Sixth tone
The troparion of the Resurrection
The angelic hosts were before Thy tomb, the guards became as dead men, and Mary stood in the sepulchre looking for Thy pure body. Thou didst despoil hell, for Thou wast not tempted by it. Thou didst come and meet the virgin to give life. O Lord, Who didst rise from the dead, glory to Thee.
The kontakion of the Resurrection
Having raised all the dead from the valleys of darkness by His life-giving hand, Christ our God granted resurrection to the human dough. For He is the Savior of all, the resurrection and life and God of all.
The prokeimenon
Save, O Lord, Thy people, and bless Thine inheritance. Stichos: Unto Thee, O Lord, will I cry; O my God, be not silent unto me. Alleluia: He that dwelleth in the help of the Most High shall abide in the shelter of the God of heaven. Stichos: He shall say unto the Lord: Thou art my helper and my refuge. He is my God, and I will hope in Him.
Verses on the Beatitudes
Remember me, my God and Savior, when Thou comest into Thy kingdom and save me as Thou alone lovest mankind.
Through the wood of the cross Thou hast saved again Adam who was beguiled by the tree and the thief as he cried aloud: Remember me, O Lord, in Thy kingdom.
O giver of life, having broken the gates and chains of hell; Thou, Savior, hast made all men rise crying aloud: Glory to Thy resurrection.
Do Thou Who hast by Thy burial and Thy resurrection despoiled death, and filled all things with joy, remember me as Thou art compassionate.
When the women bearing myrrh came to the tomb they heard an angel crying; Christ is risen, filling the whole world with light.
Let us all praise with one accord Christ nailed to the wood of the cross thus delivering the world from error.