eunuch of Queen Candace (also January 4)
New Hieromartyrs Priests Michael Voskresensky and Stephen Nemkov, and other Martyrs, of Nizhni-Novgorod (+1918)
New Hieromartyrs Hieromonk Methodius and Protopresbyter John Smirnov, of Moscow (+1937)

Hieromartyr Rufus, bishop, at Capua
Martyrs Rufus and Carpophorus, at Capua
Martyrs Marcellinus the tribune, his wife Mannea, their sons John and Babylas, Serapion, Peter the soldier, Chiro, Ammon, Bishop Meletius, Atheogenes, Ariston, Festus, Victor, Susanna, Zoilus, Domninus, and Memnon, at Tomis, in Egypt
Martyrs Aurelius and Felix, their wives Natalia and Liliosa, and the Palestinian Hierodeacon George, at Córdova
St. Caesarius, bishop, at Arles, who wrote a Rule for nuns
St. Sicarius, bishop, at Autun
St. Gebhard, bishop at Constance, Switzerland
Boy-Martyr Pelagius of Istria
Commemoration of the Baptism of St. Djan Darada, Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:26-39) by St. Philip
Virgin-Martyr Euthalia at Lentini in Sicily
St. Licerius, bishop of Couserans in Ariège, at Lacerda
St. Etherius, bishop, at Lyons
Martyr Decuman, hermit, near Dunster in Somersetshire
Virgin-Martyr Anthusa the Younger
Martyrs Honoratus, Fortunatus, Arontius, and Sabinian, at Potenza
St. John, bishop, at Pavia
Blessed Agilo, abbot of Sithiu
St. Narno, first bishop of Bergamo, in the region of Aquileia, in Italy
St. Malrubius, hermit of Merns in Scotland

September 10 / August 28, 2023

Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Martyr Moses the Black, abbot, of Scetis in Egypt
Synaxis of the Saints of the Kiev Caves whose incorrupt relics rest in the Far Caves of St. Theodosius
Uncovering of the relics of St. Job, abbot of Pochaev
St. Sabbas, abbot of Krypetsy
Righteous Anna the Prophetess, daughter of Phanuel
Righteous Hezekiah, king of Judah
St. Amphilocius, bishop, at Vladimir, Volhynia
St. Theodore, prince of Volhynia
Martyr-Queen Susanna (Shushanik), of Georgia
Martyrs Diomedes and Laurence
Holy 33 Martyrs of Heraclea
New Martyrs Archimandrite Sergius of Dormition monastery in Zilantov, Hieromonks Laurence and Seraphim, Hierodeacon Theodosius, Monks Leontius and Stephen, Novices George, Hilarion, John, and Sergius, (+1918)
New Hieromartyr Chrysostom, metropolitan of Smyrna (+1922)
New Hieromartyr Basil Sokolsky, priest of Alma-Ata (+1937)
Repose of Blessed Elder Philaret of Novo-Spassky monastery, in Moscow (+1842)

Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity
Repose of BLESSED AUGUSTINE the Confessor, Doctor, bishop of Hippo in Africa, who speculated erroneously, but was counted a Father and Teacher of the Church by the Sixth Ecumenical Council
Martyr Hermes and other Martyrs, at Rome (Some of the older books give St. Hermes as the main feast for today)
Martyr Julian at Brioude in Auvergne
St. Alexander, bishop, at Constantinople
St. Vivianus, bishop of Saintes
St. Daniel the Prophet and Susanna, whom he rescued
Martyr Moses the Black, abbot of Scetis
Martyrs Fortunatus, Caius, and Anteus, at Salerno
St. Ambrose, bishop, at Saintes
St. Facundinus, bishop, at Taino
Blessed Adelinda, nun, in Würtemburg, foundress of Buchau on the Federsee
St. Gorman, bishop of Schleswig

September 11 / August 29, 2023

The beheading of the Glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John
St. Alexander, abbot of Vocha, Galich
New Martyr Anastasius of Bulgaria, at Thessalonica
St. Theodora of Thessalonica
St. Arcadius, bishop of Arsinoë on Cyprus, the wonderworker
Translation of the relics of St. Joseph Samacus the Sanctified of Crete
St. Edwold, hermit of Cerne, Dorsetshire
St. Sebbi, monk and King of the East Saxons (+694)
New Hieromartyr Peter Reshetnikov, priest of Perm (+1918)
New Hieromartyr Peter, metropolitan of Krutitsa (+1936)
New Hieroconfessor Alexander (Orlov), hieromonk of Omsk (+1977)
Repose of Righteous Blessed Pachomius the Silent of Valdai monastery (+1886)

Beheading of St. John Baptist (he was slain before the pasch; his head was found and enshrined at Edessa today)
Martyr Sabinian and his sister Virgin-Martyr Sabina, at Troyes
Virgin-Martyr Sabina, matron, of Rome
St. Mederic, abbot at Autun, near Paris
Virgin-Martyr Candida, on Ostian Way, at Rome
Martyr Sabina (another), who buried St. Serapion
St. Edwold, king, hermit, and St. Edmund’s brother, at Carne, Dorset
St. Adelphus, bishop, at Metz
St. Sebbi, king of the East Saxons, monk, at London
St. Verona, virgin, at Louvain
Martyr Basilla at Smyrna
Martyrs Niceas and Paul, at Antioch, in Syria
Martyrs Vitalis, Sator, and Repositus, at Velleianum, in Apulia
St. Euthymius at Perugia
Hieromartyrs Hypatius the deacon and Andrew the priest, at Constantinople
St. Velleicus, abbot of Kaiserswerth
Blessed Alberic, hermit-monk of Ocri

September 12 / August 30, 2023

Afterfeast of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist
Synaxis of All Holy New Martyrs of Serbia
Sts. Alexander, John, and Paul the New, patriarchs of Constantinople
Synaxis of the Enlighteners and Teachers of Serbia, including holy hierarchs: Archbishops Sabbas I, Arsenius I, Sabbas II, Eustathius I, James, Nicodemus, and Daniel II; Patriarchs Joannicius II, Ephraim II, Spyridon, Macarius, and Gabriel I; and Bishop Gregory
Translation of the relics of St. Alexander Nevsky, prince, from Vladimir to St. Petersburg
Repose of St. Alexander, abbot of Svir
St. Christopher the Roman, monk, of Palestine
St. Fantinus the Wonderworker, monk, of Calabria (9th century)
Opening of the relics of St. Daniel Alexandrovich, prince of Moscow
St. Bryaene, abbess of Nisibis
St. Eulalius, bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia
Holy 16 Monk-Martyrs of Thebes
Holy Six Martyrs of Melitene
St. Sarmatas of “The Paradise of the Fathers”
Martyrs Felix the bishop, Januarius the presbyter, Fortunatus, and Septimus
St. Fiacrius of Brogillum, Gaul (+670)
Translation of the relics of St. Guthlac, hieromonk of Crowland
St. Peter Cheltsov the New Confessor, protopresbyter of Vladimir (+1972)

Hieromartyr Felix the priest and Martyr Adauctus (“Added”) whose name is unknown; he joined Felix; on the Ostian Way, at Rome
St. Gaudentia, virgin, at Rome
St. Agilus, abbot, at Rebais
St. Firminus II, bishop of Amiens
Hieromartyr Terence the bishop and Martyr Flaccus, at Todi in Umbria
Translation of the relics of St. Heribert, archbishop of Cologne
Hieromartyr Philonides, bishop, in Cyprus
St. Pammachius the Confessor, senator, at Rome
St. Aeonius, bishop of Arles
St. Modan, hermit, at Killmodan in Ulster
St. Ameltrudis, virgin, at Jumièges, in Normandy
St. Fantinus, abbot in Calabria
Martyrs Boniface and his wife Thecla, in Africa
St. Loarn, disciple of St. Patrick, at Downpatrick
Martyrs Pelagius, Arsenius, and Silvanus, hermits, near Burgos in Spain
St. Bononius, abbot of Locedio, who preached in Egypt and Syria
St. Peter, priest, preacher, at Trevi near Subiaco
St. Rumon, bishop, at Tavistock in Devon
Translation of the relics of St. Guthlac, hermit in Croyland

September 13 / August 31, 2023

The Deposition of the Cincture, or Sash, of the Most Holy Theotokos in Chalkoprateia church in Constantinople (395-408)
Hieromartyr Cyprian, bishop of Carthage (+258)
St. Gennadius and Gennadius Scholarius, patriarchs of Constantinople
St. Cyprian Tropsky, monk
St. John, metropolitan of Kiev
Holy Four Martyrs of Perge in Pamphylia
Martyrs Menas, Faustus, Andrew, and Heraclius
Martyr Phileortus
Martyr Diadochus
Martyr Basiliscus
Holy Seven Virgin-Martyrs of Gaza
Holy 366 Martyrs of Nicomedia
St. Paulinus, bishop of Trier (+358)
St. Aidan, founder and first abbot-bishop of Lindisfarne (+651)
St. Eanswythe, abbess of Folkestone, England (+640)
St. Cuthburga, abbess of Wimborne
St. Odda, monk of Pershore (Worcestershire)
New Hieromartyr Michael Kosukhin, priest of Tver (+1937)
All New Martyrs of Jasenovac in Serbia, who suffered between 1941 and 1945

St. Paulinus, bishop of Trier, in Phrygia
St. Aristides, philosopher, at Athens
St. Optatus, bishop of Auxerre
St. Aidan, bishop of Lindisfarne, at Glastonbury, apostle of Northern England
St. Cuthburga, queen, abbess, at Wimborne
St. Felix of Nola, priest
St. Eanswitha, abbess, granddaughter of King St. Ethelbert, at Folkestone, Kent
Hieromartyr Cesidius the priest and other Martyrs, in the Abruzzi, at Transaqui
Martyrs Theodotus and Rufina the parents of St. Mamas, and Martyr Ammia his foster-mother, in Cappadocia
Martyrs Robustian and Mark, at Milan
St. Babolenus, abbot of Bobbio
Translation of the relics of St. Columban, abbot of Luxeuil

September 14 / September 1, 2023

The Beginning of the Indiction, which is the New Ecclesiastical Year, Year 7532 (2023)
Some Greeks fast from today till the Elevation of the Cross
St. Symeon the Stylite (the Elder), and his mother St. Martha
Synaxis of the Most Holy Theotokos in the Miasena monastery near Melitene, Armenia
Hieromartyr Aïthalas the deacon, of Persia
Holy 40 Women Martyrs and their teacher, Hieromartyr Ammon the deacon, at Heraclea in Thrace
Martyrs Callista and her brothers Evodus and Hermogenes, at Nicomedia
Righteous Joshua the son of Nun (+1400 B.C.)
St. Meletius the New, monk, of Myoupolis in Greece
New Martyr Angelis of Constantinople
St. Evanthia, nun
St. Nicholas, monk of Kourtaliotiko Gorge on Crete
St. Simeon of Lesbos
St. Verena of Zurzach, Switzerland (+350)
St. Aegidius of Camargue, Gaul (+590)
Commemoration of the Great Fire at Constantinople about 470 A.D.
Synaxis of the Theotokos in Miasena monastery and the Commemoration of the Discovery of her Icon
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Chernigov-Gethsemane,” “Of Alexandria,” and “All-Blessed One”

The Beginning of the Indiction, which is the New Ecclesiastical Year, Year 7532 (2023)
St. Giles of Greece, confessor, abbot, at Narbonne
Martyr Priscus at Capua, companion of Apostle Peter
St. Jesus of Nave, also called Josuë, successor of Prophet Moses
St. Gedeon (Gideon) the Prophet
St. Anna the Prophetess (Luke 2:36-38) at Jerusalem
St. Sixtus the Confessor, bishop, at Rheims
St. Lupus, archbishop, at Sens
St. Victor the Confessor, bishop, at LeMans
Holy 12 Martyred Brothers at Benevento: Donatus, Felix, Arontius, Honoratus, Fortunatus, Sabinian, Septimius, Januarius, another Felix, Vitalis, Sator, and Repositus
St. Nivard the archbishop, and his disciple Martyr Abbot Bercarius the myrrh-streaming, at Rheims
Second Feast of St. Honoratus, bishop of Amiens
Translation of the relics of St. Rudesind (Rudy), bishop of Compostella
St. Drithelm the resurrected, monk, at Melrose, Northumbria
St. Verena, virgin, at Zurzach, Switzerland
Martyrs Vincent and Laetus, at Toledo
Hieromartyr Ammon the deacon, and 40 young Women-Martyrs, at Heraclea in Thrace
Hieromartyrs Bishop Priscus, and Priests Castrensis, Tammarus, Rosius, Secundus, Heraclius, Adjutor, Mark, Augustus, Elpidius, Canion, and Vindonius, confessors of Africa cast adrift by the Arians, in Italy
St. Lythan at Llandaff, in Wales
St. Constantius, bishop, at Aquino
Martyr Regulus of Africa, in Tuscany
St. Sulien, hermit of Angelesy, missionary, in Brittany
St. Agia, nun, at Mons
Sts. Giles and Arcanus, monks, in Italy, founders of Holy Sepulchre
Old Testament: Righteous judges of Israel: Caleb, Othonie, Aod, Debbora the prophetess and her husband Barac, Gedeon, Thola, Jabir, Jephte, Abesan, Ahialon, Abdon, Samson, St. Raab the former harlot, and St. Ruth the widow

September 15 / September 2, 2023

Martyr Mamas of Caesarea in Cappadocia, and his parents Martyrs Theodotus and Rufina
St. John the Faster, patriarch of Constantinople
Holy 3,628 Martyrs who suffered at Nicomedia
Old Testament: Righteous Eleazar the son of Aaron, and his son Righteous Phineas
Martyrs Aïthalas and Ammon of Thrace
Sts. Anthony and Theodosius, abbot-founders of Kiev Caves
Martyrs Diomedes, Julian, Eutychian, Hesychius, Leonid, Eutychius, Philadelphus, Melanippus, Parthagapas, and Theodore
St. Hieu, abbess of Tadcaster (7th century)
New Martyrs Bishop Damascene of Glukhov (+1937), his brother Priest Nicholas Tsedrik (+1917), Bishop Barsanuphius of Kirillov (+1918), Abbess Seraphima of Therapontov monastery (+1918); at Alma-Ata: Protopresbyter Euthymius Goryachev, and Priests Basil Zelensky, Victor Basov, and Vladimir Morinsky, (+1937); of Vologda: Priest John Ivanov (+1918); of Alma-Aa: Priests John Melnichenko, John Smolichev, Peter Novoselsky, Stephen Yaroshevich, Theodotus Shatokhin, and Nun Xenia, (+1937); of Vologda: Anatole Barashkov, Michael Trubnikov, Nicholas Burlakov, and Philip Marishev, (+1918)
Kaluga Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos

St. Justus, bishop, “the Angelic Man,” at Lyons; and St. Viator the hermit
St. Elpidius, bishop, at Lyons
Martyr Antoninus at Apamea in Syria
St. Elpidius (another), abbot in the marches of Ancona
Martyrs Diomedes, Julian, Philip, Eutychian, Hesychius, Leonides, Philadelphus, Menalippus, and Pantagapes
Martyrs Zeno and his sons Concordius and Theodore, at Nicomedia
St. Nonnosus, abbot of Mt. Soracte, at Friesingen, in Bavaria
St. Agricola, bishop of Avignon
Martyr Maxima at Rome
St. Valentine, bishop of Strasbourg
St. Castor, bishop of Apt, who requested St. John Cassian to write his Institutions
St. Lolan, bishop, in Scotland
St. Hieu, abbess of Tadcaster, in Yorkshire
Translation of the relics of Sts. Wulfhilda, Hildelitha, and Ethelburga, abbesses
St. Comus, hermit of Crete

September 16 / September 3, 2023

Hieromartyr Anthimus the bishop of Nicomedia, and those with him: Martyrs Theophilus the deacon, Dorotheus, Mardonius, Mygdonius, Peter, Indes, Gorgonius, Zeno, Domna the virgin, and Euthymius
St. Theoctistus, fellow faster of St. Euthymius the Great
Martyr-King Edward of England (+978)
Hieromartyr Aristion, bishop of lesser Alexandria in Cilicia
Martyr Basilissa of Nicomedia
St. Phoebe, deaconess of Cenchreae near Corinth
Blessed John “the Hairy,” fool-for-Christ at Rostov
St. Joannicius II, first patriarch of Serbia
New Martyr Polydorus of Cyprus, at New Ephesus
Martyrs Zeno, Chariton, Archontinus, and Vitalian
St. Constantine the New, emperor
Martyr Dasia
Translation of the relics of St. Nectarios, bishop of Pentapolis
St. Remaclus, bishop of Maastricht, in the Netherlands (+677)
St. Aigulphus of Provence, Gaul (+676)
New Hieromartyrs Bishop Pimen of Vernen and Sermirech (+1918), Priest Alexis Zinoviev of Moscow (+1937), and Deacon Peter Sorokin of Alma-Ata (+1953)
Pisidia Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos
Repose of Blessed Priest Peter, fool-for-Christ of Uglich (+1866)

Election and Ordination (Consecration) of St. Gregory I the Great (the Dialogist), pope of Rome
St. Phoebe, deaconess (Rom 16:1)
Finding of the relics of Virgin-Martyr Serapia at Rome
Martyrs Antoninus and Aristaeus the bishop, of Capua
St. Mansuetus, bishop, at Toul
Virgin-Martyrs Euphemia, Dorothy, Thecla, and Erasma, at Aquileia
Hieromartyr Antidius, bishop, at Tours
Child-Martyr Basilissa, nine years old, at Nicomedia
Martyrs Zeno and Chariton, martyred under Diocletian
St. Theoctistus, abbot, at Jerusalem
St. Angus Macniss, bishop of Connor
Martyr Aigulf the abbot, and other Martyred Monks, at Lérins
St. Ambrose of Sens, bishop
St. Auxanus of Milan, bishop
St. Maurilius of Cahors, bishop
St. Simeon Stylites the Younger
St. Natalis of Casale, priest
Martyr Frugentius, monk, at Fleury, slain with St. Aigulf
St. Hereswitha, nun of Chelles, St. Hilda’s sister
St. Regulus, bishop, at Rheims
St. Balin, monk, near Tuam, Ireland
Martyr Sandulf of Córdova
Sts. Paternus and Felician
Commemoration at Brookwood monastery of Martyr-King Edward of England

September 17 / September 4, 2023

Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Translation of the relics of Prince Peter (1228) and Princess Febronia (tonsured David and Euphrosyne), wonderworkers of Murom (movable holiday on the Sunday before September 6th).
Synaxis of New Martyrs and Confessors of Kazakhstan (movable holiday on the Sunday after September 3rd).
Hieromartyr Babylas the bishop of Antioch, and with him Youth-Martyrs Urban, Prilidian, and Epolonius; and their mother St. Christodula
Holy Prophet Moses the God-seer
Opening of the relics of St. Joasaph, bishop of Belgorod (also December 10) at Belgorod, in 1911
Martyr Babylas of Nicomedia, and with him 84 Martyred Children
Martyrs Theodore, Mianus (Ammianus), Julian, Kion (Oceanus), and Centurionus, at Nicomedia
Martyr Hermione, daughter of Apostle Philip the Deacon
St. Petronius of Egypt, monk, disciple of St. Pachomius the Great
St. Simon, abbot, wonderworker of Garesja, Georgia
Martyrs Theotimus and Theodulus, the executioners of Martyr Hermione
St. Eutychia
Martyr Charitina
Martyrs Thathuel (Sarbelus) and his sister Bebaia, of Edessa
Martyr Jerusalem of Beroea
Translation of the relics of St. Birinus, bishop of Dorchester-on-Thames and enlightener of Wessex
Translation of the relics of St. Cuthbert, bishop of Lindisfarne
New Martyrs Bishop Andrew of Ufa (+1937); Hieromonk Stephen of Tver and Protopresbyter Michael Bogorodsky (+1937); Priests Alexander Nikolsky, John Vasilevsky, Nicholas Khvoschev, Peter Lebedinsky, (+1937), Nicholas Lebedev (+1937), Nicholas Sretensky (+1937), Paul Vasilievsky; and Laymen Alexander Blokhin, Basil Yezhov, Peter Lonskov, and Stephen Mitiushkin, (+1937)
New Hieromartyr Peter, metropolitan of Dabro-Bosnia (+1941)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “The Bush that Burned yet was not Consumed”

Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity
Translation of the relics of Sts. Cuthbert of Lindisfarne and Birinus of Dorchester, bishops, to Durham
St. Moses the Prophet (In some books, St. Moses the Prophet is the main service today)
Martyrs Rufinus, Silvanus, and Vitalicus, children, at Ancrya in Galatia
Martyrs Feriolus, Fericiolus, and Marcellus, at Châlons-sur-Saône
Martyrs Magnus, Castus, and Maximus
St. Marinus the stonemason, deacon-hermit, in Tuscany
St. Hermione, daughter of Apostle Philip the deacon
St. Monessa, virgin, in Ireland
Hieromartyr Frodoald, bishop, at Mendes
St. Ida, widow, at Herzfeld in Westphalia
Virgin-Martyr Candida the Elder, at Naples, healed by St. Peter
Martyrs Thamel, his Sister, and other Martyrs, under Emperor Hadrian
Martyrs Theodore, Oceanus, Ammianus, and Julian
St. Silvanus, bishop of Verdun
St. Caletricus, bishop, at Chartres
St. Ultan, bishop of Ardbraccan
St. Rhuddlad, virgin, in Anglesey
Hieromartyr Sulpicius of Bayeux, bishop
St. Marcellus, bishop of Trier

September 18 / September 5, 2023

Holy Prophet Zacharias and Righteous Elizabeth, parents of St. John the Forerunner
Venerable-Martyr Athanasius, abbot of Brest, by the Latins
Martyrs Urban, Theodore, Medimnus, and 77 Martyred men in a diversity of ecclesiastical orders, at Nicomedia
Martyr Abdias (Abidas) of Persia
Martyr Sarbelus at Edessa
Martyrs Thathuel (Sarbelus) and his sister Bebaia at Edessa
Virgin-Martyr Rhaïs (Rose, Raissa, or Iraïda) of Alexandria
Martyrs Juventinus and Maximus, soldiers, at Antioch
Appearance of the Holy Apostle Peter to Emperor Justinian at Athera near Constantinople
Martyrdom of Holy Passion-bearer Gleb (in holy baptism, David), prince
Martyr Athanasius, abbot, slain by Roman Catholics

Dog days end
St. Taurinus the Confessor, bishop, of Evreux
St. Bertin, abbot of St. Omer’s, in France
Hieromartyr Victorinus, priest, at Contigliano in Italy
Martyr Herculanus at Porto Romano
Martyrs Quintus, Arcontius, and Donatus, at Capua
St. Victorinus, St. Jerome’s teacher
Martyr Romulus the courtier, in Greece
Martyrs Censurinus the prefect, Cyriacus the bishop, Maximus the priest, his deacon Archelaus, and the goalers Felix, Maximus, Taurinus, Herculanus, Venerius, Staurocinus, Mennas, Commodus, Hermes, Maurus, Eusebius, Rusticus, Monachius, Amandinus, Olympius, Cyprius, Theodore the tribune, and their godmother Virgin-Martyr Aurea, at Ostia
Martyrs Eudoxius, Romulus, Zeno, Macarius, and 1,100 other Martyrs, soldiers, at Melitene in Armenia
Virgin-Martyr Raïssa (Rose) at Alexandria
Martyr Aedas in Persia
St. Genebald, bishop, at Laon
St. Ansaric, bishop of Soissons
Passion of St. Gleb (David), son of St. Vladimir
St. Obtulia, virgin, at Toledo
Martyrs Urban, Theodore, and 78 Martyred Priests and Clergy, slain at sea by Arians, near Nicomedia
St. Anian, bishop of Besançon

September 19 / September 6, 2023

Commemoration of the Miracle of the Archangel Michael at Colossae, which is also known as Chonae, in Phrygia (4th century)
Martyrs Eudoxius, Zeno, Macarius, and 1,104 Martyred Soldiers, at Melitene in Armenia (311-312)
Martyr Romulus and 11,000 Martyred Soldiers, in Armenia (2nd century)
Martyrs Faustus the presbyter, Abibus the deacon, and 11 others: Cyriacus, Calodote, Macarius, Andrew, Cyriacus the acolyte, Dionysius the reader, Andrew the soldier, Andropolegia, Thecla, Theoctistus the ship-captain, and Serapabon the senator, in Alexandria
Hieromartyr Cyril, bishop of Gortyna on Crete
St. Archippus, monk, of Hierapolis in Phrygia
St. David of Hermopolis in Egypt
St. Beya, virgin, first abbess of Copeland in Cumbria (7th century)
St. Magnus of Fussen, enlightener of the Allgau region of Germany (750 – 772)
New Hieromartyr Maximus Sandovich, priest, slain by Roman Catholics (+1914)
New Hieromartyr Constantine Bogoslovsky, priest (+1937)
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Kievo-Bratskaya” and “Arapet”
Repose of Blessed Paisius the New of Mt. Athos (+1871)

St. Zacharias, prophet, who came from Chaldea to Judea and lies next to St. Aggeus
Sts. Donatian, Praesidius, Mansuetus, Germanus (Herman), and Fusculus, bishops; and Hieromartyr Laetus, bishop; in Africa
Martyrs Cottidus the deacon, Eugene, and other Martyrs, in Cappadocia
St. Eleutherius, abbot, at Rome
Hieromartyr Zacharias, priest, slain by King Joas (Matt. 23:35)
St. Onesiphorus at Rome, disciple of Apostle Paul
St. Maculin, bishop of Lusk, Scotland
Translation of the relics of Hieromartyr Eugene of Carthage, bishop
Hieromartyr Faustus the priest, Martyr Macarius, and 10 other Martyrs, at Alexandria
Martyrs Sanctian, Augustine, and Beata, at Sens
St. Petronius, bishop of Verona
St. Chainoald, bishop of Laon
St. Magnus, abbot of Füssen, Bavaria, St. Columban’s disciple
St. Arator, bishop of Verdon
St. Faustus, abbot of St. Lucy’s, Syracuse
Hieromartyrs Felix the priest and Augebert the deacon, in Champagne
Martyr Eve of Dreux
St. Bega, hermitess in Cumbria at St. Bee’s Head

September 20 / September 7, 2023

Forefeast of the Nativity of the Theotokos
St. Chrysostomos the New Confessor, metropolitan of Florina, champion against the new calendar and the heresy of Ecumenism (as the Greek True Orthodox Church split into two different groupings, the “Florinites” named after Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Florina and the “Matthewites” named after Archbishop Matthew of Athens [formerly of Bresthena], both the Florinites and the Matthewites have glorified their beloved hierarchs. St. Chrysostomos is commemorated on September 7 and St. Matthew is commemorated on May 14)
Martyr Sozon at Pompeiopolis in Cilicia
Venerable-Martyr Macarius, archimandrite of Obruch and later of Kanev
St. John, archbishop and wonderworker of Novgorod
Martyr Eupsychius of Caesarea in Cappadocia
Holy Apostles Euodus (Euodius, Evodus) and Onesiphorus, of the Seventy
St. Luke, third abbot of the monastery of the Deep Stream
Martyr Eutychius Syncleticus
St. Sabbas of Troas
St. John, archbishop, wonderworker, at Novgorod
Passion of Martyr Macarius, archimandrite, at Kanev
St. Cassiane the Hymnographer, nun
St. Amphilocius, of Pingarati monastery in Romania
St. Serapion, monk of Spaso-Eleazar monastery, Pskov (also September 😎
St. Cloud (Clodoald), abbot-founder of the abbey of Nogent-sur-Seine, near Paris, Gaul (+560)
St. Tilbert, bishop of Hexham
St. Alcmund, bishop of Hexham
New Hieroconfessor Anatolius, archbishop of Irkutsk (+1925)
New Hieromartyrs John Maslovsky (+1921), and Gregory Averin of Ivanovo (+1937), priests
St. Macarius, elder, hieroschemamonk, of Optina (+1860)

Vigil of the Nativity of the Mother of God
Martyr John at Nicomedia
St. Evortius, bishop at Orléans, first subdeacon of Rome
Virgin-Martyr Regina in Autun
St. Clodoald (Cloud), abbot of Nogent, near Paris
One of the feasts of St. Dunstan, 26th archbishop of Canterbury
Sts. Alkmund and Gilbert, bishops of Hexham, England
Martyr Eupsychius, at Caesarea in Cappadocia
Martyr Sozon at Pompeiopolis in Cilicia
St. Viventius, bishop of Reims
Hieromartyrs Priest Memorius, Deacons Felix and Sensatus, Subdeacon Maximian, and some 12 Martyred Boys, at Breuille in Champagne
Virgin-Martyr Germana, in Picardy, at Chapelles
St. Modoc, bishop of Ferns
St. Madelberta, abbess of Maubeuge, in Hainault
St. Pamphilus, bishop of Capua
St. Augustalis, bishop, in France
St. Gratus, bishop of Aosta, Piedmont
St. Carissima, nun of Viants, at Albi
St. Hilduard, bishop of Dickelvenne, in Flanders
St. Faciolus, monk of St. Cyran’s, at Poitiers

September 21 / September 8, 2023

St. Serapion, monk of the St. Eleazar monastery of the Savior, in Pskov
St. Lucian, abbot of Alexandrov, Vladimir
St. Arsenius, abbot of Konevets
New Martyr Athanasius of Thessalonica
Martyrs Rufus and Rufianus
Martyr Severus
Martyr Artemidorus
St. Sophronius, bishop of Achtaleia in Georgia
St. Kinemark, disciple of St. Dyfrig
Translation of the relics of St. Grimbald, abbot of Winchester
Sts. Ina the king of Wessex, and his queen Ethelburga, who later became the abbess of Lyminge (8th century)
New Martyr Alexander Jacobson (+1930)
New Hieromartyrs Archbishop Zacharias of Voronezh (+1937); Protopresbyter Alexis Uspensky of Perm; Priests Basil Razumov of Kostroma-Galich, Gregory Garyaev of Perm (+1918), Joseph Arkharov of Alma-Ata (+1937), and Sergius Uklonsky of Tver; Deacon Alexander Ipatov of Perm (+1918); and Martyr Basil Shikalov at Tver (+1937)
Venerated copies of the Icon of the Theotokos’ Nativity: “Syamskaya,” “Glinsk,” “Lukianov,” and “Isaakov”
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Kursk-Root” of the Sign, “Pochaev,” “Domnitz,” “Kholmsk,” and “Lesna”
Repose of Blessed Elder Daniel of Katounakia, Mt. Athos (+1929)

THE NATIVITY OF OUR LADY, THE THEOTOKOS, THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, who was born in answer to her parents’ prayer of faith
Translation of the relics of Martyr Adrian and 23 other Martyrs, at Rome
St. Natalia, widow of St. Adrian
Martyrs Ammon, Theophilus, Neotorius, and 22 other Martyrs, at Alexandria
Martyrs Timothy and Faustus, at Antioch
St. Corbinian, bishop of Freising, in Bavaria
Martyrs Eusebius, Nestabo, Zeno, and Nestor, at Gaza
St. Kingsmark the Confessor, chieftain, in Wales
St. Disibod, bishop, at Bingen in Germany
Sts. Ina the king of Wessex and restorer of Glastonbury, and his queen Ethelburga
Translation of the relics of St. Wendelin, shepherd of Trier
Martyr Achilles at Alexandria
Martyrs Rufinus and Rufinian

