Eighth tone
The troparion of the Resurrection
Thou didst come down from on high, Merciful Savior, and accept burial for three days, that Thou mightest free us from our passions. O Lord, our Life and Resurrection, glory to Thee.
The kontakion of the Resurrection
Having risen from the tomb, Thou didst raise the dead and resurrect Adam, and Eve dances with joy at Thy resurrection. And all the ends of the earth keep festival at Thy rising from the dead. O most merciful One.
The prokeimenon
Make your vows and pay them to the Lord our God. Stichos: In Judea is God known, His name is great in Israel. Alleluia: Come, let us rejoice in the Lord, let us shout with jubilation unto God our Savior. Stichos: Let us come before His countenance with thanksgiving, and with psalms let us shout in jubilation unto Him.
Verses on the beatitudes
Remember us, O Christ, Savior of the world, as Thou hast remembered the thief upon the cross. And make us all worthy of Thy heavenly kingdom, O Thou Who alone art compassionate.
Hearken, O Adam, and rejoice with Eve, for He Who formerly stripped you both and took thee captive through beguilement, is laid low by the cross of Christ.
Our Savior, having been nailed by Thine own will upon the tree, Thou hast destroyed the curse of the tree that lay on Adam and as Thou art compassionate, Thou hast given those in Thine image a dwelling place in Paradise.
Today Christ is risen from the tomb giving all the faithful incorruption and He gives back joy to the women bearing myrrh: After the Passion, the Resurrection!
Rejoice O ye wise women bearing myrrh, first to see the Resurrection of Christ, and Who announced to the apostles the good tidings thereof, that is, the restoration of the whole world.
Ye apostles appearing as friends of Christ having the same throne as His in glory intercede as His disciples for us to stand before Him with boldness.