
Archbishops of Canterbury
597 Augustine
604 Laurentius
619 Mellitus
624 Justus
627 Honorius
655 Deusdedit
668 Theodore
693 Berhtwald
731 Tatwine
735 Nothelm
740 Cuthbert
761 Bregowine
765 Jaenberht
793 Ethelheard
805 Wulfred
832 Feologeld
833 Ceolnoth
870 Ethelred
890 Plegmund
914 Athelm
923 Wulfhelm
942 Oda
959 Brithelm
959 Aelfsige
960 Dunstan
988 Ethelgar
990 Sigeric
995 Aelfric
1005 Alphege
1013 Lyfing
1020 Ethelnoth
1038 Eadsige
1051 Robert of Jumieges
1052 Stigand.
1070 Lanfranc
1093 Anselm
1114 Ralph d’Escures
1123 William de Corbeil
1139 Theobald
1162 Thomas a Becket.
1174 Richard (of Dover)
1184 Baldwin
1193 Hubert Walter
1207 Stephen Langton
1229 Richard le Grant
1234 Edmund of Abingdon
1245 Boniface of Savoy
1273 Robert Kilwardby
1279 John Peckham
1294 Robert Winchelsey
1313 Walter Reynolds
1328 Simon Meopham
1333 John de Stratford
1349 Thomas Bradwardine
1349 Simon Islip
1366 Simon Langham
1368 William Whittlesey
1375 Simon Sudbury
1381 William Courtenay
1396 Thomas Arundel
1398 Roger Walden
1399 Thomas Arundel
1414 Henry Chichele
1443 John Stafford
1452 John Kempe
1454 Thomas Bourchier
1486 John Morton
1501 Henry Deane
1503 William Warham

Archbishops of Canterbury since the Reformation
1533 Thomas Cranmer
1556 Reginald Pole
1559 Mathew Parker
1576 Edmund Grindal
1583 John Whitgift
1604 Richard Bancroft
1611 George Abbot
1633 William Laud
1660 William Juxon
1663 Gilbert Sheldon
1678 William Sancroft
1691 John Tillotson
1695 Thomas Tenison
1716 William Wake
1737 John Potter
1747 Thomas Herring
1757 Matthew Hutton
1758 Thomas Secker
1768 Hon. Frederick Cornwallis
1783 John Moore
1805 Charles Manners Sutton
1828 William Howley
1848 John Bird Sumner
1862 Charles Thomas Longley
1868 Archibald Campbell Tait
1883 Edward White Benson
1896 Frederick Temple
1903 Randall Thomas Davidson
1928 Cosmo Gordon Lang
1942 William Temple
1945 Geoffrey Francis Fisher
1961 Arthur Michael Ramsey
1980 Robert Runcie
1991 George Carey
2002 Rowan Williams
2013 Justin Welby