September 22 / September 9, 2023

Afterfeast of the Nativity of the Theotokos
Holy and Righteous Ancestors of God Joachim and Anna
Martyr Severian of Sebaste
Synaxis of the Venerable Fathers of the Glinsk hermitage
St. Joseph, abbot of Volokolamsk (or Volotsk)
Martyr Chariton
Martyr Strato (Stratonicus, Strator) at Nicomedia (same as September 13)
St. Theophanes the Confessor, faster, of Mt. Diabenos
Blessed Nicetas the Hidden of Constantinople
St. Joachim, abbot of Opochka monastery, in Pskov
Opening of the relics of St. Theodosius, archbishop of Chernigov
Commemoration of the Holy Third Ecumenical Council which banished the heresy of Nestorius and proclaimed that the Holy Virgin is truly Theotokos – “She who bare God in her womb”
Martyr Athanasius
Martyr Marinus
St. Kieran, founder of Clonmacnois monastery in Ireland (ca. 545)
St. Omer, bishop of Therouanne (+670)
St. Wulfhilda, abbess of Barking
St. Bettelin, hermit of Crowland
New Hieromartyr Warus, bishop of Lipetsk (+1938)
Repose of Blessed Elder Joachim of St. Anna’s skete, on Mt. Athos

Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Theotokos
St. Audomaurus (Omer) the Confessor, bishop of Thérouanne
Martyrs Dorotheus and Gorgonius, at Nicomedia
Martyrs Hyacinth, Alexander, and Tiburtius, martyred in the Sabines
St. Kiaran, abbot-founder of Clonmacnois, Ireland
St. Modwenna, virgin of Polseworth
St. Osmanna the Irish, hermitess, virgin near Brieuc
St. Dorotheus, abbot at Thebes, Egypt
St. Sergius the Syrian, pope, who had Agnus Dei sung at Mass
St. Wulfhilda, abbess of Barking, prophetess
Translation of the relics of St. Kunegunda of Germany, empress
St. Theophanes, hermit in the East
Martyr Severian at Sebaste
St. Bertellin, prince, hermit, at Stafford, England
St. Onnen in Brittany
Martyr Straton
St. Isaac the Great, catholicos, who translated the Bible into Armenian
St. Willfrida, abbess of Wilton, mother of St. Edith

September 23 / September 10, 2023

Afterfeast of the Nativity of the Theotokos
Martyrs Menodora, Metrodora, and Nyphodora, at Nicomedia
Martyr Barypsabas in Dalmatia
Sts. Peter and Paul, bishops of Nicaea
St. Pulcheria the Empress
Synaxis of the Holy Apostles Apelles, Lucius, and Clement, of the Seventy
St. Joasaph (in the world, Prince Andrew), monk of Kubena Lake, in Vologda
St. Paul the Obedient of the Kiev Caves
St. Cassian the abbot of the Kamenny monastery of the Savior, and St. Cyril of White Lake monastery
Holy Three Nuns who desert-dwelt upon a mountain
St. Callinicus
St. Salvius, bishop of Albi, Gaul (+584)
Venerable Finian, abbot, of Ulster, Ireland (+579)
St. Theodard of Maastricht (+668)
Translation of the relics of St. Egwin, bishop of Worcester
Translation of the relics of St. Ethelwold, bishop of Winchester
St. Frithestand, bishop of Winchester
New Hieromartyrs Ismael Kudryavtsev and John Sofronov, priests of Tver; Gleb Apukhtin, Eugene Popov, and Peter Grigoriev, priests of Yaroslavl-Rostov; and Priest Constantine Kolpetsky; (+1937)

Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Theotokos
Translation of the relics of St. Egwin, bishop of Worcester
St. Hilary, pope of Rome, foe of Eutychianism
Sts. Nemesian, Felix, Lucius, Felix (another), Litteus, Polianus, Victor, Jaderus, and Davitus; bishops; some of whom were martyrs, some of whom were confessors
Martyrs Sosthenes and Victor, at Chalcedon, executioners of St. Euphemia
St. Frithestan, bishop, at Winchester
Translation of the relics of St. Ethelwold, bishop, at Winchester
Translation of the relics of St. Augustine of England and Companions
St. Finian, bishop of Moville, in Ireland
Hieromartyr Theodard, bishop of Maastricht
Virgin-Martyrs Menodora, Metrodora, and Nymphodora, in Bithynia
Martyr Barypsabas, hermit, in Dalmatia
St. Agapius, bishop of Novara
St. Pulcheria, empress, at Constantinople
St. Veranus, bishop, in Provence
St. Salvius, bishop of Albi
St. Odger, deacon, in the Netherlands at Ruremund
Hieromartyrs Apelles the bishop of Smyrna, and Lucius the bishop of Laodicea, disciples of Christ (Rom 16:10, 21), and Clement
St. Candida the Younger, matron, wonderworker, at Naples
St. Autbert, bishop of Avranches, founder of Mont S.-Michel
St. Peter Martínez, archbishop of Compostela, Spain

September 24 / September 11, 2023

Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday before the Universal Elevation of the Precious and Life-Creating Cross of the Lord
Synaxis of All Saints of Altai (movable holiday on the Sunday after September 7th).
Afterfeast of the Nativity of the Theotokos
St. Theodora, nun, of Alexandria
Translation of the relics of Sts. Sergius and Herman (Germanus), of Valaam
Glorification of St. Xenia of St. Petersburg (1978)
St. Euphrosynus the Cook, monk at Alexandria
Martyr Ia and 9,000 Martyrs with her, at Persia
Martyrs Diodorus, Didymus, and Diomedes, of Laodicia
Martyrs Demetrius, his wife Evanthia, and their son Demetrian, at Skepsis in Mysia
St. Paphnutius the Confessor, bishop in the Thebaïd
Martyrs Serapion, Cronides (Hieronides), and Leontius, of Alexandria (same as September 13)
Martyrs Romanus, Isidore, and Leo
St. Zeno, bishop of Naples
Martyr Theodora of Vasta in the Peloponnesus
St. Deiniol, abbot-bishop of Bangor, Wales (+584)
St. Silouan, monk of Mt. Athos, elder (+1938)
New Hieromartyrs of Moscow: Protopresbyter Nicholas Podyakov and Priest Victor, (+1918)
Weeping Kazan Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos in Kaplunovka
Repose of young Elder Blessed Melchizedek of Mtsensk (+1846)

Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity
Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Theotokos
Martyrs Protus and Hyacinth, at Rome, on the old Salarian Way
St. Patiens, bishop, at Lyons
St. Elias, abbot, in Egypt, spiritual father to 300 nuns
St. Elias (another), abbot, disciple of St. Anthony, in Egypt
St. Veneratus, abbot, disciple of St. Anthony
St. Veneratus, monk under St. Benedict, hermit
Martyrs Felix and his sister Regula the virgin, at Zurich
St. Paphnutius the Great, bishop, in Egypt
St. Theodora of Alexandria, penitent
St. Adelphus, abbot of Remiremont, in Burgundy
St. Elias, abbot, in Calabria
Martyrs Diodorus, Diomedes, and Didymus, at Laodicea, in Syria
St. Emilian, bishop of Vercelli
St. Deinol (Daniel), first bishop of Bangor
Martyr Vincent of León, abbot
St. Almirus of Gréez, abbot
St. Bodo, bishop of Toul

September 25 / September 12, 2023

Apodosis of the Nativity of the Theotokos
Translation of the relics of St. Symeon of Verkhoturye
Hieromartyr Autonomus, Italian bishop, at Soreos near Nicomedia (+313)
St. Coronatus (Cornutus), bishop of Iconium
Hieromartyr Julian the presbyter (same as September 13), and 40 Martyrs with him, in Galatia
Hieromartyr Theodore of Alexandria
St. Athanasius, disciple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, abbot of the Vysotsky monastery in Serpukhov; and his disciple St. Athanasius
St. Bassian, who dwelt by the Tiksna River, Vologda
Hieromartyr Dositheus, metropolitan of Tbilisi, Georgia
St. Nicodemus
Martyrs Macedonius, Tatian, and Theodulus, at Myropolis in Phrygia
St. Daniel of Thasios Island in Bithynia, monk
St. Sacerdos, bishop of Lyons, Gaul (+551)
St. Ailbhe (Elvis) of Emly (+527)
New Martyrs of Ivanovo: Protopresbyter Theodore Lebedev and Alexis Voroshin, (+1937)

Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Theotokos
Translation of the relics of St. Hermagoras
Sts. Cyrus and Eventius, bishops, at Pavia, disciples of St. Hermagoras
St. Sacerdos, bishop, at Lyons
Martyr Nicetas at Nicomedia
St. Elvis (Ailbas), bishop of Emley, in Ireland
Hieromartyr Serapion, bishop, at Catania in Sicily
Hieromartyr Autonomus, bishop, at Paphlagonia
Martyrs Macedonius, Theodulus, and Tatian, at Merus in Phrygia
St. Reverentius, priest, at Bayeux, in Normandy
St. Guido (Guy), farmer, pilgrim, at Anderlecht in Brabant
St. Curonotus, bishop, at Iconium
Hieromartyr Hieronides the deacon; Martyrs Leontius and Serapion, brothers; Martyrs Seleucus, Valerian, and Straton; at Alexandria
St. Silvinus, bishop of Verona
St. Bonna, birgin of Treviso

September 26 / September 13, 2023

Forefeast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Dedication of the Church of the Resurrection at the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem
Hieromartyr Cornelius the Centurion
Hieromartyr Julian, presbyter, in Galatia (same as September 12)
St. Peter of Atroë, Bithynia
Martyrs in Scythia Minor (Romania): Elias, Zoticus, Lucian, and Valerian, at Tomi; Macrobius and Gordian, at Noviodunum
Martyrs Cronides, Leontius, and Serapion, of Alexandria (same as September 11)
Martyr Seleucus in Galatia
Martyr Strato (Stratonicus, Strator) at Nicomedia (same as September 9)
St. Hierotheus the New, monk of Iveron monastery on Mt. Athos
St. John of Prislop, in Romania
Great-Martyr Ketevan, queen of Kakhetia, in Georgia
St. Cornelius of Padano (Olonets) the disciple of St. Alexander of Svir, and with him Sts. Dionysius and Misael
St. Basil, monk of Iberia
Venerable Litorius, bishop of Tours (+370)
New Hieromartyrs Priest Alexander Aksenov of Alma-Ata, and Priest Stephen Kostogriz, (+1937)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Dubovich”
Repose of Blessed Dorotheus, last hermit of the Roslavl forests (+1865)

Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Theotokos
Hieromartyr Philip, bishop, at Alexandria, father of St. Eugenia
St. Amatus, hermit, abbot of Remiremont in Lorraine
St. Maurilius, bishop, disciple of St. Ambrose, at Angers
St. Lidorius, bishop, in Tours
Martyr Ligorius the Greek, at Venice
Hieromartyr Julian, priest, at Ancyra, Galatia
St. Nectarius, bishop of Autun
St. Eulogius, patriarch of Alexandria
St. Venerius, priest-hermit, on the isle of Tino in the Gulf of Spezia
St. Amatus, bishop of Sion in the Valais
St. Columbinus of Luré, abbot
St. Barsenorius, abbot of Holy Cross in Evreux
Blessed Hedwig, abbess, at Herford, in Westphalia
Translation of the relics of Sts. Augustine, Laurence, Mellitus, Justus, Honorius, Deusdedit, Theodore, and Others, Archbishops of the English, at Canterbury

September 27 / September 14, 2023

(Today is a fast day)
Repose of St. John Chrysostom, archbishop of Constantinople
Martyr Papas of Lycaonia
St. Placilla the Empress, wife of Theodosius the Great
New Martyr Macarius, monk of Mt. Athos, at Thessalonica
Commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council (Greeks celebrate this on September 14 while Russians celebrate this on the Sunday after October 11)
Martyr Theocles
Child-Martyr Valerian
New Martyrs Ignatius the archimandrite of Voronezh (+1932), Demetrius Ignatenko the protopresbyter of Moscow (+1935), John Borozdin the protopresbyter of Moscow, Mary the nun at Chimkent, and Ludmilla Petrova of Chimkent (+1937)
“Lesna” Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos

EXALTATION OF THE HOLY CROSS, which Emperor Heraclius brought to Jerusalem
Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Theotokos
Hieromartyr Cornelius the pope of Rome, Martyrs Caerealis the soldier, his wife Sallustia, and 16 other Martyrs, in Rome
Hieromartyr Cyprian of Carthage, bishop, who taught there is no Baptism outside the Chuch; and Martyrs Victor, Crescentian, Rosula, and Generalis; in Africa
Child-Martyr Crescentius, lad of 11, at Rome
St. Maternus, bishop of Cologne, apostle of Lower Rhine
St. Cormac of Cashel, king of Munster, bishop
St. Odilard, bishop of Nantes
Old Testament: Sts. Tobias, Widows Judith and Ruth, and Queen Esther

September 28 / September 15, 2023

Afterfeast of the Exaltation of the Life-Creating Cross
Great-Martyr Nicetas the Goth (+372)
St. Philotheus the Presbyter, of Bithynia
Martyr Porphyrius the Actor
Finding of the relics of St. Acacius the Confessor, bishop of Melitene
St. Placilla, empress
Hieromartyr Phileus the bishop, and many other Martyrs with him
Finding of the relics of Holy Protomartyr and Archdeacon Stephen
St. Mary, nun of Aegissa
Martyrs Theodotus, Asclepiodota, and Maximus, near Philippopolis
Sts. Bessarion I and Bessarion II, archbishops of Larissa
Martyr Macarius of Thessalonica, monk
St. Gerasimus, abbot of Sourbia, Thessaly
St. Joseph, bishop of Alaverdi in Georgia
Martyr Theclus
Child-Martyr Valerian
Martyr Leonid
Holy Two Virgin-Martyrs
New Martyr John of Crete, at New Ephesus
St. Joseph the New, metropolitan of Timišoara, Romania
St. Mirin, abbot of Paisley, Scotland
New Hieromartyr James Leonovich, priest (+1937)
“Novonikitskaya” Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos

Octave Day of the Nativity of the Theotokos
Hieromartyr Nicomedes, priest, martyred at Rome, on Numentian Way
Martyr Valerian in Châlons
St. Aprus, bishop, at Toul
Translation of the relics of St. Leobinus, bishop, at Chartres
St. Aicard, abbot of Jumièges
Holy Two Monk-Martyrs of Italy hanged by the Lombards
Martyrs Macrobius, Gordian, Zoticus, Lucian, and Heli; and St. Valerian who wept over them; at Tomi or Ancyra
Martyr Melitina on Lemnos
Martyrs Maximus, Theodotus, and Asclepiodotus, in Thrace
St. Albinus, bishop of Lyons
St. Mamilian, bishop of Palermo
St. Leuthard, count of Cleves
Martyr Porphyrius the Actor
St. Eutropia, widow, at Auvergne
St. John the Dwarf, hermit, in Egypt
St. Joseph, bishop of Alaverdi, in Georgia
St. Hernan, recluse, in Brittany
St. Merinus of Benchor, bishop
St. Ritbert the abbot at Varennes, and St. Ritbert the abbot of S.-Valéry

September 29 / September 16, 2023

Afterfeast of the Exaltation of the Life-Creating Cross
Great-Martyr Euphemia the All-praised of Chalcedon
Martyr Ludmila, princess of the Czechs and grandmother of St. Wenceslaus (Vyacheslav)
Martyrs Victor and Sosthenes, with Great-Martyr Euphemia
Martyr Sebastiana, disciple of Apostle Paul, at Heraclea
Martyr Melitina of Marcianopolis in Thrace
St. Dorotheus, hermit of Egypt
Repose of St. Cyprian, metropolitan of Kiev
St. Procopius, abbot of Sazava in Bohemia
New Martyrs Isaac and Joseph the Georgians, brothers, at Theodosiopolis
St. Ebbiotus the Studite, monk
St. Ninian, apostle to the Southern Picts, abbot of Candida Casa monastery in Scotland, bishop of Whithorn (+432)
St. Edith, nun of Wilton, England (+984)
New Hieromartyr Gregory Raevsky, protopresbyter (+1937)
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Look Upon the Lowliness” and Kamenny “Of the Sign”

Great-Martyr Euphemia at Chalcedon
Martyrs Lucy the matron and Geminian, at Rome
St. Edith, royal abbess of Wilton, near Salisbury
St. Ninian, bishop, apostle of the E. Picts, at Whithorn, in Scotland
Martyrs Abundius the priest, Abundantius the deacon, Marcian, and John, at Rome
Virgin-Martyrs Einbeda, Vorbeda, and Wilbeda, of St. Ursula’s company, at Strasbourg
Martyrs Rogelius and Servusdei, at Córdova
Martyr Ludmilla, widow, at Tetin, in Bohemia
Martyr Sebastiana at Heraclea in Thrace, converted by St. Paul
Virgin-Martyr Dulcissima at Sutri
St. Cunibert, abbot, at Marolles
St. Eugenia, abbess of Hohenburg
St. Stephen of Perugia, abbot

September 30 / September 17, 2023

Afterfeast of the Exaltation of the Life-Creating Cross
Martyrs Sophia and her three daughters: Faith (Vera), Hope (Nadezhda), and Love or Charity (Lyubov), at Rome
Martyr Agathocleia
Martyr Theodota at Nicaea
Holy 156 Martyrs in Palestine, including Bishops Peleus and Nilus, Presbyter Zeno, and Noblemen Patermuthius and Elias
Martyrs Lucy and her son Germinian, of Rome (+303)
Hieromartyrs Heraclides and Myron, bishops of Tamasos on Cyprus
Holy 100 Martyrs in Egypt
Martyrs Charalampus, Pantoleon, and other Martyrs
Sts. Anastasius and Eusipius, monks, in Cyprus
Martyrs Ridora and Neophyta
Martyr Solochon
Martyrs Socrates and Stephanus of Monmouthshire
Hieromartyr Lambert of Maastricht (+704)
New Martyrs John Korotkov (+1941) and Vera Trux (+1942)
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Constantinopolitan” and “Makaryevskaya”
Repose of Blessed Agapius, disciple of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk (+1825)
Repose of Blessed Lay-Recluse Matthew of St. Petersburg (+1904)

Hieromartyr Lambert the bishop, and his nephews Martyrs Peter and Audolec, at Liége
St. Justin the Confessor, priest, at Rome
Martyrs Narcissus and Crescentio, at Rome
Martyrs Socrates and Stephen, at Monmouth, in Wales
Martyrs Valerian, Macrinus, and Gordian, at Noyon
Hieromartyr Emilio the deacon, and Martyr Jeremias, at Córdova
Boy-Martyr Floscellus, at Beaune, Burgundy
St. Cerbonius, bishop of Verona
Translation of the relics of St. Tarasius the patriarch, from Constantinople to Venice
Hieromartyrs Heraclides and Myron, bishops, in Cyprus
Martyr Agatholica, servant, in the East
St. Satyrus, lawyer, at Milan, brother of St. Ambrose
St. Roding, abbot, at Beaulieu in Champagne
Virgin-Martyr Columba at Córdova
Martyr Ariadne, servant, in Phrygia
St. Theodora, matron, at Rome
St. Hunni, bishop of Hamburg-Bremen, at Birka, Sweden

October 1 / September 18, 2023

Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday after the Universal Elevation of the Precious and Life-Creating Cross of the Lord
Afterfeast of the Exaltation of the Life-Creating Cross
St. Eumenius, bishop of Gortyna on Crete
Martyr Ariadne of Phrygia
Martyrs Sophia and Irene, of Egypt
Martyr Castor of Alexandria
St. Arcadius, bishop of Novgorod
Great-Martyr Prince Bidzina, and Martyrs Elizbar and Shalva the princes of Ksani, in Georgia
St. Hilarion, elder and hieroschemamonk of Optina (+1873)
Glorification of St. Euphrosynus of Suzdal, monk
New Hieromartyrs Bishop Amphilocius of Yeniseisk, Protopresbyter John Vasiliev at Tver, Priest Boris Bogolepov, Priest Vladimir Chekalov, Priest Michael Skobelev, and Martyred Layman Sergius Vedernikov; (+1937)
Molchen Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “She That Heals,” and the Staraya Russa Icon (its return to Staraya Russa in 1888)
Repose of Blessed Irene of the Green Hills monastery of the Savior (18th century)

Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity
Martyr Ferreolus, captain, at Vienne
Hieromartyr Methodius of Olympus, bishop, at Chalcis in Greece, who wrote against Origen
St. Eustorgius I, bishop of Milan
St. Ferreolus, bishop of Limoges
Hieromartyr Desiderius and Martyr Reginfried, in Alsace
St. Ricarda, empress, nun of Andlau, in Alsace
Martyrs Sophia and Irene, in Egypt
St. Eumenes of Crete, bishop
St. Higbald, abbot, hermit, in Lincolnshire
Translation of the relics of St. Winnoc, abbot
Virgin-Martyr Stephana near Amalfi, Italy

October 2 / September 19, 2023

Afterfeast of the Exaltation of the Life-Creating Cross
Martyrs Trophimus, Sabbatius, and Dorymedon, at Antioch in Pisidia and at Synnada in Phrygia
Holy Passion-bearer Igor-George (in the schema, Ignatius), prince of Chernigov and great prince of Kiev
St. Theodore the prince of Smolensk and Yaroslavl, and his sons Sts. David and Constantine
St. Dius
Martyr Zosimas, anchorite of Cilicia
Hieromartyr Januarius the bishop of Benevento, and his companions: Martyrs Festus (Faustus), Proculus, and Sosius (Sossus), deacons; Desiderius, reader; Gantiol, Eutychius, and Acutius, laymen; at Puteoli (Pozzuoli) (same as April 21)
St. Macarius, monk of the High Lake
St. Theodore of Tarsus, archbishop of Canterbury (+690)
St. Sequanus, abbot of Segestre, Gaul (+580)
St. Alexis, heiroschemamonk of Zosima hermitage (+1928)
New Hieromartyrs Protopresbyter Vladimir Dzhurinsky of Alma-Ata (+1920), and Protopresbyter Constantine Golubiev of Moscow and the Martyred Men and Women with him (+1918)

Virgin-Martyr Winefred of Wales
St. Theodore the Greek, confessor, 7th archbishop of Canterbury
Hieromartyr Januarius the bishop of Benevento, and his companions: Martyrs Festus (Faustus), Proculus, and Sosius (Sossus), deacons; Desiderius, reader; Gantiol, Eutychius, and Acutius, laymen; at Puteoli (Pozzuoli)
Hieromartyrs Peleus and Nilus, bishops; Martyr Elias and Many other Martyrs; in Palestine
Martyrs Felix and Constantia, at Novera
St. Sequanus, abbot of S.-Seine, in Langres
St. Eustochius, bishop, at Tours
St. Goeric (Abbo), bishop of Metz
Martyrs Trophimus, Sabbatius, and Dorymendon, in Asia
Martyr Susanna, deaconess, at Eleutheropolis
Martyr Pomposa, nun of Peñamelaria, at Córdova
St. Miletus, bishop of Trier

Saturday, October 3 / September 20, 2023

Great-Martyr Eustathius (Eustace) Placidas, his wife Martyr Theopista, and their children Martyrs Agapius and Theopistus, of Rome
Martyrs Michael the great prince of Kiev, and his boyar Theodore, wonderworkers of Chernigov
St. Oleg (in monasticism, Basil), prince of Briansk
Martyr John the Confessor of Egypt, beheaded in Palestine, and with him 40 other Martyrs
Sts. Theodore, Euprepius, and Two named Anastasius, confessors and disciples of St. Maximus the Confessor
New Venerable-Martyr Hilarion of Crete, monk of St. Anna’s skete on Mt. Athos, at Constantinople
Martyrs Artemidorus and Thalalaeus (Thalus)
St. Meletius, bishop on Cyprus
St. John the God-bearer of Crete, monk
St. Tatiana
New Hieromartyrs Archbishop Anatole of Irkutsk (+1925), and Priest Alexander Tetiuyev of Perm (+1937)

In some places Michaelmas Fast begins on the morrow
Vigil of St. Matthew Apostle
Virgin-Martyr Fausta, and her judge Evilasius who was converted by her, at Cyzicum
Passion of Hieromartyr Eulogius, priest, writer, martyred for protecting a girl who converted from Islam, at Córdova, in Spain
Martyrs Dionysius and Privatus, in Phrygia
St. Agapitus, pope, foe of Monophysitism
Sts. Speciosus and Gregory, brothers, monks clothed by St. Benedict, at Terracina
Martyrs Theodore and Socrates the soldiers, Dionysius the former sorcerer; and Martyr Philippa, Theodore’s mother, crucified at Perge in Pamphylia
Virgin-Martyrs Digna and Emerita, sisters, at Rome
Virgin-Martyr Candida (Blanche) at Carthage
Martyr Priscus in Phrygia
St. Glycerius, bishop, at Milan
St. Vincent Madelgar, husband of St. Waldetrudis, abbot and founder of Soignies
Martyrs Eusebia and 39 of her Nuns, at St.-Cyr

October 4 / September 21, 2023

Apodosis of the Exaltation of the Life-Creating Cross
Apostle Quadratus (Codratus) of the Seventy
Opening of the relics of St. Demetrius, metropolitan and of Rostov
Hieromartyrs Hypatius the bishop of Ephesus, and his presbyter Andrew, at Constantinople
Holy Six Martyrs
Martyr Eusebius of Phoenicia
Martyr Priscus of Phrygia
Martyrs Eusebius, Nestabus, and Zeno, of Gaza
Martyr Bassa of Tyre
Martyrs Nestor and Busiris
Sts. Laurence and Agnes
Sts. Isaacius and Meletius, bishops on Cyprus
St. Joseph, founder of Zaonikiev hermitage, in Vologda
St. Daniel, abbot of Shuzhgora, in Novgorod
St. Jonah the Presbyter (the Sabbaite), father of St. Theophanes the hymnographer and St. Theodore Graptus
Synaxis of All Saints of Uglich
New Hieromartyrs Metropolitan Theophan of Lipetsk and Belorussia (+1937), Archimandrite Maurice of Alma-Ata, Protopresbyter Alexis Stabnikov of Perm, Priest Alexander Fedoseyev of Perm (+1918), Priest Valentine Nikolsky (+1937), Priest John Bistrov (+1938), Priest Constantine Shirokinsky of Perm (+1918), and Martyrs Basil Kondratiev and Vladimir Pravdoliubov of Alma-Ata (+1937)

ST. MATTHEW THE APOSTLE and Evangelist. He was slain in Lesser India; his gospel in Hebrew was found in the time of Emperor Zeno. His symbol, according to the vision of Ezechiel, is the Man.
Beginning of Michaelmas Fast
Ember Wednesday in September
St. Ephigenia, Ethiopian princess, abbess, veiled by Apostle Matthew
St. Laudus, bishop of Coutances, in Normandy
Hieromartyr Alexander, bishop, 20 miles from Rome, on the Claudian Way
Martyr Pamphilus at Rome
Martyr Gerulf at Dronghen in Flanders
St. Maura, virgin, in Champagne, at Troyes
Martyr Eusebius of Phoenicia
Hieromartyrs Isaac and Meletius, bishops, in Cyprus
St. Mabenn, a daughter of St. Brychan

October 5 / September 22, 2023

Hieromartyr Phocas, bishop of Sinope
Prophet Jonah
St. Jonah the Presbyter (the Sabbaite), father of St. Theophanes the hymnographer and St. Theodore Graptus
Holy 26 Martyrs of Zographou monastery on Mt. Athos, martyred by proponents of a union with the Papacy (see October 10): Abbot Thomas, monks Barsanuphius, Cyril, Micah, Simon, Hilarion, Job, James, Cyprian, Sabbas, James, Martinian, Cosmas, Sergius, Paul, Menas, Joasaph, Joannicius, Anthony, Euthymius, Dometian, Parthenius, and Four Laymen
Martyr Phocas the Gardener of Sinope
St. Peter of Constantinople, the former tax-collector in Africa
St. Jonah, abbot of Yash Lake
St. Cosmas of Zographou monastery on Mt. Athos
Martyrs Isaac, Martin, and Nicholas
St. Alexander
St. Macarius, abbot of Zhabyn
Synaxis of All Saints of Tula
St. Theophanes the Silent, recluse of the Kiev caves
Hieromartyr Emmeram, bishop in Gaul, martyred at Regensburg, Bavaria (+690)
New Hieroconfessor Benjamin, bishop of Rybinsk (+1932)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “She Who is Quick to Hear”
Repose of Blessed Abbot Innocent of Valaam (+1828)
Repose of Blessed Parasceva “Pasha of Sarov,” fool-for-Christ of Diveyevo convent (+1915)

Martyrs Maurice, Exuperius, Candidus, Victor, Innocent, and some 6,600 other Martyrs of the Theban Legion, near Sion in France
Hieromartyr Emmeramus, bishop, at Helfendorf, Bavaria
St. Florentius, priest-hermit, founder of S.-Florence-le-Vieux, near Mt. Glonna
St. Silvanus of Levroux, bishop, near Bourges
St. Silvanus, abbot at Scetis, penitent, excommunicated by St. Pachomius, and received in repentance
Hieromartyr Jonas, priest, companion of St. Dionysius, near Paris
St. Sanctinus of Meaux, bishop, in France
Virgin-Martyr Drosa at Antioch in Syria
St. Gunthilda, abbess and inspector of convent schools, in Bavaria

October 6 / September 23, 2023

The Conception of the Honorable, Glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John
Martyrs Andrew and John, and his Martyred sons Peter and Antoninus, martyred at Syracuse (Sicily), in Africa
Virgin-Martyr Rhaïs (Iraïs or Raissa) of Alexandria
Sts. Xanthippa and Polyxena (+109), disciples of the Apostles, who died in Spain
New Martyr Nicholas the Grocer, at Constantinople
New Martyr John of Epirus
St. Rebecca, nun
Glorification of St. Innocent of Alaska in 1977, metropolitan of Moscow
St. Adomnan, abbot of Iona, biographer of St. Columba (+704)
St. Aelfwald, king of Northumbria
New Hieromartyr Arsenius, archimandrite (+1937)
Repose of Blessed Abbess Eupraxia of Old Ladoga convent (+1823)
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Slovenskaya” and the Hawaiian copy of her “Iveron” icon

Ember Friday in September
Hieromartyr Sosius, deacon, in Campania
St. Thecla, virgin, who suffered much and died in peace, at Seleucia
St. Paternus, bishop, at Avranches
St. Liberius, pope of Rome, foe of Arianism
Hieromartyr Linus, pope of Rome, named in the Western Liturgy
St. Constantius
St. Constantius, bishop of Aquino
St. Salaberga, abbess of the Unsleeping Ones, at Poulangey
Martyrs Paxentius and Albina, at Paris
St. Adamnan, abbot of Iona
Sts. Xantippa and Polyxena, virgins, disciples of the apostles
St. Cissa, hermit-monk, in Northumbria
Translation of the relics of Sts. Hildelitha, Wulfhilda, and Ethelburga, abbesses of Barking
Martyrs Andrew, John, Peter, and Anthony, martyred by Muslims, in Africa

