Mark the Evangelist (43–68)
Anianus (68–85)
Avilius (85–98)
Kedron (98–109)
Primus (109–121)
Justus (121–131)
Eumenes (131–141)
Markianos (142–152)
Celadion (152–166)
Agrippinus (167–178)
Julian (178–189)
Demetrius I (189–232)
Heraclas (232–248)
Dionysius (248–264)
Maximus (265–282)
Theonas (282–300)
Peter I (300–311)
Achillas (312–313)
Alexander I (313–326), First Ecumenical Council occurred
Athanasius I (328–339, 346–373) Served as a Deacon for the First Council; later became Pope of Alexandria
Pistos (336 or 338), an Arian appointee.
Gregory of Cappadocia (339–346), an Arian appointee.
Georgius (357-361), an Arian appointee.
Lucius of Alexandria (365, 375-378), an Arian appointee.
Peter II (373–380)
Timothy I (380–385), Second Ecumenical Council occurred
Theophilus I (385–412)
Cyril I (412–444), Third Ecumenical Council occurred
Dioscorus I (444–451), Second Council of Ephesus occurred. Pope Dioscorus was later deposed by the Council of Chalcedon but still recognized by Miaphysites until his death in 454.
Proterius (451–457) Deposed by Coptic (Alexandrian) Synod under Timothy II Aelurus, Chalcedonian
Timothy II Aelurus (457–460), Miaphysite
Timothy III Salophakiolos (460–475), Chalcedonian but not recognized by Miaphysites who continued to recognise Timothy II Aelurus
Timothy II Aelurus (restored) (475–477), Miaphysite
Peter III Mongus (477), Miaphysite
Timothy III Salophakiolos (restored) (477–481), Chalcedonian
John I Talaia, (481–482), Chalcedonian but not recognized by Miaphysites who continued to recognise Peter III Mongus
Peter III Mongus (restored) (482–490), Miaphysite
Athanasius II Kelites (490–496), Miaphysite
John II (496–505), Miaphysite
John III (505–516), Miaphysite
Dioscorus II (516–517), Miaphysite
Timothy III (517–535), Miaphysite
Theodosius I (535–536), Miaphysite.
Chalcedonian Patriarchs of Alexandria After 536
Gainas (536), Chalcedonian.
Paul of Tabennesis (537-540), Chalcedonian.
Zoilus (540–551), Chalcedonian.
Apollinarius (551–569), Chalcedonian.
John IV (569–580), Chalcedonian.
Eulogius I (581–608), Chalcedonian.
Theodore I (608–610), Chalcedonian.
John V Eleemon (610–621), Chalcedonian.
George I (621–630), Chalcedonian.
Cyrus (631–641), Chalcedonian.
Peter IV (642–651), Chalcedonian.
The Muslim invasion caused the see of Alexandria to become vacant.

Chalcedonian Patriarchs of Alexandria after the Islamic conquest
After 727, the Byzantine emperor Leo III once more attempted to install a Melkite patriarch in Alexandria. With the consent of the Muslim authorities the bishopric was, from that moment onwards, again headed by a patriarch.

Theodore II
Peter V
Peter VI
Cosmas I (727–768)
Politianus (768–813)
Eustatius (813–817)
Christopher I (817–841)
Sophronius I (841–860)
Michael I (860–870)
Michael II (870–903)
vacant (903–907)
Christodoulos (907–932)
Eutychius (932–940)
Sophronius II (941)
Isaac (941–954)
Job (954–960)
vacant (960–963)
Elias I (963–1000)
Arsenius (1000–1010)
Theophilus (1010–1020)
George II (1021–1051)
Leontius (1052–1059)
Alexander II (1059–1062)
John VI Kodonatos (1062–1100)
Eulogius II (1100–1117) Coadjutor?
Cyril II (1100– )
Sabbas (1117– )
Theodosius II ( –1137) Coadjutor?
Sophronius III (1137–1171)
Elias II (1171–1175)
Eleutherius (1175–1180)
Mark III (1180–1209)
Nicholas I (1210–1243)
Gregory I (1243–1263)
Nicholas II (1263–1276)
Athanasius III (1276–1316)
Gregory II (1316–1354)
Gregory III (1354–1366)
Niphon (1366–1385)
Mark IV (1385–1389)
Nicholas III (1389–1398)
Gregory IV (1398–1412)
Nicholas IV (1412–1417)
Athanasius IV (1417–1425)
Mark V (1425–1435)
Philotheus (1435–1459)
Mark VI (1459–1484)
Gregory V (1484–1486)
Joachim Pany (1486–1567)
vacant (1567–1569)
Silvester (1569–1590)
Meletius I (1590–1601)
Cyril III Loucaris (1601–1620)
Gerasimus I Spartaliotes (1620–1636)
Metrophanes Kritikopoulos (1636–1639)
Nicephorus (1639–1645)
Joannicius (1645–1657)
Paisius (1657–1678)
Parthenius I (1678–1688)
Gerasimus II Paladas (1688–1710)
Samuel Kapasoulis (1710–1712)
Cosmas II (1712–1714)
Samuel (restored) (1714–1723)
Cosmas II (restored) (1723–1736)
Cosmas III (1737–1746)
Matthew Psaltis (1746–1766)
Cyprian (1766–1783)
Gerasimus III Gimaris (1783–1788)
Parthenius II Pankostas (1788–1805)
Theophilus III Pankostas (1805–1825)
Hierotheus I (1825–1845)
Artemius (1845–1847)
Hierotheus II (1847–1858)
Callinicus (1858–1861)
Jacob (1861–1865)
Nicanor (1866–1869)
Nilus (1869–1870)
Sophronius IV (1870–1899)
Photius (1900–1925)
Meletius II Metaxakis (1926–1935)
Nicholas V (1936–1939)
Christopher II (1939–1966)
vacant (1966–1968)
Nicholas VI (1968–1986)
Parthenius III (1986–1996)
Peter VII (1997–2004)
Theodore II (2004–present)