October 7 / September 24, 2023

Holy Protomartyr and Equal-to-the-Apostles Thecla of Iconium
St. Vladislav-Stephen, king of Serbia
St. Coprius, monk, of Palestine
St. Nicander, hermit of Pskov
St. Abramius, abbot of Mirozha, Pskov
Passion of Martyr Galaction, monk of Vologda, slain by the Poles (+1612)
St. Stephen the First-crowned (in monasticism, Simon), king of Serbia; St. Stephen’s son, St. Vadislav the monk; and St. Stephen’s nephew, St. David
St. Anthony the New, bishop of Monemvasia
St. Eusebius, monk
St. Dorothy of Kashin
Arrival in America of the first Orthodox Mission since the Scandinavian missions of the 10th-11th centuries: Sts. Herman, Juvenaly, and Others (1794)
St. Isarnus of Marseilles (+1043)
Holy New Martyrs of Tver: Priests Andrew Bistrov and Paul Berezin, (+1937), Monk Vitalis (Kokorev) (+1937); of Perm: Deacon Basil Voskresensky (+1918); of Tver: Laymen Basil Vinogradov, Sergius Mikhailov, and Spyridon Saveliev, (+1937)
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Of Mirozha” and “Of the Myrtle Tree”
Repose of Blessed Schema-archimandrite Gabriel of the St. Eleazar monastery of the Savior, in Pskov (+1915)

First Day of the Western Imperial Indiction – New Year’s Day, Anno Munda (Year of the World) 7532 (2023) – GLORIA DEO NOSTRO
Conception of St. John Baptist, the Forerunner of the Lord
Ember Saturday in September
Hieromartyrs Andochius the priest and Thyrsus the deacon, and Martyr Felix, at Autun
Passion of Holy 49 Martyrs seized with St. Euphemia, at Chalcedon
St. Geremar, abbot of Flay, in France
Martyrs Paphnutius and other Martyrs, in the Thebaïd
St. Rusticus, bishop of Clermont
Hieromartyr Gerard, bishop, in Hungary
St. Isarn, abbot, at Marseilles
St. Anathalon, bishop of Milan
Sts. Cuniald and Gislar, missionaries in S. Germany and Austria
St. Berchtun, abbot, disciple of St. John of Beverley, in England

October 8 / September 25, 2023

Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
St. Euphrosyne, nun, of Alexandria
Repose of St. Sergius, abbot of Radonezh
St. Prochorus, disciple of Apostle John the Theologian
Venerable-Martyr Paphnutius and 546 Martyred Companions in Egypt
St. Euphrosyne (in the world, Theodula), nun of Suzdal
St. Theophilus the Confessor
Translation of the relics of St. Germanus (Herman), archbishop of Kazan
Commemoration of the Earthquake in Constantinople in 447, when a boy was lifted up to heaven and heard the “Trisagion”
St. Arsenius the Elder, catholicos of Georgia
Martyrs Paul and his wife Tatta and their Martyred sons Sabinian, Maximus, Rufus, and Eugene, of Damascus
St. Dosithea, recluse of the Kiev Caves
St. Eustace (Eustathius) the Roman, monk
Martyr Romanus
St. Nicholas the Trikkokite, monk
St. Pathmus
St. Cadoc, abbot of Llancarfan, Wales (+577)
St. Finbar (Barry), hermit of Gougane Barra and founder-abbot of Cork monastery, in Ireland
St. Ceolfrith, abbot of Wearmouth and Jarrow
New Hieromartyr Protopresbyter Nicholas Rozov of Yaroslavl-Rostov (+1941), and New Martyr John Menkov (+1920), of Russia
Repose of Blessed Elder Dositheus (actually a woman), recluse of the Kiev caves who blessed St. Seraphim to go to Sarov (+1776)

Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity
St. Cleophas, at Emmaus, a disciple of Christ, who with St. Luke knew Christ in breaking of bread (Luke 24:18)
Hieromartyr Firminus I, bishop, at Amiens
St. Lupus, hermit, at Lyons
Martyr Herculanus, soldier, martyred near Rome on the Claudian Way
St. Anacharius, bishop of Auxerre
St. Solemnius, bishop of Chartres
St. Ceolfrid (Jeffrey), abbot of Jarrow
St. Barry, bishop of Cork
St. Principius, bishop of Soissons
St. Ermenfred, abbot of Cusances, in Burgundy
St. Sergius of Radonezh, abbot, in Russia
Martyrs Bardomian, Eucarpus, and 26 other Martyrs, in Asia Minor
Martyrs Paul, his wife Tatta, and their sons Sabinian, Maximian, Rufus, and Eugene, in Damascus
Sts. Aurelia and Neomisia, virgins, pilgrims, near Anagni
St. Caian, son of St. Brychan, in Anglesey
St. Mewrog in Denbighshire
St. Fimbert, bishop, in Scotland
Martyr Egelred and other Martyrs, monks, at Croyland
St. Cadoc of Llancarfan, abbot in Wales

October 9 / September 26, 2023

Repose of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian
Righteous Gideon, judge of Israel
St. Ephraim, abbot of Perekomsky monastery, in Novgorod
Martyr Cyras, layman
Martyr Chera
Venerable Nilus of Rossano, Calabria (+1044)
Glorification of St. Tikhon, patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, in 1989
New Hieromartyr Vladimir Viatsky, priest of Yaroslavl-Rostov (+1939)

Hieromartyr Cyprian the bishop and former sorcerer, and Martyr Justina the abbess, at Nicomedia
St. Senator at Albano
St. Eusebius, bishop, at Bologna, friend of St. Ambrose
St. Colmanel, abbot, in Ireland, nephew of St. Columba
Martyr Callistratus, 49 Martyred Soldiers, and 135 other Martyrs, at Byzantium
St. Vigilius, bishop of Brescia
St. Nilus, abbot of Frascati, in Calabria
St. Morgan, hermit, in Cornwall, disciple of St. Iltutus
St. Amantius of Città di Castello, priest, near Perugia

October 10 / September 27, 2023

Martyr Callistratus and 49 other Martyrs with him, of Carthage (+304)
St. Sabbatius, monk, wonderworker of Solovki
Apostles Mark, Aristarchus, and Zenas, of the Seventy
Martyr Epicharis of Rome
St. Flavian, patriarch of Antioch
St. Ignatius, fourth abbot of the monastery of the Deep Stream
Sts. Sergius and Nikon, monks of Radonezh
New Martyr Aquilina near Thessalonica
New Hieromartyr Anthimus the Georgian, metropolitan of Wallachia (+1716)
Martyrs Philemon the bishop, and his companion Fortunian
Martyr Gaiana
Holy 15 Martyrs drowned in the sea (some books say there were 25)
St. Victor, abbot
St. Febronia
St. Dorothy, nun
Martyr Gymnasius
St. Barry (Barrog), disciple of St. Cadoc
Martyr-King Sigebert of the East Angles (+635)
New Hieromartyr Peter, metropolitan of Krutitsa (+1937)
New Hieromartyr Demetrius Shishokin, priest (+1918)
Repose of Blessed Schema-monk Archippus of Glinsk hermitage (+1896)

Martyrs Cosmas and Damian (who are both named in the Canon Missæ) the Unmercenaries, and their brothers Anthimus, Leontius, and Euprepius, at Aegea
Martyrs Adolf and John, brothers, at Córdova
Martyrs Florentinus and Hilary, hermits, martyred at Autun
Martyrs Suranus the abbot and Justus the deacon, martyred by Lombards
St. Wulsin the Confessor, bishop, at Sherborne
St. Zenas, bishop of Diospolis, disciple of St. Paul (Titus 3:13)
St. Caius, bishop of Milan
St. Aderitus, bishop of Ravenna
St. Hiltrude, recluse of Liessies, Hainault
St. John Mark, St. Barnabas’ cousin (Acts 12:12; Col 4:10; 2 Tim 4:11)
Martyr Epicharis, senator’s wife, at Byzantium
Martyrs Fidentius and Terence, at Todi
Martyr Deodatus of Sora
Martyr-King Sigebert of East Anglia, monk
St. Marcellus, monk, St. Notker’s teacher, at St. Gall, Switzerland
St. Barrog, hermit of Wales

October 11 / September 28, 2023

St. Chariton the Confessor, abbot of Palestine
Synaxis of the Saints of the Kiev Caves whose incorrupt relics rest in the Near Caves of St. Anthony
Sts. Cyril the schemamonk and Maria the schemanun, parents of St. Sergius of Radonezh
Passion of Martyr Wenceslaus (Vyacheslav), Czech prince of Bohemia
Prophet Baruch
Martyrs Alexander, Alpheus, and Zosimas, brothers; Mark the Shepherd, Nicon, Neon, Heliodorus, and 24 other Martyrs at various places in Asia Minor
St. Neophytus, recluse of Cyprus
St. Herodion, abbot of Lake Ilo
St. Chariton, monk of Syanzhema, Vologda
Martyrs Eustathius (Eustace), Callinicus, and their Martyred Companions, of Rome
Sts. Valentine and Adelphius
Martyr Diodorus of Antioch
Translation of the relics of St. Neophytus the Recluse of Cyprus
St. Machan, disciple of St. Cadoc
St. Faustus, bishop of Riez (+495)
St. Lioba, abbess of Bischofsheim, English missionary to Germany (+779)
St. Juliana Olshanskaya
New Martyr Anna Likoshina at Solovki monastery (+1925)

Vigil of St. Michael
Michaelmas fast ends at Vespers
Commemoration of Holy Guardian Angels
St. Exuperius the Confessor, bishop, at Toulouse
St. Stacteus at Rome
St. Solomon, bishop, at Genoa
Martyr-King Olaf at Nidaros, enlightener of Norway
St. Forseus, bishop, in Ireland
Martyr Wenceslaus, duke, at Prague, Bohemia
Martyr Maximus
Martyrs Mark the Shepherd; Alphius, Alexander, and Zosimus, brothers; Zosimus, Nicon, Neon, Heliodorus, and 30 Martyred Soldiers; at Antioch, in Pisidia
St. Faustus of Riez, bishop, who resisted St. Augustine’s errors
St. Lioba, abbess of Bischoffsheim, friend of St. Boniface
Martyrs Martial, Laurence, and 20 other Martyrs, in Algeria
St. Machan, bishop, in Scotland
St. Silvinus of Brescia, bishop
St. Conwall, priest, in Scotland, St. Kentigern’s disciple
Hieromartyr Annemundus, archbishop of Lyons
Sts. Willigod and Martin, abbot-founders of Romont in France
St. Tetta, abbess of Wimborne

October 12 / September 29, 2023

St. Cyriacus the Anchorite of Palestine
St. Theophanes the Merciful of Gaza
Martyrs Dadas, Gabeddas (Gabdelas) and Casdoa (Casdoe), of Persia
Martyr Gudelia of Persia
Holy 80 Martyrs of Byzantium
St. Cyprian, abbot of Ustiug, Vologda
Martyrs Tryphon, Trophimus, and Dorymedon, and 150 other Martyrs, in Palestine
Martyr Petronia
Translation of the relics of St. Neophytus the Enclosed of Cyprus
St. Agricolaus, archbishop of Caesarea in Palestine
St. Auxentius the Wonderworker
New Martyr Malachias of Rhodes, monk
St. Onuphrius, wonderworker of Garesja, Georgia
New Hieromartyr John, archbishop of Riga in Latvia (+1934)
Glorification in 1998 of St. Sebastian the elder of Optino, and Hieromartyr Pimen Belolikov of Alma-Ata
Repose of Blessed Anthony Alexseyevich, fool-for-Christ of Zadonsk (+1851)

ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL (MICHAELMAS DAY), i.e., dedication of his Church on Mt. Gargano, and the Commemoration of All Holy Angels
Martyrs Eutychius, Plautus, and Heracleas, in Thrace
Hieromartyr Fraternus, bishop of Auxerre
Virgin-Martyrs Rhipsime, Gaiane (Gay), Mariamne, and 30 other Virgin-Martyrs, at Erzroum in Armenia
Martyrs Dadas, Gobdelaas, and Casdoas, in Persia
St. Leodwin, archbishop of Trier
St. Theodota of Philippopolis, penitent
Martyr Gudelia in Persia
St. Cyriacus, hermit, in Palestine
Sts. Catholdus, Anno, and Diethard, monks, preachers, near Eichstätt
St. Alaric, monk of Einsiedeln
St. Fulgentius, bishop of Atino, near Monte Cassino

October 13 / September 30, 2023

Hieromartyr Gregory the Enlightener, bishop of Greater Armenia
St. Michael, first metropolitan of Kiev
Virgin-Martyrs Rhipsima, Gaiana, and their Martyred Companions, in Armenia
Holy Two Martyred Nuns and 1,000 other Martyrs
St. Gregory, abbot of Pelshma, wonderworker of Vologda
St. Michael, prince of Tver and great prince of Vladimir
Martyr Stratonicus
Martyr Mardonius
St. Acacius, monk of Latrium
Martyr-hermits Tancred, Torthred, and Tova, of Thorney
St. Honorius, archbishop of Canterbury (+653)
New Hieromartyrs Protopriests Leonid Prendkovich (+1938), Peter Soloviev, and Peter Pushinsky; Priest Vyacheslav (Wenceslaus) Zankov; New Martyred Layman Alexis Serebrennikov (+1937);
New Hieroconfessor Protopriest Nicholas Zagorovsky (in monasticism, Hieromonk Seraphim) (+1943)
Repose of Blessed Archimandrite Gerasimus of Alaska (+1969)

ST. JEROME, priest, hermit, abbot, translator of the Vulgate Bible, at Bethlehem
Martyrs Victor and Ursus, at Soleure; and Martyr Antoninus at Piacenza; soldiers of the Theban Legion
St. Honorius, archbishop of Canterbury, disciple of St. Gregory (by Canterbury custom, St. Honorius is the main service today)
St. Cyran, bishop of Paris
Finding of the relics of St. Gregory the Illuminator, apostle of Armenia
St. Laurus, abbot of Mein-en-Gails, in Brittany
Martyr Leopard, servant of Emperor Julian, at Rome
St. Midan at Anglesey in Wales, and St. Engenedl nearby
St. Ambert, bishop of Moissac
Martyrs Tancred and Torthred the hermits, and Tova the hermitess, slain by Danes, at Thorney, in Cambridge

October 14 / October 1, 2023

The Protection of Our Most Holy Mistress the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary
Holy Apostle Ananias of the Seventy
St. Romanus the Melodist (“Sweet-Singer”), monk, of Constantinople
St. Sabbas, abbot of Vishera, Novgorod
Martyrs Priscus, Crescens, Evagrius, Denegotias, Faustinus, Martial, Januarius, Alexander, Euprobus, Digna, Gotis, Saturnissa, Vera, Castus, Primus, Donatus, Passicus, Probus, and another Digna
Venerable-Martyr Michael the abbot near Sebastopolis in Armenia, and 36 Martyred Monks with him
Martyr Domninus of Thessalonica
St. John Koukouzelis and Gregory, monks, chanters, of the Great Lavra on Mt. Athos
St. Peter, bishop
St. Cyriacus
New Hieromartyr Priest Ismael Rozhdestvensky
Commemoration of the Appearance of the Pillar with the Robe of the Lord under it, and Sts. Mirian the king and equal-to-the-apostles, Nana the queen and equal-to-the-apostles, Sidonia the disciple of St. Nina, and Abiathar, at Mtskheta in Georgia
Martyr-Prince Melor (Mylor) of Brittany
St. Bavo, hermit of Ghent, in the Netherlands (+654)
St. Remigius of Rheims, apostle to the Franks (+533)
New Hieromartyrs Priest George Archangelsky, and Priest Michael Vologodsky of Krasnoyarsk, (+1920)
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Lublin,” “Protection of Pskov,” “Kasperova,” “Brailovskaya,” “Gerbovets,” “Barskaya,” and “Kukuzelissa”
Repose of Blessed Schema-hieromonk Euthymius of Valaam (+1829)

Sts. Germanus (Herman), bishop of Auxerre, foe of Pelagianism; Remigius, bishop of Rheims, who brought the Roman rite to Gaul; Vedast (Gaston, Foster), bishop of Arras-Cambrai; and Bavo (Allowin), recluse of Ghent
Martyr Aretas and 504 other Martyrs
Martyrs Priscus, Crescentius, Evagrius, and other Martyrs, at Tomis
Martyrs Verissima, Maxima, and Julia, sisters, at Lisbon
Hieromartyr Plato, priest, at Tournai
Child-Martyr Melorus of Cornwall
St. Remedius the Confessor, at Trent
St. Wulgis, priest, near Soissons
Martyr Michael and other Martyred Monks, at Sebastopol
Martyrs Aizan and Sazan, in Ethiopia
St. Aladius, bishop of Toul
St. Romanus Sweet-singer, priest
St. Dodo, abbot of Wallers-en-Faigne
St. Fidharleus of Rathin, abbot
St. Virila, abbot of Holy Saviour, Leyre
St. Wasnulf the Scot, priest of Conde, in the Netherlands
Of the Old Testament: Martyrs Mattathias and Macchabees: Judas, Jonathan, Simon, John, Simon, Onias, Eleazar, and Onis

October 15 / October 2, 2023

Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Hieromartyr Cyprian the bishop, Virgin-Martyr Justina, and Martyr Theoctistus, of Nicomedia
St. Anna, princess of Kashin
Blessed Andrew, fool-for-Christ, at Constantinople
Blessed Cyprian, fool-for-Christ, at Suzdal
St. Cassian the Greek, monk of Uglich
Martyrs David and Constantine, princes of Argveti in Georgia
New Martyr Hatzi-George of Philadelphia, at Karatzasos in Asia Minor, Mt. Athos
St. Damaris of Athens
St. Theophilus the Confessor
Great-Martyr Theodore Gabras of Atran in Chaldia, at Theodosiopolis
Martyrs of Kazan: John, Stephen, Peter, Boris, Jacob, Theodore, Silvanus, Theodore, Basil, Theodore, Demetrius, Michael, John, and Basil
St. Leger of Autun, Gaul (+679)
Repose of Blessed Schema-Hieromonk Theodosius of Karoulia, Mt. Athos (+1937)

Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity
Hieromartyr Leodegar (Leger) of Autun, bishop
Martyr Eleutherius the Soldier, and many other Martyrs, at Nicomedia
St. Severinus, priest, at Celle
Martyr Gerin at Arras, France
St. Anthony, monk of St. Andrew’s, Rome
St. Leudomer, bishop of Châlons-sur-Marne
St. Beregis, priest, founder of St. Hubert’s, in the Ardennes
Martyrs Primus, Cyril, and Secundarius, at Syrian Antioch
Hieromartyr Modestus, deacon, in Sardinia
St. Theophilus of Bulgaria, monk of St. Benedict’s rule, exiled for the holy icons
St. Ursicinus II of Chur, bishop

October 16 / October 3, 2023

Hieromartyr Dionysius (Denis) the Areopagite, bishop of Athens; and with him Martyrs Rusticus the Presbyter and Eleutherius the Deacon
St. John the Chozebite, bishop of Caesarea in Palestine
Martyrs Peter and Paul
Blessed Hesychius the Silent of Mt. Horeb
St. Dionysius, recluse of the Kiev Caves
Martyr Theoctistus
Martyr Theagenes
Martyr Theodosia
Hieromartyrs Hewald the White and Hewald the Black, priests, near Dortmund
Finding of the relics of St. Ambrose of Optino in 1988
New Hieroconfessor Agathangelus, metropolitan of Yaroslavl (+1928)
St. Jerome of Aegina (+1966)

Martyrs Dionysius, Faustus, Caius, Peter, Paul, and Four other Martyrs, of Alexandria
St. Dionysius the Areopagite at Athens, disciple of St. Paul (St. Dionysius of Paris: see October 9)
Hieromartyrs Ewald the Fair and Weald the Dark, brothers, priests, near Dortmund
Martyr Candidus at Capped Bear Inn, at Rome
St. Merolus, monk of St. Gregory’s monastery, at Rome
Virgin-Martyr Romana at Beauvais
St. Hesychius at Majuma in Palestine, St. Hilarion’s disciple
St. Manna, hermitess in the Vosges, at Fontenay-le-Châtel
St. Maximian, bishop of Bagae, Africe, foe of Donatism
St. Cyprian, bishop of Toulon
St. Gerard, abbot of Brogne, near Namur
St. Widrad of Saulieu, abbot
Blessed Utto of Metten, abbot
St. Froilan of León, bishop

October 17 / October 4, 2023

Hieromartyr Hierotheus, bishop of Athens
St. Paul the Simple of Egypt, disciple of St. Anthony the Great
St. Damara
Opening of the relics of Sts. Gurias the first archbishop of Kazan, and St. Barsanuphius the bishop of Tver
Synaxis of All Saints of Kazan, including Sts. Jonas and Nectarius, monks
Hieromartyr Peter, priest of Capitolia
Martyrs Domnina and her daughters Berenice (Brinea) and Prosdoce (Proscudia), of Syria
Martyr Adauctus and his daughter St. Callisthene of Ephesus
St. Ammon of Egypt
Martyrs Gaius, Faustus, Eusebius, and Chaeremon, of Alexandria
St. Vladimir Yaroslavich the prince and wonderworker of Novgorod, and his mother St. Anna
Sts. Helladius and Onesimus the monks, and Ammon and Pior the hermits, of the Kiev Caves
Hieromartyr Eudemon, catholicos of Georgia
St. Peter Michurin, youth of Siberia
St. Stephen Shtilianovich the despot (prince) of Serbia, and his wife St. Elizabeth (Princess Helena Shtilianovich)
St. John of Lampadistus on Cyprus
New Hieromartyrs Priests James Bobirev, Michael Tverdovsky, and Nicholas Vereschagin, of Tver; and Priest Tikhon Archangelsky of Moscow; (+1937)
Repose of Righteous Youth Blessed Peter Michurin (+1820)

Sts. Crispus and Caius, disciples of St. Paul, at Corinth (Acts 18:8; 1 Cor 1:14; Rom 16:23)
Martyred brothers Mark and Marcian, and Many other Martyrs, in Egypt
St. Aurea of Syria, abbess of St. Martial’s, at Paris
St. Anianus, disciple of St. Mark, bishop of Alexandria
St. Petronius, bishop of Bologna
Martyrs Amelius and Amicus, soldiers, in N. Italy
Martyrs Lucius and Chaeremon, at Alexandria
Martyr Thyrsus and other Martyrs, at Trier
Martyrs Domnina at her daughters Bernice and Prosdoce, in Syria
Martyr Adauctus in Mesopotamia, and his daughter St. Callisthene the Virgin at Ephesus
Martyr Quintin at Tours, who spurned the advances of King Guntram’s queen
Hieromartyr Peter of Damascus, bishop
St. Magdalveus, bishop, at Verdun
St. Hierotheus, bishop, at Athens

October 18 / October 5, 2023

Martyr Charitina of Amisus
Sts. Peter, Alexis, Jonah, Philip, Hermogenes (Germogen), and Tikhon, metropolitans of Moscow
Martyr Mamelta (Mamelchtha) of Persia
Hieromartyr Dionysius, bishop of Alexandria
St. Damian the Healer, and Sts. Jeremiah and Matthew the Clairvoyants and monks, of the Kiev Caves
St. Charitina, princess of Lithuania, abbess in Novgorod
St. Cosmas, abbot in Bithynia
St. Gregory (Grigol) of Khandzta in Klarjeti, Georgia
St. Eudocimus the Unknown, monk of Vatopedi monastery on Mt. Athos
St. Methodia of Kimolos (+1908)
St. Barlaam, desert-dweller of Chiroysk
New Hieroconfessor Gabriel of Moscow, archimandrite (+1959)
Repose of Blessed Nun Agnia (Countess Anna Orlova-Chesmenskaya) (+1848)

Martyrs Placidus, Eutychius, Victorinus, Flavia, Donatus, Firmatus, Faustus, and 25 other Martyrs, in Sicily
Hieromartyr Tharseas, bishop, at Smyrna
St. Apollinaris, bishop, at Valence
Hieromartyr Firmatus the deacon, and his sister Virgin-Martyr Flaviana, at Auxerre
St. Gale, nun of St. Peter’s, at Rome
Martyr Palmatius and other Martyrs, at Trier
Virgin-Martyr Peregrina at Rome
Virgin-Martyr Charitina in Pontus
St. Marcellinus, bishop of Ravenna
St. Enimia, abbess, at Mende
St. Meinulf, archdeacon of Bödeken, Westphalia, founder of a convent
St. Murdoc the Culdee, hermit, in Argyleshire
St. Attilan, bishop of Zamora, in Spain
Martyrs Alexander and Constant, at Trier
St. Aurea, abbess, at Amiens
Blessed Aymard the Blind, abbot of Cluny

October 19 / October 6, 2023

Holy and Glorious Apostle Thomas
Virgin-Martyr Eroteis (Eroteida, Erotheis) of Cappadocia
New Venerable-Martyr Macarius of Cios in Bithynia, monk of St. Anne’s skete on Mt. Athos, at Prusa
St. Nicanor, monk
St. Cendeas of Cyprus, monk
New Hieromartyr John Ribin, priest, of Alma-Ata (+1937)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “O All-Hymned Mother”

Virgin-Martyr Faith, Martyr Caprasius, and another Martyr, at Agens in Aquitaine
Martyrs Marcellus, Castus, Aemilius, and Saturninus, at Capua
Hieromartyr Sagar, bishop, at Laodicea, disciple of Apostle Paul
Hieromartyr Romanus, bishop of Auxerre
St. Eusebius, pope, in Sicily
Many Holy Martyrs at Trier
Martyr Prudentius at Fontaine de Bèze, near Langres
St. Renatus, bishop, at Sorrento
Sts. Cummian the White the abbot of Iona, and Failbhe the abbot, in Scotland
St. Nicetas in Greece, exiled by the icon-breakers
St. Magnus, bishop of Oderzo
Martyr Eroteis in Greece
St. Ceollach, bishop of Mercia, in Ireland
St. Pardulf, abbot of Guéret
St. Epiphania, virgin of St. Mary’s, at Pavia
St. Lalluwy of the Well, virgin

October 20 / October 7, 2023

Martyrs Sergius and Bacchus, in Syria
St. Jonah, bishop of Hankow (+1925)
Hieromartyrs Julian the Presbyter and Caesarius the Deacon, with Eusebius the Presbyter and Felix, and St. Leontius the Consul who reposed in peace, at Terracina
Hieromartyr Polychronius, presbyter of Gamphanetis
Virgin-Martyr Pelagia of Tarsus
St. Mark, pope of Old Rome
St. Sergius, abbot of Nurma, in Vologda, disciple of St. Sergius of Radonezh
St. Sergius the Obedient of the Kiev Caves
Opening of the relics of St. Martinian, abbot of White Lake, Byelozersk
St. Joseph, elder of Mokhevi, wonderworker of Georgia (+1763)
St. John the Hermit and his 98 Companions in ascesis, on Crete
Martyr-Abbess Osyth, princess, of Chich, Essex (ca. 700)
St. Dubtach, bishop of Armagh, Scotland (+513)
New Hieromartyr Valentine Sventitsky, priest (+1931)
New Hieromartyr Nicholas Kazansky, protopresbyter (+1942)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos at the Pskov Caves “Tender Feeling”

St. Mark I, pope of Old Rome, on the Appian Way
Martyrs Marcellus and Apuleius, disciples of St. Peter, at Rome
Martyrs Bacchus and Sergius, in Augustus at Euphrates
Virgin-Martyr Julia in Syria
Martyr Osith of Chich, abbess
Virgin-Martyr Justina at Padua
St. Mark the Writer, hermit, who spoke to his mother only in sackcloth and ashes
St. Eumenius of Alexandria, bishop
St. Augustus, abbot, at Bourges
St. Dubtach, archbishop of Armagh in Ireland
Martyr Canog, son of St. Brychan, in Wales
St. Helanus, priest-hermit of Cornwall, at Rheims
St. Adalgis, bishop of Novara
St. Palladius, bishop of Saintes

October 21 / October 8, 2023

St. Pelagia the Penitent, nun, at Jerusalem on the Mount of Olives
St. Thaïs (Taïsia) of Egypt, nun
Virgin-Martyr Pelagia of Antioch
St. Petronia
Martyr Nicodemus
Sts. Isidore and Dorotheus, monks of Palestine
St. Anthony, bishop of Novgorod
St. Dositheus, abbot of Verkhneostrovsky monastery, in Pskov
St. Tryphon, archimandrite of Vyatka
New Venerable-Martyr Ignatius of Bulgaria, at Constantinople (Mt. Athos)
St. Keyne, hermitess of Cornwall
St. Iwi, hierodeacon of Lindisfarne
Translation of the relics of St. Aidan, bishop of Lindisfarne and enlightener of Northumbria
Translation of the relics of St. Ceolfrith, abbot of Wearmouth and Jarrow
St. Triduana, nun of Restalrig, Scotland
New Martyrs of Moscow: Archbishop Demetrius of Mozhaisk, Bishop Jonas of Velizh, Archimandrite Ambrose, Abbot Pachomius, Priests Basil and Peter Ozeretskovsky, Deacon John Khrenov, Nun Tatiana, Nicholas Reyin, Mary Vonukhina, and Hope (Nadezhda) Azhgerevicha, (+1937)

Translation of the relics of ST. OSWALD OF YORK, bishop, confessor
Vigil of Martyrs Dionysius, Rusticus, and Eleutherius
St. Simeon, who took Child Jesus in his arms and said, “Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart.”
Great-Martyr Demetrius at Thessalonica
Virgin-Martyr Benedicta at Laon
Martyr Peter at Seville
St. Pelagia the Penitent at Jerusalem
St. Iwigius of Lindisfarne, deacon, hermit, at Wilton, near Sarum
St. Margaret, “monk in man’s clothing”
St. Thaïs of Egypt, penitent
Virgin-Martyr Reparata at Caesarea, Palestine
St. Keyna in Abergavenny, virgin, daughter of St. Brychan
Hieromartyr Artemon, priest, at Laodicea
St. Felix, bishop of Como
St. Triduana, abbess, at Restalrig, Scotland
St. Gratus, bishop of Châlons-sur-Saône
Sts. Valeria and Pollena, virgins at Honnecourt, near Cambrai
St. Ragenfrid, archbishop at Denairs, near Valenciennes
St. Amor of Aquitaine, hermit
Martyrs Palatia and her servant Laurence, at Fermo near Ancona
Martyr Nestor at Thessalonica
St. Evodius, bishop of Rouen
St. Badilo, abbot of Leuze, in Hainault
Translation of the relics of Sts. Aidan the bishop of Lindisarne, and Ceolfrith (Jeffrey) the abbot of Jarrow

October 22 / October 9, 2023

Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
Commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council (787)
Holy Apostle James, son of Alphaeus
St. Andronicus the monk and his wife St. Athanasia the nun, of Egypt
Righteous Forefather Abraham (2000 B.C.) and his nephew Righteous Lot
Martyr Diocletian
St. Demetrius, patriarch of Alexandria
Martyrs Juventius (Juventinus) and Maximus, at Antioch
St. Peter of Galatia, monk
Martyr Publia the Confessor, deaconess of Antioch
Translation of St. John, abbot of Rila, Bulgaria
St. Stephen the New (see July 19)
St. Stephen the Blind, despot of Serbia
Holy Hermit Gunther
Hieromartyr Dionysius (Denis, Denys) of Paris, bishop (+258)
New Hieromartyrs Constantine Aksyënev at Chimkent (+1937) and Peter Vyatkin at Perm (+1918), priests
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Of Korsun (Cherson)” and “Assuage My Sorrow”

Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity
Day within the Octave of the Translation of St. Oswald of York, bishop, confessor
Hieromartyrs Dennis (Dionysius) the bishop, Rusticus the priest, and Eleutherius the deacon
St. Abraham the Patriarch
Martyr Domninus at Parma
St. Ghislain the abbot of Sts. Peter and Paul, and his disciples Lambert and Valerius, in Hainault
St. Demetrius, bishop of Alexandria
Sts. Andronicus and his wife Athanasia, who lived as monks, at Scetis, in Egypt
St. Savin, hermit, in the valley of Lavedan, in the Pyrenees
St. Arnold, bishop of Metz
St. Deusdedit, abbot of Monte Cassino
St. Publia, widow, head of a cloister at Antioch
St. Geminus of San Paterniano, monk
St. Gunther, monk in Bavaria at Niederalteich, cousin of St. Stephen of Hungary

October 23 / October 10, 2023

Martyrs Eulampius and Eulampia, and 200 Martyrs with them, at Nicomedia
Holy 26 Martyrs of Zographou monastery on Mt. Athos, martyred by the Papal-minded Greeks: Abbot Thomas, monks Barsanuphius, Cyril, Micah, Simon, Hilarion, Job, James, Cyprian, Sabbas, James, Martinian, Cosmas, Sergius, Paul, Menas, Joasaph, Joannicius, Anthony, Euthymius, Dometian, Parthenius, and Four Martyred Laymen
Synaxis of the 14 Holy Elders of Optina monastery: Leonidas (Leonid) (in the schema, Leo), Macarius, Ambrose, Moses, Antony, Hilarion, Isaacius, Anatolius the Elder, Joseph, Barsanuphius, Anatolius the Younger, Nectarius, Isaacius II, and Nicon (Commemorated on October 11 if it’s a Sunday, or on the Sunday which follows October 11 according to the Greeks. According to the Slavs, if October 11 falls on a Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, the service is moved to the preceding Sunday.)
Martyr Theotecnus of Antioch
St. Theophilus the Confessor, near Tiberiopolis (Strumitsa, Macedonia)
St. Bassian, monk, of Constantinople
Blessed Andrew of Totma, fool-for-Christ
Synaxis of Seven Saints of Volhynia: St. Job, abbot of Poachaev; Sts. Stephen and Amphilochius, bishops of Vladimir in Volhynia; Hieromartyr Macarius, archimandrite of Obruch, and later of Kanev; St. Yaropolk, prince of Vladimir in Volhynia; St. Theodore (in monasticism, Theodosius), prince of Ostrog; and St. Juliana Olshanskaya, princess
St. Paulinus, archbishop of York (+644)
New Hieromartyr Theodore Pozdeyevsky, archbishop of Volokolamsk (+1937)
Newly-glorified St. Innocent, bishop of Penza (+1819)
St. Ambrose, elder
Zographou Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Of the Akathist”

Day within the Octave of the Translation of St. Oswald of York, bishop, confessor
St. Paulinus, archbishop of York
St. Pinitus, bishop of Knossos, at Crete
Feast of Martyr Gereon and 381 other Martyrs, at Cologne; Martyr Victor and 18 other Martyrs, near Cologne; with Martyrs Cassius, Florentius, and many other Martyrs
St. Eubrachius the Confessor
St. Cerbonius, bishop of Piombino, in Italy
St. Pierus, priest, writer, at Alexandria
St. Clarus, bishop of Nantes, apostle of Brittany
Martyrs Eulampius the Youth, and his sister Eulampia, at Nicomedia
St. Bassian the Confessor, at Constantinople
St. Telechilda, abbess of Jouarre in France
Martyr Marharsapor in Persia
St. Patrician, bishop, in Scotland
St. Cerbonius of Verona, bishop
Virgin-Martyr Tranca at Troyes
St. Alderic, bishop of Sens
St. Paulinus, bishop of Capua
St. Fulk, abbot, at Fontenelle
Holy 26 Martyrs of Zographou, Athos, slain by those who desired to unite with the Papacy
Translation of St. Paul Arelian, bishop of S. Pol-de-Léon

October 24 / October 11, 2023

Holy Apostle Philip of the Seventy, one of the seven deacons
St. Theophanes the Confessor and Hymnographer, bishop of Nicaea
Martyrs Zenaïs (Zinaïda) and Philonilla, of Tarsus in Cilicia
St. Theophanes, faster of the Kiev Caves
Sts. Nectarius, Arsacius, Atticus, Arcadius, Sinisius, and Philotheus of Athos, patriarchs of Constantinople
Commemoration of the Miracle from the Icon of Our Lord Jesus Christ in Beirut of Phoenicia
St. Victorina
Synaxis of the 14 Holy Elders of Optina monastery: Leonidas (Leonid) (in the schema, Leo), Macarius, Ambrose, Moses, Antony, Hilarion, Isaacius, Anatolius the Elder, Joseph (+1911), Barsanuphius (+1913), Anatolius the Younger (+1922), Nectarius (+1928), Isaacius II the New Martyr (+1936), and Nicon the New Confessor (+1931)
New Hieromartyrs Juvenal the archbishop of Ryazan (+1937), and Philaret Velikanov the priest of Kazan (+1918)
St. Ethelburga, abbess of Barking (+676)
St. Gummarus (Gomer) of Lier, Belgium (+775)
Venerable Cainnech (Kenneth), abbot of Aghaboe, Ireland (+600)
St. Leonidas (Leonid; in the schema, Leo), elder of Optina (+1841)

Day within the Octave of the Translation of St. Oswald of York, bishop, confessor
Martyrs Tarachus, Probus, and Andronicus, at Anazarbus of Cilicia
Hieromartyrs Bishop Nicasius, Archpriest Quirinus, Archdeacon Scubiculus, and Virgin-Martyr Pientia, in Vexin
St. Kenneth, abbot at Kilkenny, in Scotland
St. Firminus, bishop, at Uzès
St. Ethelburga, abbess of Barking, sister of St. Erkenwald
St. Loman, bishop of Trim, in Ireland
Translation of the relics of St. Augustine of Africa, from Sardinia to Lombardy
St. Eustachius, patriarch of Antioch, foe of Arianism
Sts. Zenaïs and Philonilla, kinswomen of St. Paul, at Tarsus in Cilicia
Sts. Nectarius and Sisinnius, patriarchs of Constantinople
St. Germanus (Herman), bishop of Besançon
St. Paldo, abbot of St. Vincent’s at Benevento
St. Julianna, abbess of Pavilly, in Normandy
St. Winard the Confessor, at Langres
St. Gummar, hermit, at Lierre, Brabant
St. Bruno the Great, archbishop of Cologne, abbot at Lorsch and Corbie
St. Emilian, hermit, of Rennes
Passion of Martyrs Anastasius the priest, Placid, Genesius, and another Martyr
Martyr Sarmata, hermit, disciple of St. Anthony, in Egypt
St. Gratus of Oloron, bishop
St. Agilbert, bishop of Paris
St. Eufrid, monk, at Alba
St. Ansilio of Lagny, monk

October 25 / October 12, 2023

Martyrs Probus, Tarachus, and Andronicus, at Tarsus in Cilicia
St. Cosmas the Hymnographer, bishop of Maïuma
St. Martin the Merciful, bishop of Tours (+397)
Martyr Domnica (Domnina) of Anazarbus
Sts. Amphilochius, Macarius, and Tarasius, abbots; and St. Theodosius the monk; of Glushitsa, Vologda
St. Theodotus, bishop of Ephesus
Martyr Malphetha
Martyr Anthia
Martyrs Andromachus and Diodorus
St. Jason, bishop of Damascus
St. Symeon the New Theologian, abbot of Constantinople
St. Theosebius the God-Bearer, of Arsinoë on Cyprus
Virgin-Martyr Anastasia of Rome
St. Mobhi of Glasnevin (+544)
St. Wilfrid, bishop of York (+709)
Martyr-King Edwin of Northumbria (+633)
Hieromartyr Maximilian, bishop of Noricum (+284)
St. Euphrosyne the Faster, schema-abbess of Siberia (+1918)
New Hieroconfessor Nicholas, metropolitan of Alma-Ata (+1955)
New Hieromartyr Alexander Pozdeyevsky, priest of Yaroslavl-Rostov (+1940)
Translation from Malta to Gatchina of part of the Lord’s Cross, Filermskaya Icon of the Theotokos, and St. John Baptist’s right hand
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Of Jerusalem,” “of Yaroslavl-Smolensk,” “of Rudnenskaya,” and “of Kaluga”

Day within the Octave of the Translation of St. Oswald of York, bishop, confessor
Translation of the relics of St. Wilfrid of York, Confessor, bishop
Martyr Edistius at Ravenna, on Laurentian Way
Martyrs and Confessors Cyprian and Felix, bishops; and 4,976 other Martyrs and Confessors; exiled in the desert, in Africa
St. Eustace the Confessor, priest, in Syria
Martyr-King Edwin of Northumbria
St. Monas, bishop of Milan
Martyr Domnina at Anazarbus in Cilicia
Hieromartyr Maximilian, bishop, at Cilli in Styria
St. Julian, bishop, at Lodi
St. Fiech of Ireland, bishop of Sletty, friend of St. Patrick
Martyrs Evagrius, Priscian, and other Martyrs
St. Salvinus, bishop of Verona
Sts. Herlinda and Relinda, abbesses of Maaseyk on the Meuse, friends of St. Willibrord

October 26 / October 13, 2023

Martyrs Carpus the bishop of Thyateira, Papylus the deacon, Agathodorus, and Agathonica, at Pergamum
Martyr Florentius of Thessalonica
Martyr Dioscorus
Hieromartyr Benjamin, deacon, in Persia
St. Nicetas the Confessor, monk, in Paphlagonia
St. Benjamin, monk, of the Kiev Caves
New Martyr Zlata (Chryse) of Meglin in Bulgaria and Serbia
St. Anthony the Metropolitan of Chkondidi, Georgia; and his disciple Hieromonk Joseph
Martyr Antigonus
St. Venantius Fortunatus, bishop of Poitiers, Gaul (+400)
St. Comgan, abbot of Lochalsh, Scotland
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Iveron” (translated to Moscow in 1648) and “Seven Lakes”

Day within the Octave of the Translation of St. Oswald of York, bishop, confessor
St. Carpus, disciple of St. Paul (2 Timothy 4:13), bishop of Beroea, at Troas
“Three Crowns of Córdova”: Martyrs Faustus, Januarius, and Martial
St. Theophilus, bishop of Antioch, 6th after St. Peter
St. Venantius, abbot, at Tours
St. Theophilus at Adane in Cilicia, archdeacon, who signed a contract with the Devil but was rescued from it by the Theotokos
Martyr Florentius at Thessalonica
St. Lubentius, priest, at Cavern, near Trier
Sts. Fincana and Findocha, virgins, in Scotland
St. Comgan of Scotland, abbot, brother of St. Mungo
St. Simpert, bishop of Augsburg
St. Gerald, count, at Aurillac, Auvergne
Martyr Colman of Stockerau, monk, in Austria at Melk
St. Romulus, bishop of Genoa
St. Berthold, bishop of Cambrai
St. Regimbald, bishop of Speyer

October 27 / October 14, 2023

Martyrs Nazarius, Gervasius (Gervase), Protasius (Protase) and Celsius (Celsus), of Milan
St. Parasceva (Petka) of Serbia, whose relics are in Iasi, Romania
Hieromartyr Silvanus, presbyter of Gaza
St. Nicola Svyatosha, prince of Chernigov, wonderworker of the Kiev Caves
St. Cosmas, abbot of Yakhroma
St. Ignatius the Wonderworker, metropolitan of Methymna
St. John Lampadistus of Cyrpus
St. Manacca, abbess of Cornwall
St. Burchard, first bishop of Wurzburg, English missionary to Germany (+754)
St. Harold, last Orthodox king of England, and Those killed with him at Hastings
New Hieromartyr Protopriest Michael Lektorsy of Kuban (+1921)
Yakhrom Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos
Namesday of Blessed Abbot Nazarius of Valaam

Day within the Octave of the Translation of St. Oswald of York, bishop, confessor
St. Paraskeva of Serbia, virgin
Hieromartyr Callistus, pope of Rome on Aurelian Way, foe of Sabellianism
St. Fortunatus the Wonderworker, bishop, at Todi
St. Angadrisma, abbess, at Beauvais
Hieromartyr Gaudentius of Rimini, bishop
St. Venantius Fortunatus of Poitiers, bishop, hymnographer
St. Justus, bishop of Lyons, hermit in Egypt
St. Burchard, bishop of Würzburg, companion of St. Boniface
St. Cosmas of Jerusalem, hymnographer
Martyrs Carponius, Evaristus, Priscian, and their sister Virgin-Martyr Fortunata, at Caesarea in Palestine
St. Donatian, bishop of Reims
St. Manehilda, virgin, in Champagne
St. Rusticus, bishop of Trier
St. Manaccus, abbot of Holyhead
St. Manacca, abbess in Cornwall
St. Bernard, pilgrim, hermit, at Rocca d’Arce

October 28 / October 15, 2023

St. Euthymius the New of Thessalonica, monk of Mt. Athos
Hieromartyr Lucian, presbyter of Greater Antioch
St. Sabinus, bishop of Catania (+760)
Martyrs Thathuel (Sarbelus) and his sister Bebaia, of Edessa
St. Dionysius, archbishop of Suzdal
St. John, bishop of Suzdal
Hieromartyr Lucian, presbyter of the Kiev Caves
New Confessor Athanasius, bishop of Kovrovsk (+1962)
New Martyrs: Archimandrite Seraphim (+1945); Protopresbyters Alexander Shalai (+1937), Vladimir Zubkovich (+1938), Vladimir Izmailov (+1930), Vladimir Pasternatsky (+1938), Vladimir Khirasko (+1932), Demetrius Pavsky (+1937), John Voronts (+1937), Leonid Biriukovich (+1937), Matthew Kritsuk (+1950), Michael Novitsky (+1935), Michael Plishevsky (+1937), Porphyrius Rubanovich (+1937), and Sergius Radakovsky (+1933); Priests Valerian Novitsky (+1930), Vladimir Taliush (+1933), Vladimir Khrischanovich (+1933), Demetrius Plishevsky (+1938), John Vecherko (+1933), John Pankratovich (+1937), Nicholas Matskevich (+1937), Peter Grudinsky (+1930), and Simeon Koniukhov (+1918); and Deacon Nicholas Vasiukovich (+1937)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Ripener of the Grain”
St. Thecla, abbess of Kitzingen (+790)
St. Ethelric, bishop of Durham
St. Aurelia of Strasburg (Alsace), in Gaul (+383)

Octave Day of the Translation of St. Oswald of York, bishop, confessor
Feast of the Commemoration of the Relics in our Churches
Holy 300 Martyrs of the Theban Legion, at Cologne
Martyr Fortunatus on the Aurelian Way, at Rome
St. Antiochus, bishop, in France at Lyons
Sts. Basolus the Wonderworker and hermit, and Wulfram the archbishop, near Reims
St. Placidia, virgin, at Verona
St. Leonard, abbot and founder of Vandoeuvre, near Le Mans
St. Thecla, abbess, at Kitzingen am Main
St. Aurelia, hermitess, at Strasbourg
St. Conogan, bishop of Quimper, in Brittany
St. Sabinus, bishop of Catania, in Sicily
St. Severus, bishop of Trier
St. Cannatus, bishop of Marseilles
St. Euthymius the New of Athos, abbot-founder
Blessed Odilo, abbot of Stavelot in Belgium
Martyrs Callistus and Mercurialis, near Tarbes
St. Roger (Ruggiero), bishop of Canna, in Italy

October 29 / October 16, 2023

Twenty First Sunday after Pentecost
Martyr Longinus the Centurion, who stood at the Cross of the Lord
St. Malus the hermit
St. Eupraxia (Princess Euphrosyne), abbess of Pskov
St. Longinus the gate-keeper of the Kiev Caves
St. Gall, Irish monk, enlightener of Switzerland (+646)
St. Sabinus, monk
St. Longinus of Koryazhema, monk
St. Longinus of Yaranga, monk
Martyrs Leontius, Dometius, Terence, and Domninus
New Hieromartyrs Eugene Yelkhovsky the priest of Yaroslavl-Rostov (+1937), and John Zasyedatelev the priest of Alma-Ata (+1942)

Twentieth Sunday after Trinity
Appearance of St. Michael Archangel to St. Autbert, at Mont S.-Michel
Holy 270 Martyrs in Africa
Martyrs Martinian, Saturnian, their Two Martyred Brothers, and St. Maxima the abbess, in Africa
St. Ambrose, bishop of Cahors, France
Martyrs Saturninus, Nereus, and 375 other Martyrs, in proconsular Africa
St. Gall of Ireland, priest-hermit of Switzerland
St. Magnobod, bishop of Angers
St. Ambrose, disciple of St. Didymus
Martyr Bercharius Myrrh-streaming, abbot at Montiers-en-Ders
Martyr Bassian at Syracuse
Martyr Eliphius near Toul
Virgin-Martyr Bolonia at Expilly in France, and Martyr Silvanus at Ahun
St. Junian, hermit, at Gembly near Limoges
St. Colman, bishop of Killruadh, in Ireland
St. Balderic the Confessor, at Montfaucon
St. Kiara, virgin, near Cork
St. Mummolin, bishop of Noyon
St. Lullus, archbishop of Mainz
St. Vitalis, hermit-monk, at Raix, in Brittany
St. Gauderic the Confessor, in Languedoc
Hieromartyr Florentius, bishop of Trier
St. Dulcidius, bishop, at Agen
Hieromartyr Baldwin, archdeacon of Laon, St. Salaberga’s son
St. Eremberta, first abbess of Wierre
St. Albinus, bishop of Quimper

October 30 / October 17, 2023

Prophet Hosea (Osee) (+820 B.C.)
Venerable-Martyr Andrew of Crete, monk
Translation of the relics of St. Lazarus “of the Four Days” (in the tomb), bishop of Citium (Kition) on Cyprus, to Constantinople
Holy Martyrs and Unmercenary Healers Cosmas and Damian in Cilicia, and their brothers Martyrs Leontius, Anthimus, and Eutropius (Euprepius)
St. Anthony, abbot of Leokhnovo, Novgorod
Martyr-Queen Susanna (Shushanik) of Georgia
St. Joseph the Wonderworker, catholicos of Georgia
Martyr Isidore and his Martyred Companions
Translation of the relics of Martyr-Princes Ethelred and Ethelbert, of Kent (ca. 640)
Translation of the relics of St. Ethelreda, abbess of Ely
St. Nothelm, archbishop of Canterbury
New Hieromartyr Alexander, archbishop of Nizhni-Novgorod (+1937)
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Virgin Before and After Giving Birth” and “Rescuer”
Repose of Blessed Elder Athanasius (Zakharov), disciple of St. Paisius Velichkovsky (+1825)

Hieromartyr Heron, bishop at Antioch, disciple of St. Ignatius
St. Florentinus, bishop of Trier and Tongres, at Orange
Elevation of incorrupt relics of St. Etheldreda, royal abbess of Ely
Martyr Privatus the Soldier, at Rome
Martyr-Princes Ethelred and Ethelbert, great-grandsons of St. Ethelbert
Translation of the relics of St. Lazarus of Constantinople, monk, iconographer
Virgin-Martyr Solina at Chartres
St. Louthiern, bishop, in Brittany
St. Austrudis, abbess, at Laon
St. Nothelm, archbishop of Canterbury, friend of St. Bede
Martyr Andrew of Crete, who suffered for the Icons, at Constantinople
St. Berarius, bishop of Sens, in France
Martyr Mamelta, former priestess, at Bethfarme in Persia
St. Victor, bishop, writer, at Capua
St. Colman of Killroot, bishop, in Ireland
St. Regulus, abbot in Scotland

October 31 / October 18, 2023

Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke
St. Peter of Cetinje, metropolitan and wonderworker of Montenegro
Martyr Marinus the Elder at Anazarbus
Sts. Julian the hermit, and Didymus the Blind, in Mesopotamia
Hieromartyr Mnason, bishop of Tomasos on Cyprus
St. David, abbot of Serphukhov
New Martyrs Gabriel and Cyrmidoles, of Egypt
Sts. Symeon the monk, Theodore the monk, and Euphrosyne, who found the Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos Mega-Spelaïotissa (“of the Great Cave”) in the Peloponnesus
St. Joseph the Wonderworker, abbot of Volokolamsk
Martyr Aristoblus
Sts. Selyf (Salomon) and Gwen, of Cornwall, parents of St. Cybi
New Hieromartyr Sergius Bazhanov, priest (+1937)
Repose of Blessed Jose Munoz-Cortez who met with a martyric death (+1997)

ST. LUKE EVANGELIST, slain in Bithynia, who lies at Constantinople; his symbol is the ox
Boy-Martyr Justus at Beauvais
Hieromartyr Asclepiades, bishop, at Antioch
Martyr Tryphonia, wife of Emperor Decius
Translation of the relics of St. Brioch, abbot in Brittany
St. Julian Sabbas, hermit, in Mesopotamia
St. Brothen in Wales
St. Gwen of Wales, aunt of St. David of Wales; and St. Gwendolyn, abbess
Martyr Gwen (Candida or Blanche) at Talgarth, daughter of St. Brychan
Martyrs Felix and Angilbert, at Villers-en-Azois
Martyrs Justus, Artemius, and Honesta, at Monciel, Artois
Hieromartyr Athenodorus, bishop, at Pontus
Martyr Monon, hermit in the Ardennes, in Scotland

November 1 / October 19, 2023

Prophet Joel (800 B.C.)
Martyr Varus and Seven Ascetics Martyred with him, monks, in Egypt
Blessed Cleopatra and her son St. John, of Palestine
Martyr Florus
Glorification of Righteous John, wonderworker of Kronstadt
Translation of the relics of St. John, abbot of Ryla in Bulgaria
Hieromartyr Sadoc (Sadoth) the bishop of Persia, and 128 Martyrs with him
St. Leontius the Philosopher of St. Sabbas’ monastery
St. Demetrius, tsarevich of Uglich and Moscow
St. Prochorus, miracle-worker, hermit near the Pchinja River (Vranje, Serbia)
Hieromartyrs Felix the Presbyter and Eusebius the Deacon
Venerable Frideswide of Oxford, abbess (ca. 735)
St. Gabriel, abbot of St. Elias skete on Mt. Athos (+1901)
New Hieromartyr Protopriest Alexis Stavrovsky (+1918)
New Hieromartyr Protopriest Paul Levashov of Gomel (+1937)
Commemoration of the Glorification of New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia (1981)

St. Frideswitha of Oxford, abbess and founder of St. Mary’s
Hieromartyr Sabinian the first bishop of Sens, Martyr Potentianus, and Two other Martyrs
Martyrs Ptolomy, Lucius, and another Martyr, at Alexandria
Martyrs Beronicus, Pelagia, and 49 other Martyrs, of Antioch, Syria
Martyrs Proculus and his mother Nicaea, at Puzzuoli
St. Ethbin, abbot, at Kildare, in Ireland
Martyr Varus the gaoler, and other Martyrs, in Upper Egypt
St. Gratus, bishop of Oleron, in France
St. Veranus, bishop, at Cavaillon
St. Aquilinus, bishop, at Evreux
Martyr Theofrid, abbot, at Carméri in Velai
Martyr Laura, abbess, at Córdova
Hieromartyr Eadnoth, bishop, at Dorchester
Hieromartyr Altinus, bishop of Orléans
St. Cleopatra, widow, in Syria
St. Lupus, bishop, at Soissons
St. Desiderius, hermit-monk, at Lonrey
St. Madrun, widow, in Wales

November 2 / October 20, 2023

Great-Martyr Artemius at Antioch
Martyrs Ebores and Enous, of Persia
St. Matrona, virgin, of Chios
Martyr Zebinas at Caesarea in Palestine
Righteous Artemius, youth, of Verkola
St. Gerasimus (Herman) the New, ascetic of Cephalonia
Translation of the relics of New Venerable-Martyr Ignatius of Bulgaria from Constantinople to Mt. Athos
St. Acca, bishop of Hexham, England (+740)
New Hieromartyrs Protopresbyter John Rodionov, Priest Alexander Orlov, Priest Zosimas Pepenin, Priest John Ganchev, Priest John Rechkin, Priest John Talizin, Priest Leonid Nikolsky (+1937), Priest Nicholas Liubomudrov of Latskoye village in Yaroslavl (+1918), Priest Nicholas Figurov, Priest Peter Kravets, Deacon Michael Isaev, and New Martyr Paul Bocharov (+1937)
Repose of Blessed Abbot Theodosius (Popov) of Optina (+1902)

Hieromartyr Maximus the Deacon, in the Abruzzo
Martyrs Caprasius, Primus, and Felician, at Agens in France
Virgin-Martyrs Martha and Saula, and other Martyrs, at Cologne
St. Acca of Hexham, bishop, friend of St. Bede, who brought in Roman chant
Hieromartyr Felician, bishop, at Minden
Martyr Artemius at Antioch in Syria
St. Bradan the bishop, and St. Orora, in the Isle of Man
St. Sindulf, hermit, near Reims, at Aussonce
St. Fintan Moeldubh, abbot, at Clonenagh in Ireland
Virgin-Martyr Irene at Santárem in Portugal
Martyr Barsabas the abbot, and 11 of his Martyred Monks, near Persepolis
St. Aidan, bishop, at Mayo
St. Bernard, bishop, at Bagnorea
St. Aderald at Troyes, archdeacon, founder of Holy Sepulchre monastery

November 3 / October 21, 2023

St. Hilarion the Great, abbot, in Palestine
Translation of the relics of St. Hilarion, bishop of Meglin, to Turnovo in Bulgaria
Martyrs Dasius, Gaius, and Zoticus, at Nicomedia
Holy 60 Martyrs, pilgrims slain at Jerusalem (+723)
St. Hilarion, metropolitan of Kiev
Sts. Theophilus and James, abbots of Omucha (Pskov)
St. Hilarion, abbot of Pskov Lake
St. Hilarion, schema-monk of the Kiev Caves
St. Philotheus, monk, of Mt. Athos
New Martyr John of the Peloponnesus, at Larissa
Martyrs Bessarion (Sarai) the Hieromonk, Monk Sophronius of Cioara, confessors; and Martyr Oprea of Saliste; martyred in Romania under the Latins
Sts. John of Galeş and Moses (Măcinic) of Sibiel, confessors, priests, in Transylvania
Newly-revealed Martyrs Andrew, Stephen, Paul, and Peter
Martyrs Theodota and Socrates the Presbyter, of Ancyra
Venerable-Martyr Eucratus, monk
St. Baruch, monk
Venerable-Martyr Zacharias, monk
Woman-Martyr Azes
Translation of the relics of St. Christodulus the Wonderworker, to Patmos
St. Condedus, hermit of Fontenelle
St. Tuda, bishop of Lindisfarne
St. Fintan Munnu of Teachmunnu (+635)
St. Malathgeny of Cluain-Edneach (+767)
New Hieromartyr Alexis (Bui), bishop of Voronezh (+1930)
New Hieromartyrs Archbishop Damian of Kursk, Archbishop Paulinus of Mogilev, Bishop Arcadius of Yekaterinburg; and of Tver: Hieromartyrs Sophronius the hieromonk, Priest Alexander Bogoyavlensky, Priest Alexis Moskvin, Priest Anatole Levitsky at Novospassky, Priest Basil Kozirev, Priest Basil Nikolsky, Priest Vladimir Vedensky, Priest Demetrius Troitsky, Priest John Kozirev, Priest Constantine Chekalov, Priest Nicander Chernelevsky at Novospassky, Priest Nicholas Raevsky, Priest Sergius Smirnov, Priest Theodore Belyaev, Protodeacon Sergius Kazansky, Deacon John Melnitsky, and New Martyr Cyprian Annikov at Novospassky (+1937)

Passion of Virgin-Martyr Ursula and 11,000 other Virgin-Martyrs, at Cologne
St. Hilarion the Great, abbot in Palestine and Cyprus
Martyrs Dasius, Zoticus, Caius, and 12 other Martyrs, soldiers, at Nicomedia
Hieromartyr Asterius, priest, at Ostia
St. Viator at Lyons, hermit, disciple of St. Justus
St. Condetus, hermit-monk, at Fontenelle
Ordination of St. Dunstan, archbishop of Canterbury
St. Rectitius, bishop of Autun, named by St. Jerome
Ordination of St. Willibald of Eichstätt, apostle of Franconia
St. Malchus, monk, near Antioch in Syria
St. Cilinia at Laon, mother of St. Remigius
St. Finan Munnu, abbot, at Taghmon in Ireland
St. Wendelin, shepherd, near Trier
Martyrs Gregory, John, Julian, and other Martyrs, at Jerusalem
St. Maurontius, bishop, at Marseilles
St. Tuda, bishop of Lindisfarne
St. Hugh, abbot, at Ambronay

November 4 / October 22, 2023

Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Abercius, bishop and wonderworker of Hierapolis
Holy Seven Youths (“Seven Sleepers”) of Ephesus: Maximilian, Jamblichus, Martinian, John, Dionysius, Exacustodian, and Antoninus (also August 4)
Martyrs Alexander the Bishop, Heraclius the Soldier, Anna, Elizabeth, Theodota, and Glyceria, at Adrianople
St. Lot, monk, of Egypt
St. James of Omutch
Sts. Theodore and Paul, abbots of Rostov
Martyr Zacharias
St. Rufus, monk, of “The Paradise of the Fathers”
Martyrs Anthusa and her Children
St. Mellon, first bishop of Rouen
New Hieromartyrs Archbishop Seraphim of Uglich (+1937), Archimandrite Menas of Moscow, Hieromonk Gregory of Yaroslavl-Rostov, Priest Alexander Lebedev of Moscow, Priest Boris Polyansky of Moscow, Priest Basil Bogoyavlensky of Moscow, and Priest Vladimir Sobolev of Moscow; and New Martyr Nicholas Ushakov of Yaroslavl-Rostov (+1937)
Kazan Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, commemorating the deliverance from the Poles in 1612; and Her Andronikov Icon
Repose of Righteous Blessed Monk Joseph the Silent of Kuban (+1925)

Martyrs Philip the bishop, Eusebius, and Hermes, at Adrianople in Thrace
Hieromartyr Mark the first Gentile bishop of Jerusalem
St. Mary Salome the myrrh-bearer, at Arles, in France
St. Melanius, archbishop of Rouen
Virgin-Martyrs Nunilona and Alodia, at Huesca in Spain
St. Melania, abbess at Jerusalem, matron of Rome
St. Melania (another), matron, abbess
St. Abercius (Averky), bishop of Hierapolis, in Phrygia
Hieromartyr Alexander the bishop and other Martyrs
Hieromartyr Valerius, archdeacon, at Langres
Martyr Lupentius, abbot, at Châlons, in France
St. Moderan, bishop of Rennes
St. Benedict, abbot, at Macerac, in Brittany
St. Donatus, bishop, at Fiesole, Italy
St. Bertharius, abbot of Monte Cassino
Hieromartyr Philip, bishop, at Fermo
St. Nepotian, bishop, at Clermont
St. Verecundus, bishop, at Verona
St. Simplicius, abbot, at Monte Cassino
St. Maroveus, abbot, at Precipiano
Virgin-Martyr Flora at Freiburg

November 5 / October 23, 2023

Twenty Second Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Apostle James the Brother of the Lord
Translation of the relics of Blessed James of Borovichi, wonderworker of Novgorod
St. Ignatius, patriarch of Constantinople
St. Nicephorus, founder of the Charsian monastery in Constantinople
St. Petronius, disciple of St. Pachomius the Great
Martyr Maximus
St. Macarius the Roman, of Mesopotamia
St. Eliseus (Elisha) of Lavrishevo, Belorussia
St. Ethelfleda, abbess of Romsey
St. Oda of Amay, Belgium, foundress of churches (+726)
New Hieromartyr Theodore, archbishop, of Russia (+1937)
New Martyrs of Moscow: Protopresbyter Nicholas Agafonnikov, Vladimir Ambartsumov, and Priests Nicholas Archangelsky, Emilian Goncharov, Sozon Reshetilov, and Alexander Soloviev (+1937)

Twenty First Sunday after Trinity
St. Romanus, archbishop of Rouen
Hieromartyr Theodore, priest, at Antioch of Syria
Martyrs Servandus and Germanus (Herman), brothers, at Cádiz, in Spain
St. Benedict, bishop of Sebaste
St. Elfleda at Glastonbury, nun, mentor of St. Dunstan
St. Severin, bishop of Cologne
Martyr Gratian near Amiens
Martyr Severinus Boëthius, philosopher
Martyrs Theodota and Socrates, at Nicaea in Bithynia
St. Severin, bishop of Bordeaux
Virgin-Martyr Columba in Cornwall
Martyrs Luglius and Luglian, at Lillers and Montdidier
St. Oda near Liége, widow, hospital foundress
St. Verus, bishop, at Salerno
St. Clether in Wales
St. John, bishop, at Syracuse
St. Syra, virgin, at Faremoutiers
St. Leothadius, abbot, at Moissac
St. Domitius the Confessor at Amiens
St. Ignatius, patriarch of Constantinople, friend of St. Photius the Great
Translation of the relics of St. Merwenna, abbess of Romsey

November 6 / October 24, 2023

Martyr Arethas and those 4,299 Martyrs with him, including Martyr Syncletica and her Two Martyred Daughters
Blessed Elesbaan (Caleb), king of Ethiopia (+655)
St. Athanasius I, patriarch of Constantinople (Mt. Athos)
St. Arethas, recluse of the Kiev Caves
St. Sisoës, schema-monk of the Kiev Caves
St. John, recluse of the Pskov Caves
St. Theophilus the Silent of the Kiev Caves
St. Papas, bishop of Skifera
St. Zosimas, elder, of Siberia
Martyr Nerdonus
St. Senoch, abbot near Tours, Gaul (+576)
St. Maglorius, abbot of Sark
New Hieromartyrs Bishop Laurence of Balakhna (+1918), Protopresbyter Alexis Porfiriev of Balakhna (+1918), Priest John Smirnov of Chimkent, Priest Nicholas Nikolsky of Yaroslavl-Rostov (+1937), Priest Peter Bogorodsky of Yaroslavl-Rostov (+1938), and New Martyr Alexis Neidgardt (+1918)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “The Joy of All Who Sorrow”
Repose of Blessed Elder Zosimas (Verkhovsky) (+1833)

Martyrs Felix the bishop, Priests Audactus and Januarius, and Readers Fortunatus and Septimus, at Venosa, in Apulia
St. Martin, abbot of Vertou near Nantes
St. Maglorius (Maclovius), bishop of Dol, hermit
Martyr Maglorius, slain by the Vandals
Martyrs Crescius, Omnio, and other Martyrs, at Florence
St. Proclus, patriarch of Constantinople, who ordained the Trisagion sung in the Divine Liturgy
Hieromartyr Evergisl, bishop, at Cologne
Holy Martyrs of Nagran: Prince Arethas, Bishop Paul, Ruma and her Two Daughters, and Thousands of other Martyrs, slaughtered by the Jewish king and mentioned in the Q’uran of Islam
St. Cadfarch at Penyos in Montgomery, monk, founder of churches
St. Senoch, abbot, at Tours
St. Arethas, hermit of the Kiev Caves
St. Marcius, hermit, at Mt. Massico
St. Fromund, bishop, at Coutances

November 7 / October 25, 2023

Martyrs Marcian and Martyrius, the patriarchal notaries (secretaries) of Constantinople
Righteous Tabitha, the widow raised from the dead by Apostle Peter
Martyr Anastasius the Fuller at Salona in Dalmatia
Sts. Martyrius the deacon and Martyrius the recluse, monks of the Kiev Caves
Martyr Valerinus
Martyr Sabinus
Martyrs Valerius and Chrysathus
St. George, bishop of Amastris and writer of canons
Sts. Philadephus and Polycarp
St. Macarius, bishop of Paphos on Cyprus
Holy Two Martyrs in Thrace
St. Front, bishop of Perigueux (2nd century)
Martyrs Crispinus and Crispinianus, Romans, martyred under Diocletian at Soissons (+286)
Martyr Miniatus of Florence (+251)

Martyrs Crispin and Crispinian, brothers, missionaries, of Soissons
Holy 47 Martyred Soldiers, baptized by Pope Dionysius, on Salarian Way, at Rome
Sts. Fronto and George, bishops, at Perigeux, sent by St. Peter
Martyr Minias, soldier, at Florence
St. Hilary, bishop, at Mende
Martyrs Chrysanthus and his wife Daria, on the Salarian Way, at Rome
Translation of the relics of St. John of Beverly, archbishop of York
Martyr Demetrius the Myrrh-streaming
Martyrs Martyrius the subdeacon and Marcian the chanter, at Constantinople
St. Gaudentius, bishop of Brescia
Sts. Canna, Saudren, and Crallo, confessors, in Wales
St. Caidin the Confessor in Ireland
St. Marnock, bishop, at Kilmarnock, in Scotland
St. Goeznoveus, bishop, at Léon, in Brittany
St. Tabitha, whom St. Peter raised to life (Acts 9:36-43)
Martyrs Theodosius, Lucius, Mark, Peter, and 46 other Martyrs, soldiers, at Rome
Martyr Cyrinus at Rome
Hieromartyr Pope Marcellinus, and Martyrs Claudius, Cyrinus, and Antoninus
Hieromartyrs Protus the priest and Januarius the deacon, near Sassari in Sardinia
St. Lupus, bishop of Bayeux
St. Dulcardus, hermit-monk, at Micy
St. Hildemarka, abbess, at Fécamp
St. Guesnoveus, bishop of Quimper in Brittany
St. Fructus the hermit, Martyr Valentine, and their sister Martyr Engratia, at Segovia
St. Touchard at Amblis

November 8 / October 26, 2023

Commemoration of the Great Earthquake at Constantinople in 740 A.D.
Holy and Glorious Great-Martyr Demetrius the Myrrh-gusher of Thessalonica
St. Athanasius of Medikion monastery in Bithynia
St. Demetrius, monk
New Venerable-Martyr Joasaph, monk of Mt. Athos, disciple of St. Niphon of Constantinple
St. Theophilus, bishop of Novgorod, whose relics rest in the Far Caves of St. Theodosius at the Kiev Lavra
St. Demetrius (another), monk, at Basarbov, in Bulgaria
St. Anthony, bishop of Vologda
Martyrs Artemidorus, Basil, Mitrodorus, and Glycon
Martyr Luppus
Martyr Leptina
Martyr Glycon
St. Cedd, bishop of the East Saxons (+664)
St. Edfrith, bishop of Lindisfarne
St. Eata, bishop of Hexham (+686)
St. Bean, bishop of Morthlach
St. Alfred the Great, king of England
St. Alexander, bishop of Guria and Mingrelia, Georgia (+1907)
Repose of Blessed Ignatius the Bulgarian of Mt. Athos (+1927)

Hieromartyr Rogatian the priest and Martyr Felicissimus, at Carthage
St. Rusticus, bishop of Narbonne
Hieromartyr Evaristus the Hebrew, pope
St. Quodvultdeus (“whatever-God-wills”), bishop, at Carthage
Sts. Daria and Derbilia, virgis of Connaught
Sts. Nasad, Beoan, and Mellan, hermits of Co. Down, Ireland
Sts. Gwinoc and his father Aneurin (Gildas), monks of Wales
St. Tudyr the Confessor, of Wales
St. Gaudiosus, bishop, at Salerno
St. Amandus, bishop, at Worms
St. Eata, bishop of Hexham
St. Sigebald, bishop, at Metz
Sts. Witta and Megingaud, bishops of Burbach, in Thuringia
St. Gibitrudis, virgin, at Faremoutiers
Sts. Alan and Alorus, bishops of Quimper
St. Quadragesimus, subdeacon at Policastro, named by St. Gregory the Great
St. Eadfrid, hieromonk, at Leominster
St. Humbert, prior, at Fritzlar
St. Cuthbert, archbishop of Canterbury
St. Albinus, bishop, at Buraburg
St. Bean, bishop of Leinster in Ireland
Blessed Adalgott, abbot, at Dissentis

November 9 / October 27, 2023

Martyr Nestor of Thessalonica
St. Nestor the Chronicler of the Kiev Caves
Martyrs Capitolina and Eroteis (Eroteida, Erotheis), of Cappadocia
Martyrs Mark, Sotericus, and Valentine, in Asia Minor, whose relics were translated to the isle of Thasos
St. Nestor the Unlettered of the Kiev Caves
Opening of the relics of St. Andrew, prince of Smolensk, Pereyaslavl-Zalesski
St. Cyriacus, patriarch of Constantinople
St. Procla, wife of Pontius Pilate
St. Demetrius of Basarbovo in Bulgaria, whose relics are in Bucharest
St. Odran, monk of Iona
Virgin-Martyr Ia of Cornwall
St. Ethelstan, king of England

Vigil of Sts. Simon and Jude, apostles
Martyrs Vincent, Sabina, and Christeta, in Spain, at Avila
Martyr Florentius at Trois-Châteaux, in Burgundy
Sts. Frumentius and Edesius, bishops, apostles of Ethiopia
St. Abban in Wexford, nephew of St. Kevin, monasteries-founder
Translation of the relics of Virgin-Martyr Dymphna of Gheel
St. Cyriacus, patriarch of Constantinople
Martyrs Maximus, Venantius, and Lucian, in the Abruzzi
Martyrs Capitolina and her maid Eroteis, at Caesarea Cappadocia
Hieromartyr Eucherius, bishop, in Lorraine
Sts. Ia and Breacha, virgins, in Cornwall
St. Elesbaan, king, in Ethiopia
St. Odhran, abbot, at Iona
St. Desiderius, bishop of Auxerre
St. Colman, abbot, at Senbothfola, in Ireland
St. Abraham the Poor, in Egypt, hermit, disciple of St. Pachomius
St. Gaudiosus, bishop, at Naples
St. Namatius, bishop, at Clermont

November 10 / October 28, 2023

Martyrs Terence and Neonilla and their children Sarbelus, Photus, Theodulus, Hierax, Nitas, Bele, and Eunice
St. Stephen the Sabbaite, hymnographer
Repose of St. Job, abbot of Pochaev
Great-Martyr Parasceva of Iconium
Repose of St. Arsenius, archbishop of Serbia
Martyrs Africanus, Terence, Maximus, Pompey, and 36 other Martyrs, of Carthage
St. John the Chozebite, bishop of Caesarea in Palestine
Hieromartyr Cyriacus the bishop at Jerusalem, and his mother Martyr Anna
St. Firmilian the archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia, and St. Malchion the presbyter of Antioch
St. Febronia, daughter of Emperor Heraclius
Hieromartyr Neophytus, bishop of Urbnisi in Georgia
New Martyrs Angelis, Manuel, George, and Nicholas, of Crete
St. Athanasius I, patriarch of Constantinople (Mt. Athos)
St. Demetrius, metropolitan of Rostov
St. Nestor (not the chronicler) at the Kiev Caves
Righteous Virgin Parasceva of Pirinem on the Pinega River, Archangelsk
Repose of St. Theophilus, fool-for-Christ of Kiev (+1852)
St. Nathaniel
New Hieromartyr John Vilensky, priest of Yaroslavl-Rostov (+1918)
St. Arsenius of Cappadocia (+1924)
New Hieromartyr Michael Lektorsky, priest (+1921)
Commemoration of the Protection of the Theotokos (according to the Greek calendar)

STS. SIMON AND JUDE THE APOSTLES, who ended their course in Persia; Simon is surnamed the Canaanite, and Jude is surnamed Thaddeus (“the courageous one”)
St. Abdias, bishop at Babylon, disciple of Sts. Simon and Jude
Martyr Cyrilla at Rome, daughter of Emperor Decius
St. Faro, bishop of Meaux
Translation of the relics of St. Genevieve (Jennifer), virgin
St. Malchion, priest, at Antioch
Martyr Fidelis, soldier, at Como
Martyrs Anastasia the Elder and Virgin, and Cyril, at Rome
Martyr Ferrutius, soldier, at Mainz
Martyr Genes at Thiers in Auvergne
St. Gaudiosus, bishop, in Africa
St. John Chozebite, monk, in Palestine
Hieromartyr Neophytus, bishop, in Georgia
St. Dorbheneus, abbot of Iona
St. Dodo, abbot of Valers-en-Fagne, near Avesnes
St. Stephen in Palestine, monk of St. Sabbas’, hymnographer
St. Honoratus, bishop, at Vercelli
St. Salvius, hermit, in Normandy
St. Abraham, bishop, at Ephesus
Sts. Godwin and Anglinus, abbots, at Stavelot
St. Remigius, bishop, at Lyons
St. Eadsin, archbishop of Canterbury, who crowned King Edward the Confessor
St. Ludard, baker, at Soissons

November 11 / October 29, 2023

Venerable-Martyr Anastasia the Roman, nun, at Thessalonica (+256)
St. Abramius the Recluse and his niece St. Mary of Mesopotamia
St. Abramius, archimandrite and wonderworker of Rostov
St. Anna (known as the monk Euphemian) of Constantinople
Martyrs Claudius, Asterius, Neon, and Theonilla (Neonilla), of Aegae in Cilicia
St. Rostislav, prince of Moravia
St. Serapion, monk of Zarzma, Georgia
St. Abramius, recluse of the Kiev Caves
New Martyr Athanasius of Sparta, monk, at Muatanach
St. Theodosius Siysky, monk
New Hieromartyr Athanasius of Sparta (near Attalia in Pamphylia), at Moudania
New Venerable-Martyr Timothy of Esphigmenou monastery on Mt. Athos, at Adrianople
Martyrs Cyril, Mines, and Minaeus
Martyr Melitina of Marcionopolis
St. Ermelinda (Ermelindis), hermitess of Meldaert in Belgium (6th century)
New Hieromartyrs Protopresbyter Eugene Ivashko (+1937) and Priest Nicholas Probatov; New Martyrs Alexis, Andrew, Basil, Victor Kraskov, John, John (another), Cosmas, Nahum, Paul, Philip, and Agatha, (+1918)

St. Narcissus, bishop, at Jerusalem; when the lamps failed at Paschal vigil, he had water put in them, which burned as oil, foreshadowing the miracle of the Holy Fire
Hieromartyr Zenobius, priest, at Sidon
Martyrs Hyacinth, Quintus, Felician, and Lucius, at Lucania
St. John the Wonderworker, bishop of Autun
St. Valentine the Confessor, bishop, at Passau
Hieromartyr Maximiilan, bishop of Lorch
St. Elfleda, royal abbess-founder of Ramsey
St. Genitus in Aquitaine
St. Terence, bishop, at Metz
St. James, bishop of Sarug, in Mesopotamia
St. Theuderius, abbot, at Vienne in France
St. Ermelinda, hermitess, in Brabant
St. Bond, penitent, at Sens
St. Kennera, hermitess, in Galloway, Scotland
St. Anna, “monk in man’s clothing,” in Greece
St. Donatus at Corfù, named by St. Gregory I
St. Sighelm, abbot, at Stavelot
St. Stephen, bishop, at Caiazzo
Martyr Eusebia at Bergamo
St. Colman of KilMacduagh, bishop

November 12 / October 30, 2023

Twenty Third Sunday after Pentecost
Hieromartyr Zenobius the bishop of Aegae in Cilicia, and his sister Martyr Zenobia
Martyr Eutropia of Alexandria
Holy Apostles Tertius, Mark, Justus, and Artemas, of the Seventy
Hieromartyr Marcian, bishop of Syracuse
Martyrs Alexander, Cronion, Julian, Macarius, and 13 Martyred Companions, at Alexandria
Martyr Dometius of Phrygia
Sts. Helen of Anjou the wife of Uroš I, and her sons: Stephen Miliutin the king of Serbia, and Dragutin the monk (tonsured Theoctistus)
Martyr Iotam of Zedghinidze, Paravani, in Georgia
Finding of the relics of St. Setephen of Decani
St. Germanus (Herman)
St. Simeon, monk
Hieromartyr Maximus, deacon
Holy Apostle Cleopas of the Seventy
St. Joseph, patriarch of Constantinople
Martyr Manuel
St. Leofric, earl of Mercia
New Hieromartyrs Metropolitan Eugene of Gorkovsky (+1935), Priest Leonid Vinogradov of Ivanovo (+1941), and Protodeacon Matthew Kazarin of Alma-Ata (+1942)
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Ozeryan” and “Chislen”

Twenty Second Sunday after Trinity
Holy 220 Martyrs in Africa
Passion of Martyr Marcellus the Centurion
St. Serapion, 8th bishop of Antioch, foe of Montanism
St. Germanus (Herman), bishop of Capua, whose soul St. Benedict saw rising to heaven
Ordination of St. Swithin, bishop of Winchester
Martyr Saturninus of Cagliari
Martyr Lucanus at Lagny
Holy 13 Martyred Companions of St. Julian, at Alexandria
Martyr Eutropia of Alexandria
Hieromartyr Zenobius the bishop, and his sister Virgin-Martyr Zenobia, at Aegaea, Cilicia
Martyrs Claudius, Lupercus, and Victorius, brothers, at Leon, in Spain
Sts. Pientius, Agentius, and Columba, confessors, at Moyenvic
St. Talaric, bishop, in Scotland
St. Illogan the Confessor, in Cornwall
St. Artemas, bishop of Lystra, disciple of Apostle Paul (Titus 3:12)
Martyr Maximus at Cumae
St. Asterius, bishop, at Amasea
St. Herbert, archbishop of Tours
St. Egelnoth the Good, archbishop of Canterbury
St. Nanterius in Lorraine, abbot of St. Michael’s
Martyr Issui, hermit, at the holy well, at Patricio, in Wales

November 13 / October 31, 2023

Holy Apostles Stachys, Amplias, Urban, Narcissus, Apelles, and Aristobulus, of the Seventy
Martyr Epimachus of Pelusium, at Alexandria
Sts. Spyridon and Nicodemus, the prosphora-bakers of the Kiev Caves
St. Anatolius, recluse of the Kiev Caves
St. Maura, nun at Constantinople
Holy 100,000 Martyrs of Tbilisi under Jelaluddin the Mongol
New Martyr Nicholas of Chios
Martyrs Stephen, Barnabas, Trophimus, Dorymedon, Cosmas, Damian, Sabbas, Basas, Abramius, and other Martyrs with them
Holy 12 Virgin-Martyrs
Holy Three Martyrs of Melitene
Sts. Arsacius, Artemius, Germanus (Herman), Romanus, and Nissius
St. Theodore the Merchant
Martyrs Gordion and Epimachus, of Rome
Martyrs Seleucius and Stratonica his wife, myrrh-gushers
Anonymous Confessor in the time of Julian the Apostate
Venerable-Martyr Foillan, abbot of Fosses in Belgium (+655)
Martyr Quentin of Rome, at Augusta Veromanduorum (Saint-Quentin) in Gaul (3rd – 4th century)
St. Begu, nun of Hackness
New Hieromartyr Protopriest John Kochurov of Chicago and St. Petersburg, at Tsarskoe Selo (+1917)
New Hieromartyrs Archbishop Sergius of Yeletsky, Protopresbyter Vsevolod of Smirnov of Moscow, Hieromonk Anatole, and Priest Alexis Sibersky, of Tver; New Hieromartyrs Priest Alexander Vozdvizhensky, Priest Sergius Rozanov, and New Martyr John Blatov, (+1937)

Vigil of All Saints (tomorrow’s feast of All Saints has been kept in the West upon November 1, by an Irish custom, since the 7th century)
Martyr Quintin of Amiens
Translation of the relics of Hieromartyr Nemesius the Deacon and his daughter Martyr Lucilla, on the Appian Way, at Rome
Holy Apostle Aristobulus of the Seventy, in Britain
Hieromartyr Foillan near Namur, at Fosses, friend of St. Gertrude of Nivelles
St. Bega, abbess and foundress, at Bee’s Head in Cumberland
Holy Apostle Stachys of the Seventy (Romans 16:9), at Byzantium
Holy Martyrs Amplias, Urban, and Narcissus, of the Seventy Apostles, in the Balkans (Romans 16:8-11)
St. Notburga, nun of St. Mary’s, at Cologne
St. Wolfgang, bishop, at Ratisbon
St. Urith in Cornwall, sister of St. Ia (Ives)
St. Antoninus, archbishop of Milan
Martyr Anulf, monk, at Novalese
St. Ultan, abbot of Fosses

November 14 / November 1, 2023

Holy Wonderworkers and Unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian, of Asia; and their mother St. Theodota the Nun
Martyr Hermenegild, prince of the Visigoths in Spain (+586)
Martyrs Cyrenia and Juliana, in Cilicia
Martyrs Caesarius, Dacius, Sabbas, Sabinian, Agrippa, Adrian, and Thomas, at Damascus
Hieromartyrs John the bishop and James the presbyter, of Persia
New Venerable-Martyrs James of Mt. Athos and his two disciples Hierodeacon James and Monk Dionysius, at Adrianople
St. David of Euboea, monk
St. Cosmas of Verkhoturye
New Virgin-Martyr Helen of Sinope
Sts. Theodore and Procopius
St. Cadfan, abbot of Bardsey Island
St. Ethelnoth, archbishop of Canterbury
New Hieromartyrs Protopresbyter Alexander Smirnov, and Priest Theodore Remezov, of Moscow, (+1918); and Priest Demetrius Ovechkin of Perm (+1937)
Blessed Cosmas of Verkhoturye (+1704)
Repose of Blessed Elder Hilarion of Valaam and Sarov (+1841)

FEAST OF ALL SAINTS (This feast has been kept in the West upon Nov. 1, by an Irish custom, since the 7th century)
Hieromartyr Benignus at Dijon, sent by St. Polycarp
Hieromartyrs Caesarius the Deacon and Julian the Priest, at Terracina
St. Marcellus, bishop, at Paris
St. Severinus, hermit-monk, at Tiboli
St. Vigor, bishop of Bayeux
St. Mathurin, priest, at Sens
Virgin-Martyr Mary the Servant, at Rome
Second Feast of St. Hilary, bishop of Poiters
Martyrs Cyrenia and Juliana, at Tarsus
Martyrs Caesarius, Dacius, and Five other Martyrs, at Damascus
Hieromartyr Austremonius at Clermont, bishop, apostle of Auvergne
Hieromartyrs John the bishop and James the priest, in Persia
Sts. Gwenfil and Callwen, virgins, in Brechnockshire
St. Amabilis, priest, in Auvergne
Sts. Dingad the Hermit, King Cledwin, and Pabiali, sons of St. Brychan, in Wales
St. Cadfan, abbot, in Wales
St. Ceitho of the Five Brothers, in Cardiganshire
St. Licinius, bishop, at Angers
St. Caesarius, bishop, at Clermont
St. Floribert, abbot of St. Bavo’s, at Ghent
St. Genesius, bishop, at Fontenelle
St. Germanus (Herman), hieromonk, at Montfort
St. Ludre at Déols on Indre
St. Gwythian in Cornwall

November 15 / November 2, 2023

Martyrs Acindynus, Pegasius, Aphthonius, Elpidephorus, Anempodistus, and other Martyrs with them, of Persia
Hieromartyr Philogonius, archbishop of Antioch
St. Marcian of Cyrrhus in Syria, monk
St. Cyprian of Storozhno, penitent and former outlaw
Hieromartyr Victorin, bishop of Poetovio in Pannonia (Ptuj, Slovenia)
Martyrs Cyriaca, Domnina, and Domna
Holy Martyrs from the senate at Sebaste, under Emperor Marcus Aurelius
St. Erc, bishop of Slane, Ireland (+512)
New Hieromartyrs Victorinus the bishop and Basil Luzgin the priest, (+1918)
New Hieromartyrs Ananias Aristov of Perm and Constantine Organov, priests (+1918)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Shuiskaya-Smolensk”

COMMEMORATION OF ALL SOULS, ordained for today by St. Odilo, abbot of Cluny 994
Martyr Eustace, his wife Theopista, and their sons Agapitus and Theopistus, at Rome
Hieromartyr Victorinus, bishop, at Pettau of Styria
St. Theodotus, bishop, at Laodicea
St. Ambrose, abbot of St. Maurice in the Valais
Martyr Justus at Trieste
Virgin-Martyr Eustochia at Tarsus
St. Eustochium at Bethlehem, abbess, friend of St. Jerome
Hieromartyrs Acindin, Pegasus, Aphthonius, Elpidephorus, and Anempothistus, clergy, in Persia
St. Hercus in Ireland, made a bishop of Slane by St. Patrick
Martyrs Carterius, Styriachus, Tobias, Eudoxius, Agapius, and Four Martyred Soldiers, at Sebaste
St. Marcian, hermit, at Cyrus in Syria
St. Naamachus the Confessor, at Rhodes
St. George, bishop, at Vienne
Sts. Maura and Baya, hermitesses of Scotland
Martyrs Publius, Victor, Hermas, and Papias, in N.W. Africa
St. Cumgar in Devon
St. Amicus, monk, at Fonteavellana

November 16 / November 3, 2023

Hieromartyrs Acepsimas the bishop, Joseph the presbyter, and Aïthalas the deacon, of Persia
Dedication of the Church of the Great-Martyr George in Lydda of Palestine
Martyrs Atticus, Agapius, Eudoxius, Carterius, Istucarius (Styrax, Styriacus), Pactobius (Tobias), Nictopolion (Nicopolitian), and their Martyred Companions, at Sebaste in Armenia
St. Acepsimas, hermit near Cyrrhus in Syria
St. Snandulia of Persia
St. Elias, monk, near Antinoë in Egypt
St. Achaemenides, confessor of Persia
St. Sylvia, mother of St. Gregory the Dialogist
St. Anna, princess of Kiev, daughter of Prince Vsevolod I Yaroslavich
St. Nicholas of Iveron and Goergia
St. Theodore the Confessor, bishop of Ancyra
Martyrs Dacius, Severus, Andronas, Theodotus, and Theodota
Martyrs Perpetua, Dictorina, and Photinia
Holy Nine Martyrs
Holy 28 Martyrs
New Hieromartyr George, hieromonk of Neopolis in Asia Minor
Martyr-King Calydog of Ewyas, Wales
Virgin-Martyr Winefride (Winifred) of Holywell, abbess of Gwytherin in Denibighshire, Wales (+630)
Translation of the relics of St. Edith, nun of Wilton
St. Odrada of Alem, in the Netherlands (7th century)
St. Hubert, first bishop of Liège, Belgium (+727)
St. Rumwold, infant, of Buckingham
St. Pirmin, bishop and monastic founder, in Germany (+753)
New Hieromartyr Archimandrite Arsenius of Alma Ata, Kazakhstan (+1937)
New Hieromartyrs of Moscow: Protopresbyter Sergius Kedrov, Protopresbyter Alexander Parusnikov, Protopresbyter Vladimir Pisarev, Priest Basil Archangelsky, Priest John Kesarisky, Priest Peter Orlenkov, Priest Basil Pokrovksy, Priest Nicholas Pyatnitsky, Priest Peter Kosmenkov, and Deacon Simeon Krechkov, (+1937)

St. Vigour the Confessor, bishop, of Bayeux
Martyr Winifred of Holywell, abbess, in Wales
St. Quartus, a disciple of the Holy Apostles
Martyrs Germanus (Herman), Theophilus, Caesarius, and Vitalis, at Caesarea of Cappadocia
Countless Holy Martyrs under Dacian at Zaragoza
Elevation of the relics of St. Edith the abbess of Wilton, by St. Dunstan
St. Pirmin, abbot and monasteries-founder, in Germany
Elevation of the relics of St. Hubert, bishop of Tongres, at Liége
St. Gwenael, abbot of Landevenec, in Brittany
St. Rumwold, prince of Northumbria, infant
Hieromartyr Papulus, priest, at Toulouse
Hieromartyrs Priest Valentine and Deacon Hilary, at Viterbo
St. Florus at Lodève
St. Domninus, bishop, at Vienne
St. Sylvia, matron, at Rome
St. Odrada, virgin, near Bois-le-Duc, in Holland
St. Englat, abbot, at Tarves in Scotland
St. Ermengold, bishop, at Urgel, in Spain
St. Acepsimas, hermit, at Cyrrhus
St. Valentinian, bishop, at Salerno
St. Gaudiosus, bishop, at Tarazona
St. Elerius, prior, in N. Wales
St. Cristiolus the Confessor, in N. Wales
St. Wulgan, hermit-monk, at Arras
Sts. Acheric and William, monks, in the Vosges

November 17 / November 4, 2023

St. Joannicius the Great of Bithynia, monk
Hieromartyrs Nicander the bishop of Myra, and Hermas (Hermaeus) the presbyter
St. Sylvia, mother of Pope St. Gregory the Dialogist of Old Rome
Blessed Simon of Yuryevets, fool-for-Christ
St. Nicander, abbot of Lake Gorodno, Novgorod
St. Mercurius, faster of the Kiev Caves, monk
St. Paul, metropolitan of Tobolsk
Martyr Porphyrius the Mime of Ephesus, at Caesarea in Cappadocia
Righteous John, Stephen, and Elias
St. Theodora
St. John Doukas Vatatzes, the Merciful, emperor of Nicaea
St. Clether, hermit of Cornwall
St. Brinstan, bishop of Winchester
New Hieromartyrs Priest Alexander Petropavlovsky of Yaroslavl-Rostov (+1937), and Priest Ismael Bazilevsky of Alma-Ata (+1941)
Repose of Blessed Schema-monk Mark of Sarov monastery (+1817)

St. Pierius, priest, at Rome
St. Amantius, bishop, at Rodez, in Normandy
Hieromartyr Clarus, priest, near Rouen
St. Proculus, bishop of Autun
St. Brinstan the Confessor, bishop, at Winchester
Martyr Clarus
Martyrs Vitalis and his servant Agricola, at Bologna, whose relics St. Ambrose translated
St. Perpetua, wife of Holy Apostle Peter
Holy Apostles of the Seventy Philologus the bishop of Sinope, and Patrobus the bishop of Puteoli
Martyr Porphyrius at Ephesus
St. Perpetuus, bishop of Maastricht
St. Modesta, abbess of Öhren
St. Joannicius, abbot, at Mt. Olympus
St. Emeric, prince, at Alba Regia, in Hungary
Hieromartyrs Bishop Nicander and Priest Hermas, at Myra
St. John Zedazneli, abbot, in Georgia
St. Gregory, abbot, near Aachen at Burtscheid
St. Clether, hermit of Cornwall

November 18 / November 5, 2023

Martyrs Galaction and his wife Episteme, of Emesa
St. Tikhon the Confessor, patriarch of Moscow
Repose of St. Jonah, archbishop of Novgorod
Holy Apostles Patrobas, Hermas, Linus, Gaius, and Philologus, of the Seventy
St. Gregory, archbishop of Alexandria
Martyrs Domninus, Timothy, Theophilus, Theotimus, Dorotheus the presbyter, Eupsychius, Carterius, Pamphilus, and Silvanus the bishop of Gaza, in Palestine
Martyr Agathangelus and Hieromartyr Castorus the bishop
Hieromartyr Silvanus, bishop, at Gaza
St. Kea, bishop of Devon and Cornwall
Venerable Odrada, virgin of Balen, in the Netherlands (8th century)
St. Cybi, abbot in Cornwall and Wales (+550)
St. Gregory of Cassano, Calabria (+1002)
New Hieromartyr Gabriel Maslennikov, priest of Ryazan (+1937)
Repose of Blessed Hilarion, recluse of Troekurovo (+1853)

Sts. Zacharias the prophet and Elizabeth, parents of the Baptist
Hieromartyr Felix the priest and Martyr Eusebius the monk, at Terracina
St. Laetus, priest, near Orléans
St. Zacharias, pope, foe of iconoclasm, rebuilder of Monte Cassino
Martyrs Galatio the monk and his wife Epistemis the nun, at Emessa, Phoenicia
Martyrs Domninus the physician, Theotimus, Philotheus, Silvanus the bishop, and other Martyrs
St. Nilus the Old, abbot, at Constantinople
St. Romulus, abbot, at Bourges
St. Magnus, bishop of Milan
St. Keah, bishop at Cleder, in Brittany
St. Odrada, virgin, near Gheel in Belgium
St. Bertilla, abbess of Chelles
St. Domninus, first bishop of Grenoble
St. Dominator, bishop, at Brescia
St. Fibitius, bishop, at Trier
St. Kanten in Wales, founder of Llanganten abbey
Sts. Augustine and Paulinus, monks at Terracina
St. Spinulus, abbot, at Moyenmoutier
St. Hermenegild, monk, at Salcedo
St. Lye, hermit of Sologne
Virgin-Martyr Natalina at Pamiers

November 19 / November 6, 2023

Twenty Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
St. Paul the Confessor, archbishop of Constantinople
Repose of St. Barlaam, abbot of Khutyn, Novgorod
St. Luke, monk, of Taormina on Sicily (+820)
Virgin-Martyrs Tecusa, Alexandra, Claudia, Matrona, Polactia, Euphrosyne, and Athanasia, of Ancyra
St. Luke, monk, steward of the Kiev Caves
Repose of St. Germanus (Herman), archbishop of Kazan
St. Barlaam, monk, of Keret Lake
Synaxis of the New Martyrs of Sarov: Anatolius, Basil, Hierotheus, Isaac, and Rufinus
Martyr Nicander, monk
St. Paul of Corinth, fool-for-Christ
Martyr Victor
St. Leonard of Noblac, Gaul (+559)
St. Winnoc, abbot of St. Omer in Flanders (+716)
St. Illtyd, founder of the abbey at Llantwit Major in Wales, disciple of St. Germanus of Auxerre (6th century)
St. Cowey of Portaferry, abbot of Moville (8th century)
New Martyr Gregory the Cross-bearer (+1936)
Commemoration of the Sarov Monastery Elders: Pachomius, Pitirim, Matthew, Joseph, and Joachim
Commemoration of All Saints of Ireland
New Martyrs Bishop Necetas of Orekhovo-Zuevo; of Chimkent: Hieromonk Gabriel, Priest Anatole Berzhitsky, Priest Nicholas Protasov, (+1937), Nun Nina, and Nun Seraphima

Twenty Third Sunday after Trinity
St. Leonard at Limoges, abbot and founder of Noblac at “Our Lady Beneath the Trees”
Martyr Felix at Thynissa, Africa
Holy 10 Martyrs at Antioch, slain by Saracens
Martyr Atticus in Phrygia
St. Melanius, bishop of Rennes
St. Illtud in Wales, cousin of King Arthur, monk and founder of Llantwit monastery
St. Felix of Fondi, monk
St. Efflam, hermit, at Plestin, in Brittany
Hieromartyr Severus at Barcelona, bishop, slain by Arians
St. Protasus, bishop, at Lausanne
St. Winnoc, abbot, at Bergues
St. Leonian at Autun, monk of St. Symphorian’s
St. Edwen at Anglesey, virgin, daughter of King Edwin
St. Appian, hermit-monk, at Commachio
St. Erlafrid, abbot and founder of Hirschau
St. Demetrian, bishop, in Cyprus
St. Stephen, bishop of Apt

November 20 / November 7, 2023

Holy 33 Martyrs of Melitene: Hieron, Hesychius, Nicander, Athanasius, Mamas, Barachius, Callinicus, Theogenes, Nicon, Longinus, Theodore, Valerius, Xanthias, Theodulus, Callimachus, Eugene, Theodochus, Ostrychius, Epiphanius, Maximian, Ducitius, Claudian, Theophilus, Gigantius, Dorotheus, Theodotus, Castrichius, Anicletus, Themelius, Eutychius, Hillarion, Diodotus, and Amonitus
St. Lazarus, monk, wonderworker of Mt. Gallesius near Ephesus
Martyrs Melasippus, Cassina (Carina), their son Antoninus (Anthony), and 40 Martyred Children converted by their martyrdom, at Ancyra
Martyrs Auctus, Taurion, and Thessalonica, at Amphipolis in Macedonia
Martyr Theodotus the Innkeeper, of Ancyra
St. Zosimas, abbot of Vorbozom
Translation of the relics of St. Cyril, abbot of New Lake (Novoezersk), Vologda
Martyr Alexander at Thessalonica
Martyr Athenodorus
St. Gregory, brother of St. Gregory the Wonderworker
St. Willibrord (Clement), first archbishop of Utrecht, apostle to the Frisians (+739)
New Hieromartyrs Metropolitan Cyril of Kazan and Metropolitan Joseph of Petrograd, (+1937)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Vzigraniye”

Repose of St Willibrord, confessor, archbishop of Utrecht, apostle of Friesland, founder of the lavra at Echternach, Luxemburg
St. Achilles the Confessor, bishop, in Alexandria
Hieromartyr Herculanus at Perugia, bishop, named by St. Gregory the Great
Martyr Amaranthus at Albi
St. Prosdochimus at Padua, bishop, disciple of St. Peter
Martyrs Melasippus, Carina, and their child Anthony, at Ancyra
St. Rufus, bishop of Metz
St. Florentius the Irish, bishop of Strasbourg, in France
St. Blinlivet, bishop of Vannes
Martyrs Hieron, Nicander, Hesychius, and 30 other Martyrs, in Armenia
Martyrs Auctus, Taurion, and Thessalonica, in Macedonia
Martyr Tremor in Brittany
St. Raverannus, bishop, at Séez
St. Gertrude at Remiremont, abbess, sister of St. Adolf
St. Amarand, abbot of Moissac, bishop of Albi
St. Congar, monk of Congresbury

November 21 / November 8, 2023

Synaxis of the Archangel Michael and the other Bodiless Powers, including Archangels Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Salathiel, Jegudiel, Barachiel, and Jeremiel
Repose of St. Philaret, metropolitan of New York (+1985)
Righteous Martha (Princess Maria), nun, of Pskov
St. Cybi, abbot of Holyhead, Wales (7th century)
St. Tysilio, abbot of Meifod, Wales
St. Willehad, bishop of Bremen, Germany
New Martyr Michael the Blessed of Chernigov (+1922)
New Hieromartyr Alexis, hieromonk of Yaroslavl-Rostov (+1937)

Commemoration of the Four Holy Crowned Martyrs of Old Rome on Lavican Way: Sts. Severius, Severian, Carpophorus, and Victorinus, brothers
St. Philaret of New York, confessor, bishop
Martyrs Claudius, Nicostratus, Symphorian, Castor, and Simplicius, on Lavican Way, at Rome
St. Keby, bishop of Caernarvon, in Cornwall
St. Maurus, bishop of Verdun
St. Sulien, abbot, at Soldor, Brittany
St. Willehad, bishop of Bremen
St. Gervat, hermit
St. Gregory, abbot of Einsiedeln
St. Clarus, hermit of Marmoutier
St. Tisilio, abbot, in Wales
St. Wiomad, bishop, at Trier
St. Moroc, bishop of Dunblane, in Scotland
St. Drouet, bishop of Auxerre

November 22 / November 9, 2023

Martyrs Onesiphorus and Prophyrius, at Ephesus
St. Matrona, abbess of Constantinople
St. Theoctista, nun, of the isle of Lesbos
St. Agrippinus, bishop of Naples
St. Nectarius, metropolitan of Pentapolis and wonderworker of Aegina
Martyr Alexander of Thessalonica
Martyr Anthony at Apamea
St. John the Short, abbot, of Egypt
Sts. Eustolia and Sosipatra the daughter of Emperor Maurice, nuns, of Constantinople
St. Symeon Metaphrastes (“the Translator”), monk
St. Onesiphorus the Confessor of the Kiev Caves, monk
Sts. Euthymius and Neophytus the Serbs, founders of Dochiariou monastery on Mt. Athos
Martyrs Claudius, Castor, Sempronian, and Nicostratus, in Romania
Martyrs Narses and Artemon
St. Helladius, monk
Martyrs Christopher, Maura, and Timothy
St. Nectarius Kephalas, metropolitan of Pentapolis, wonderworker of Aegina (+1920)
New Hieromartyr Parthenius, bishop of Ananyev (+1937)
Athonite Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “She Who is Quick to Hear”

Martyr Theodore Tyro at Amasea
St. Ursicinus, first bishop of Bourges
St. Vitonus, bishop, at Verdun
St. Theodore, bishop of Lyons
Martyr Theodore and 28 Soldier-Martyrs, at Heraclea
Martyrs Onesiphorus and Porphyrius, at Paros in the Hellespont
Martyr Alexander at Thessalonica
Dedication of the Church of the Holy Savior, now St. John Lateran, at Rome
Martyr Orestes at Tyana in Cappadocia
St. Maturin, priest, at Montargis in France
St. Benignus, archbishop of Armagh, St. Patrick’s chanter
St. Vannus, bishop of Verdun
Sts. Eustolia and Sosipatra, virgins, at Constantinople
St. Agrippinus, bishop, at Naples
St. Pabo in Brittany, founder of Llanbabon monastery in Anglesey

November 23 / November 10, 2023

Holy Apostles Erastus, Olympas, Herodion, Sosipater, Quartus, and Tertius, of the Seventy
Martyr Orestes, physician, of Tyana in Cappadocia
St. Theosterictus, abbot of Symbola on Mt. Olympus
Hieromartyr Milles (Milus) the bishop of Persia, and his Two Disciples
St. Nonnus, bishop of Heliopolis
Martyrs Calliopius, Nereus, and Orion
Martyr Constantine, great-prince of Kartli, Georgia
St. Ephraim, bishop of Ounion
Martyr Nestor
Commemoration in Georgia of the torture of Great-Martyr George
Translation of the relics of St. Gregory, priest of Assos near Ephesus
St. Justus, archbishop of Canterbury
St. Eucharius, first bishop of Trier (3rd century)
New Hieromartyrs Archbishop Augustine of Kaluga and Archbishop Procopius of Cherson, (+1937)
New Martyrs at Ivanovo: Archimandrite Joannicius (+1937), Hieromonk Niphon (+1931), Protopresbyter John Speransky (+1937), Priest John Skadovsky at Solovki (+1937), Deacon Boris Semenov, Alexander Medem (+1931), Alexis Gorbachev (+1937), Apollo Babichev (+1937), Michael Arefiev (+1937), Nicholas Smirnov, Anna Ostroglazova, Olga Maslennikova (+1941), and Theoctiste Chentsova (+1942)

St. Martin, pope of Rome, exiled to Cherson, foe of Monothelitism
Martyrs Tiberius, Modestus, and Florence, of Agde, Gaul
Hieromartyrs Demetrius the bishop, Anian the deacon, Martyr Eustosius, and 20 other Martyrs, at Antioch
St. Justus, archbishop of Canterbury
St. Monitor, bishop, at Orléans
Martyr Tryphon, and Martyrs Respicius and Nymphia who were converted at Tryphon’s passion, at Apamea
St. Probus, 6th bishop of Ravenna
Sts. Olympas and Tertius, of the Seventy (Romans 16:15, 22)
Sts. Tryphena and Tryphosa, at Rome (Romans 16:12)
Hieromartyr Milles the bishop, Martyrs Sina, Abrosimus, and other Martyrs, in Persia
Martyr Spatius at Les Andelys, in Normandy
St. George, bishop, at Le Puy
St. Quintian, bishop of Rodez and Clermont
St. Lusor at Bourges
St. Werembald, monk, at Hirschgau
St. Elaeth at Anglesey, king, monk, poet
St. Aod MacBricc, bishop of Meath
St. Hadelin, bishop, at Séez
St. Theoctiste, hermitess, virgin, on Paros
St. Alda near Paris

November 24 / November 11, 2023

Great-Martyr Menas of Egypt
Martyr Victor at Damascus, and Martyr Vincent at Valencia in Spain
Martyr Stephanis (Stephanida) at Damascus
St. Theodore the Confessor, abbot of the Studion
Appearance of the Myrrh-Gushing Iveron Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos in Montréal
Repose of Blessed Maximus, fool-for-Christ and wonderworker of Moscow
Repose of Great-Martyr King Stephen-Urosh III of Serbia, founder of the Dechani monastery
St. Martyrius, abbot of Zelenets, Novgorod
St. Militsa (in the schema, Euphrosyne), princess of Serbia
Sts. Euthymius and Nestor, of Dechani in Serbia
Synaxis of All Saints of Dechani
St. Martyrius, abbot of Zelenets, Novgorod
Sts. Neophytus and Uroshitsa, of Serbia
St. Martin the Merciful, bishop of Tours (+397)
St. Bartholomew the Younger, of Rossano, Calabria (+1054)

St. Martin the Confessor, wonderworker at Tours, bishop, praised by Christ when yet a catechumen, who raised three dead men to life
Martinmas Day
Great-Martyr Menas of Egypt
St. John the Almsgiver, pope of Alexandria, confessor
Martyr Mennas at Cotyaeum in Phrygia
St. Severianus, bishop, at Lyons
St. Mennas of Santomena, hermit, near Benevento, Italy
St. Veranus, bishop of Cavaillon
Martyrs Valentine, Felician, and Victorinus, of Ravenna
St. Bertuin, abbot, at Malonne, near Liége
St. Theodore the Studite at Constantinple, abbot, who forbade the introduction of varying grades of monasticism
Martyr-King Stephen of Serbia
St. Martyrius, monk, near Novgorod
Martyr Athenodorus in Mesopotamia
St. Cynfran in Wales, son of St. Brychan; and St. Rhedius at Llanllyfni

November 25 / November 12, 2023

St. John the Merciful, patriarch of Alexandria
St. Nilus the Faster, monk, of Sinai
Prophet Ahija (Achias; cf. I [III] Kings 11:29) (960 B.C.)
Blessed John “the Hairy,” fool-for-Christ at Rostov
St. Leo, patriarch of Constantinople
New Martyr Sabbas of Nigde, at Constantinople
New Martyr Nicholas of Constantinople
St. Nilus the Myrrh-Gusher, monk, of Mt. Athos
Martyr Arsacius
Sts. Athanasius and Stephen
Synaxis of the New Martyrs of Optina: Anatolius, Barnabas, Dositheus, Nektary, Nikon, Panteleimon, Vincent, and Isaac
St. Machar, bishop of Aberdeen in Scotland, apostle to the Picts (6th century)
St. Lebuin, missionary monk of Deventer, in the Netherlands (+777)
St. Sinell of Cleenish (6th century)
St. Cadwaladr, king of the Welsh (+664)
St. Emilian of Cogolia, Spain (+574)
Hieromartyr Constantine Uspensky, protopresbyter, in Moscow (+1937)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Kikkskaya”
Repose of Righteous Blessed Cosmas of Birsk (+1882)
Repose of Blessed Father Hilarion of Valaam and Sarov (+1841)
Commemoration of the Righteous Blessed Monks and Laymen buried at Optina monastery

Day within the Octave of St. Martin of Tours
St. Emilian the Cowled, priest-hermit of Tarazona, Aragon
Repose of St. Cunibert, archbishop of Köln
Hieromartyr Paternus, hieromonk, at Sens
St. Leo, priest, at Melun on Seine
St. Ahias, prophet of the Old Testament
St. Or, abbot, in Egypt
St. Cummian the Tall in Ireland, abbot, who advocated the true Pascha
Hieromartyrs Aurelius and Publius, bishops, in Asia
St. Rufus, bishop of Avignon
St. Evodius, bishop of Le Puy
St. Renatus, bishop of Sorrento
Sts. Isychius I and Isychius II, bishops of Vienne
St. Macarius at Old Aberdeen in Scotland, bishop, disciple of St. Columba
Hieromartyr Livinus of Alsot, bishop
Martyrs Crafahild and Brixius (Brice)
St. Lubuin, priest, at Deventer
Martyrs Benedict, John, Matthew, Isaac, and Christian, monks, followers of St. Adalbert
St. Imerius, abbot, at Immertal
St. Cadwallador, king, in Wales
St. Namphasius, hermit-monk, at Marcillac
Martyr Ymar, monk, at Reculver in Kent
St. Anastasius, archbishop of Esztergom, in Hungary
St. Sinell, abbot-founder of Cleenish, in Ireland

November 26 / November 13, 2023

Twenty Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
St. John Chrysostom (“the Golden Mouth”), archbishop of Constantinople
Martyrs Antoninus, Nicephorus, and Germanus (Herman), of Caesarea in Palestine
Martyr Manetha of Caesarea in Palestine
New Venerable-Martyr Damascene of the Great Lavra on Mt. Athos, at Constantinople
St. Megasius, bishop
St. Bricius, bishop of Tours, Gaul (+444)
St. Quintian, bishop of Clermont, Gaul (+ca. 527)
St. Euphrasius, bishop of Clermont, Gaul (+ca. 514)
St. Leonien of Vienne, Gaul (+518)
Repose of Blessed Schema-nun Irene Myrtidiotissa on Chios (+1960)
Repose of Blessed Archbishop Joasaph of Canada (+1955)

Twenty Fourth Sunday after Trinity
Feast of All Holy Monastics
Day within the Octave of St. Martin of Tours
St. Brixius (Brice) at Tours, bishop, disciple of St. Martin
Martyrs Valentine, Salutor, and Victor, at Ravenna
Martyr Mitrius at Aix
Martyrs Arcadius, Paschasius, Probus, Eutychian, and Paulillus, in Africa
St. Eugene II, bishop of Toledo
St. Aldegunda, abbess-foundress of Maubeuge, who died of breast cancer
St. Gundulf the Confessor, bishop, at Paris
Holy 50 Martyred Philosophers sent to dispute with St. Katherine but were converted by her, at Alexandria
Hieromartyr Antoninus the priest, and Martyrs Zebinas, Germanus (Herman), and Eunathas the virgin, at Caesarea in Palestine
Hieromartyrs Quintian and Dalmatius, bishops of Rodez
St. Devinic, bishop, at Caithness, Scotland
Virgin-Martyr Maxelinda at Caudry near Cambrai
St. Kilian, priest at Aubigny in Artois
St. Gredifael, abbot of Whitland, in Wales
St. Caillin of Ferns, bishop
Virgin-Martyr Columba in Cornwall
Martyr Abbo, abbot, at Fleury

November 27 / November 14, 2023

Holy and All-praised Apostle Philip
St. Gregory Palamas, archbishop of Thessalonica
St. Justinian the emperor, and his wife St. Theodora the empress
Repose of St. Alexander Nevsky, prince, monk (tonsured Alexis)
St. Philip, abbot of Irap near Novgorod
New Martyr Panteleimon the Youth, from the island of Spetses, martyred on Crete (+1848)
New Martyr Constantine of Hydra, on Rhodes (Mt. Athos)
St. Dyfrig, bishop in Hereford and Gwent, hermit of Bardsey Island (ca. 550)
St. Malo (Machulus) of Brittany (7th century)
St. Alberik, bishop of Utrecht, in the Netherlands (+784)
St. Modan, bishop of Fraserburgh, Scotland
New Martyrs Alexis Nikologorsk of Tver, Demetrius Benevolensky of Ryazan; Basil Likharev, Demetrius Lebedev, Nicholas Vinogradov, and Sergius Znamensky, protopresbyters of Moscow; Priest Alexander Bykov of Moscow; Alexander Chekalov, Alexis Nechaev, Victor Ilinsky, Michael Beliustin, Michael Nekrasov, Peter Titov, and Theodore Bakkalinsky, priests of Tver; Priest Nicholas Dunaev of Yaroslavl-Rostov, Deacon Nicholas Bogorodsky of Tver, Gabriel Bezfamilnov of Moscow, and Anna Zertsalova of Moscow; (+1937)

Commemoration (since 800 A.D.) of All Departed Monastics
Day within the Octave of St. Martin of Tours
Martyrs Clementinus, Theodotus, and Philomenus, at Heraclea, in Thrace
Martyr Serapion in Alexandria
Translation of the relics of St. Erkenwald of London, bishop
Martyr Venerandus at Troyes
Virgin-Martyr Veneranda in Gaul
St. Dyfrig, archbishop of Caerleon
St. Constant, priest-hermit at Lough, in Ireland
St. Gregory Palamas, archbishop of Thessalonica, who taught that we can perceive God in His energies, not in His essence
Hieromartyr Hypatius, bishop, at Gangra
St. Saëns, abbot of Jumiège
St. Jucundus, bishop of Bologna
St. Modanic, bishop, at Aberdeen
St. Sidonius, abbot, at S.-Saëns
St. Alberic, bishop, at Utrecht
St. Emmerich, king of Hungary

November 28 / November 15, 2023

Beginning of Nativity Fast
St. Herman (Germanus), monk, wonderworker of Alaska (+1836)
Holy Martyrs and Confessors Gurias, Samonas, and Abibus (Habib), of Edessa
St. Paisius Velichkovsky
Martyrs Elpidius, Marcellus, and Eustochius, who suffered under Julian the Apostate
Martyr Demetrius of Thrace
St. Quintian, bishop of Seleucia (4th century)
St. Gurias, monk, of Shalochi, Georgia
St. Philip, abbot of Rabanga, in Vologda
St. Thomas the New, patriarch of Constantinople
St. Malo, first bishop of Aleth, Brittany
St. Maughold, bishop of Isle of Man (5th century) (see also July 31)
New Hieromartyrs of Alma-Ata: Priest Peter Kondarov, Protodeacon Nicetas Almazov, and Deacon Gregory Dolinin, (+1937)
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Kupyatich” and “Sweetly Scented Flower”

In some places, the Nativity Fast is begun today, as was kept in England and across Western Europe in the 7th, 8th, and 9th centuries
Day within the Octave of St. Martin of Tours
Hieromartyr Felix the bishop, and 30 other Martyrs, at Nola, in Campania
Hieromartyr Eugene near Paris, priest, companion of St. Dionysius
St. Maclovius (Machutus, Malo), bishop of Aleth, in Brittany
St. Eugene, bishop of Caesarea, Origen’s disciple
Martyr Carneus at Dinan in Brittany
St. Paduin at LeMans, first abbot of St. Mary’s
St. Desiderius, bishop of Cahors
St. Peronna, virgin, at Mortagne
St. Luperius, bishop of Verona
Martyrs Secundus, Fidentian, and Varicus, in proconsular Africa
St. Machudd in Anglesey, abbot-founder of Llanfechell
St. Arnulf, bishop, at Toul
St. Findan, hermit-monk, at Rheinau, Switzerland

November 29 / November 16, 2023

Holy Apostle and Evangelist Matthew
St. Fulvian (in holy baptism, Matthew), prince of Ethiopia (+63)
St. Hypatius, bishop of Gangra
St. Sergius, abbot, of Malaya Pinezhka
New Hieromartyr Philumenus in Palestine, priest, at Jacob’s Well, by Jewish terrorists (+1979)
St. Eucherius of Lyons (+449)
St. Lubuinus, missionary to Friesland (+773)
St. Otmar, abbot and monastic founder in Switzerland (+759)
New Martyrs Protopresbyter Theodore Kolierov and those slain with him: Ananias Boikov and Michale Boldakov, (+1929); Protopresbyter Michael Abramov, Priest Basil Sokolov, Priest Victor Voronov, Priest John Tsvetkov, Priest Macarius Soloviev, Priest Nicholas Troitsky, (+1937); and Martyr Demetrius Spiridonov of Simferopol-Crimea (+1938)
Repose of Blessed Schema-monk John the Fingerless, disciple of St. Paisius Velichkovsky (+1843)

Day within the Octave of St. Martin of Tours
St. Eucherius, bishop, at Lyons
Hieromartyr Fidentius, bishop, at Padua
Martyr Rufinus, Mark, Valerius, and other Martyrs, in Africa
Martyrs Elpidius, Marcellus, and Eustochius, and other Martyrs
St. Gobrian, bishop of Vannes
St. Emilian, hermit, on the Dordogne
St. Othmar the Confessor, abbot of St. Gall, in Switzerland
St. Afan, abbot, in Wales
St. Africus the Confessor at Comminges, in S. France
St. Alfric, archbishop of Canterbury
Ordination of Hieromartyr Alphege, archbishop of Canterbury
Martyr Barlaam the day-labourer, at Caesarea in Cappadocia

November 30 / November 17, 2023

St. Gregory the Wonderworker, bishop of Neocaesarea
St. Nicon, abbot of Radonezh, disciple of St. Sergius
St. Lazarus the Iconographer of Constantinople, monk
St. Longinus of Egypt
St. Gennadius of Vatopedi monastery on Mt. Athos
Martyr Gobron (in holy baptism, Michael) of Georgia, and 133 Martyred Soldiers with him
St. Maximian, patriarch of Constantinople (same as April 21)
St. Zacharias the leather-worker, and St. John, monks
St. Justin, monk
St. John of Olympus
St. Gregory the bishop of Tours, and with him Venerable Aredius the abbot of Limoges, and Venerable Vulfolaic the stylite of Trier; in Gaul
St. Hilda, abbess of Whitby (+680)
St. Willibrord, bishop of Utrecht
St. Sebastian (Dabovich), archimandrite, Serbian apostle to America (+1940)
“Myrrh-flowing” Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos

Day within the Octave of St. Martin of Tours
St. Dionysius the Great, bishop of Alexandria, foe of Sabellianism, who rebuked Pope St. Stephen for accepting baptism outside the Church
Martyrs Acisclus and Victoria, at Córdova
St. Anian, bishop, at Orléans
St. Gregory of Tours, bishop, hagiographer
St. Hilda at Whitby, abbess, eldress, who convoked the Synod there
St. Gregory the Wonderworker, bishop of Neocaesarea
Martyrs Alphaeus and Zacchaeus, in Palestine
St. Leontius, bishop of Saintes
St. Eugene the Confessor at Florence
St. Namasius of Vienne, bishop

December 1 / November 18, 2023

Martyr Plato of Ancyra
Hieromartyr Romanus the deacon of Caesarea, who suffered under Emperor Maximian, at Antioch
Martyr Barulas the Youth, at Antioch
Hieromartyr Zacchaeus the Deacon of Gadara, and Martyr Alphaeus the Reader of Eleutheropolis, at Caesarea in Palestine
New Martyr Anastasius of Paramythia in Eprius
St. Daniel, who was converted from Islam by New Martyr Anastasius and subsequently became a monk on Corfu
St. Mawes (Maudez), abbot of Ile Modez, Brittany (5th century)
St. Mabyn, nun of Cornwall
St. Odo of Cluny, Gaul (+942)

Octave Day of St. Martin of Tours
Hieromartyr Romanus the Deacon, and Martyr Barula the boy, at Antioch
Martyr Hesychius the Soldier, at Antioch
St. Odo, abbot of Cluny, who upheld that monks should eat no meat but fish
St. Gelasius I, pope, foe of Manichaeism, who wrote the common preface of the Western Liturgy
Translation of the relics of St. Frigidian (Fred) at Lucca, bishop, named by St. Gregory
Martyrs Oriculus, Oricula, and Basilica, at Rennes
St. Maudez, abbot, in Brittany
St. Mummolus, abbot, at Lagny
St. Winnen, bishop, in Scotland
St. Rompharius, bishop, at Coutances
St. Florinus the Confessor at Koblenz
St. Maximus, bishop, scholar, at Mainz
St. Nazarius, abbot, at Lérins
St. Keverne in Cornwall, friend of St. Kieran
Sts. Amandus and Anselm, abbots of Lérins
St. Fergus, bishop, at Glamis in Scotland
St. Thomas, hermit, at Antioch
St. Constant, priest-hermit of Lough Erne
St. Ronan, abbot of Drumshallon

December 2 / November 19, 2023

Prophet Obadiah (Abdias)
Martyr Barlaam of Antioch, at Caesarea in Cappadocia
St. Philaret, metropolitan of Moscow (+1867)
Martyrs Ozias and Dionysius
St. Barlaam, St. Joasaph the prince of India, and St. Abenner the king and father of St. Joasaph
Martyr Azes of Isauria and with him 150 Martyred Soldiers
Martyr Heliodorus at Magido in Pamphylia
St. Barlaam, abbot of the Kiev Caves
St. Hilarion, monk of Georgia, wonderworker of Thessalonica
Opening of the relics of Martyr Adrian of Poshekhonye, monk
Martyr Agapius, at Gaza in Palestine
Martyrs Anthimus and Thalalaeus
Martyrs Christopher, Euphemia and her Children
Martyr Pancharius
Martyr Acyndinus
St. Neophytus and his Companions
St. Patroclus, hermit of Bourges in Gaul (+577)
St. Egbert, archbishop of York (+766)
St. Ermenburga, first abbess of Minster-in-Thanat
St. Simon, wonderworker of Calabria (10th century)
New Martyrs: Bishop Prophyrius of Simferopol and Crimea, Archimandrites Benjamin and Gregory of Alma-Ata, Abbot Joasaph and Hieromonk Peter of Moscow (+1937), Hieromonk Bartholomew (+1938), Hierodeacon Anthony (+1938), Protopresbyter Alexander Serebrov of Alma-Ata, Protopresbyter Demetrius Kiranov, Protopresbyter John Malinovsky and Constantine Mikhailovsky of Alma-Ata, Protopresbyter Michael Dmitrov, Protopresbyter Nicholas Mezentsev, and Protopresbyter Sergius Makhaev of Moscow; Priests of Alma-Ata Alexander Mishutin, Ignatius Teslin, and John Piramidin, (+1937); Priests John Blumovich of Ukraine, Vladimir Pischulin of Ufim (+1938), John Florovsky of Alma-Ata, Simeon Krivosheyev of Alma-Ata, and Timothy Izotov of Ukraine (+1937); and Valentine Kornienko (+1937)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Solace in Sorrows and Griefs”

Hieromartyr Maximus, priest, on Appian Way, at Rome
Hieromartyr Pontian, pope of Rome
Hieromartyr Crispin, bishop, in Andalusia
Martyrs Severinus, Exuperius, and Felician, at Vienne
Hieromartyr Faustus, deacon, of Alexandria
Martyr Azas and some 150 Martyred Soldiers, of Isauria
St. Patroclus, hermit, at Colombières, Berry
St. Budoc, bishop of Dol
St. Ermenburga, abbess of Minster, Thanet
St. James, hieromonk, near Berry
Hieromartyr Nerses the Great, bishop, in Armenia
St. Medana, virgin, at Galloway
Blessed Tuto in Bavaria, abbot and founder of Ottobeuren
St. Atto, first abbot of Tordino
St. Citroine, at Loudon in Poitou, in France
St. Egbert, archbishop of York

December 3 / November 20, 2023

Twenty Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
Forefeast of the Entrance of the Theotokos
St. Gregory, monk, of Decapolis
St. Proclus, archbishop of Constantinople
Martyrs Eustathius (Eustace), Thespesius, and Anatolius, of Nicaea
Martyr Dasius of Durostorum
Hieromartyr Nirsas (Nerses) the bishop of Sahgerd and his disciple Martyr Joseph
Hieromartyrs John, Saberius (Saborius), Isaacius, and Hypatius, bishops; and with them Martyrs Azat (Geithazet) the eunuch, Sasonius (Sasanes), and the women Thecla, Anna, Bautha, Denachis, and many other Martyrs, in Persia
St. Theoctistus the Confessor
St. Isidore, monk, of Alexandria
St. Isaac, catholicos of Armenia
St. Diodorus, monk, of George Hill, Solovki
New Hieromartyr Macarius, bishop of Uman, in Crimea
Martyr-King Edmund of East-Anglia (+869)
New Hieromartyrs Alexander Sakharov, Alexis Nikatov, and Vladimir Medvediuk, protopresbyters (+1937); and Hieromartyr Hilarion, hieromonk (+1937)

Twenty Fifth Sunday after Trinity
Sunday Next Before Advent
Martyr-King Edmund of East Anglia, at Bury St. Edmunds
Hieromartyrs Pope Pontian and Priest Hippolytus, at Rome
St. Silvester, bishop of Verona
Martyrs Ampelius and Caius, at Messina, Sicily
Martyr Octavius the soldier of the Theban Legion, with Martyrs Solutor and Adventor, at Turin
Virgin-Martyr Maxenia, her valet Martyr Barbens, and Virgin-Martyr Rosebe the maid, at Beauvais
Martyrs Samonas, Gurias, and Abibo, at Edessa in Syria
Hieromartyr Dasius, bishop, at Dorostolum, Mysia
Martyr Agapius in Palestine
Hieromartyr Bishop Nerses and his disciple Martyr Joseph; Hieromartyrs John, Isaac, and Hypatius, bishops; Martyrs Azades the eunuch, Sazonius, Thecla, Anna, Bautha, and Denachis
St. Benignus, bishop, at Milan
St. Silvester, bishop of Châlons-sur-Saône
St. Authbod, hermit, missionary, near Laon
St. Hippolutus, bishop of Belley
Hieromartyr Humbert, bishop of the East Saxons, who crowned St. Edmund
St. Gregory Decapolites at Constantinople
St. Bernward, bishop of Hildesheim
Martyrs Eustace, Thespesius, and Anatolius, at Nicaea
Martyrs Bassus, Dionysius, Agapitus, and 40 other Martyrs, at Heraclea, Thrace
St. Eval, bishop, in Cornwall
St. Eudo, abbot and founder of Charmillac
St. Leo, abbot, at Nonantula

December 4 / November 21, 2023

Slaying of Holy Passion-bearer Yaropolk (in holy baptism, Peter), prince of Vladimir in Volhynia
Venerable Columbanus of Bobbio, abbot and founder of Luxeuil abbey, in Gaul (+615)
New Hieromartyrs Alexander Hotovitsky of New York (+1937), Basil Bov of Chimkent, and Alexander Andreyev of Moscow, protopresbyters; James Sokolov of Moscow (+1937), Vladimir Ryasensky of Tver (+1932), John Smirnov, Paul Yevdokimov of Tver, and Theodore Gusiev of Moscow (+1937), priests; and Hieromonk Gerasimus of Moscow
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Everlasting Hope”

OBLATION OF THE THEOTOKOS IN THE TEMPLE at the age of three by her parents Sts. Joachim and Anna
St. Rufus, disciple of St. Paul, at Rome (Romans 16:13)
Virgin-Martyr Mary at Neoconens
Martyr Maurus in Istria
Martyrs Demetrius and Honorius, at Ostia
Sts. Columban the abbot of Luxeuil and founder of Bobbio, and his disciple Martyr Columban the monk
Translation of the relics of St. Deicolus, abbot of Lurè in the Vosges Mountains
Martyrs Celsus and Clement, at Rome
St. Pappolus, bishop of Metz
Martyr Heliodorus and other Martyrs, in Pamphylia
Martyrs Honorius, Eutychius, and Stephen, at Asta in Andalusia
St. Digain in Cornwall, son of King Constantine
St. Maurus, bishop of Verona
St. Amalberga (Amelia), abbess of Susteren
St. Hilary, abbot, at Volturno

December 5 / November 22, 2023

Afterfeast of the Entrance of the Theotokos
Holy Apostles Philemon and Archippus of the Seventy; Martyr Apphia the wife of Philemon, equal-to-the-apostles; and St. Onesimus the disciple of Apostle Paul
Slaying of Holy Passion-bearer Michael, prince of Tver
Martyrs Cecilia, Valerian, Tiburtius, and Maximus, at Rome (+288)
Martyr Procopius the reader at Caesarea in Palestine
Martyr Menignus the fuller, at Parium on the Hellespont
St. Agabbas of Syria
Righteous Michael the soldier of Bulgaria
Martyrs Stephen, Mark, and Mark (another), at Antioch in Pisidia
Martyrs Agapius and Agapion, in Greece
St. Callistus II, patriarch of Constantinople (Mt. Athos)
Martyr Maximus (another)
Martyr Thaddeus
Martyr Cyprina the woman
Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Clement of Ochrid, bishop of Great Macedonia, enlightener of the Slavs, and wonderworker of Bulgaria (also November 25)
New Hieromartyrs Elias Gromoglasov and Alexis Benemansky the protopresbyters of Ryazan, and Athansius Milov the priest of Chimkent (+1937)

Virgin-Martyr Cecilia and her husband Martyr Tibertius, at Rome
Martyr Maurus at Rome
St. Pragmatius the Confessor, bishop, at Autun
Hieromartyrs Bishop Theonestus, and Deacons Tabra and Tabrate, at Altino
Martyrs Mark and Stephen, at Antioch in Pisidia
Martyr Philemon to whom St. Paul wrote the epistle, and Martyr Appia the wife of Philemon, at Colossae
St. Deinol II, abbot of Bangor
St. Savinian, abbot, at Menat
Blessed Christian, bishop, at Auxerre
St. Trigidia, abbess, at Oña near Burgos, in Spain

December 6 / November 23, 2023

Afterfeast of the Entrance of the Theotokos
St. Amphilochius, bishop of Iconium
St. Gregory, bishop of Agrigentum
St. Metrophanes (in the schema, Macarius), first bishop of Voronezh
Burial of St. Alexander Nevsky (in the schema, Alexis), great prince of Vladimir
St. Amphilocius of the Kiev Caves, subsequently bishop of Vladimir in Volhynia
Hieromartyr Sisinius, bishop of Cyzicus
Martyr Theodore of Antioch
St. Ischyrion, bishop, hermit, at Scetis, in Egypt
St. Helenus, bishop of Tarsus
St. Anthony of Iezeru-Vîlcea, Romania
St. Trudo, abbot of Saint-Trond (Sint-Truiden) in Belgium (+698)
St. Edrid, king of England (+955)
New Hieromartyrs Bishop Boris of Ivanovo, Priest Eleazer Spiridonov of Ukraine, and New Martyr Alexander Uksusov of Yaroslavl-Rostov, (+1937)
New Hieromartyr Gregory, archimandrite, who suffered at Auschwitz (+1942)

Hieromartyr Clement, Pope of Rome, named in the Western Liturgy, who was cast into the Black Sea
Martyr Felicitas of Rome, martyred with her seven sons (commemorated July 10)
St. Trudo, abbot of St. Trond, in Belgium
St. Severinus, hermit-monk, near Paris
St. Lucretia, virgin, at Mérida
Martyr-Queen Fausta at Alexandria, converted by St. Katherine
St. Clement, bishop of Metz, uncle of the first
St. Sisinius, bishop, at Cyzicus, Hellespont
St. Rachildis, hermitess, at St. Gall, in Switzerland
St. Paternian, bishop, at Fermo
St. Paulinus in Wales, abbot, founder of Whitland
St. Gregory, bishop, at Girgenti
St. Wilfetrudis at Nivelle, abbess, niece of St. Gertrude

December 7 / November 24, 2023

Afterfeast of the Entrance of the Theotokos
Great-Martyr Katherine of Alexandria, Martyrs Augusta (Basilissa) the Empress, Porphyrius Stratelates (the General), and 200 Martyred Soldiers, at Alexandria
Great-Martyr Mercurius at Caesarea in Cappadocia
St. Mercurius the Faster of the Kiev Caves
Martyr Mercurius of Smolensk
Venerable Mastridia of Alexandria, virgin
St. Gregory of the monastery of the Golden Stone in Pontus
Martyr Alexander at Corinth
St. Simon, abbot of Soiga monastery, in Vologda
St. Luke, steward of the Kiev Caves
St. Hermogenes, bishop of Agrigentum
Martyr Philothea the woman
St. Malchus
Martyrs Philumenus and Christopher
Martyr Eugene
Martyrs Procopius and Christopher
Martyrs Chrysogonus and Mark the monk
St. Mark, abbot of Triglia in Bithynia
Hieromartyr Peter, archbishop of Alexandria
St. Portianus, abbot of Miranda in Auvergne (+527)
St. Minver (Menfre, Menefreda), virgin of Cornwall
St. Protasius, recluse of Combronde in Auvergne (6th century)
St. Romanus of Bordeaux (+382)
St. Enfleda, abbess of Whitby

Martyr Chrysogonus at Aquileia, named in the Western Liturgy
Martyr Crescentian at Rome
St. Romanus, priest, at Blaye on the Garonne
Virgin-Martyrs Flora and Mary, at Córdova
Martyr Felicissimus at Perugia, Tuscany
Martyr Porphyrius who was converted by St. Katherine, and 200 of his Martyred Soldiers, at Alexandria
St. Kenan at Damleag in Meath, friend of St. Patrick
Virgin-Martyr Firmina at America in Italy
St. Protasius, bishop of Milan
Martyr Alexander at Corinth
St. Portian, abbot at Miranda, in Auvergne
St. Colman, of Cloyne, bishop
Martyr Leopardin, abbot, at Vivaris
Martyr Bieuzy in Brittany
St. Eanfleda at Whitby, nun, daughter of St. Edwin the king
Martyr Marius, monk, slain by the Saracens, at Savoy
Martyrs Marianus and Ananias, Irish missionaries, at Roht, South-East Bavaria

December 8 / November 25, 2023

Apodosis of the Entrance of the Theotokos
Hieromartyr Clement, pope of Rome
Hieromartyr Peter, archbishop of Alexandria
St. Peter of Galatia “the Silent”, hermit near Antioch in Syria
Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Clement of Ochrid, bishop of Great Macedonia, enlightener of the Slavs, and wonderworker of Bulgaria (also November 25)
Holy Two Martyrs who dwelt in the monastic life
Holy 670 Martyrs
New Martyrs Protopresbyter Yaroslav Savitsky of Moscow, Priest Hilarion Soloviev, Priest Simeon Afonkin of Alma-Ata, John Vladimirsky of Tver, and Cosmas Korotkikh of Moscow, (+1937)
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Isaac” and the Latvian icon “Daugazpils”

Passion of Great-Martyr Katherine, virgin, at Alexandria
Hieromartyr Peter the bishop and 660 other Martyrs, at Alexandria
Martyr Erasmus at Antioch
Martyr Mercurius at Caesarea in Cappadocia
Hieromartyr Moses at Rome, priest, foe of Novatian
St. Reolus, bishop of Rheims, disciple of St. Philibert
St. Jucunda, virgin, at Emilia in Italy
St. Hermeland, abbot of Aindre, in Brittany
St. Mesrob, monk, who translated the New Testament into Armenian
St. Lavanus, abbot, in Gascony
Sts. Guido (Guy) the abbot and Adalbert the monk and founder of St. Nicholas’ near Chieti, at Casauria
Blessed Bernold, hieromonk, wonderworker, at Ottobeuren in Bavaria
St. Fintan, monk, at Rheinau, in Switzerland

December 9 / November 26, 2023

St. Alypius the Stylite of Adrianople in Paphlagonia
Repose of St. Innocent, first bishop of Irkutsk
St. James the Anchorite, near Cyrrhus in Syria
St. Nicon the Metanoeite (“preacher of repentance”)
New Martyr George of Chios, at Kydonies (Ayvalik) in Asia Minor
Consecration of the Church of St. George in Kiev
Sts. Athanasius and Theodosius, monks
St. Stylianus of Paphlagonia, monk
St. Silus, bishop in Persia
St. Julian, bishop
New Hieromartyrs John Vinogradov, George Kolokolov, and Nicholas Postnikov, protopresbyters of Moscow (+1937)

(Advent Fast begins with Vespers)
St. Linus of Rome, first bishop after St. Peter. He confirmed that women cover their heads in church
Martyrs Faustus the priest, Didius, Ammonius, and Bishops Phileas, Hesychius, Pachomius, and Theodore; with other Martyrs (see yesterday’s 660 Martyrs); at Alexandria
St. Amator, bishop of Autun
St. Basolus, hermit of Verzy
Hieromartyr Marcellus, priest, at Nicomedia
St. Stylianus, hermit, at Adrianople
St. Conrad, bishop of Constance
St. Egelwin, prince, at Athelney, Somerset
St. Martin, monk of Corbie

December 10 / November 27, 2023

Twenty Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
Great-Martyr James the Persian
St. Palladius of Thessalonica, ascetic of Egypt
Holy 17 Martyred Monks in India
Commemoration of the miracle of the Weeping Icon of the Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos at Novgorod in 1170
St. James, bishop and wonderworker of Rostov
St. Romanus of Cilicia, wonderworker, near Antioch
Opening of the relics of St. Vsevolod (in holy baptism, Gabriel), prince and wonderworker of Pskov
St. Pinuphrius (Pinuphius) of Egypt
St. Nathaniel, monk, of Nitria
St. Theodosius of Turnovo, monk
Martyr Thecla
Martyr Eubulus
St. Diodorus, abbot of Mount Yuriev monastery, in Solovki
St. Congar, bishop of Congresbury in Somerset
St. Gergus, bishop of Glamis
St. Maximus of Riez (+460)
St. Virgil, bishop of Salzburg (+748)
St. Fergus, bishop of Glamis
New Hieromartyrs Archbishop Nicholas of Vladimir and Suzdal, Archimandrite Chronides of Holy Trinity-St. Sergius lavra, Hieromonks Joasaph and Nicholas of Moscow (+1937); Protopresbyters Nicholas Andreyev, Boris Ivanosky of Moscow, and Basil Sokolov of Moscow; Priests Alexis Speransky of Moscow, John Glazkov of Alma-Ata, and Theodore Dorofiev of Moscow
Icons of the Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos “Of the Sign” at Kursk, Vologda, Abalek in Siberia, Tsarkoye Selo, Moscow, Vladimir, Zlatoust of the Urals, Solovki, and Seraphimo-Vladimir

First Sunday in Advent
“Ad Te Levavi,” Sunday of the Triumphal Entry
(Liturgical Year begins today) (Advent Fast)
Second Feast of Martyrs Agricola who was crucified, and his servant Vitalis, at Bologna
Martyr James the Dismembered, in Persia
Sts. Barlaam and his disciple Josaphat the prince, in India
Martyrs Irenarchus, Acacius the priest, and Seven Women-Martyrs, at Sebaste in Armenia
Martyrs Facundo and Primitivus, in Galicia
St. Justus, priest, at Limoges
St. Valerian, bishop of Aquileia
St. Acharius, bishop of Noyon
St. Gulstan, hermit-monk of Rhuys, in Brittany
St. Bilhilda, nun, at Altenmünster
Martyrs Bsileus the bishop, Auxilius, and Saturninus, at Antioch in Syria
St. John “the Angel-beholder,” bishop of Ravenna
St. Seachnall of Dunshaughlin, bishop
St. Siffrid, bishop, at Carpentras
St. Gallgo, abbot, in Wales
St. Apollinaris, abbot, at Monte Cassino
Martyr Edwold at Cerne in Dorsetshire, hermit, brother of St. Edmund
Repose of St. Virgilius, bishop of Salzburg, apostle of Austria

December 7 / November 24, 2023

Afterfeast of the Entrance of the Theotokos
Great-Martyr Katherine of Alexandria, Martyrs Augusta (Basilissa) the Empress, Porphyrius Stratelates (the General), and 200 Martyred Soldiers, at Alexandria
Great-Martyr Mercurius at Caesarea in Cappadocia
St. Mercurius the Faster of the Kiev Caves
Martyr Mercurius of Smolensk
Venerable Mastridia of Alexandria, virgin
St. Gregory of the monastery of the Golden Stone in Pontus
Martyr Alexander at Corinth
St. Simon, abbot of Soiga monastery, in Vologda
St. Luke, steward of the Kiev Caves
St. Hermogenes, bishop of Agrigentum
Martyr Philothea the woman
St. Malchus
Martyrs Philumenus and Christopher
Martyr Eugene
Martyrs Procopius and Christopher
Martyrs Chrysogonus and Mark the monk
St. Mark, abbot of Triglia in Bithynia
Hieromartyr Peter, archbishop of Alexandria
St. Portianus, abbot of Miranda in Auvergne (+527)
St. Minver (Menfre, Menefreda), virgin of Cornwall
St. Protasius, recluse of Combronde in Auvergne (6th century)
St. Romanus of Bordeaux (+382)
St. Enfleda, abbess of Whitby

Martyr Chrysogonus at Aquileia, named in the Western Liturgy
Martyr Crescentian at Rome
St. Romanus, priest, at Blaye on the Garonne
Virgin-Martyrs Flora and Mary, at Córdova
Martyr Felicissimus at Perugia, Tuscany
Martyr Porphyrius who was converted by St. Katherine, and 200 of his Martyred Soldiers, at Alexandria
St. Kenan at Damleag in Meath, friend of St. Patrick
Virgin-Martyr Firmina at America in Italy
St. Protasius, bishop of Milan
Martyr Alexander at Corinth
St. Portian, abbot at Miranda, in Auvergne
St. Colman, of Cloyne, bishop
Martyr Leopardin, abbot, at Vivaris
Martyr Bieuzy in Brittany
St. Eanfleda at Whitby, nun, daughter of St. Edwin the king
Martyr Marius, monk, slain by the Saracens, at Savoy
Martyrs Marianus and Ananias, Irish missionaries, at Roht, South-East Bavaria

December 8 / November 25, 2023

Apodosis of the Entrance of the Theotokos
Hieromartyr Clement, pope of Rome
Hieromartyr Peter, archbishop of Alexandria
St. Peter of Galatia “the Silent”, hermit near Antioch in Syria
Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Clement of Ochrid, bishop of Great Macedonia, enlightener of the Slavs, and wonderworker of Bulgaria (also November 25)
Holy Two Martyrs who dwelt in the monastic life
Holy 670 Martyrs
New Martyrs Protopresbyter Yaroslav Savitsky of Moscow, Priest Hilarion Soloviev, Priest Simeon Afonkin of Alma-Ata, John Vladimirsky of Tver, and Cosmas Korotkikh of Moscow, (+1937)
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Isaac” and the Latvian icon “Daugazpils”

Passion of Great-Martyr Katherine, virgin, at Alexandria
Hieromartyr Peter the bishop and 660 other Martyrs, at Alexandria
Martyr Erasmus at Antioch
Martyr Mercurius at Caesarea in Cappadocia
Hieromartyr Moses at Rome, priest, foe of Novatian
St. Reolus, bishop of Rheims, disciple of St. Philibert
St. Jucunda, virgin, at Emilia in Italy
St. Hermeland, abbot of Aindre, in Brittany
St. Mesrob, monk, who translated the New Testament into Armenian
St. Lavanus, abbot, in Gascony
Sts. Guido (Guy) the abbot and Adalbert the monk and founder of St. Nicholas’ near Chieti, at Casauria
Blessed Bernold, hieromonk, wonderworker, at Ottobeuren in Bavaria
St. Fintan, monk, at Rheinau, in Switzerland

December 9 / November 26, 2023

St. Alypius the Stylite of Adrianople in Paphlagonia
Repose of St. Innocent, first bishop of Irkutsk
St. James the Anchorite, near Cyrrhus in Syria
St. Nicon the Metanoeite (“preacher of repentance”)
New Martyr George of Chios, at Kydonies (Ayvalik) in Asia Minor
Consecration of the Church of St. George in Kiev
Sts. Athanasius and Theodosius, monks
St. Stylianus of Paphlagonia, monk
St. Silus, bishop in Persia
St. Julian, bishop
New Hieromartyrs John Vinogradov, George Kolokolov, and Nicholas Postnikov, protopresbyters of Moscow (+1937)

(Advent Fast begins with Vespers)
St. Linus of Rome, first bishop after St. Peter. He confirmed that women cover their heads in church
Martyrs Faustus the priest, Didius, Ammonius, and Bishops Phileas, Hesychius, Pachomius, and Theodore; with other Martyrs (see yesterday’s 660 Martyrs); at Alexandria
St. Amator, bishop of Autun
St. Basolus, hermit of Verzy
Hieromartyr Marcellus, priest, at Nicomedia
St. Stylianus, hermit, at Adrianople
St. Conrad, bishop of Constance
St. Egelwin, prince, at Athelney, Somerset
St. Martin, monk of Corbie

December 10 / November 27, 2023

Twenty Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
Great-Martyr James the Persian
St. Palladius of Thessalonica, ascetic of Egypt
Holy 17 Martyred Monks in India
Commemoration of the miracle of the Weeping Icon of the Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos at Novgorod in 1170
St. James, bishop and wonderworker of Rostov
St. Romanus of Cilicia, wonderworker, near Antioch
Opening of the relics of St. Vsevolod (in holy baptism, Gabriel), prince and wonderworker of Pskov
St. Pinuphrius (Pinuphius) of Egypt
St. Nathaniel, monk, of Nitria
St. Theodosius of Turnovo, monk
Martyr Thecla
Martyr Eubulus
St. Diodorus, abbot of Mount Yuriev monastery, in Solovki
St. Congar, bishop of Congresbury in Somerset
St. Gergus, bishop of Glamis
St. Maximus of Riez (+460)
St. Virgil, bishop of Salzburg (+748)
St. Fergus, bishop of Glamis
New Hieromartyrs Archbishop Nicholas of Vladimir and Suzdal, Archimandrite Chronides of Holy Trinity-St. Sergius lavra, Hieromonks Joasaph and Nicholas of Moscow (+1937); Protopresbyters Nicholas Andreyev, Boris Ivanosky of Moscow, and Basil Sokolov of Moscow; Priests Alexis Speransky of Moscow, John Glazkov of Alma-Ata, and Theodore Dorofiev of Moscow
Icons of the Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos “Of the Sign” at Kursk, Vologda, Abalek in Siberia, Tsarkoye Selo, Moscow, Vladimir, Zlatoust of the Urals, Solovki, and Seraphimo-Vladimir

First Sunday in Advent
“Ad Te Levavi,” Sunday of the Triumphal Entry
(Liturgical Year begins today) (Advent Fast)
Second Feast of Martyrs Agricola who was crucified, and his servant Vitalis, at Bologna
Martyr James the Dismembered, in Persia
Sts. Barlaam and his disciple Josaphat the prince, in India
Martyrs Irenarchus, Acacius the priest, and Seven Women-Martyrs, at Sebaste in Armenia
Martyrs Facundo and Primitivus, in Galicia
St. Justus, priest, at Limoges
St. Valerian, bishop of Aquileia
St. Acharius, bishop of Noyon
St. Gulstan, hermit-monk of Rhuys, in Brittany
St. Bilhilda, nun, at Altenmünster
Martyrs Bsileus the bishop, Auxilius, and Saturninus, at Antioch in Syria
St. John “the Angel-beholder,” bishop of Ravenna
St. Seachnall of Dunshaughlin, bishop
St. Siffrid, bishop, at Carpentras
St. Gallgo, abbot, in Wales
St. Apollinaris, abbot, at Monte Cassino
Martyr Edwold at Cerne in Dorsetshire, hermit, brother of St. Edmund
Repose of St. Virgilius, bishop of Salzburg, apostle of Austria

December 11 / November 28, 2023

Venerable-Martyr Stephen the New of Mt. St. Auxentius in Bithynia, monk, at Constantinople
Martyr Irenarchus and Seven Women-Martyrs, at Sebaste in Armenia
Martyrs Basil, Stephen, Gregory, Gregory (another), John, and many other Martyrs
Martyrs Andrew, Peter, and Paul
Venerable-Martyr Anna
Martyrs Timothy and Theodore, bishops; Peter, John, Sergius, Theodore, and Nicephorus, presbyters; Basil and Thomas, deacons; Hierotheus, Daniel, Chariton, Socrates, Comasius, and Eusebius, monks; and Etimasius; at Tiberiopolis (Strumitsa, Macedonia)
Blessed Theodore, archbishop of Rostov
St. Theodore, bishop of Theodosiopolis
Martyr Christos of Constantinople
Sts. Kings Constantine and Maurician, and their Children
St. Oda, virgin of Brabant, Netherlands (+726)
Virgin-Martyr Juthwara of Dorset
New Hieromartyr Seraphim, metropolitan of St. Petersburg (+1937)
New Hieromartyrs Protopresbyter Nazarius Gribkov, Priest Alexis Veselovsky, Priest Peter Voron, and Deacon Alexis Senkevich (+1937), of Moscow; and Deacon Constantine Zverev of Alma-Ata (+1920)

St. Sosthenes at Corinth, disciple of St. Paul (Acts 18:12-17; I Cor 1)
Hieromartyrs Papinian and Mansuetus, bishops; Sts. Valerian, Urban, Crescens, Eustace, Cresconius, Crescentian, Felix, Hortulanus, and Florentian, bishops, confessors; in Africa
Martyr Rufus and his Martyred Household, at Rome
Sts. Gregory II who wrote the Lenten Masses, and Gregory III the Syrian, popes; both rebuked Byzantine emperors for destroying holy Icons
St. Simeon the Translator, hagiographer, at Constantinople
Martyrs Stephen, Basil, Peter, Andrew, and some 300 Martyred Monks, at Constantinople
St. Patrician, bishop, in Sutherland
St. Philip, bishop of Vienne
Sts. Hilary and Quieta the Confessors, at Dijon
St. Fionnchu, abbot, at Bangor, in Ireland
St. Hippolytus, bishop, at S.-Claude

December 12 / November 29, 2023

Martyr Paramon and with him 370 Martyrs, in Bithynia
St. Acacius who is mentioned in “The Ladder,” monk, on Sinai (also July 7)
Martyrs Philumenus, Valerian, Phaedrus, of Ancyra
St. Nectarius the Obedient of the Kiev Caves
Hieromartyr Dionysius, bishop of Corinth
St. Pityrun (Pityrion, Pitirim) of Egypt, monk, disciple of St. Anthony the Great
St. Tiridates, king, in Armenia
Hieromartyr Abibus, bishop of Nekresi in Georgia
St. Nicholas, archbishop of Thessalonica
Hieromartyr John of Persia
St. Urban, bishop of Macedonia
St. Pancosmius, monk
St. Daniel, monk
Hieromartyr Saturninus, first bishop of Toulouse, in Gaul (+257)
St. Radboud, bishop of Utrecht, in the Netherlands (+917)
St. Brendan of Birr (+571)
St. Ethelwin, hermit of Athelney
Repose of Blessed Abel “the Prophet” of Valaam (+1831)

Vigil of St. Andrew
Hieromartyrs Saturninus the priest and Sisinius the deacon, on Salarian Way, at Rome
Hieromartyr Saturninus of Toulouse, bishop, apostle of Navarre
St. Amos, abbot, in Egypt
St. Panucius, abbot, in the Heraclea wilderness
Martyr Paramon and 375 other Martyrs, under Diocletian
Martyr Philomenus at Ancyra
Martyrs Blasius (Blaise) and Demetrius, at Veroli
St. Radbod, bishop of Utrecht, at Deventer
St. Illuminata, virgin, at Todi
St. Brendan, abbot and founder of Birr monastery
St. Sadwen, brother of St. Iltutus, in Wales
St. Hardoin, bishop of St. Pol-de-Léon, in Brittany
St. Walderic, abbot, at Murrhardt

December 13 / November 30, 2023

Holy and All-Praised Apostle Andrew the First-Called
St. Frumentius, archbishop of Ethiopia (Abyssinia) (+370)
St. Vakhtang of Gorgasali, king of Georgia
St. Alexander, bishop of Mithymna on Lesbos
Martyr Theophilus
St. Tudwal, bishop in Wales and Brittany (6th century)

ST. ANDREW THE APOSTLE, martyr in Achaia at Patras, who preached for two days while on the cross
St. Troy, bishop, at Saintes
St. Nathaniel, one of the 70 disciples, whom our Saviour called “an Israelite indeed” (John 1:47)
Virgin-Martyrs Maura and Justina, at Constantinople
St. Constantius the Confessor, priest, at Rome
St. Zosimus the Wonderworker, hermit, in Palestine
Sts. Tugdual the bishop of Tréguier, and his son Ifor, in Brittany
Martyrs Castulus and Euprepis
Martyrs Shapur the bishop, Isaac the bishop, Mahanes, Abraham, and Simeon, in Persia
St. Crida, princess of Leinster, at Creed, in Cornwall

December 14 / December 1, 2023

Prophet Nahum (7th century B.C.)
Righteous Philaret the Merciful of Amnia in Paphlagonia
St. Porphyrius, patriarch of Antioch
Martyr Ananias of Arbela in Persia
St. Onesimus, archbishop of Ephesus
Sts. Ananias and Solochon (or Solomon), archbishops of Ephesus
St. Anthony the New of Cios in Bithynia, monk
St. Saturninus
St. Theoclites, bishop of Sparta (+870)
Sts. Demetrius Triskhaley and Callinicus
St. Tudwal of Lan Pabu, bishop of Tréguier, Brittany
St. Eligius (Eloy), bishop of Noyon-Toumai in Flanders, in the Netherlands (+659)
St. Austremoine, first bishop of Clermont and apostle of the Auvergne (3rd century)
St. Butolph, of Boston (England), abbot and confessor (+680)

In the Octave of St. Andrew
Martyrs Chrysanthus and his wife Daria the virgin, (2nd feast); Hieromartyrs Diodorus the priest, Marian the deacon, and Many other Martyrs; at Rome on Salarian Way
Hieromartyr Alban of Naxos, priest, at Mainz
St. Eligius, bishop, at Noyon
St. Natalia at Byzantium, St. Adrian’s wife
Hieromartyr Proculus, bishop, at Narni
Martyrs Anson the Baptizer and his godmother Maxima the virgin, at Siena
Translation of the relics of St. Landoald of Maastricht
St. Castritian, bishop of Milan
Martyr Olympiades at Emilia in Umbria
Translation of the relics of Sts. Botulf and his brother Adulf (Adolph), to Thorney Abbey
St. Florentinus at Amboise, Touraine
St. Ageric, bishop of Verdun
Martyrs Lucius, Rogatus, Cassian, and Candida, at Rome
Martyr Ananias at Arbela
St. Ursicinus, bishop, at Brescia
Hieromartyr Evasius, bishop, at Asti
St. Leontius, bishop, at Fréjus
St. Candres, bishop, at Maastricht
St. Constantian, abbot, at Javron
St. Grewst in Denbighshire
St. Agnofleta, nun, in Maine
St. Simon of Cyrene
Sts. Martin and Declan, missionaries with St. Boniface in Germany

December 15 / December 2, 2023

Prophet Habakkuk (Abbacum)
Martyr Myrope of Chios
Sts. John, Heraclemon, Andrew, and Theophilus, of Egypt (also June 12)
St. Athanasius the Resurrected, recluse of the Kiev Caves, whose relics are in the Near Caves
Sts. John, Heraclemon, Andrew, and Theophilus, hermits, in Egypt
Martyr Myrope the woman, on Chios
St. Cyril of Philea, monk, in Thrace
St. Jesse (Ise), bishop of Tsilkani in Georgia
Sts. Stephen-Urosh V the tsar, and Helen, of Serbia
St. Athanasius, another recluse of the Kiev Caves whose relics are in the Far Caves
St. Solomon, archbishop, at Ephesus
St. Joannicius, monk of Devich in Serbia
Martyr Abibus (Habib) the New, deacon of Edessa (also November 15)
St. Momeus the Confessor
St. Onesiphorus, monk
New Martyrs: Protopresbyters of Moscow Nicholas Vinogradsky and Constantine Nekrasov, Priests of Moscow Vladimir Preferansov and Sergius Felitsin, Priest John Derzhavin (+1937), Priest Matthew Alexandrov of Simferopol-Crimea (+1921), Hieromonk Danact of Moscow; and of Alma-Ata, Nun Margaret, Nun Tamara, Nun Febronia (Ishina), and laywoman Mary Dmitrievska (+1937)

In the Octave of St. Andrew
Martyred brothers Severus and Securus, with Martyrs Januarius and Victorinus, in Africa
Martyr Vivian, daughter of the prefect of Rome
St. Peter Chrysologus, archbishop of Ravenna
Martyrs Aurelia, Eusebius, Marcellus, Hippolytus, Maximus, Adria, Paulina, Neon, Mary, and Martana, at Rome
St. Chromatius, bishop of Aquileia
St. Nonnus, bishop of Edessa
St. Luperius, bishop of Verona
Martyr Pontian and Four other Martyrs, at Rome
St. Evasius, bishop, at Brescia
St. Silvanus, bishop, at Troas in Phrygia
St. Trumwin of Whitby, bishop, among the Picts
St. Constantine, hermit in the forest of Javron, Maine

December 16 / December 3, 2023

Prophet Zephaniah (Sophonias) of the Old Testament (+635 B.C.)
New Martyr Angelis of Argos in the Peloponnesus, at Chios
St. Sabbas, abbot of Zvenigorod monastery, disciple of St. Sergius of Radonezh
St. Theodulus, the stylite of Edessa, former prefect of Constantinople
St. John the Silent of St. Sabbas monastery, bishop of Colonia in Armenia (also March 30 and December 7)
Hieromartyr Theodore, archbishop of Alexandria
St. Theodulus, monk of Cyprus
Martyrs Agapius, Seleucus, Mamas, and their Martyred Companions
New Hieromartyr Gabriel, bishop of Ganos and Chora, at Prusa
Martyrs Barisius and Melania
Martyr Glyceria
St. Neophytus, monk
Martyr Cosmas of St. Anna’s skete on Mt. Athos, monk
St. Lucius, king of Britain who requested missionaries for his people in A.D. 187
St. Birinus, bishop of Dorchester-on-Thames and enlightener of Wessex (+649-650)
St. Sola, Anglo-Saxon missionary priest under St. Boniface, in Germany (+790-794)
St. Nicetius, bishop of Lyons, in Gaul
New Hieromartyrs Protopresbyter Andrew Kosovky of Simferopol-Crimea (+1920) and Priest Nicholas Yershov of Yaroslavl-Rostov (+1937)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Pakhromskaya”
Repose of Blessed King Magnus II of Sweden (in the schema, Gregory) of Valaam (+1371)
Repose of Blessed Archimandrite Theophanes of New Lake (Novoezersk) monastery (+1832)

Blessed Virgin Mary in Advent
In the Octave of St. Andrew
Repose of St. Birinus, bishop of Dorchester, wonderworker, in England
Martyrs Claudius the tribune, his wife Hilaria, their sons Jason and Maurus, and 70 of Claudius’ Martyred Soldiers and Servants, at Rome
Martyr Cassian, judge, at Tangiers
St. Lucius, king, enlightener, in Britain
St. Merocles, bishop of Milan
St. Attalia, abbess of St. Stephen’s, at Strasbourg
St. Sola, hermit near Eichstätt
Martyrs Claudius, Crispin, Magna, John, and Stephen, in Africa
Martyr Agricola in Hungary
St. Ethernan, bishop, in Scotland
Martyrs Ambicus, Victor, and Julius, at Nicomedia
St. Abbo, bishop, at Auxerre

December 17 / December 4, 2023

Twenty Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
Great-Martyr Barbara and Martyr Juliana, at Heliopolis in Syria
St. John Damascene, monk
St. John, bishop of Polybotus in Phrygia
Repose of St. Gennadius, archbishop of Novgorod
New Hieromartyr Seraphim, bishop of Phanarion in Greece
Martyrs Christodula and Christodulus
New Hieromartyrs Priest Nicholas Tsedrick (+1917), his son Bishop Damascene of Glukhov (+1935), and Protopresbyter Alexander Khotovitsky of New York (+1918)
New Hieromartyrs Protopriest Alexis Saburov, Protopriest John Pyankov, Priest Alexander Posokhin, and Priest Nicholas Yakhontov, who were drowned in the Kama River, in Perm (+1918)
New Hieromartyr Deacon Basil Kashin, and 10 Martyrs with him, in Perm (+1918)
Damascene Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos

Second Sunday in Advent
Sunday of the Last Judgement, called “People of Sion”
In the Octave of St. Andrew
St. Meletius the Confessor, bishop, at Pontus
Passion of Martyrs Barbara the virgin and Julian, at Heliopolis in Syria
St. Clement of Alexandria, priest, teacher
St. Meletius at Antioch, bishop, exiled by Arians
St. Cyran, abbot and founder of Lonrey monastery, in France
St. Felix, fifth bishop of Bologna, who had been deacon to St. Ambrose
St. Maruthas, bishop, in Mesopotamia
Martyr Theophan and Three Other Martyrs, monks, confessors, at Constantinople
St. Bertoara, abbess of Our Lady of Sales, in Bourges
St. Ada, abbess of S. Julien-des-Prés, at LeMans
Translation of the relics of Martyr Nectan of Hartland, hermit

December 18 / December 5, 2023

St. Sabbas the Sanctified, abbot near Jerusalem
St. Carion the monk and his son St. Zacharias, of Scetis in Egypt
Martyr Anastasius the Fuller at Salona in Dalmatia (also October 25)
St. Gurias, first archbishop of Kazan
St. Nectarius the Bulgarian of Bitol in Macedonia, and his elder St. Philotheus, of Karyes on Mt. Athos
St. Philotheus
Commemoration of Saints Cosmas of Vatopedi and the Monks of Karyes martyred by the Latinizers (c. 1276)
Martyr Diogenes
Martyr Abercius
St. Nonnus, monk
St. Gratus, monk
St. Nicetius, bishop of Trier in Gaul (+566)
Martyr-Hermit Justinian of Ramsey Island, in Wales (+560)
New Hieromartyr Elias Chetverukhin, priest (+1932)
New Hieromartyr Gennadius, hieromonk of Yaroslavl-Rostov (+1941)

In the Octave of St. Andrew
St. Sabbas the Sanctified, abbot, in Cappadocia
Virgin-Martyr Crispina at Thebaste, in Africa
Hieromartyr Dalmatius, bishop at Pavia, in Italy
St. Nicetas the Confessor, bishop, at Trier
Martyrs Julius, Potamia, Crispin, Felix, Gratus, and other Martyrs, at Thagara in Africa
Hieromartyr Bassus, bishop, at Nice
Martyr Justinian, hermit, in Wales
Martyr Anastasius at Salona in Dalmatia
Hieromartyr Pelinus, bishop, at Corfinium
St. John the Wonderworker, bishop, at Polybotum, Asia Minor
St. Cawrdaf in Wales, monk under St. Iltutus
St. Firminus, bishop, at Verdun
St. Gerbold, bishop, at Bayeux
St. Basilissa, abbess, at Öhren, near Trier
Blessed John of Venice, hermit-monk near Monte Cassino
St. Aper, priest, hermit, in the mountains of La Chambre

December 19 / December 6, 2023

St. Nicholas the Merciful, wonderworker, archbishop of Myra in Lycia
St. Nicholas, bishop of Patara, uncle of St. Nicholas the Merciful
St. Theophilus, bishop of Antioch
Repose of Blessed Maximus, metropolitan of Kiev
New Martyr Nicholas of Caramania, at Smyrna
New Hieromartyr Priest Michael Uspensky of Moscow (+1937)

St. Nicholas the Myrrh-streaming, archbishop of Myra in Lycia, wonderworker (in some places in England, St. Nicholas’ day was treated as a Double Feast)
In the Octave of St. Andrew
Martyrs Dionysia, her son Majoricus, her sister Dativa, her cousin Emilian, and Leontia, Tertius the monk, Boniface, and Two other Martyrs, in Africa
St. Asella at Rome, virgin, disciple of St. Jerome
St. Gertrude the Elder, abbess of Hamage, in Belgium
Hieromartyr Polychronius, priest, slain by Arians during Mass
Sts. Auxilius, Isserninus, and Secundinus, bishops, associates of St. Patrick
St. Abraham, bishop, at Kratia in Bithynia

December 20 / December 7, 2023

St. Ambrose, bishop of Milan (+397)
St. Nilus, monk of Stolbny Island
St. Anthony, abbot of Siya monastery, in Novgorod
St. Paul the Obedient of the Kiev Caves
St. John the Silent of St. Sabbas monastery near Jerusalem, bishop of Colonia in Armenia (also March 30 and December 3)
St. John, faster of the Kiev Caves
Martyr Athenodorus of Mesopotamia
St. Gregory the Hesychast, disciple of St. Gregory the Sinaite and founder of the monastery of St. Nicholas (Gregoriou) on Mt. Athos and of the Gorniak monastery in Serbia
Martyr Neophytus
Martyr Dometius
Martyrs Isidore, Acepsimas, Leo, and Stratias
Virgin-Martyr Philothea of Arges
St. Ignatius, monk, whose relics lie near Blachernae in Constantinople
Blessed Gregory of Gornje
St. Sabinus
St. Abraham
Martyr Symphorsa
St. Bassa of Jerusalem, abbess (5th century)
St. Diuma, bishop of the Mercians and Middle Angles
St. Ambrose the New Confessor of Solovki, bishop of Podolsk (+1932); and Hieromartyr Anthony Popov, priest, new martyr of Perm (+1918)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Seliger-Vladimir”

The Octave Day of St. Andrew
Martyr Agatho in Alexandria, a soldier who complained about the ill-treatment of Christians
St. Martin the Confessor, abbot, at Saintes
St. Fara, abbess and foundress of Faremoutier, at Meaux
Ordination and consecration of St. Ambrose, bishop of Milan
St. Boëthius in Scotland, bishop, missionary among the Picts
St. Agatho in Egypt, abbot, who carried a stone in his mouth for three years that he might learn to control his speech
Sts. Gerebald and his son Latrus, bishops of Bayeux
Martyr Severus at Tuburbo in Africa
St. Urban, bishop, at Chieti
Martyrs Polycarp and Theodore, at Antioch in Syria
St. Victor, bishop, at Piacenza
St. Anianus, bishop, at Chartres
St. Diuma at Charlbury in England, bishop, apostle to the Mercians

December 21 / December 8, 2023

St. Patapius of Thebes in Egypt, monk, who dwelt in Blachernae of Constantinople
Holy Apostles of the Seventy: Sosthenes, Apollos, Cephas, Tychicus, Epaphroditus, Caesar, and Onesiphorus
Holy 362 Martyrs of North Africa (62 priests and 300 of the laity), martyred by the Arian Vandals (5th century)
Martyr Anthusa at Rome, by Arians (5th century)
St. Cyril, abbot of Mount Chelma
St. Martyrius
St. Moschianus, monk
St. Valerius, bishop of Trier (3rd century)
St. Budoc, bishop of Dol, in Brittany
New Hieromartyr John Kochurov of Chicago, priest, in Russia (+1917)
New Hieromartyrs of Perm: Protopresbyter Michael Kiselev and Priest Fedoseyev (+1918)

CONCEPTION OF OUR LADY ST. MARY, the Mother of God or Theotokos, by St. Anna
Hieromartyr Eutychian, pope at Rome, who himself buried 342 Martyrs
Martyr Macarius at Alexandria, who was burnt alive
Repose of St. Leonard, abbot, near Dijon
St. Romaricus, abbot of Luxeuil, founder of Remiremont, or The Holy Mountain
St. Zeno, bishop of Gaza
St. Eucherius, first bishop of Trier
St. Sophronius, bishop, in Cyprus
St. Patapius, hermit, at Constantinople
St. Ansperto (Ansbert), archbishop of Milan

December 22 / December 9, 2023

The Conception by St. Anna of the Most Holy Theotokos Mary
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Unexpected Joy”
Prophet Anna (Hannah) (+1100 B.C.), mother of Prophet Samuel
St. Stephen “the New Light” of Constantinople, monk
St. Sophronius, archbishop of Cyprus
Martyrs Sositheus, Narses, and Isaac, of Persia
St. Valeria of Aquitaine (2nd century)
New Hieromartyrs of Moscow Protopresbyter Basil Yagodin, Priest Alexander Buravtsev (+1937), and Priest Sergius Mechiev (+1941); and New Hieromartyr Archpriest Paul Levashov of Gomel

Virgin-Martyr Leocadia at Toledo
St. Cyprian, abbot of Perigeux
Translation of the relics of Martyr Sebastian and St. Gregory the pope of Rome
St. Proculus, bishop of Verona
St. Syrus, bishop of Pavia in Italy
Hieromartyr Restitutus, bishop, at Carthage
Virgin-Martyr Valeria at Limoges
Martyrs Peter, Successus, Bassian, and other Martyrs, of Africa
St. Gorgonia at Nazianzen, daughter of St. Gregory
St. Budoc, bishop of Dol
St. Lesmo, hermit at Glentamire, in Scotland
St. Julian at Apamea
Martyrs Hipparchus and Philotheus the judges, James, Paragrus, Abibus, Romanus, and Lollian, of Samosata
St. Balda, third abbess of Jouarre
St. Ethelgiva, abbess of Shaftesbury, daughter of Alfred the Great
Blessed Enguerramus the Wise, abbot, at Centula monastery

December 23 / December 10, 2023

Martyrs Menas, Hermogenes, and Eugraphus, of Alexandria
St. Joasaph, bishop of Belgorod (also September 4)
Martyr Gemellus of Paphlagonia, at Edessa
St. Thomas, monk, of Bithynia
Blessed Serbian Despots: King John and his parents Stephen and Angelina Brancovich
Hieromartyr Theotecnus
Martyrs Marianus and Eugene, of Caesarea
Martyr Eulalia
New Martyrs: Protopresbyters Alexander Tuberovsky of Ryazan (+1937), Alexander Shklaev of Perm (+1918), Anatole Pravdoliubov of Ryazan, Eugene Kharkov of Ryazan (+1937), Constantine Bazhanov of Ryazan (+1937), and Nicholas Rozov of Yaroslavl-Rostov (+1938); Priests Eugraphus Pletnev of Perm (+1918), James Shestakov of Perm (+1918); and of Ryazan, Priest Nicholas Karasiov, and the laymen Gregory Berdenev, Dorotheus Klimashev, Eusebius Tryakhov, Laurence Kogtyev, Michael Yakunkin, Peter Grishin, Alexandra Ustiukhina, and Tatiana Yegorova, (+1937)

Hieromartyrs Priest Carpophorus and Deacon Abundius, at Spoleto
Passion of Virgin-Martyrs Eulalia and her cousin Julia, at Mérida, in Spain
Hieromartyr Melchiades at Rome, the last pope buried in a catacomb
Martyrs Menas the senator, his servant Eugraphus, and Hermogenes, at Alexandria
Martyr Mercurius and other Martyrs, soldiers sent to oversee the execution of Christians, at Lentini
Martyr Genellus at Ancyra
St. Deinol (Daniel), bishop, at Bangor
St. Sandocus, bishop, at Vienne
St. Deusdedit, bishop, at Brescia
Sts. Thomas and Lucerius, abbots of Farfa, in Italy
St. Withmar, fourth abbot of Centula
St. Hildemar, bishop, at Beauvais
Martyr Valeria at Rome

December 24 / December 11, 2023

Twenty Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday of the Holy Forefathers
St. Daniel the Stylite, at Anaplus on the Bosporus (near Constantinople)
Martyr Mirax of Tanis in Egypt
St. Luke the New Stylite of Chalcedon
St. Nicon the Withered of the Kiev Caves
Martyrs Acepsius and Aeithalas, at Arbela in Persia
Martyr Niceophorus Phocas, emperor
St. Leontius of Monembasia in the Peloponnesus, monk, founder of the monastery of the Archangels on Mt. Klokos in Achaia
Martyr Barsabas in Persia
Martyrs Terence, Vincent, Emilian, and Bebaia
St. Peter the Ascetic
St. Philemon
St. John, metropolitan
New Hieromartyr Bishop Theophan of Solikamsk, and Two Martyred Priests and Five Martyred Laity who suffered with Theophan, (+1918)
New Hieromartyr John Bogoyavlensky, priest (+1941)

Third Sunday in Advent
Sunday of St. John Baptist, “Gaudete Sunday”
St. Damasus, pope of Old Rome, friend of St. Jerome
Martyrs Thrason, Pontian, and Praetextatus, of Rome
Martyrs Gentianus, Fuscian, and Victoricus, at Amiens, who sheltered Martyrs Thrason, Pontian, and Praetextatus
Martyr Eutychius at Cádiz in Spain
St. Sabinus at Piacenza, bishop, who elevated the relics of St. Antoninus (September 30)
Martyr Barsabas and his Martyred Monks, in Persia
St. Daniel of the Pillar (“Stylites”) at Constantinople
St. Peris the Confessor, in Wales
St. Cian, hermit, in Carnarvonshire, in Wales
St. Fidivitanus, monk, at Redon, in Brittany
Sts. Emer and Emer, in Ireland, daughters of St. Patrick’s former master, nuns who were veiled by St. Patrick

December 25 / December 12, 2023

St. Spyridon, bishop, wonderworker of Tremithus
St. Herman (Germanus), monk, wonderworker of Alaska (+1836)
Synaxis of the First Martyrs of the American Land: Protomartyr of America Juvenal the priest; Peter the Aleut who was tortured and slain by Franciscan friars at San Francisco, California; Anatole Kamensky of Irkutsk; Seraphim Samoilovich of Uglich; and priests John Kochurov of Chicago and Alexander Khotovitsky of New York, who were slain in Russia
Hieromartyr Alexander, bishop of Jerusalem
Martyr Synesius (or Razumnik) the reader, of Rome (3rd century)
St. Therapon, abbot of Monza
St. Amonathas, hermit at Pelusium in Egypt
St. Anthus, hermit in Palestine
St. John, metropolitan of Zichna, founder of the monastery of the Forerunner on Mt. Menikion
Martyr John, abbot of Zedazeni, Georgia
St. Finian (Fionan), founder of Clonard abbey and Skellig Michael in Ireland (+549)
Venerable Colman of Glendalough, Ireland (+659)
Repose of Desert-Dweller Blessed Phlegon, of Moksha River in Penza Province (+1869)

St. Herman (Germanus), monk, wonderworker of Alaska (+1836)
Protomartyr of America Priest Juvenal, and Martyr Peter the Aleut who was tortured and slain by Franciscan friars at San Francisco, California
St. Paul at Narbonne, bishop, consecrated by Apostle Paul
Martyrs Epimachus, Alexander, and the holy martyred women Ammonaria, Mercuria, Dionysia, and Antha, at Alexandria
Martyrs Hermogenes, Donatus, and 22 other Martyrs, who expired in a marsh
Martyrs Eustratius, Eugene, Auxentius, Mardarius, and Orestes, at Sebaste in Armenia
St. Finnian, bishop of Clonard, in Ireland
Martyr Synesius the reader, at Rome
Martyrs Maxentius, Constantius, Cresenctius, Justin, and other Martyrs, at Trier
St. Corentin, bishop of Quimper, in Brittany, teacher of St. Winwaloë
St. Adelaide (Alice) at Strasbourg, empress, friend of St. Odilo
St. Abra at Poitiers, virgin, daughter of St. Hilary
St. Columba, abbot, at Terryglass in Ireland
St. Cormac, abbot, in Ireland
St. Colman, abbot of Glendalough
St. Edburga, abbess of Minster, in Thanet
St. Agatha at Wimborne, virgin, companion of St. Lioba
Translation of the relics of St. Valerian, abbot of Leucone

December 26 / December 13, 2023

Martyrs Eustratius, Auxentius, Eugene, Mardarius, and Orestes, at Sebaste in Armenia
Virgin-Martyr Lucy (Lucia) of Syracuse (+304)
St. Arsenius, monk, of Mt. Latros in Asia Minor
St. Arcacius, monk of New Torzhok
Hieromartyr Gabriel, patriarch of Serbia, at Prusa
St. Mardarius, recluse of the Kiev Caves
St. Nicodemus, monk
St. Judoc (Josse), hermit of Ponthieu
St. Ares, Egyptian monk
Martyr Cypriana
Sts. Aza and Anastasia
St. Innocent, bishop of Cherson
St. Edburga, abbess of Minster-in-Thanet
St. Odilia, virgin of Alsace, France (+720)
St. Columba of Terryglass (+549)
St. Gabriel, bishop of Imeretia (+1896)
New Hieromartyrs Protopresbyter Vladimir Lozino-Lozinsky of St. Petersburg (+1937) and Priest Nicholas Amasisky of Alma-Ata (+1938)
Blessed Schema-monk Panteleimon of Glinsk hermitage (+1895)

Virgin-Martyr Lucy at Syracuse, in Sicily
Repose of St. Judoc, king, priest-hermit in Ponthieu
St. Aubert, bishop of Arras and Cambrai, monastery-founder
St. Columba, abbot, in Ireland
Commemoration of the return of St. Martin of Tours, bishop, wonderworker
Martyr Antiochus on the Isle of Solta
St. Edburga, nun of Lyminge in Kent
Blessed Tassilo, monk at Lorsch, in Bavaria
St. Odilia, abbess of Hohenburg, in Elsass
Blessed Abbess Einhilda of Niedermünster and Roswinda the virgin, nuns of Hohenburg
Blessed Wilfred, abbot, at Marseilles

December 27 / December 14, 2023

Martyrs Thyrsus, Leucius, and Callinicus, at Apollonia
Martyrs Apollonius and Philemon, with Arrian and Four Body-Guards who were converted by St. Arrian, including Theotychus, at Antinoë in Egypt
St. Hilarion, metropolitan of Suzdal
St. Hypatius
St. Zosimas
Martyrs Fingar and Phiala, brother and sister, in Cornwall
St. Hybald, abbot in Lincolnshire (7th century)
St. Venatius Fortunatus, bishop of Poitiers (7th century)
St. Folciunus, bishop of Tervas, in the Netherlands (+855)
New Hieromartyr Nicholas Kovalev, priest of Alma-Ata (+1937)
Repose of Blessed John, recluse of Sezenovo convent (+1839)

Ember Wednesday in Advent
St. Spiridon of Tremithon, bishop, in Cyprus
Martyrs Heron, Arsenius, Isidore, and the child Dioscorus, at Alexandria
Martyrs Drusus, Zosimus, and Theodore, at Antioch
Martyrs Nicasius the bishop, his sister Eutropia the virgin, his deacon Florentius, his reader Jucundus, and other Martyrs, at Rheims
St. Lothar, abbot in Argenta, bishop of Séez
St. Agnellus, abbot of San Gaudioso, near Naples
Martyrs Justus and Abundius, in Spain
Martyrs Fingar, his sister Phiala, and other Martyrs, in Cornwall, near Penzance
St. Fulcinus, bishop of Thérouanne
St. Venantius Fortunatus, bishop of Poitiers, hymn writer
St. Pompeius, bishop, at Pavia
St. Matronian, hermit, translated by St. Ambrose of Milan
St. Viator, bishop, at Bergamo
St. Higbald, abbot of Bardney, at Hibaldstowe

December 28 / December 15, 2023

Hieromartyr Eleutherius the bishop of Illyria, and his mother Martyr Anthia, at Rome
St. Paul, monk, of Mt. Latros
St. Tryphon the abbot of Pechenga or Kola, and his disciple Martyr Jonah
St. Stephen the Confessor, archbishop of Sougdaia (Surozh) in the Crimea
Synaxis of All Saints of Crimea
Martyr Eleutherius the Chamberlain of Byzantium (also August 4)
St. Pardus, hermit of Palestine
Martyr Bacchus the New of Palestine
Martyr Susanna the deaconess of Palestine
St. Nectarius, monk
Martyr Coremon the Prefect, and Two Executioners Martyred with him, at Rome
St. Offa, king of Essex, who died as a monk in Rome
St. Aubertus, bishop, in the Netherlands (+668)
New Hieromartyrs Joseph the metropolitan of St. Petersburg (+1938), and Hilarion (Troitsky) the archbishop of Vereya (+1929)
New Hieromartyrs Alexander Rozhdestvensky and Basil Vinogradov, priests of Tver (+1937)
New Hieromartyr Victorin Dobronravov, protopriest (+1937)

Hieromartyr Valerian of Abbenza in Africa, bishop, who died of exposure
St. Theodore, bishop of Tarsus, a commentator on St. Paul’s epistles named by St. Jerome
St. Nothelm, archbishop of Canterbury, friend of St. Bede
Martyrs Irenaeus, Anthony, Theodore, Saturninus, Victor, and 17 other Martyrs, at Rome
St. Adalbero II, bishop of Metz
St. Nina (Christiana), equal-to-the-Apostles, enlightener of Georgia
Martyrs Faustinus, Lucius, Candidus, Caelian, Mark, Januarius, and Fortunatus, in Africa
St. Florentius, abbot, at Bangor
St. Urbitius, hermit-monk, at Nocito
St. Paul of Latros, hermit
St. Sylvia the Learned, confessor of Constantinople

December 29 / December 16, 2023

Prophet Haggai
Blessed Theophania the empress of Byzantium
Martyr Marinus of Rome (+283)
St. Memnon, archbishop of Ephesus
St. Nicholas Chrysoberges, patriarch of Constantinople
St. Sophia, nun of Suzdal (Princess Solomonia, wife of Great Prince Basil III of Moscow)
Martyrs Ambrose and Hosius
Martyrs Promus and Hilarion
St. Modestus, archbishop of Jerusalem
New Hieromartyrs Bishop Arcadius of Bezhetsk (+1937), Hieromonk Macarius of Tver, Protopresbyter Alexander Kolokolov of Tver, Priest Vladimir Alexiev of Perm (+1918), Priest Paul Favoritov of Tver (+1937), and Priests of Tver Peter Zinoviev and Theodosius Boldiriev (+1937)

Ember Friday in Advent
(Today we begin the great “O” antiphons and, at Vespers, kneeling ceases for pre-Christmas)
Three Holy Youths: Sts. Ananias, Azarius, and Misael (or Sidrach, Misach, and Abdenago), who were cast in a furnace but were unharmed (Daniel 3:1-97); their relics lie at Babylon in a cave
Martyrs Valentine, Concordius, Navalis, and Agricola, at Ravenna
Hieromartyr Priscillian at Trier, bishop of Bapilla, named by St. Jerome
Second Feast of Hieromartyr Eusebius of Vercelli, bishop
Holy Virgin-Martyrs slain by Arian Vandals in Africa
St. Ado, bishop, at Vienne, in France
St. Bean, bishop of Mortlach in Banff
Virgin-Martyr Albina at Gaeta, who suffered at Caesarea
St. Irenion, bishop, at Gaza
St. Nicholas Chrysoberges, patriarch of Constantinople

December 30 / December 17, 2023

Prophet Daniel
The Three Holy Youths Ananias, Azarias, and Misael
St. John, bishop of Sardis
St. Daniel the Confessor (in the schema, Stephen) of Spain and Egypt
St. Dionysius of Zakynthos, archbishop of Aegina
Martyr Bacchus
New Martyr Nicetas of Ancyra, at Nyssa
St. Sturm, abbot and founder of Fulda monastery, in Germany (+779)
New Martyrs Paisius the abbot of Turnava, and Habakkuk his deacon, at Belgrade in Serbia (+1814)
New Hieromartyrs Protopresbyter Nicholas Beltiukov of Perm, Priest Alexander Savelov of Perm (+1918), Priest John Zemlyani of Alma-Ata, and Priest Peter Pokrovsky (+1937)

Ember Saturday in Advent
Translation of the relics of St. Ignatius to Antioch from Rome
St. Lazarus, bishop of Kition, in Cyprus, whom Christ raised to life (John 11); and his sister St. Martha (Luke 10:38)
Martyrs Florian, Callinicus, and 58 other Martyrs, slain by Muslims, at Eleutheropolis
St. Olympias at Constantinople, deaconess, friend of St. John Chrysostom
St. Bega, abbess at Andenne on Meuse, St. Gertrude’s sister
Sts. Sturmi and Eigil, abbots of Fulda
Martyr-Duke William Longsword of Rouen
St. Maxentiolus, abbot at Cunault
St. Tydecho, in Merioneth, in Wales
St. Briach, abbot, founder of Guingamp, in Brittany
St. Judicaël, king of Brittany, St. Judoc’s brother

December 31 / December 18, 2023

Thirtieth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday before the Nativity
Forefeast of the Nativity
Martyr Sebastian at Rome and his companions: Martyrs Nicostratus the records-keeper, his wife Zoë, Castorius, Tranquillinus the priest, his sons Marcellinus and Mark, Claudius the prison superintendent, his son Symphorian, his brother Victorinus, Tiburtius, and Castulus, at Rome (+287)
Glorification (1694) of Righteous Symeon, wonderworker of Verkhoturye (+1642)
St. Modestus, archbishop of Jerusalem
St. Florus, bishop of Amisus
St. Michael the Syncellus, confessor at Constantinople
Martyrs Eubiotus, Martin, Phocas, and Hermilas, at Cyzicus
St. Sebastian, abbot of Poshekhonye, in Vologda
St. Winnabald, abbot and missionary of England and Heidenheim in Germany (+761)
St. Gatianus, first bishop of Tours (3rd century)
Hieromartyr Zacchaeus the deacon of Gadara, and Martyr Alphaeus the reader, at Caesarea in Palestine
St. Sophia the Wonderworker
Sts. Mocius, Hermogenes, Elizabeth, and George the Stylite
Sts. Theodore and Sophronius, monks
St. Daniel, hesychast, in Romania at Voroneţ
New Martyrs of Russia: Archbishop Nicholas of Great Ustiug, Priest Andrew Voskresensky of Moscow, Priest Vladimir Preobrazhensky of Chimkent, Priest John Mironsky of Chimkent, and Elias Benemansky of Tver, (+1937)

Fourth Sunday in Advent
Second Sunday of St. John Baptist, called “Remember Us, O Lord”
Martyrs Rufus and Zosimus, at Rome, companions of St. Ignatius of Antioch, martyred two days before him
Martyr Moses in Africa
St. Gatian the Wonderworker, first bishop of Tours
St. Ildefonsus, archbishop of Toledo
Martyrs Quintus, Simplicius, and other Martyrs, in proconsular Africa
St. Auxentius, bishop of Mopsuestia
St. Bodagisl (Arnoald) at Metz, bishop, father of St. Arnoald
St. Flavitas, hermit, at Sens
St. Flannan, first bishop of Killaloe
Martyrs Theotimus and Basilian, at Laodicea in Syria
Martyrs Victurus, Victor, Victorinus, Adjutor, Quartus, and 30 other Martyrs, in N.W. Africa
St. Desideratus, monk of Fontenelle, at Ghent
St. Winebald, abbot, missionary, at Heidenheim
St. Maunan, fool-for-Christ, in Cornwall